APPLICATION OF INFORMATION COMPUTER TECHNOLOGIES IN TEACHING GRAMMAR IN ENGLISH CLASS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
information technologies / foreign language / method / teaching / grammar / skills / информационные технологии / иностранный язык / методика / обучение / грамматика / навыки

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — S.T. Bakieva, M.T. Nasyrova, A.Sh. Apzhaparova

Today, among such a variety of methods and forms of teaching a foreign language, it is important for teachers to choose the most appropriate one to meet the requirements stated in the new generation educational standard. The use of information and communication technologies, characterized by high communicative ability and active inclusion of students in learning activities, contributes to adaptation to modern social conditions, because society needs people who quickly orient themselves in the modern world, initiative and independence. The article studies the methodology of using information technologies for the formation of grammatical skills of a foreign language.

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Сегодня, среди такого разнообразия методов и форм обучения иностранному языку, учителю важно выбрать наиболее подходящий, отвечающий требованиям, заявленным в образовательном стандарте нового поколения. Использование информационных технологий, характеризующихся высокими коммуникативными способностями и активным включением учащихся в учебную деятельность, способствует адаптации к современным социальным условиям, так как обществу нужны люди, быстро ориентирующиеся в современном мире, инициативные и самостоятельные. В статье исследуется методика использования информационных технологий для формирования грамматических навыков иностранного языка.




S.T. Bakieva1, Senior Lecturer

M.T. Nasyrova2, Lecturer

A.Sh. Apzhaparova1, Lecturer

1Osh State University

2Kyrgyz-Uzbek International University

(Kyrgyzstan, Osh)


Abstract. Today, among such a variety of methods and forms of teaching a foreign language, it is important for teachers to choose the most appropriate one to meet the requirements stated in the new generation educational standard. The use of information and communication technologies, characterized by high communicative ability and active inclusion of students in learning activities, contributes to adaptation to modern social conditions, because society needs people who quickly orient themselves in the modern world, initiative and independence. The article studies the methodology of using information technologies for the formation of grammatical skills of a foreign language.

Keywords: information technologies, foreign language, method, teaching, grammar, skills.

In teaching a foreign language, it is necessary to take into account the importance of each aspect of a given language and utilize its "special contribution to a holistically communicative-oriented learning system". It is impossible to separate grammar from speech, without grammar is not conceivable to master any form of speech, because grammar is the material basis of speech. Grammar has an organizing role.

The grammatical side of language represents syntactic regularities of organization of texts and words, syntagms and sentences, word and form formation. Providing the formation of oral and written communication skills, grammar is of paramount practical importance in teaching any foreign language [1].

Recently, the issue of applying new information and communication technologies in teaching a foreign language has been raised more often. It is not only new technical means, but also innovative teaching methods, modern approach to the learning process. It is important to note that the main goal of teaching foreign languages is the formation and development of communicative culture of students.

One of the main goals of foreign language teaching is the formation of foreign language communicative competence in all its various

components (linguistic, speech, socio-cultural, compensatory, educational and cognitive), necessary for communication in social and professional spheres. Therefore, the use of information technologies in teaching a foreign language will be aimed at the development of speech skills (listening, reading, speaking, writing), language skills (grammatical, lexical, phonetic) and the formation of socio-cultural and intercultural competence.

The task of a modern teacher is to create conditions of practical language acquisition for each student, to choose teaching methods that would allow each student to show his or her activity and creativity [2]. The use of new information technologies and Internet resources helps to implement a personality-oriented approach in teaching, provides individualization and differentiation of teaching taking into account the peculiarities of students, their level of learning, abilities, etc.

At all times, grammar as the most important aspect of language, providing the formation of oral and written communication skills, has been at the center of scientific disputes, discussions about its place, role and importance in teaching foreign languages.

The history of foreign language teaching methodology proves that the attitude to grammar has never been unambiguous, and it

has determined the specifics of the approach, method and technique of teaching. At the same time, the role assigned to grammatical theory was either exaggerated, for example, in the times of the grammar-translation method, or underestimated or excluded altogether, for example, in direct methods.

The goals and objectives of teaching grammar are to give students practical skills in all the main types of speech activity. The ability to combine words competently, to change word combinations depending on what needs to be said at a given moment is one of the most important conditions for using language as a means of communication.

In order to form grammatical skills and abilities correctly, it is necessary to observe a number of principles: speech orientation, functionality, situationality, role organization of the learning process, novelty, personal orientation of communication, collective interaction. Satisfaction of these principles will allow students to form grammatical skills and abilities correctly.

The formation of grammatical skill is carried out in stages: preparatory, elementary, combining stages, the stage of systematizing generalization and inclusion of grammatical skills in speech activity. Each of these stages has its own task, at the fulfillment of which the grammatical skill will be formed.

Information technology is an important tool for the formation of communicative universal learning actions. For this purpose they are used:

- sharing hypermedia messages;

- presentation with audio-visual support;

- recording the progress of collective/personal communication;

- communication in a digital environment (e-mail, chat, videoconference, forum, blog) [3].

The following types of lessons are distinguished according to the way use of information technologies in teaching grammar:

1. A traditional lesson on a topic in which information technology is used to present new information, to consolidate what has been taught, to practise learning skills, to repeat, to practise knowledge and skills, to summarize and systematize knowledge or even to control knowledge.

