Научная статья на тему 'Application of modern advertising and pr technologies in promoting the University services'

Application of modern advertising and pr technologies in promoting the University services Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Davletova M.T., Sadykov G.G.

The purpose of research is to study the communication activities of the University, to develop and offer the new and modern advertising and PR technologies for the effective promotion of the university’s educational services and improvement of its image. Methodology. In writing the article was used systematic, integrated approach to the study and analytical methods have been applied in the article, the marketing research data has been used, budget for the proposed activities has been calculated. Originality / value. Despite certain scientific development in the field of advertising and PR, the issues of innovation and advanced technology in the corporate advertising and PR activity are not completely investigated by Kazakhstani science. The study of modern advertising and PR technologies is extremely important for the effective promotion of educational services. Therefore, the topic of the article is relevant and is of theoretical interest and has practical significance. The value of the work lies in the fact that the proposed recommendations can be put into practice within the activities of Almaty Management University (AlmaU) and other universities. Conclusions. It is no longer enough to use traditional methods of marketing communications to promote the University in the highly competitive market of educational services in Kazakhstan. The authors have developed recommendations for the use of modern advertising and PR technologies in the activity of Almaty Management University with the rationale of the budget for all proposed activities. The implementation of the proposed recommendations will contribute to the popularization of educational services of the University, attracting the attention of applicants and students, improving the image and competitiveness of the University.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Application of modern advertising and pr technologies in promoting the University services»

4. Петерс Э. Фрактальный анализ финансовых рынков: Применение теории Хаоса в инвестициях и экономике./ Э. Петерс// - М.: Интернет-трейдинг, 2004. -304с.

5. Афонасова М. А. Управление формированием наукоемких инте-грированных структур в инновационно активных регионах // Фундаментальные исследования. - 2009. - №3. - С. 111 - 112.

6. Дубницький В. Ю. Вибiр методу прогнозування вартосп цшних паперiв з урахуванням фрактально! вимiр-носп ряду спостережень / В.Ю. Дубницький // Бiзнес 1н-форм : наук. журнал. - Харшв : ХНЕУ 2011. - № 7 (1). - С. 120-121.

7. Новикова Н. Б. Фрактальные методы и концепция экономически минимальных производственных систем в управлении инновациями / Н. Б. Новикова // Вестник ЮРГ-ТУ (НПИ), 2011. - № 2. - С.162-166.

8. Найман Э. Расчёт показателя Херста с целью выявления трендовости (персистентности) финансовых рынков и макроэкономических индикаторов / Э. Найман // Еко-номют. - 2009. - №10. - С. 25-29.

9. Чайковська 1.1. Економжо-математичне моделюван-ня в управлiннi штелектуальним капiталом пiдприeмства [Текст] : [монограф.] / I. I. Чайковська. - Хмельницький : Хмельницький унiверситет управлшня та права, 2014. - 314 с.

10. Чайковська 1.1. Деяш аспекти застосування фрактального аналiзу при дослщженш економiчних процесiв/ I. I. Чайковська // 1нформацшне суспiльство : технолопч-нi, економiчнi та техшчш аспекти становлення (випуск 1) :

зб. тез доповщей Всеукр. наук. 1нтернет-конф., 30-31 ачня 2014 р. - Тернотль: Тайп, 2014. - С. 10-11.

11. Лыков И.А. Влияние изменения функции Херста на возможности экономического прогнозирования / И.А. Лыков, С.А. Охотников // Фунда-ментальные исследования, 2013. - № 10. - С. 1539 - 1544.

12. Херст, Г. Э. Долгосрочная вместимость водохранилищ / Г. Э. Херст// Труды Американского общества гражданских инженеров. - 1951. С. 116, 770-808.

13. Clegg R.G. A practical guide to measuring the hurst parameter // Computing science technical report. - 2005. - № CS-TR-916. - Р. 125-138.

14. Методы нелинейной динамики в анализе и прогнозировании экономических систем регионального уровня / Г.П. Быстрай, Л.А. Коршунов, И.А. Лыков, Н.Л. Никулина, С.А. Охотников // Журнал экономической теории. - 2010. -№ 3. - С. 103-114.

15. Диагностика и прогнозирование социально-экономического развития регионов в рамках нелинейной динамики / Г.П. Быстрай, Л.А. Коршунов, Н.Л. Никулина, И.А. Лыков // Вестник Тюменского государственного университета. - 2010. - № 4. - С. 164-170.

16. А.В. Зинченко. R/S анализ на фондовом рынке/ Зин-ченко А.В.// Бизнес информатика. Журнал Сибирского государственного аэрокосмического университета.- 2012 г.-№3 (12). - С.24-30.

17. Сайт Головного управлшня статистики в Украшг -Режим доступу: http://www.km.ukrstat.gov.ua


Davletova M.T.

Associate professor of NEI «Almaty Management University» The Republic Of Kazakhstan, Almaty

Sadykov G.G.

