Научная статья на тему 'Approaches of the formation of grammar skills in methodology'

Approaches of the formation of grammar skills in methodology Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Bahodirov Ulugbek Bahodirovich

This article discusses various methodological approaches in the process of forming grammar skills. Grammar skills can be organized using the following approaches highlighted by the methodology of teaching foreign languages at present as explicit, implicit and differentiated. The most important condition for creating an active grammatical skill is the presence of a sufficient amount of lexical material on which the skill can be formed. The grammatical action is performed only within certain vocabulary boundaries, on a certain vocabulary material. If a student can, in an appropriate situation, quickly and correctly independently formulate a phrase independently, then he already possesses a grammatical skill to some extent. The article also analyzes the problem of skills that are still controversial and require further research in methodology and pedagogy as morphological, morphological-syntactic and syntactic.

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В данной статье рассматриваются различные методические подходы в процессе формирования грамматических навыков. Грамматические навыки могут формироваться при помощи следующих подходов, выделенных в методике преподавания иностранных языков в настоящее время как эксплицитный, имплицитный и дифференцированный. Наиболее важным условием для создания активного грамматического навыка является наличие достаточного количества лексического материала, на котором навык может быть сформирован. Грамматическое действие выполняется только в определенных словарных границах, на определенном словарном материале. Если студент может в соответствующей ситуации быстро и правильно самостоятельно сформулировать фразу, то он уже в некоторой степени обладает грамматическим умением. В статье также проанализирована проблема навыков, которая до сих пор спорная и требует дальнейшего исследования в методике и педагогике, как морфологические, морфолого-синтаксические и синтаксические.

Текст научной работы на тему «Approaches of the formation of grammar skills in methodology»

To follow suit - follow someone's example; do the same as anyone; imitate anyone. Example: Jill began to wail and Milly followed suit. (J. Lindsay) [5, p. 150] Based on the sample, phraseological units with a token pocket are the most used. This suggests that, as part of clothing, the token "pocket" in phraseology becomes a symbol of property, an idea of the place where money is stored. Associated with it are expressions of loss of money or property, lack or, conversely, profit.

This study showed that in English there are a large number of stable expressions that are used in English speech daily. The phraseological units used in this study are far from a complete list of phraseological units existing in the English language containing the names of items of clothing that goes beyond the scope of this work.

As already mentioned, in the modern world there is a need to study phraseological phrases containing the names of items of clothing for understanding English and enriching your speech with stable phrases. Even those expressions that were created by such great writers as Charles Dickens and Hans Christian Andersen back in the 1840s are still often used and play an important role in the phraseological structure of the English language.

References / Список литературы

1. Amosova N.N. Fundamentals of English phraseology. L., 1963. 208 p.

2. Vinogradov V.V. Selected Works. Lexicology and lexicography. M., 1977. 312 p.

3. Foal T. V. Dictionary of linguistic terms. Ed. 5th, Nazran, 2010. 486 p.

4. KuninA.V. Phraseology course of modern English. 2nd ed. Revised. M., 1996. 381 p.

5. SmirnitskyA.I. Lexicology of the English language. M.: Foreign literature, 1956. 260 p.

APPROACHES OF THE FORMATION OF GRAMMAR SKILLS IN METHODOLOGY Bahodirov U^. Email: Bahodirov684@scientifictext.ru


Abstract: this article discusses various methodological approaches in the process of forming grammar skills. Grammar skills can be organized using the following approaches highlighted by the methodology of teaching foreign languages at present as explicit, implicit and differentiated. The most important condition for creating an active grammatical skill is the presence of a sufficient amount of lexical material on which the skill can be formed. The grammatical action is performed only within certain vocabulary boundaries, on a certain vocabulary material. If a student can, in an appropriate situation, quickly and correctly independently formulate a phrase independently, then he already possesses a grammatical skill to some extent.

The article also analyzes the problem of skills that are still controversial and require further research in methodology and pedagogy as morphological, morphological-syntactic and syntactic. Keywords: methodical approaches, grammar skills, conscious activity, communicative methods.


НАВЫКОВ Баходиров У.Б.

Баходиров УлугбекБаходирович — преподаватель, кафедра практических аспектов языка, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в данной статье рассматриваются различные методические подходы в процессе формирования грамматических навыков. Грамматические навыки могут формироваться при помощи следующих подходов, выделенных в методике преподавания иностранных языков в

настоящее время как эксплицитный, имплицитный и дифференцированный. Наиболее важным условием для создания активного грамматического навыка является наличие достаточного количества лексического материала, на котором навык может быть сформирован. Грамматическое действие выполняется только в определенных словарных границах, на определенном словарном материале. Если студент может в соответствующей ситуации быстро и правильно самостоятельно сформулировать фразу, то он уже в некоторой степени обладает грамматическим умением. В статье также проанализирована проблема навыков, которая до сих пор спорная и требует дальнейшего исследования в методике и педагогике, как морфологические, морфолого-синтаксические и синтаксические.

