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Google Forms / knowledge control / educational process / innovative technologies.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Krupko Olena

The article substantiates the importance of the introduction and application of innovative technologies in the process of quality control of the level of knowledge of pharmaceutical education students at the Bukovyna State Medical University. The analysis of scientific sources regarding the use of the Google Forms service in the educational process was carried out. The purpose of the research in the paper is to highlight the features of conducting online testing using the Google Forms service to monitor the educational achievements of corre-spondence students of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Bukovyna State Medical University during the study of chemical disciplines. The research used methods of educational resources based on Google Forms with assess-ment of the level of knowledge, analysis of the obtained results and generalization regarding the feasibility of using this form of knowledge control and assessment of the reliability of the obtained test results of the re-spondents. The paper describes the results of monitoring students' knowledge based on the assessment of the final modular test No. 1 for 125 firstand second-year students of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Bukovyna State Medical University, part-time study in the discipline "General and Inorganic Chemistry", module I "Gen-eral Chemistry". Based on the generally defined requirements for the preparation of test tasks, a database of open and closed type test questions was formed, the list of which was adjusted based on the analysis of the received an-swers and the assessment of all questions for complexity (10%). For repeated testing, complex tests were re-moved from the database of test tasks and replaced with simpler tasks, which affected the positive dynamics of the obtained test results. As a result of the study, it was established that when using online tests as a control of the level of knowledge, an important issue is the careful selection of test tasks. The main advantages and disadvantages of using Google Forms for assessing the level of knowledge of students in general chemistry are highlighted.

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UDC 378.091.26:004.77:615

Krupko Olena

PhD Chemical Sciences ORCID. org/0000-0003-2 799-3033 Assistant of the Department of Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry of



The article substantiates the importance of the introduction and application of innovative technologies in the process of quality control of the level of knowledge of pharmaceutical education students at the Bukovyna State Medical University. The analysis of scientific sources regarding the use of the Google Forms service in the educational process was carried out. The purpose of the research in the paper is to highlight the features ofconducting online testing using the Google Forms service to monitor the educational achievements of correspondence students of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Bukovyna State Medical University during the study of chemical disciplines. The research used methods of educational resources based on Google Forms with assessment of the level of knowledge, analysis of the obtained results and generalization regarding the feasibility of using this form of knowledge control and assessment of the reliability of the obtained test results of the respondents. The paper describes the results of monitoring students' knowledge based on the assessment of the final modular test No. 1 for 125 first- and second-year students of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Bukovyna State Medical University, parttime study in the discipline "General and Inorganic Chemistry", module I "General Chemistry".

Based on the generally defined requirements for the preparation of test tasks, a database of open and closed type test questions was formed, the list of which was adjusted based on the analysis of the received answers and the assessment of all questions for complexity (10%). For repeated testing, complex tests were removed from the database of test tasks and replaced with simpler tasks, which affected the positive dynamics of the obtained test results.

As a result of the study, it was established that when using online tests as a control of the level of knowledge, an important issue is the careful selection of test tasks. The main advantages and disadvantages of using Google Forms for assessing the level of knowledge of students in general chemistry are highlighted.

Keywords: Google Forms, knowledge control, educational process, innovative technologies.

Introduction. The modern educational process in conditions of rapid innovative development due to the introduction of reforms in the medical education of Ukraine is impossible without the use of innovative technologies. Such a rapid introduction of information technologies contributes to the improvement of the quality of education in Ukraine, ensuring the opportunity for students of various levels of education to receive education, ensuring the organization of quality education during off-line or online education. Digitali-zation processes were especially actively implemented during the period of epidemic danger and the introduction of quarantine due to the spread of the COVID-19 infection and with the beginning of the war on the territory of Ukraine in 2022.

One of the important components of the educational process is the control of the knowledge level of the students, which makes it possible to assess the success of the study and the acquisition of the general, integration and professional competencies provided for in the educational and professional program in order to ensure the programmatic results of the training with the corresponding components of the educational and professional program. Analysis of the results of knowledge level control provides an opportunity to adjust the

teacher's further actions to improve the results of the educational process.

Traditional evaluation systems are currently outdated elements in the education system and do not have such practical use as innovative methods of monitoring learning results. In the world of information technologies, the control of the level of knowledge and evaluation of educational results using Google Apps services and tools has taken on new forms. Tests are one of the ways to check the mastery of the material. This method of knowledge assessment is not ideal and basic, but today it is the most widely used method with a number of advantages: objectivity, impartiality, quick automatic verification of a large number of answers, statistical evaluation of the obtained results. Test tasks are widely used both in conducting external independent evaluation, state qualification exams (SECs) for applicants of medical and pharmaceutical education, international rating studies of the quality of education TIMSS and PISA, as well as in assessing the level of knowledge acquisition of students in each lesson.