Associate Professor of JSC «New Economic University after T. Ryskulov»

The Republic Of Kazakhstan, Almaty


The purpose of research is to study the communication activities of the University, to develop and offer the new and modern advertising and PR technologies for the effective promotion of the university's educational services and improvement of its image.

Methodology. In writing the article was used systematic, integrated approach to the study and analytical methods have been applied in the article, the marketing research data has been used, budget for the proposed activities has been calculated.

Originality / value. Despite certain scientific development in the field of advertising and PR, the issues of innovation and advanced technology in the corporate advertising and PR activity are not completely investigated by Kazakhstani science. The study of modern advertising and PR technologies is extremely important for the effective promotion of educational services. Therefore, the topic of the article is relevant and is of theoretical interest and has practical significance. The value of the work lies in the fact that the proposed recommendations can be put into practice within the activities of Almaty Management University (AlmaU) and other universities.

Conclusions. It is no longer enough to use traditional methods of marketing communications to promote the University in the highly competitive market of educational services in Kazakhstan. The authors have developed recommendations for the use of modern advertising and PR technologies in the activity of Almaty Management University with the rationale of the budget for all proposed activities. The implementation of the proposed recommendations will contribute to the popularization of educational services of the University, attracting the attention of applicants and students, improving the image and competitiveness of the University.

Keywords: educational services, Almaty Management University (AlmaU), promoting the University services, modern advertising and PR technologies, improvement the image and competitiveness of the University, international world-class business school, entrepreneurial university, Marketing communications, ad-vertisement, sales promotion, public relations, marketing activities, innovations, economic benefits, PR strategy, rebranding, cross-advertising, advertising campaigns using QR-code, advertising AlmaU on a hot-air balloon, online competition on social networks, flash mob at the Medeo ice rink, the 12th International PR-forum, budget for advertising and PR activities.


Under the current market conditions, there is an abundance of goods and services, tougher competition between the various producers and brands. Therefore, companies are actively seeking to influence the consumer demand and the formation of their loyalty by effectively promoting their products and services. In today's world direct advertising is no longer a sufficient condition for increasing sales or even recognition of a product or service. Approximately only 15% of people trust advertising and 65% believe that it is too much of advertising, so there is a need to develop and implement innovation in the area. The successful solution of the above problems is possible with the skilful use of modern advertising and PR technologies [1].

The object of study in this article is the leading university in the Republic of Kazakhstan - Institute of Education 'Almaty Management University' (IE AlmaU). However the authors' recommendation can be extended to the activities of other universities in the country and worldwide.

Almaty Management University (former International Academy of Busi-ness) is an international world-class business school, entrepreneurial university and a leader in the field of education and business studies in Central Asia. It combines the classical traditions of academic learning and modern forms of business education, innovative methods, technology, and practical implementation of start-ups and creative projects of entrepreneurial university. Almaty Management University is

characterized by a steady pace of development, highly qualified faculty, strong experts and good infrastructure, uses advanced modern technology [2].

The authors have produced recommendations on the use of modern advertising and PR technologies for effective promotion of the University educational services.


Promotion of the University educational services

Promotion of AlmaU takes place through:

- Advertisement (video, distribution of promotional materials through the Internet, exhibitions, presentations and print and outdoor advertising);

- Sales promotion (organization of events to attract new clients, competitions and active student life);

- Public relations (events planning and budgeting, search for and coordination of work with subcontractors for projects, organization and monitoring of activities, evaluation of the projects' effectiveness).

Publications such as "Forbes Kazakhstan", "Real Business of Kazakhstan", the 'Business and Power' newspaper, 'Higher School of Kazakhstan' information-analytical magazine, BizEd magazine, publish information on AlmaU, which indicates the high status of the organization at international level [3, p.21]. Table 1 shows Marketing communications, which are used in IE "Almaty Management University".


Marketing communications to IE "Almaty Management University"

Tools Channels

SMM-Marketing Social networks

Media Relation Printed and online media

Sales Communication Event communication Contextual advertising on the Internet, Directory, Mailing databases

Advertising Contact staff Website Campus

Note - compiled by the authors based on the reports of IE 'Almaty Management University'

Organization of events (press conferences, briefs, seminars) includes:

- Participation in the selection and design of the room;

- Text on events banners (design and production);

- Organization of photo / video recording of the event;

- Sponsorship;

- Script writing;

- Invitation of presenters and artists, and (if necessary);

- Coordination with the units on details and areas of responsibility;

- Gifts to participants and guests;

- Carrying out activities [4, p.37].

The official website of AlmaU is www.alma.edu.kz, which highlights the basic information about the university, as well as all future and past events [2]. It is possible to contact the operator directly through the official website to ask questions. Also, the university has its own corporate magazine, which contains scientific information.

As part of the communication policy within the organization there are open days for school leavers who intend to enrol the university. During these days the students are pleased to present

the university in front of school leavers, as well as to consult on issues of interest and specialties. Also, prospective students are welcome to career counselling days when the information provided by the university allows selecting and determining the future occupation.