Ключевые слова: методические подходы, грамматические навыки, сознательная деятельность, коммуникативные методы.

UDC 303.028

Grammar is an object of constant debate in the methodology. There are various approaches to solving the question of the role and place of grammar in teaching a foreign language.

Grammar was the starting point and goal of learning with the grammar-translation method. Learning any language was carried out through grammar, usually built on the model and likeness of Latin. Grammar was studied as a special subject and an end in itself.

On the one hand, a more objective approach to assessing the meaning and place of grammar in teaching a foreign language has now been outlined: now it is not a goal, but one of the important means of teaching a foreign language. On the other hand, students most of all do not like to study grammar in the lessons of a foreign language.

Objectively, there is such a situation that a person always speaks according to the rules, that is, in accordance with certain laws of the language, which are objectified in the rules. Speakers do not always recognize these rules: literate and illiterate speak the same way by the rules, although with varying degrees of literacy. According to L.V. Shcherba, one cannot convey thought with the help of a set of lexical units, since they only name an object or phenomenon. [5, p. 26]. Grammar organizes vocabulary; it permeates the entire language. This is the skeleton on which all words, speech utterances, texts are held. With the help of grammatical structures, it becomes possible to convey the subtle nuances of thought.

Grammar is a circulatory system that nourishes a living tongue; the foundation on which a building called "Foreign Language" is being erected.

The importance of studying the grammar of a foreign language lies in the fact that it helps us better understand the grammatical structure of our native language, the development of logical thinking, observation, the ability to analyze and communicate, that is, in the process of studying it, developing, educational and educational goals of learning are realized.

Grammar "is not an end in itself, it is one of the most important means of mastering the language, an integral component of all types of speech activity." The first to draw this conclusion was A.A. Lyubarskaya, who wrote back in 1934: "At no stage of secondary school is the study of grammar considered an end in itself. However, everywhere her knowledge is the same essential foundation, without which it is unthinkable to understand the text, to have a lively conversational speech. She should be given the proper place in the processing of oral speech, reading and writing" [4, p. 145].

The word grammar is ambiguous. On the one hand, the word grammar is used in the meaning of "grammatical structure", that is, the structure of the word and sentence inherent in this language, which the native speaker speaks intuitively and which he comprehends and realizes in the process of schooling. On the other hand, grammar is a theory of a given language, a section of linguistics, a generalization of our knowledge about the structure of a language.

In the process of working with grammatical material, students gradually accumulate language knowledge and grammar skills begin to form. The main objective of the training is for students to master a certain range of skills before automatism.

Skill is generally understood as an automated link in conscious activity. Automation of actions is the main attribute of a skill [3, p. 27].

The purpose of consolidating grammatical knowledge is the development of appropriate skills, which through subsequent automation pass into skills [1, p. 9].

Grammar skill is the ability of the speaker to choose a model that is adequate to the speech task, and design it according to the norms of the given language (all this is instantaneous).

The problem of skills in methodology and pedagogy is still controversial and requires further research. So, I.L. Bim, considering the problem of learning the grammatical side of speech, does not speak about the formation of grammatical skills, but about actions for the grammatical design of

speech: morphological and syntactic [1, p. 63]. S.F. Shatilov divides grammar skills into morphological, morphological-syntactic and syntactic [5, p. 16]. R.P. Milrud distinguishes the speech skills necessary for solving speech-cognitive tasks in the process of communication, and the language service of speech-cognitive activity [2, p.8].

Morphological speech skills - grammatical skills that ensure the correct and automated shaping and shaping of words in oral speech. These include the skills of the correct use in oral speech of case endings of nouns, etc.

Syntactic speech skills. Speech grammatical skills that ensure a consistently correct and automated word arrangement (word order) in all types of sentences in analytical (English) and inflective-analytical languages (German, French) in spoken language, in accordance with language directions. Those skills in mastering the basic syntactic schemes (stereotypes) of sentences.

A productive grammar skill is the ability of the speaker to choose a model that is adequate to the speech task and design it according to the norms of the given language. The speech task is always the communicative intention to communicate something, to convince something, etc. Since this or that grammatical form serves the fulfillment of tasks, therefore E.I. Passov emphasizes that the grammatical form and speech task should be associated with each other. Grammatical productive skill must be automated, sustainable, flexible, and «conscious."

A receptive grammatical skill is the ability of the reader (listener) to recognize the grammatical forms of the language being studied and correlate with their meaning.

The process of forming grammar skills can be organized in terms of various methodological approaches. Currently, the following approaches can be distinguished in the methodology of teaching foreign languages: an explicit approach, an implicit approach, a differentiated approach.

