Научная статья на тему 'Application of innovative technologies in the management of conditions to increase the competitiveness of the company'

Application of innovative technologies in the management of conditions to increase the competitiveness of the company Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
innovative technology / expertise / management / competitiveness / manager / staff motivation / инновационные технологии / компетенции / управление / конкурентоспособность / руководитель / персонал / мотивация

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Грузина Юлия Михайловна

Тhe necessity of the application of innovative technologies in the enterprise human resource management to ensure a high level of competitiveness.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Application of innovative technologies in the management of conditions to increase the competitiveness of the company»

Application of innovative technologies in the management of conditions to increase the competitiveness of the company Grusina Y. (Russian Federation)

Применение инновационных технологий управления в условиях повышения конкурентоспособности фирмы Грузина Ю. М. (Российская Федерация)

Грузина Юлия Михайловна / Grusina Yulia - доцент, кафедра экономики организации,

Финансовый университет при Правительстве Российской Федерации, г. Москва

Abstract: the necessity of the application of innovative technologies in the enterprise human resource management to ensure a high level of competitiveness.

Аннотация: в статье обосновывается необходимость применения на предприятии инновационных технологий управления человеческими ресурсами для обеспечения высокого уровня конкурентоспособности.

Keywords: innovative technology, expertise, management, competitiveness, manager, staff motivation.

Ключевые слова: инновационные технологии, компетенции, управление, конкурентоспособность,

руководитель, персонал, мотивация.

Russia's current stage of development is characterized by innovation of economic growth, modernization of manufacturing, developing and using the newest technologies, integrating results of scientific research etc. [2]. Directors of enterprises face the problem of competing to provide the highest quality in their services.

Solving these problems will require implementing innovative managerial approaches, using (applied) working with the staff, intellectual potential, and knowledge of the directions of modern scientific and technological advances. The director plays the main role as the link through which all activities are carried out, and the link through which all modern problems of management are solved. We can name the following problems:

Firstly, every day new issues appear requiring action. In this case, the director often primarily uses habitual methods that have already brought success in the past. There is a danger here of using an old solution to a problem, which can be ineffective in a new situation.

Secondly, the problem of a lack of time. In real life, director often has to encounter the situation, when lump of problems grows constantly, as the subordinates, partners, rivals, authorities pose new tasks and thus huge flows of information fall upon the director, that leads him under stress, constant fear to forget something or miss the time and not to make the right or the appropriate decision. Symptoms of chronic lack of time are the following- nervousness, irritability, loss of ability to set priorities among arising tasks and problems.

Thirdly, loyalty of staff. It is known that the key to the effective functioning of the entire company and also the key to the competitiveness is the right managing subordinates. However sometimes the director has to redo subordinates’ job, remove shortcomings, rebuild organized management structure, change the rules of the game and the other things. Sometimes one has to put up with that or look for new ideal subordinates. But it is better to keep going the path of raising your management qualification and achieve the highest results, managing the ordinary people, you worked with previously. The fact is that behavior of 80% of subordinates entirely depends on the director’s operative management.

Therefore there are a lot of questions like: «How can we make the subordinates to work better?», «How can we convert the desire to make more money to desire to work harder?» and many other things. These questions often occur to business leaders. Business success depends on whether the subordinates want to look for and find the optimal decisions or they will try to make excuses, what is better for them. This is a huge part that provides the success of the entire business.

The problem escalates because of the fact that it is important to take into account the motivation problems, because the problems we face in the labor market are: the lack of professionals, sharp upturn in salaries and some other costs of production.

All the problems that have been described above can be solved in practice much easier if there is an opportunity of the right using of the managerial competence. To manage effective, one has to know its strong and weak points, be able to diagnose these points and come up with the effective solutions to improve the strengths and nullify your weaknesses.

The work experience of directors of leading enterprises (in their particular areas) clearly demonstrates that they use the resource of rising of competitiveness of the organization effectively and this resource is connected to the management competence of the director.

«Providing of competitiveness of the company» is considered as the competent management of set strategic and tactical factors of rising of the effectiveness, the stability of functioning of the system - companies, enterprises [3]. Competitiveness is provided by the high level of competence, personal qualities, innovative and motivating potential of the entire staff and first of all, by the competence and personal qualities of the director.