Advertising activity of Almaty Management University

The University organizes the following events as a part of the admissions campaign:

1. Every year AlmaU takes part in the exhibition 'Education and Career', where propaganda work is carried out, as well as the distribution of promotional material packages during the submission of the Unified National Test (UNT) and complex testing (CT).

2. Promotional material (corporate calendars, leaflets, packages, flyers and other handouts) are regularly updated and produced.

3. The system of discounts for students is designed, taking into account the results of the UNT and CT.

4. Information about promotions and news is regularly updated online on AlmaU website, additions and changes are

made to other sections of the website to increase the attractiveness of AlmaU.

5. AlmaU is involved in the city activities, promotional material is distributed in places of great concentration of consumers during city events.

6. AlmaU administration congratulates heads of schools and colleges of the city with public holidays.

7. There is a Rector's grant competition, which entitles winning students to free tuition for one year.

PR-activity of the University

PR activities in AlmaU are aimed at achieving the goals and objectives in the field of demand generation and customer loyalty to the educational services of AlmaU, creating a favourable image and association with the university, the formation of a positive image and increasing brand awareness of AlmaU.

PR activities are carried out at AlmaU in the following areas:

- Marketing support for activities to attract students and the formation of a student cohort;

- Development and implementation of advertising and PR measures to generate demand for educational services of AlmaU;

- Carrying out practical communication activities to inform consumers;

- Development of measures to further build and sustain educational services customer loyalty;

- Planning and organization of advertising and PR campaigns, preparation and placement of advertisements and PR stories in the media;

- Organizing and conducting marketing research;

- Search and development of new forms of communication and directions of advancement of educational services of AlmaU.

AlmaU places ads and PR articles in the following newspapers and magazines: "Panorama TV"; "Forbes KZ"; "Time"; "Kazakhstanskaya Pravda"; "Evening Almaty"; "MK Kazakhstan"; "Business World of Kazakhstan"; "Eurasia Air" [3, p.22].

Table 2 shows the structure of costs of PR-activity in 20112014 as a percentage [5, p. 13].


Cost structure for PR at the University in 2011-2014

Name 2011 2012 2013 2014

Newspapers and magazines 42,4 34,3% 26,0% 23,5%

TV, radio 10,5 21,7% 32,6% 34,7%

Printed products 22,8% 13,7% 16,9% 11,9%

Advertising in public places 1,6% 10,9% 10,2% 7,5%

Banners, T-shirts, badges and etc. 7,0% 9,3% 6,0% 14,7%

Reference books 5,6% 5,4% 4,4% 3,2%

Fairs 9,4% 4,9% 3,9% 4,5%

Total 100% 100% 100% 100%

Note - compiled by the authors on the basis of the financial statements of IE 'Almaty Man-agement University'

According to Table 2 most of the cost is spent on PR events on radio and television.

Trends in the development of PR activities at the University:

- The growth of marketing expenses in 2013 compared to 2011, nearly 1,5 times;

- Change in the ratio of communication channels - increase in the share of TV and radio, as well as souvenirs;

- Increase in the number of PR articles in the print media;

- Reduction of the share of the cost of printing products;

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- An increase in the costs of organizing and participating in exhibitions;

- Increase in the number of advertising newspapers and magazines (in 2011 - 9, in 2012 - 19).

Problems in the organization of PR-activities:

- The rise in prices in general to place advertisements in the media and advertising production;

- The high cost of advertising in the highly ranked media;

- Difficulties in analysing marketing activities of competitors (because of the absence or unavailability of information);

- Competitors copying marketing approaches of AlmaU;

- High activity of the competitors and the educational market uncertainty.

Features of the marketing activities of the University

1. The anniversary logo for the 25th anniversary of the University has been designed, which was used in all advertising products. The banners with anniversary logo have been placed in the buildings of the lyceum, college and university.

2. A new design of the anniversary edition of Kazakhstan Book of Records of Kazakhstani Information Encyclopaedic Directory has been developed.

3. Extension of the range of manufacturing corporate attributes - flags, tablecloth and banner of the University.

4. Production of commemorative souvenirs - T-shirts, caps, book covers, badges, pens, key chains, briefcases, mugs, notebooks, anniversary bags.

5. The issuance of commemorative booklet in Kazakh, Russian and English.

6. A corporate booth is developed for the first time ever.

7. The active PR campaign of AlmaU activities in the media, such as "Freshman party", "Miss AlmaU", "Presentation of diplomas", "Altyn Tamga", "Meeting with Nobel Laureates", Presentation of Kazakhstan Book of Records of Kazakhstani Information Encyclopaedic Directory.

8. PR scenes of jubilee events on television and in print media.

9. Sponsorship - weather forecasts on "Tan" TV channel, in the "Business World" magazine, the directory «SADU», the contest "Kinotavrik in Kazakhstan".