Within the framework of an explicit approach to the formation of grammatical skills and abilities, two methods can be distinguished: deductive and inductive.

The name deductive method comes from the word "deduction", which means the conclusion from the general to the particular. In the deductive method, the first stage in the formation of skills and abilities - familiarization - is realized in the process of getting to know the rule and examples, the second stage - training - includes practicing isolated formal operations, the third stage - speech practice - is organized on the basis of translation exercises.

Another method of explicit approach is the inductive method. The inductive method proceeds from such a form of inference as induction, which envisages a transition from single facts to general propositions. The inductive method provides an opportunity for students themselves to formulate a rule based on the phenomena that they encounter when learning a foreign language. With the inductive method, students find unfamiliar grammatical forms in the text and try to understand their meaning through the context. Further analysis of the new phenomenon occurs by comparing a foreign text with its translation into the native language, after which the rule is formulated. In this case, if necessary, the tips of the teacher or textbook are used. This is followed by a series of exercises on identification and explanation of a new grammatical phenomenon on the actualization of its forms.

An implicit approach to the formation of grammatical skills includes two methods with various modifications, namely, structural and communicative. Structural methods include a number of methods for the formation of grammatical skills developed by various authors in the framework of the methods that they called oral, active, structural and functional, etc. Structural models are also called linguistic or speech models or, if they are expressed not by symbols, but by lexical units, speech patterns, type phrases.

Another variety of implicit approach to the formation of grammatical skills are communicative methods. Communicative methods include various variants of intensive methods, the so-called governess method and simply a natural immersion in the linguistic environment, forcing communication for communicative purposes. The communicative method of teaching foreign languages, including the formation of grammar skills, was developed by E.I. Passov.

A differentiated approach involves the use of various teaching methods and techniques, various exercises, depending on the learning objectives, types of speech activity, the stage of training, language material and students' characteristics.

The organization of grammatical material is essential in teaching a foreign language. It determines to a large extent the success of work on the grammatical side of various types of speech activity.

References / Список литературы

1. Babinskaya P.K. Practical course of teaching foreign languages: Textbook/ Tetra Systems, 2005.

288 p.

2. Klimenko A.D. The theoretical basis of the methodology of teaching a foreign language in high school: textbook. M.: Pedagogy, 1981. 389 p.

3. KushnirA.A. Pedagogy of a foreign language: textbook/M.: School technologies, 1997. 191 p.

4. Maslyko E.A. Handbook of a teacher of a foreign language: reference manual / Minsk: Higher school, 1992. 445 p.

5. Tambovkina T.Y. Intensification of speech-cognitive activity of students at the initial stage of training // Foreign languages at school, 1998. № 5. P. 35-37.



Abstract: this article reveals the social implications of physical education and mass sports. A different approach assesses the social essences of sports, points out ways to improve the organization, and conducts various activities among different segments of the population, including youth. By improving physical and emotional wellness, debilitating substance misuse, and motivating athletic just as scholastic accomplishment, they can fabricate human capital and upgrade efficiency. Sports can energize capital gathering, encourage the activities of business sectors, and fortify establishments through their impact on social capital, trust, culture, and wrongdoing. These impacts fortify one another.

Keywords: students, student youth, physical education, mass sports, theoretical and practical basis, training, recommendations.


Хаитов Т.Ш.

Хаитов Турсун Шомуродович — независимый исследователь, Университет физической культуры и спорта, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в этой статье раскрывается социальное значение физического воспитания и массового спорта. Различным подходом оценивается социальная сущность массового спорта, указываются пути совершенствования организации и проведения различных мероприятий среди различных слоев населения, в том числе молодёжи. Улучшая физическое и эмоциональное самочувствие, изнурительное злоупотребление психоактивными веществами и мотивируя занятия спортом так же, как учебные достижения, они могут вырабатывать человеческий капитал и повышать эффективность. Спорт может стимулировать сбор капитала, стимулировать деятельность деловых секторов и укреплять заведения, воздействуя на социальный капитал, доверие, культуру и правонарушения. Эти воздействия укрепляют друг друга.

Ключевые слова: студент, студенческая молодежь, физическое воспитание, массовый спорт, теоретическая и практическая основа, тренировка, советы.

UDC 378.172

Training of education among the students is considered as an important part of the training of qualified personnel in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The main goal of the state policy in the sphere of physical culture and sports, especially for the younger generation, improvement of the effective use of available opportunities for students - to educate young people in all aspects of active, healthy lifestyle and provide participation of athletes of international sporting events.

The current development requires everyone to actively engage in physical education. This is especially true for a growing number of students. If you look at the work order of students, they spend most of their time with mental work. Experts recommend to replace mental work with active rest and physical labor. However, most students do not follow this procedure. Many students suffer from a

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