2. Integrated lesson. For example, to this type of lesson can be attributed the integration of informatics or chemistry.

3. Preparation of presentations on specific grammar topic, messages. Working with Internet resources. Pupils should be trained in the correct use of search engines without excessive expenditure of time.

4. Project activities. The use of information technology in this activity is a form of presentation of material that activates listeners and reflects the structure of the presentation.

5. E-mail correspondence is a way to establish intercultural connections and break stereotypes.

6. A multimedia school lecture includes a demonstration displayed on a screen using a projector [4].

Nowadays there are a lot of training programs accompanied by methodical material for the teacher. Of course, each program has some shortcomings, but the very fact of their existence shows that they are in demand and have undoubted value. Let's list some of them:

FluentU - its' innovative teaching method is based on the use of non-adapted English videos: movie trailers, music videos of public performances and other videos that are turned into personalized English lessons.

Duolingo - is one of the most popular language apps, and for good reason. Each exercise uses translation, listening and speaking, so you practice different aspects of the language at the same time.

Grammarly Keyboard - is a special application for the Android platform that helps the user to type text by suggesting grammatically correct variants. The application works with texts you write on the Internet: social network posts, e-mail texts and so on. If you have to write a lot, or you just want all your texts to be grammatically perfect, this app will definitely come in handy. Grammarly Keyboard will not only help you write English without mistakes; the app analyzes where and why you make mistakes and helps you not to repeat such mistakes in the future. By showing each of your mistakes, the app explains which rule is broken and how to correct it.

English Grammar Book by TalkEnglish

- This is a free and very detailed app that resembles a classic grammar book, which we highly recommend to all beginners. With more than 138 grammar topics, the app has a high popularity rating among users.

English Grammar Test by SevenLynx -This app is ideal for those who have reached intermediate and upper-intermediate levels. You will find approximately 1200 exercises and 60 tests in the app. The lessons are divided into two levels. In order to advance to the second level, you need a certain number of points to ensure that you are confident with the material and ready to move on to more advanced grammar topics.

English Grammar Ultimate by Maxlogix

- An excellent app that can be used as a grammar guide. It covers a wide variety of grammar topics in detail with definitions, examples and test questions. Among the topics you will find in the app are auxiliary verbs, direct and indirect speech, numerals, plurals, capitalization rules, and much more. It also covers specific difficult cases, such as when to use "must" and when to use "have to".

Learn English Grammar by the British Council - The British Council is the undisputed authority on English language learning. This free English grammar app is designed specifically for those who want to improve their literacy, regardless of their language level. The app features 25 large grammar topics, over 600 exercises and over 1000 test exercises, many of which are unique and help the user to memorize basic grammatical phenomena quickly and effectively [5].

While applying all the above mentioned educational programs the teacher should follow the following methodological principles:

- conceptualization: a scientific concept including psychological and socio-pedagogical justification of achieving educational goals;

- systemic: the presence of all attributes of a system (logical construction of the process, interrelation of all its parts, integrity);

- effectiveness: guarantee of results that meet educational standards;

- flexibility: the possibility of varying the content to ensure comfort and freedom of interaction between teachers and students, taking into account the specific conditions of pedagogical activity;

- dynamism: the possibility of development or transformation of the technology used;

- reproducibility: possible use of the technology reproducibility: the possible use of the technology by other teachers in the same educational institution or in another one [6].

Today there is a huge variety of forms of multimedia products developed for pedagogical purposes, in particular for teaching grammar in a foreign language to high school students. The teacher's task is to choose the right information technology for his/her work, taking into account the principles of working with grammatical material, the principles of working with computers, as well as the age needs of students. In case of correctly chosen means of information technology, the teacher will facilitate the learning process on his part and increase the interest of students in learning the grammar of a foreign language.


1. Bim I.L. Some actual problems of organization of foreign language teaching // Foreign language in shk. - 2001. - № 2.

2. Passov, E.I., Fundamentals of the methodology of teaching foreign languages. - M.: "Pros-veshchenie", 1977. - 345 p.

3. Polat, E.S. Internet at foreign language lessons // Foreign languages at school. languages at school. - 2001. - № 2. - P. 13-15.

4. Tkachev V.O. Application of computer technologies at English language lessons // AYASH. - 2005. - № 3. - P. 60-64.

5. Halliday M.A.K. An Introduction to Functional Grammar. - London: Arnold, 1985. -385 p.

6. Penny, Ur. A Course in Language Teaching: Practice of Theory. - Cambridge University Press, 1996. - 389 p.


С.Т. Бакиева1, старший преподаватель М.Т. Насырова2, преподаватель А.Ш. Апжапарова1, преподаватель 1Ошский государственный университет

2Кыргызско-Узбекский международный университет им. Батыралы Сыдыкова (Кыргызстан, г. Ош)

Аннотация. Сегодня, среди такого разнообразия методов и форм обучения иностранному языку, учителю важно выбрать наиболее подходящий, отвечающий требованиям, заявленным в образовательном стандарте нового поколения. Использование информационных технологий, характеризующихся высокими коммуникативными способностями и активным включением учащихся в учебную деятельность, способствует адаптации к современным социальным условиям, так как обществу нужны люди, быстро ориентирующиеся в современном мире, инициативные и самостоятельные. В статье исследуется методика использования информационных технологий для формирования грамматических навыков иностранного языка.

Ключевые слова: информационные технологии, иностранный язык, методика, обучение, грамматика, навыки.

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