10. 10,000 school notebooks are produced with AlmaU logo on each page.

11. The results of student tenders are published in the journal "School Time" [3, p.23].

Innovations in marketing activity of the University

1) The use of new approaches in marketing activities:

- Advertising university, college and school in the network called 'Lift board';

- Simultaneous advertising output on 8 displays around the city;

- All halls of the Almaty airport (2 VIP-halls, local and international arrival, 2 departure halls) have been equipped with 40 shelves for a month;

- Advertising on «Autoradio» for all days during the technical break on other radio channels;

- Congratulations on the Independence Day, New Year and Nauryz;

- Placement of video clips with the AlmaU y anthem in Kazakh and Russian;

- Internet mailing for holiday greetings to schools in the city and the region.

2) PR shows on STV, magazines and newspapers for major events:

- 96 shows during the "5 minutes on..." TV programme;

- Publications in "Business World Kazakhstan", "Not an issue" magazines;

- Publications in "Time", "Evening Almaty", "Arguments and facts", "Kazpravda", "Egemendi Kazakhstan" newspapers.

3) Tele banner post on RTR.

Economic benefits received by the University from marketing

1. Discounts on advertising in the media for AlmaU:

• The TV channels "Tan", "Muzzon" - 25%;

• Internet, ICON - 10%;

• Kazpravda, Evening Almaty, TV Channel "Khabar" - 10%;

• TRK "Almaty" - 15%.

2. Production of 6 telebanners on 'Tan' TV channel in the amount of 90 thousand tenge.

3. The results of the contest 'I am a citizen of Kazakhstan' and "We are a healthy nation" were published in the "School Time" journal.

4. Bonus modules and PR articles in the newspaper called "Urgently re-quired" under the heading "Education" - 6 publications [3, p.24].


The main aim of the communication policy of IE 'Almaty Management University' is to develop and support sustainable positive image of AlmaU, creating an image of a progressive university.

Achieving this goal is possible through the implementation of targeted communication strategy based on the use of traditional and modern advertising and PR technologies.

PR Strategy of IE 'Almaty Management University'

Differentiation of the image of AlmaU from the major competitors and increase of its awareness among the target audience requires focused PR strategy. Its main purpose is to create a favorable public opinion about the University as a highly professional business, based on the high quality of educational services, the use of modern high-technology and teaching methods.

Implementation of the PR Strategy using the traditional of PR technologies involves the following major events [6, p.37].

1. Presentations in schools and colleges with the participation of the top management, faculty and students of the University, the use of methods of work with students in schools, gymnasiums and lyceums.

Audience: future students (graduates of schools and colleges of the current school year and previous years).

The content of the event: comprehensive information on the programmes offered at AlmaU and its competitive advantages in the form of mini-presentations for the graduating school students, distribution of booklets on specialties and placing ads on the Open Days at the school stands, carrying out surveys among students to collect personal data.

In addition, at this stage, the following initiatives should be used:

- Festive concerts in schools, lyceums, gymnasiums to promote the image of AlmaU;

- University lecturers visiting the parent-teacher meetings in schools for professional orientation work with parents;

- Enhanced outreach presentations at schools;

- Free Trial of complex testing in the university and schools;

- The organization of thematic evenings, competitions and quizzes.

An important component of the presentations quality is the organization of trainings to enhance sales techniques for individuals who work with the schools, which will allow them to establish lasting contact with potential applicants and to convey as much information about the competitive advantages of AlmaU.

2. Organization of relevant contests and competition in the area of "Marketing", "Management", "Finance", "Economy", "Accounting and Auditing" and other specialties.

Target audience: applicants (school and college graduates of the current school year and previous years).

The content of activities: contests and competitions in the disciplines and specialties that are in demand among students. Olympics held in several rounds in the form of testing, presentations, oral feedbacks. The purpose of competition is to promote the professions, to attract as many students from all schools in the city and Almaty area (oblast). The innovation is to conduct such competitions online.

3. Meetings with representatives of secondary institutions on the implemen-tation of the profile pre-university education and joint career guidance activities.

Target audience: directors and deputy directors at colleges and schools.

The content of activities: complete information about the educational ser-vices of AlmaU, the conclusion of cooperation agreements in the field of career guidance, the implementation of joint programs on specialty training. It is necessary to carry out annual meetings with the school principals and discuss in detail the activities of AlmaU, its merits, achievements, success and give away prizes to the schools administration that send out greatest number of applicants. Special trainings and seminars with the presentation of certificates should be organized for school deputy directors and teachers.

4. The organization of training courses and business classes on the economics-related specialties for the applicants

Target audience: students and their parents.

The content of activities: training courses for school students of senior classes in the form of training for the disciplines in which they pass the UNT, as well as organization of business classes to prepare them for the future economics- related specialty, arranging general presentation about AlmaU and for each specialty with the aim of providing comprehensive information on the programs offered at AlmaU in all modes of delivery; campus tours for students to get acquainted with AlmaU.

