Научная статья на тему 'Testing as a method research in the education system'

Testing as a method research in the education system Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Biduchak A.

In the modern world, control of the knowledge of students and workers is of great importance. In this context, control is understood as a system of evidence-based verification of knowledge results. Today, there are many diverse methods for assessing knowledge: oral and written surveys, interviews, computational tasks, business games, tests, exams, and testing. Each of the methods has its advantages and disadvantages. Currently, it is testing that is used for entrance exams in higher educational institutions, and during training. The test allows you to test the knowledge by interviewing all participants on the necessary material in the same conditions. This significantly increases the validity, objectivity and vagueness of the assessment compared to, say, an exam.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Testing as a method research in the education system»



Biduchak A.

Ph.D, аssistant Professor Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University», Chernivtsi


In the modern world, control of the knowledge of students and workers is of great importance. In this context, control is understood as a system of evidence-based verification of knowledge results. Today, there are many diverse methods for assessing knowledge: oral and written surveys, interviews, computational tasks, business games, tests, exams, and testing. Each of the methods has its advantages and disadvantages. Currently, it is testing that is used for entrance exams in higher educational institutions, and during training. The test allows you to test the knowledge by interviewing all participants on the necessary material in the same conditions. This significantly increases the validity, objectivity and vagueness of the assessment compared to, say, an exam.

Keywords: testing, control, evaluation, objectivity, education system, verification of learning outcomes.

Control is one of the main components of the educational process, and the quality of students' knowledge ultimately depends on its proper organization at all stages of training. In turn, the components of control are:

- verification of learning outcomes (right or wrong) and their measurement (in accordance with the indicators adopted in the selected system);

- assessment as a process during which the student's actions are monitored and compared with a sample (standard) or established indicators, and as a result, a mark (grade) is set.

Control performs three main functions:

- controls the process of assimilation of knowledge. Control makes it possible to see errors, evaluate learning outcomes, and carry out the correction of knowledge, skills;

- educates cognitive motivation and stimulates creative activity. A properly organized control system allows you to arouse a sense of responsibility for learning outcomes (getting a higher score), contributes to the desire for focused work to correct errors;

- is a learning development tool. Most of the monitoring activities are educational and developmental in nature, as the teacher explains to each child what his mistakes are, what needs to be done to understand the educational material, and helps to find the right answer. In addition, the development of the child's personal qualities: share, healthy ambition, desire for success.

Principles of building a control system. A certain requirement is imposed on the control system and the basic principles should be adhered to when constructing it.

Objectivity - is the basic requirement and principle for the organization of control. It consists in the fact that the control system should be friendly to students. Questions, tasks and projects should be justified, and the evaluation criteria are adequate to the requirements for the level of training and age characteristics of students.

Open technology - that students are evaluated according to uniform criteria, which must be justified, known in advance and understandable to each student.

Systematicity, which in turn is considered from five positions:

- control should be continuous and carried out from the very beginning of training until its completion;

- control should be a natural part of the learning process,

- the control system must have continuity;

- means, methods, forms of control, methods for assessing and interpreting results should be subject to a single goal;

- all students of a particular educational institution must obey the uniform principles and requirements that form the basis of the developed model.

Testing as the main form of control

Testing is an experimental method of psychodiagnostics used in empirical sociological research, as well as a method for measuring and evaluating various psychological qualities and conditions of an individual.

The widespread dissemination, development and improvement of tests contributed to a number of advantages that this method provides. Tests allow you to evaluate an individual in accordance with the goal of the study; provide the opportunity to obtain a quantitative assessment on the basis of quantification of qualitative personality parameters and the convenience of mathematical processing; are a relatively quick way to assess a large number of unknown persons; contribute to the biased nature of assessments that are independent of the subjective attitudes of the person conducting the study; provide comparability of information obtained by different researchers on different subjects.