Literature review. The analysis of scientific works [1-9] shows that the research and study of the problems of applying innovative Internet technologies in the educational process in Ukraine and the world is



an urgent issue that many scientists are working on. The use of information and communication technologies in the educational process of a higher school allows building the educational process at a much higher level [6].

The work [6] considered important aspects of the introduction of information and communication technologies into the educational process of a higher education institution, based on which, using pedagogical research, conclusions were drawn that a modern graduate of an educational institution should possess the skills of using information technologies, that is, technologies designed by modern industry both in education and in everyday life. New information technologies give students access to non-traditional sources of information, increase the efficiency of independent work, provide new opportunities for creativity, finding and consolidating any professional skills, and allow the implementation of fundamentally new forms and methods of learning.

In the work [7] the problem of creating an effective model for the formation of digital traces of projects and the development of educational programs in the conditions of digitalization of society was investigated. The relationship between the digital footprint of the project and its information uncertainty is determined, the main variants of the positive and negative impact of the digital footprint on the success of the project due to the reduction of information uncertainty are established. Such studies contribute to ensuring the main task in the digital educational process to create an effective digital space and ensure the competitive advantages of the educational organization from the point of view of knowledge accumulation and modern information and communication technologies of education.

In the work [8] an analysis of the methods and means of final control in the form of testing in distance learning conditions and an assessment of the reliability of the test results was carried out. The paper proposes to use tests of three levels, the level of tasks of which is determined by the results of statistical analysis Consistent performance of such tasks allows you to establish the level of knowledge mastery of each student. It is shown that the individualization of test tasks performed by students, the diversification of their form, in particular the use of multiple-choice tasks with several correct answers, open-type tasks with a numerical answer, adding graphic data to the tasks significantly complicates possible manifestations of academic dishonesty during the exam.

In order to ensure effective and high-quality control of the level of knowledge, such an innovative form as testing has been actively used in Ukraine in recent years. Internet testing systems in the field of education provide for the use of original assessment of knowledge, abilities and skills in training or control modes in the form of test tasks. At the same time, the diagnostic function makes it possible to reveal the level of knowledge, abilities and skills, and the speed and objectivity of using these data surpasses other forms of pedagogical control [10].

In the modern theory and practice of using test tasks, there are more than 20 types of tests with different structure [11]. Thus, testing can perform a number

of different functions: diagnostic, evaluation, educational, developmental, motivational, educational, organizational, informational, or other. The initial control of students' knowledge level can be carried out using the educational function, which helps to identify gaps in knowledge, consolidation of the material and ability to work with such a form of control as tests. The diagnostic function makes it possible to determine the quality of knowledge, abilities and skills of education seekers and to adjust the educational activities of the teacher to improve the test results. To evaluate quantitative indicators (intermediate or final control) in the educational process, it is advisable to use the evaluation function.

In the work [12] a study was conducted on information technologies in the educational process by teachers of Ukraine. From the obtained results, it was established that the most popular tool among Ukrainian teachers is the Google Forms online survey service (66.4% of surveyed respondents).

Methods. The research used the methods of educational resources based on Google Forms with the assessment of the level of knowledge, analysis of the obtained results and generalization about the feasibility of using such a form for knowledge control. The results of the knowledge control of 125 first- and second-year students of the BSMU Faculty of Pharmacy, part-time study in general and inorganic chemistry, module I "General Chemistry" of the 2022-2023 academic years are described.

THE RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. In the first year of the Faculty of Pharmacy, one of the basic subjects is "General and Inorganic Chemistry", which is fundamental among natural sciences in the system of higher pharmaceutical education. Knowledge of general and inorganic chemistry provides an opportunity to master and deepen scientific knowledge about matter, the dependence of the properties of substances on their composition and structure, the influence of conditions on the flow and speed of chemical interactions, synthesis and research of new medicinal substances, control of their quality and biotransformation in the human body, and also lay the foundations for thorough mastering of specialized theoretical and clinical professional-practical disciplines - primarily analytical chemistry, physical and colloidal chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, toxicological chemistry, pharmacognosy, biological chemistry, physiology, pharmacology, toxicology, immunology, cytology, etc.