Managerial competence of the director to increase competitiveness of the enterprise is defined as the complex of components:

- Managerial decisions: development and effective integration.

The leader(director) has to increase the accuracy of managerial decisions, get rid of outdated and unreasonably-subjected approaches. Director has to master rational and modern practical methods to choose the optimal ones from the variety of decisions. Director has to involve the subordinates into the process of elaboration of solutions, that decreases their resistance to innovations and rises their interest;

- time-management: how to manage your own time.

The director has to avoid rush job and stresses, related to a chronic lack of time. Instead of trying to be in time in a constantly growing stream, it is necessary to learn how to distinguish primary from secondary and then to prioritize to focus on own efforts and actions of subordinates. It helps to increase the controllability of the organized structure and also satisfaction from the working process and the results;

- job presentation: director should create convincing and laconic documents, that will surely be read with attention, director should master the technologies of creating convincing and interesting presentations, that would illustrate;

- staff management. In this part it is important to learn how to rationally plan the operative job both for yourself and for subordinates, state goals and task’s content, related to strategic plans of the enterprise, it’s also important to effectively delegate the required scope of work to subordinates, adjust the flexible system of coordination of execution and organize the accurate control under the intermediate stages and the final result. Trying to reduce the total amount of mistakes that subordinates make, directors have to concentrate their efforts on important key components of business and also they identify the optimal interpersonal distance between them and the subordinates, get rid of stress and increase their psychological stability, providing calm and balanced condition;

- motivation management: the director must know basic principles of «motivational keys» and principles of their combined using for building the optimal motivational system. Director has to understand the methods that primarily must be used to advance subordinate skills, the director must have a vision of applying certification and diagnostic techniques to strengthen the effect from education and to increase motivation to self-development in the right direction for the enterprise.

Director’s managerial competence also depends on the skill to interview and estimate the factors of motivation for each particular subordinate. This state is a very important factor of competence [1].

Director should have particular persistence, that is characterized by overconfident and pushing aspiration to achieve strategic goals and also has qualities such as determination and persistency, in particular:

- To be determined even under pressure, persistent and thorough while expounding the thoughts, be very self- confident, do not pay much attention to the obstacles.

- It is necessary to stick to certain opinions, to be determined to be heard, the ability to turn back in case of sharp criticism.

- The ability to delay the decision, if there are any doubts, but have a strong opinion on important questions, to be aimed at compromise, quick recovery from failures;

- to avoid making quick decisions, to play the role of impartial coordinator rather than advance the own ideas;

- to have the ability to be illogical in views, to follow the group, let the critical comments to stop you when needed. To manage the staff effectively directors have to use different instruments. Among the instruments of operative management under conditions of competitiveness must exist the description of factors of competence:

- the structure of competency determines the demands to factors of competence, which cover all the key works in organization or all the works in the job family. The structure consists of general factors of competence;

- the map of competence describes different aspects or categories of competent behavior in profession, in opposition to such aspects of competence as strategic abilities, resource management and quality;

- the profile of competence describes the aspects of competence, required for effective execution of certain duties, such as communication, results-orientation, teamwork, analytical skills, planning skills, flexibility and etc.

All these basic moments, related to the management of organization and aimed at providing of clear and organized functioning of the whole collective, intended to realize the strategic goals in practice, must attend in practice of forming of human potential in every organization. And the ability to use it rationally would definitely let achieve high indexes of manufacturing and will bring certain competitive advances. If the leaders of enterprises and their staff management services will acquire the modern instruments of forming and using of human potential, at that time the problem of building the relationships and promoting of the organization will be solved much more effectively.


1. Armstrong M. The practice of human resource management. Saint Petersburg, 2007. 832 p. (rus).

2. Grusina Y. M. The development of the system of higher education for training of businessmen in Russia: competences and qualifications in a sourcebook of the International Scient ific Congress «Fundamental and applied problems of effective entrepreneurship under the conditions of economic globalization». Moscow, 2013. 27 p. (rus).

3. Fathutdinov R. A. Competitiveness management of the organization. Moscow, 2005. 544 p. (rus).

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