Научная статья на тему 'The role of marketing communications in the company'

The role of marketing communications in the company Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Tolmachev Alexey Vasilievich, Elagina Anastasia Sergeevna, Byzova Vasilisa Evgenievna

The article analyzes marketing communications and the role, that its play in the organization. And also it considers the mechanisms of integration of new methods for effective work in the process of company promotion taking into account modern trends. The tasks that must be observed within the company to fulfill the main modern goals of the organization are considered, and as a result, its promotion to the leading positions, and then retention of its status in the world market. The possibilities of various places for marketing communications, and, consequently, the purposes of their main activities are taken into account.

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В статье рассматривается маркетинговые коммуникации и выполняемая ими роль в организации. А также механизмы интеграции новых методов для эффективной работы в процессе продвижения компании с учётом современных тенденций. Рассматриваются задачи, которые должны соблюдаться в рамках компании для выполнения основных современных целей организации, и как следствие продвижение её на лидирующие позиции, а далее удержание своего статуса на мировом рынке. Учитываются возможности различных мест реализации маркетинговых коммуникаций, следовательно, и целей их основной деятельности.

Текст научной работы на тему «The role of marketing communications in the company»



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Tolmachev A.V. , Elagina A.S. , Byzova V.E. (Russian Federation) Email: Tolmachev432@scientifictext.ru

1Tolmachev Alexey Vasilievich - Professor, Doctor of Economics, DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING; 2Elagina Anastasia Sergeevna - Student; 3Byzova Vasilisa Evgenievna - Student, DIRECTION MANAGEMENT, FACULTY OF ECONOMICS, KUBAN STATE AGRARIAN UNIVERSITY, KRASNODAR

Abstract: the article analyzes marketing communications and the role, that its play in the organization. And also it considers the mechanisms of integration of new methods for effective work in the process of company promotion taking into account modern trends. The tasks that must be observed within the company to fulfill the main modern goals of the organization are considered, and as a result, its promotion to the leading positions, and then retention of its status in the world market. The possibilities of various places for marketing communications, and, consequently, the purposes of their main activities are taken into account.

Keywords: marketing communications, company, clients, purpose, product, market, marketing, specialists.


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Толмачев А.В. , Елагина А.С. , Вызова В.Е. (Российская Федерация)

1 Толмачев Алексей Васильевич - профессор, доктор экономических наук, кафедра управления и маркетинга; 2Елагина Анастасия Сергеевна - студент; 3Бызова Василиса Евгеньевна - студент, направление: менеджмент, экономический факультет, Кубанский государственный аграрный университет, г. Краснодар

Аннотация: в статье рассматривается маркетинговые коммуникации и выполняемая ими роль в организации. А также механизмы интеграции новых методов для эффективной работы в процессе продвижения компании с учётом современных тенденций. Рассматриваются задачи, которые должны соблюдаться в рамках компании для выполнения основных современных целей организации, и как следствие продвижение её на лидирующие позиции, а далее удержание своего статуса на мировом рынке. Учитываются возможности различных мест реализации маркетинговых коммуникаций, следовательно, и целей их основной деятельности. Ключевые слова: маркетинговые коммуникации, компания, клиенты, цель, товар, рынок, маркетинг, специалисты.

In any company, marketing communication has become indispensable in recent times. For the successful development of the company, higher-quality and efficiently established

marketing communications with partners and consumers, higher authorities and competitors are needed. The role of marketing communications is not without the designated purpose of this activity. Thus, the main goals of marketing communication in the company are: complete, reliable, adequate and current information delivery to customers and customers about goods, works and services; maximally convincing, intriguing and unobtrusive convictions of the client that visiting this particular company, store, premises for him is the most profitable option and it is very interesting and tempting; prompting the buyer to take action, i.e. obtaining information about buying, visiting, viewing advertising. To achieve these basic goals, marketing communications are used. Their role in this case is extremely important, since communication, being the process of transferring information from one object to another, has a strong incentive effect [1, p. 6].

For successful work in the market, the company must deliver its marketing messages to any places where it is possible to contact the target audience with its trademark. The places of realization of such contacts can be very different: from the store directly selling the goods, to the room in which the buyer can see commercials on TV or call a "hot" telephone line and get the information that interests him. Marketing specialists can plan in advance some types of contacts, for example, arising during the advertising campaign, but sometimes the contacts take place regardless of the plans developed. Such unplanned contacts can occur as a result of the dissemination of certain information received by customers. In particular, the general design of a trading company can unequivocally say that it trades only in inexpensive goods, and a low level of service will indicate that the firm takes little care of the interests of customers. To have the greatest effect on the target audience, the company should consider the problem of possible contacts with the consumer as an important part of its marketing program. To successfully implement the latter, it is necessary that the marketing appeal at each contact point works to convince the buyer of the merits of the proposed product [2, p. 3]. The effectiveness of advertising, holding of actions and exhibitions, the distribution of advertising leaflets, constant updating and improvement of press releases has long been proven.

The main achievement of recent years in the field of marketing communications has been the deep integration of all kinds of communication with clients in various forms. The combination of all possible means and methods of marketing communication will bring the maximum effect, allowing the company not only to fulfill its intended goals, but also to realize the mission chosen in its field of activity. Communication of a marketing nature is especially important today, when the political, economic and social spheres undergo daily changes. Qualitative, competently prepared and implemented marketing communications is a necessary condition for the effective existence and prosperity of the company in an imminent competitive environment [3, p. 9].

References in English / Список литературы на английском языке

1. Tolmachev A.V. Upravlenie organizaciej (predprijatiem): ucheb. Posobie [Management of an organization (enterprise): textbook] / Tolmachev A.V., Ivanova I.G. Krasnodar, 2016. [in Russian].

2. Tolmachev A.V., Ivanova I.G. K voprosu podgotovki menedzherov proizvodstva. [To the issue of training production managers] // V sbornike: kachestvo sovremennyh obrazovatelnyh uslug - osnova konkurentnosposobnosti vuza sbornik statej po materialam mezhfakultetskoj uchebno-metodicheskoj konferencii [In the collection: The quality of modern educational services - the basis for the competitiveness of the university collection of articles on the materials of the inter-faculty educational and methodological conference] Responsible for the release of MV Shatalov, 2016. S. 472-474 [in Russian].

3. Ivanova I.G., Sharapova T.N. Filosofija upravlenija personalom organizazsii [Philosophy of personnel management of the organization.] // V sbornike: Trud i soszialno-trudovye otnoshenija: sovremennaja teorija, metodologija i praktika sbornik nauchnyh trudov po materialam I mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii [In the collection: Labor and Social and Labor Relations: Modern Theory, Methodology and Practice, a collection of scientific papers on the basis of the I International Scientific and Practical Conference], 2016. P. 25-34 [in Russian].

References / Список литературы

1. Толмачев А.В. Управление организацией (предприятием): учеб. пособие / Толмачев А.В., Иванова И.Г. Краснодар, 2016.

2. Толмачев А.В., Иванова И.Г. К вопросу подготовки менеджеров производства. / В сборнике: Качество современных образовательных услуг - основа конкурентоспособности вуза сборник статей по материалам межфакультетской учебно-методической конференции. Ответственный за выпуск М.В. Шаталова, 2016. С. 472-474.

3. Иванова И.Г., Шарапова Т.Н. Философия управления персоналом организации. / В сборнике: Труд и социально-трудовые отношения: современная теория, методология и практика сборник научных трудов по материалам I международной научно-практической конференции, 2016. С. 25-34.

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