Tests require:

- strict formalization of all stages of testing,

- standardization of tasks and conditions for their implementation,

- quantification of the results and their structuring according to a given program,

- interpretation of the results on the basis of a previously obtained distribution of the studied attribute.

Each test that meets the reliability criteria, in addition to a set of tasks, includes the following components:

1) standard instruction for the subject about the purpose and rules of completing tasks;

2) key of scaling - correlation of points of tasks with scales of measured qualities, indicating which point of tasks belongs to which scale;

3) an encoding key that allows you to calculate how many points a particular answer makes to the scale;

4) the key to the interpretation of the obtained index, which is the given norms with which the result is related.

Traditionally, the norm in testology was the average statistical data obtained as a result of preliminary testing on a specific group of individuals. It is necessary to take into account that it is possible to transfer the interpretation of the results obtained only to those groups of subjects who are similar in their basic sociocultural and demographic characteristics to the basic one.

To overcome the main drawback of most tests, various techniques are used:

1) increase the base sample in order to increase its representativeness in a larger number of parameters;

2) the introduction of correction factors taking into account the characteristics of the sample;

3) the introduction into practice of testing a nonverbal way of presenting material.

The test consists of two parts:

a) stimulating material (task, instruction or question);

b) instructions regarding the registration or integration of the responses received.

The standardization of a situation typical of tests provides them, in contrast to "free" observation of behavior, with greater objectivity of the results.

Tests are classified according to various criteria. By the type of personality traits, they are divided into tests of achievement and personality. The first include tests of intelligence, school performance, tests for creativity, tests for ability, sensory and motor tests. The second includes tests for attitudes, interests, temperament, character tests, motivational tests. However, not all tests (for example, development tests, graphic tests) can be sorted by this criterion. By type of instructions and method of use, individual and group tests are distinguished. In group testing, a group of subjects is simultaneously examined. If there are no time limits in tests, then they are mandatory in speed tests. Depending on how much the subjectivity of the researcher is manifested as a result of testing, objective and subjective tests are distinguished.

The objective ones include the majority of achievement tests and psychophysiological tests, the subjective ones include projective tests. This division to a certain extent coincides with the division into direct and indirect tests, which differ depending on whether or not the subjects know the meaning and purpose of the test.

For projective tests, a typical situation is when the subject is not informed about the actual purpose of the

study. When performing tasks of projective tests, there are no "correct" answers. Verbal and nonverbal tests are distinguished depending on the representation in the speech component test. Verbal, for example, is a vocabulary test, non-verbal is a test that requires certain actions as an answer.

The formal structure distinguishes simple tests, i.e. elementary, the result of which may be the only answer, and complex tests, consisting of separate subtests, for each of which an assessment should be given. In this case, general estimates can also be calculated. A set of several unit tests is called a test battery, a graphical representation of the results for each subtest is called a test profile. Often, tests include questionnaires that satisfy a number of requirements that are usually required for this method of collecting psychological or sociological information.

Recently, criterion-oriented tests have become more widespread, allowing the subject to be evaluated not in comparison with the average statistical data of the population, but in relation to a predetermined norm. The evaluation criterion in such tests is the degree of approximation of the individual's test result to the so-called "ideal norm".

Test development consists of four stages.

- at the first stage, the initial concept is developed with the wording of the main points of the test or the main questions of a preliminary nature;

- on the second - preliminary test points are selected with subsequent selection and reduction to final form; assessment is simultaneously carried out according to quality criteria of reliability and validity;

- at the third stage, the test is re-checked on the same population;

- on the fourth - it is calibrated in relation to age, level of education and other characteristics of the population.