Thus, there will be a targeted preparation of future students willing to enter the Almaty Management University.

5. Meetings with representatives of embassies and international organiza-tion for students and the media.

The purpose of the event: meetings are held to inform students about the current situation in the economic and political spheres, exchange of views and discussions, as well as to cover these events in the media.

Result: strengthening the image of AlmaU as an educational structure with strong business ties not only on the Kazakhstani level, but also internationally; increased public awareness about the University on the education market.


One of the most important elements of AlmaU communication policy is the promotion of its brand. It is necessary to focus on the process of rebranding, which took place in the former International Academy of Business, now transforming itself into IE "Almaty Management University".

In the 2014-2015 academic year there was a survey conducted among graduating students and undergraduates. The main objective of this survey was to obtain the objective data on the graduates' perception of AlmaU after re-branding ("International Academy of Business" transformed into "Almaty Management University") during the period of study at the university. The survey contained 7 questions devoted to assessing the perception of the university students. The study included feedbacks from 100 students who agreed to participate in the survey [7, p.6].

Respondents noted that rebranding has a positive impact on the overall image of the university, bringing new meaning and positioning. Rebranding process involved full and unequivocal changes of the whole organizational structure, strategy and policy of the institution. Currently AlmaU has positioned itself as a new university aimed to preparing a new generation of leaders and generate new knowledge for dynamic societies and the global innovation economy [8, p. 3]. With the acquisition of a new name and status, the university has acquired a new image, the transformation means access to the new international level of development.

It is necessary to actively promote the new brand AlmaU to increase its awareness among young people, first and foremost, potential applicants and their parents, promote its educational services, improving the image and popularity of AlmaU. To do this, it is crucial to use both traditional and modern and innovative advertising and PR technologies, which will be set forth hereinafter.


In order to improve communication activities of AlmaU, the recommendations were developed for the use of modern advertising and PR technologies for more effective promotion of educational services of the university.

Modern advertising technologies in the activities of the University

To attract the attention of applicants, it is encouraged to use the following modern advertising technologies:

1) Cross-advertising;

2) advertising campaigns using QR-code;

3) advertising AlmaU on a hot-air balloon [9, p.45].

1. Cross-advertising

It is necessary to develop and strengthen cooperation with the International Centre of Education 'EDTECH' and jointly

implement cross-advertising. Administration and teachers of the International Centre of Education have developed a program for the training of school leavers to the Unified National Test (UNT). EDTECH program is a comprehensive approach to preparing school leavers for successful completion of the UNT on the school subjects.

Training is accompanied by psychosocial training, lessons on test passing techniques, career-oriented training. AlmaU has signed an agreement on cooperation with the International Centre of Education «EDTECH». Under this agreement AlmaU should provide complete information about AlmaU to school leavers studying in 'EDTECH', in order to attract them to the university. Instead, students of AlmaU in the course of career guidance in schools of Almaty and regions of Kazakhstan inform school leavers about opportunities offered at "EDTECH" in preparation for UNT.

It is appropriate to sign a contract with a company that provides services for learning foreign languages, in particular, Tamos Education School. Teachers from this company will teach at AlmaU and verbally advertise and promote Tamos Education for students of AlmaU. The AlmaU brand and educational programs will be promoted at the courses in Tamos Education via broadcast commercials about AlmaU on the lobby TV and word of mouth advertising by teachers of the school.

Since Tamos Education students will be proficient in English, the said advertising will help attract students to the English department in all specialties that are being offered at AlmaU.

Finally, it is proposed to use cross-advertising to promote AlmaU in the traditional fast foods, for example, in "KFC", "Hardee's" and "Mac Burger" fast food restaurants.

The golden rule of promotion is location, location, and once again location: the atmosphere of the communication channel should be fully consistent with the values of the brand and the lifestyle of the target audience [10, p.9]. Visitors and customers of fast food restaurants are teenagers; students aged 15 to 24 years, which helps reaching the target audience of AlmaU.

Since AlmaU collaborates with the Director-General of restaurant chain "KFC", "Hardee's" and "Mac Burger" Abdollah Hafez, AlmaU could enter into a contract with him for mutual advertising and sales promotion. The essence of cross-advertising is the following: these fast food restaurants offer a discount of 15-20% for AlmaU students upon presentation of their student ID cards. In return, AlmaU offers a 20% discount for employees of this company, which come or are enrolled to AlmaU MBA or master programs.

In addition, cooperation based on the provision of internship or graduate employment is possible, particularly for specialty "Restaurant and hotel management". In this case the University would provide a platform, i.e., classrooms and office equipment for seminars, corporate training, workshops for the staff of the restaurant chain, thus enhancing their skills.

The estimated cost of studying at MBA program in 20152016 academic year, was 1 325 000 tenge per year, and cost of master program is approximately 837 000 tenge [11, p.3]. Assuming that approximately 2 persons will be studying MBA and 3 persons studying master programme, the discount can be calculated. Accordingly, the total costs of the cross-advertising in fast food chain will be:

1325000x2x20%+ 837000x3x20% = 1032200 tenge per year.