The educational program in the discipline "General and inorganic chemistry" for students of the second (master's) level of higher education in the field of knowledge 22 "Health care" in the specialty 226 "Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy" in accordance with the requirements of the project of the Standard of Higher Education of Ukraine, the curriculum and professional the higher education program for the training of specialists at the Bukovyna State Medical University provides for initial, current and final types of control of students' knowledge, skills and abilities. Input control serves as a means of identifying the existing level of knowledge of students for use by the teacher in a practical session, as orientation in the



complexity of the material. This type of control is carried out in order to assess the strength of knowledge and to determine the degree of perception of new educational material. Current control - control of independent work of students regarding the study of educational materials. Current control is carried out at each practical session in accordance with the specific goals of the topic. The main purpose of ongoing control is to check the degree and quality of mastering the studied material. In all practical classes, objective control of theoretical preparation and mastering of practical skills is used in order to check the student's readiness for the class. In the process of ongoing control, the student's independent work is evaluated in terms of the completeness of tasks, the level of assimilation of educational materials, mastering of practical skills of analytical and research work, etc. The final control performs a control function, it is carried out in order to evaluate the generalized learning results at a certain educational and qualification level, or at its individual completed stages (content modules, final modules).

In order to provide each student of the Faculty of Pharmacy of BSMU with individual tasks in the process of studying general and inorganic chemistry to control the level of knowledge, the use of online tests using Google Forms has been implemented. Open (the answer is formed by the student) and closed (the answer is chosen from the available options) type test tasks were used in the formation of the database of test questions. The Google Forms software allows you to create different types of tasks: text (short answer), paragraph text (long text answer), multiple choice (choosing one correct answer from several), checkboxes (choosing several correct answers), selection from a list (choosing one correct answer from the list) and other types [13].

Google form "Control work in general and inorganic chemistry. Module 1 "General Chemistry" for first- and second-year students of the Faculty of Pharmacy of B SMU was created in accordance with the main requirements for test tasks: validity, certainty, simplicity, ambiguity, reliability [14].

In order to assess the level of knowledge in the discipline "General and inorganic chemistry" module 1 "General chemistry" a block of tasks with 90 questions has been prepared. Various types of test tasks are prepared taking into account the level of difficulty of the material covered. Multiple-choice tests (choice from several proposed options), alternative-choice tests (choice from two possible options), matching tests with

one redundant answer, tests for determining true or false statements, comparison tests, and continuation tests are included in the test phrases.

The prepared form with test tasks is saved on Google Drive. The author of the created form can make corrections and review the test answers, both summarized by statistical data and the results of each individual respondent.

Students have the opportunity immediately after passing the online test to analyze their result and the mistakes they made (the test result can be sent upon request).

The results of statistical processing of all received answers are particularly informative, which makes it possible to reveal the average level of knowledge of the interviewed group (Fig. 1, a), the average score (Fig. 1, a), the questions that are most often answered correctly (Fig. 1, b ,c,d), and incorrectly (Fig. 1, i,f).

And of course, you can process the obtained results for each individual respondent (Fig. 1, f), determine his level of knowledge, topics that are not mastered to a sufficient level and that need to be refined.

The ability to get the results for students immediately after testing is one of the positive factors of using the Google form in the educational process. In the Google Forms settings, it is possible to choose not only the number of points, but also correct and incorrect answers for the presentation of test results. Thus, each student has the opportunity to work on tasks and topics for which a negative result was obtained. This possibility provides both feedback with students and control of their learning of educational material within a topic, a block of topics, content modules, modules or in general the entire course.

Repeated testing using the Google Forms service allows you to identify the dynamics of qualitative changes in the learning process and develop measures to improve results.

The success of conducting tests using Google Forms depends on the systematic use of this method of quality control of students' knowledge and on the selection of test tasks.

The analysis of the received test results made it possible to identify both the most difficult and the easiest tasks in the tests for their replacement. Based on the selected base of test tasks in general and inorganic chemistry, module 1 and the obtained test results, it was determined that the maximum difficulty of the test is 0.05, and the minimum difficulty is 78.



Fig. 1. The results of monitoring the leeel ofknowledge of students ofthe Faculty of Pharmacy of BSMU according to Google Forms "General and inorganic chemistry. Module 1. General chemistry"

Of all the prepared tasks, 44-85% of students answer correctly in 72% of the tests . Among all the proposed tests, only 10% of the tasks were difficult, and only 14% of the respondents gave the correct answers. For repeated testing, difficult tests were removed and replaced with simpler tasks.

More than 55% of students gave correct answers to the tests on the first attempt and received a passing score - more than 60 possible. Another 25% of respondents passed the test for a positive assessment on the second attempt. This distribution of the obtained results indicates a positive dynamic in the preparation of respondents for the control work, and also shows that the replacement of complex tests with simpler ones contributes to the ability of students to work out the tasks for a passing score.

The results of the conducted research make it possible to draw the following conclusions:

- assessment of students' knowledge and skills using tests requires correct and high-quality selection of tests. In particular, the use of multiple-choice and alternative-choice test tasks and compliance tests make it difficult for students to demonstrate academic dishonesty during testing.


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