One of the test options may be a questionnaire, but provided that it meets the requirements for the tests. The questionnaire is a collection of questions that are selected and arranged in relation to each other in accordance with the required content. Questionnaires are used, for example, for the purpose of psychodiagnostics, when the subject is required to self-evaluate his behavior, habits, opinions, etc. In this case, the subject, answering the questions, expresses his positive and negative preferences. With the help of questionnaires it is possible to measure the subjects and their assessments of other people. The assignment usually appears as a direct reaction to questions that must be answered by regret or refutation. Opportunities for an answer in most cases are given and require only marks in the form of a cross, a circle, etc. The disadvantage of the questionnaire is that the subject can simulate or dissimulate certain personality traits. The researcher can overcome the indicated drawback (although not completely) by means of control questions, control scales, scales of "lies". Questionnaires are used primarily for character diagnostics, personality diagnostics (for example, extroversion - introversion, interests, attitudes, motives).

Conclusion. The tested survey is multifunctional. It allows you to quickly understand how to continue working with this student. As a result, it should be noted that the use of students from the 1st year of testing will help to objectively certify the university, which is carried out in order to establish the conformity of the content, level and quality of graduate training with the requirements of state educational standards. The systematic implementation of control measures using toplevel control tools allows higher education institutions to form highly qualified specialists in various fields of knowledge who are ready to use the accumulated knowledge at any moment. It is precisely such specialists, both at present and in the future, that our country

needs in order to help them quickly recover the economy.


1. Майоров А.Н. Теория и практика создания тестов для системы образования. (Как выбирать, создавать и использовать тесты для целей образования). М.: «Интеллект-центр», 2001. 296 с.

2. Габова О.В., Русаков А.А. Тестирование -одна из форм диагностики и проверки успешности обучения. Педагогическая информатика. №3. 2005. С. 13-17.

3. Челышкова М.Б. Теория и практика конструирования педагогических тестов: Учебное пособие. М.: Логос, 2002. 432 с.


Вокулова Ю.А.

К.м.н, заведующий стоматологическим отделением, врач стоматолог - ортопед федерального государственного казенного учреждения «Поликлиника № 2 Федеральной таможенной службы России»,

Нижний Новгород Жулев Е.Н.

Д.м.н., профессор кафедры ортопедической стоматологии и ортодонтии ФГБОУВО "Приволжский исследовательский медицинский университет" Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации, г. Нижний Новгород



Vokulova Yu.

Candidate of Medical Science, head of the dental Department, orthopedic dentist Federal state official institution "Polyclinic No. 2 of the Federal customs service of Russia", Nizhny Novgorod

Zhulev E.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of orthopaedic dentistry and orthodontics of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Privolzhsky Research Medical University» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod


В статье представлена методика изучения размерной точности временных искусственных коронок, изготовленных с помощью CAD/CAM-системы KaVo ARCTICA и 3D принтера Asiga Max UV. На основании проведенных исследований сделан вывод о том, что временные искусственные коронки, изготовленные с помощью современных цифровых технологий, обладают большей размерной точностью.


The article presents a method for studying the dimensional accuracy of temporary artificial crowns made using the KaVo ARCTICA CAD/CAM system and the Asiga Max UV 3D printer. Based on our research, we have come to the conclusion that temporary artificial crowns made using modern digital technologies have greater dimensional accuracy

Ключевые слова: цифровые оттиски, CAD/CAM, внутриротовой сканер, размерная точность искусственных коронок.

Keywords: digital impressions, CAD / CAM, intraoral scanner, dimensional accuracy of artificial crowns.


В последнее время широкое распространение получило применение цифровых технологий в клинической стоматологии [6]. Внутриротовые лазерные сканеры используются для получения цифровых изображений зубных рядов пациентов [1], как альтернатива классическим методикам получения оттисков с использованием слепочных ложек и от-тискных материалов [2]. Для создания зубных про-

тезов существует два цифровых метода компьютерного моделирования и автоматизированного изготовления: субтрактивный с помощью CAD/CAM систем и аддитивный с помощью 3D принтеров [3, 5, 6]. Неотъемлемой частью протезирования несъемными ортопедическими конструкциями является изготовление временных протезов для защиты подготовленных зубов и формирования дес-невого контура прорезывания. Предыдущие исследования сообщали о размерной точности

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