2. The advertising campaign using QR-code

An advertising campaign is offered to promote the Almaty Management University using QR-code [12]. Mechanics is as

follows: encrypt each of the three words in a single QR-code, and place them at bus stops and near the schools around the city. Those who see the ad will have to download the free QR code reader and use it to decode these words. The terms are: the first 3 people who will solve all three words within five days, will receive prizes: 1st place - Apple Iphone, 2nd place - laptop, 3rd place - the tablet. The approximate value of all prizes is 700,000 tenge.

The purpose of the campaign is to attract attention of students (the target audience), popularization of AlmaU. The requirement is the age from 16 to 20 years. Information about the campaign is spread in a week through social media and through SMSdistribution.

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3. Advertising AlmaU on a hot-air balloon

Modern audience is spoiled, and it is difficult to surprise it with just a concert at a gala event. There should be not just a highlight, but some exotic. Therefore, advertisers organize large campaigns, grandiose and spectacular actions with the assistance of extraordinary items [13, p.337].

Effective means of outdoor advertising is the company logo on the hot-air balloon or a hot-air airship. Hot-air balloons are exclusive advertising medium by which clients will learn about ongoing promotions and bring in new customers. Advertising hot-air balloon and airship form people's loyalty to the brand through their emotional perception, contribute to the increase of sales of goods, sales of services and the company's market share [14].

The hot-air balloon floating in the sky attracts primarily by the fact that it creates a vivid image that stays long time in memory. Flying in a hot-air balloon is always an event, because it is an unforgettable action. That is why the hot-air balloons are increasingly being used as an element of a holiday show, which also represents a brand or a company. The hot-air balloon becomes active constituent element in the event marketing. The direct involvement of the audience in the campaign (photograph with a balloon, playing games, chatting with promoters, etc.) could leave a deep positive trace of the brand and in the formation and strengthening of the company's image.

Original advertising hot-air balloon can move slowly in the air, attracting the attention of all the people around them. Stable, almost static flight allows to constantly observing the advertising in the sky. In this case it is important to dress the crew in the corporate colors and symbols of the advertiser.

In this regard, it is proposed to launch hot-air balloons with the logo and advertise AlmaU in the Presidential Park during the festivities of school leavers in Almaty after the Last Call on May 25 and after the prom. Everything unusual, unconventional, original and creative is always cool for youngsters. Hotair balloon will decorate the festive event, will entertain the audience, create positive mood, and most importantly enhance the popularity and image of Almaty Management University in the eyes of potential applicants.

In addition, it is possible to raise the balloons in the air with symbols of AlmaU on festivities and mass events like the celebration of Nauruz, the City Day and other events happening on the city's New Republic Square.

The advantages of advertising with a hot-air balloon (or airship) are:

- Innovation;

- Progressive style and image;

- Environmental friendliness.

This advertising technique will symbolize the compound of activity, swiftness of a modern man with the idea of something beautiful and romantic, the formation of relevant associations with the brand of AlmaU; promotion of the best, new, stylish, advanced university as the personification of a reality, not just floating in the clouds.

The balloons glowing in the night sky is quite unusual scenery. It looks especially beautiful in the evening with the backlight. This bright picture, of course, attracts attention: after all, this is not a typical billboard, which stands on every corner. Therefore, a person who sees the AlmaU brand in unusual scenery will keep this impression in the memory.

AlmaU may enter into agreement on long-term cooperation with the Center for Aeronautics 'Halley'. When ordering a corporate hot-air balloon for AlmaU 'Halley's' will take care of it by offering comprehensive service. Hot-air ballooning Centre will consult, assist in delivering the balloon and organize its operation [14].

The cost of hot-air balloon advertising:

- Production of an advertising banner by color printing - 85 000 tenge;

- Working hours - 75 000 tenge;

- Storage and delivery - 35 000 tenge.

In view of the repeated use of the hot-air balloon, the total advertising costs will be approximately 345 000 tenge.

Modern PR technologies in the University activities

The following modern technologies are offered:

1) Online competition on social networks 'AlmaU - I love you';

2) flash mob at the Medeo ice rink;

3) AlmaU taking part in the 12th International PR-forum [15, p.18].

1. Online Competition "AlmaU - I love you" will be held among the students in the form of essay writing and posting on social networks to raise public awareness and cover the target audience [16]. The winners will be rewarded with special prizes: 1st place - a 20% discount off tuition fees for one-year study at AlmaU for the 2015-2016 academic year; 2nd place - a 15% discount; 3rd place - a 10% discount.

The purpose of the competition -is to create a wide resonance among young people of Kazakhstan and promote AlmaU and improve its image.

The prize fund cost, based on the average cost of the proposed tuition fee for the 2015-2016 academic year - 960 000 tenge per one academic year on all bachelor programmes of Russian track [11, p.3]. Costs for award winners will average about 432 000 tenge:

- 192 000 tenge for the 1st place;

- 144 000 tenge for 2nd place;

- 96 000 tenge for 3rd place.

2. Flash mob at the "Medeo" ice rink. Almaty Management University students gather on a mountain ice rink "Medeo", will stand in a certain order, thereby forming the acronym «AlmaU». This show will be recorded from the air. The video will be launched as a branding ad and will be broadcast in the metropolitan.

According to Multimediaservice LLP, the advertising in the metropolitan has the following characteristics:

- 120 monitors in the metropolitan;

- 4-5 monitors per train;

- audience of 25 000 people a day;

- movie comes out every 12 minutes (85 hits a day, 306 000 view per month);

- the cost of placement and broadcasting of a 10-second video is 382 500 tenge per month;

- discount for one-month advertising is 5% of the total cost [17].

It is advisable to place the advertising within 4 months from September to December 2015, i.e., since the beginning of the academic year, when the school leavers determine their future profession and look for the right university. Accordingly, the cost of a commercial display in metropolitan trains for 4 months, taking into account the 20% discount will amount to 1 224 000 tenge.

Flash mob will be held with the participation of AlmaU students, aerial filming from helicopter will be organized by «Breath time» company and will cost US $ 300 (for 5 minutes of footage), or 102950 tenge (at the rate of National Bank of Kazakhstan).

The cost of the flash mob and video rotation in metropolitan trains will be approximately 1 326 950 tenge:

- aerial filming from helicopter - 102950 tenge;

- video broadcast - 1 224 000 tenge.

3. AlmaU taking part in the 12th International PR-forum

The 12th International PR-forum will take place on May 2728, 2015 in Intercontinental Hotel, Almaty within the PR Days in Kazakhstan. It is the largest annual event in the PR industry in Kazakhstan, which has long established history and has become a landmark event in the communication industry of the

Note - compiled by the authors based on their own research

Thus, the final budget for all activities is approximately 3 636 150 tenge. Since the budget for marketing communications to promote AlmaU for 2016 is 20 million tenge, the cost of these measures will amount to 19,18 % of total spending on advertising and PR.

The proposed activities with the use of modern advertising and PR technologies are designed for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Ultimately, all the proposed modern advertising and PR technologies will contribute to the promotion and popularization of educational services offered at AlmaU, improvement of its image and competitiveness.


1. Zotova O. (2010), «Advertising technology as system-forming base for promoting marketing», News by Tula State University, (1/2), March 5, 2010: [URL: http://cyberleninka. ru/journal/n/izvestiya-tulskogo-gosudarstvennogo-universiteta-

country. This year's Forum was held with the support of ICCO (International Communications Consultancy Organization).

The organizers are PR Club of Kazakhstan PR professionals "PR-shy" with the support of the National Association of Public Relations of Republic of Kazakhstan and PG Communications agency. Over 11 years the PR forum was attended by more than 2 500 participants and 230 speakers from 9 countries. The total number of participants in 2015 was approximately 250 people [18].

Forum 2015 was devoted to the current trends and challenges in the communication industry, linked to external crises, the issue of trust in the institutions and brands, promotion of the country's anti-crisis technologies and development of new tools for online communication. As always, the brightest and most discussed cases of the last year and global market trends were presented to active discussion at the Forum.

AlmaU is advised to take part in the 12th International PR-forum. This will allow discussing the most urgent problems of modern business education, the development of the entrepreneurial university as a new format of universities, improvement of educational programs in accordance with the requirements of employers, introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process and implementation of start-ups.

Budget for advertising and PR activities to promote the University

The budget for the implementation of the proposed measures to promote AlmaU using modern advertising and PR technologies is presented in Table 3.


ekonomicheskie-i-yuridicheskie-nauki], accessed on March 5, 2010. (in Russian)

2. Official Website of NEI Almaty Management University, September 1, 2014: [URL: www.iab.kz], accessed on September 1, 2014 (in Russian)

3. Annual Reports of NEI Almaty Management University on 2011-2014 years (in Russian)

4. Duncan Thomas. Principles of Advertising & IMC, 2nd ed., Boston: McGraw Hill, 2005

5. Financial Reports of NEI Almaty Management University on 2011-2014 years (in Russian)

6. Vikentyev I. Advertising and PR methods. Part 1. St. Petersburg: "Business Press" publishing house, 2006. (in Russian)

7. Internal Documents of NEI Almaty Management University // Marketing Research in 2014-2015 academic year (in Russian)

8. The Development Strategy of NEI Almaty Management University for 2015-2020 years (in Russian)

The budget for carrying out the proposed activities, KZT

№ Description Total Expenses

1. Conducting cross-advertising in fast food 1О322ОО

2. Advertising campaign using QR-code 7ООООО

3. Advertising AlmaU on a hot-air balloon 345ООО

4. 'AlmaU - I love you' contest 432ООО

5. Flash mob at the ice rink 'Medeo' 132695О

Total: 383615О

9. Davletova M. «Modem advertising technologies» In Conference Proceedings of IV International science-to-practice conference "Innovation processes in economics, business and education", Almaty: University of International Business, 2007. (in Russian)

10. Vollmer C., Precourt G. Always on: Advertising, marketing and media in an era of consumer control. New York: McGraw Hill, 2008.

11. Internal Documents of NEI Almaty Management University // Cost of Education on Bachelor, Graduate Programs and MBA for 2015-2016 academic year (in Russian)

12. QR code (2013), Wikipedia, January 14, 2013: [URL: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR-Kog], accessed on January 14, 2013. (in Russian)

13. Oliver Jason D., Ashley Christy. "Creative Leader's Views on Managing Advertising Creativity." Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 20, 3 (2012): 335-48.

14. Advertising at hot-air aerostat in Almaty, Kazakhstan and worldwide, Centre of air travel "Gallea", May 15, 2013: [URL: http://www.aerostat.kz/reklama.html], accessed on May 15, 2013. (in Russian)

15. Filatova O. Technology and methods of PR promotion of information resources. Introductory course: Educational book. St. Petersburg: NRI ITMO, 2012. (in Russian)

16. Sazonova I. (2008), Virtual office as a part of image. PR technology in Internet, May 15, 2008: [URL: http://www. pr-club.com/techn_17_2.htm], accessed on May 15, 2008. (in Russian)

17. Official Website of LTD Multimediaservice, February 13, 2014: [URL: http://www.mms.kz/], accessed on 13 February, 2014. (in Russian)

18. PR Forum, January 5, 2015: [URL: http://and.kz/site/ event/127], accessed on January 5, 2015. (in Russian)


Дарибеков С.С.

к.э.н., доцент

Карагандинского Государственного Университета им. Е.А. Букетова

TREND OF LOANS SMALL AND MEDIUM BUSINESS IN KAZAKHSTAN Daribekov Serik Candidate of Science, associate professor of Buketov Karaganda State University


Данная статья посвящена тенденциям развития кредитования малого и среднего бизнеса в стране. Цель исследования состоит в исследовании теоретических и практических аспектов роли кредитования банков второго уровня в развитии предприятий малого и среднего бизнеса. В статье приведен анализ кредитования малого и среднего бизнеса по отраслям, по срокам, а так же в региональном разрезе. При разработке исследования и обосновании его теоретических выводов и положений использовались общенаучные методы: системный подход, позитивный и нормативный анализ.


This article focuses on trends in the development of lending to small and medium-sized businesses in the country. The purpose of research is to study the theoretical and practical aspects of the role of the lending banks of the second level in the development of small and medium-sized businesses. The paper presents an analysis of lending to small and medium-sized businesses by industry, by maturity, as well as in the regional context. In the development of research and substantiating his theoretical conclusions and positions used scientific methods: systematic approach, positive and normative analysis.

Ключевые слова: кредиты банковв экономике, субъектам малого предпринимательства Казахстана, предпринимательский сектор

Keywords: bank loans to the economy, to small businesses in Kazakhstan, the business sector


Одним из приоритетных направлений политики государства является поддержка субъектов предпринимательства, создание благоприятных условий для их развития. В своем Послании народу Казахстана «Стратегия «Казахстан-2050»: Новый политический курс состоявшегося государства» глава государства вновь отметил важность развития малого и среднего бизнеса. В стратегии «Казахстан-2050» предусматривается создание таких условий для развития малого и среднего бизнеса, чтобы каждый гражданин, который раньше только мечтал о собственном деле, смог стать предпринимателем. «Стать полноценным участником проводимых в стране экономических преобразований, а не ждать, что государство решит за него все проблемы», - как говорится в стратегии [1].

В настоящее время со стороны государства находят активную поддержку конструктивные инициативы общественных организаций предпри-нимателей, в обществе пропагандируется активная жизненная позиция каждого

предпринимателя в создании экономически развитого государства и повышении благосостояния граждан республики.

Тем не менее, малое предпринимательство в Казахстане продолжает испытывать серьезные трудности, для преодоления которых необходима последовательная работа, прежде всего, по дальнейшему совершенствованию законодательства, финансовой - кредитной поддержки малого бизнеса, повышению эффективности региональных программ развития малого и среднего бизнеса, по устранению административных барьеров и преодолению коррупции.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Основной задачей финансово-кредитной поддержки малого бизнеса является увеличение объемов инвестиций в сферу малого бизнеса как за счет увеличения объема кредитования из традиционных источников - банков второго уровня, так и путем развития альтернативных источников инвестиций - микрокредитных организаций и кредитных товариществ, максимального привлечения частных инвестиционных ресурсов, внедрения прогрессивных форм инвестиционной политики.

i Надоели баннеры? Вы всегда можете отключить рекламу.