This article provides information on the effectiveness of the use of ICT in education and its importance for quality education. ICT has a special place as an object that increases the ability of teachers and students to explain and understand the lesson. It is one of the most convenient technologies for explaining complex topics to students.
Keywords: ICT, presentation, online education, internet resources, independent learning.
One of the indicators of mastering the basic curriculum of basic general education on demand today is the formation and development of competence in the use of information and communication technologies. Referring to the professional standard of a teacher, according to him, the necessary skills of a general education teacher include:
a) use of modern educational technologies, including information, as well as digital educational resources;
b) know the basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment.
Today, in all forms of education, it is difficult for a teacher not to acquire new knowledge: to keep pace with the times, to teach students in a modern way using modern teaching technologies, not to lag behind in the profession have to fight for. The second option of the development of events is unacceptable, that is, the teacher should try to master ICT through self-education, training courses, communication with colleagues, so that they can be used successfully in the classroom. Now let's answer the important question: "How to improve students' ICT effectiveness in computer science and technology classes?" The increase in the mental load of students in the study of the lesson forces us to think about maintaining children's interest in the science being studied, encouraging activity during the lesson. It is advisable to use ICT technologies to solve this problem. The new textbooks allow to integrate information and communication technologies, personality-oriented technologies with creative and exploratory methods. The main ICT tool of any educational system is a personal computer, whose software (MS Office Word, Excel, Power Point, Microsoft Publisher)
Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022—5.016) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id—22257
Yusupali Esonali o'g'li Minamatov
Teacher at the Fergana Polytechnic Institute
Maftunaxon Hayrullo qizi Nasirdinova
School No. 26, Quva district, Fergana region, Teacher in Computer Science and Information Technology
Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22257
significantly expands the scope of the lesson or lesson to the teacher, making it more interesting allows The most common forms of using ICT in the learning process are: creating presentations, working with an interactive whiteboard, Internet resources, curricula, including copyright, and more.
Information technology can be used at different stages of the lesson:
- independent education in the absence or denial of teacher activity;
- partial replacement (selective use of additional material);
- use of diagnostic and control materials;
- perform independent and creative tasks at home;
- use of programs that simulate experimental and laboratory work;
- use of games and entertainment programs;
- use of information and reference programs.
Since the visual-figurative components of thinking play an important role in human life, applying them to the study of science using ICT increases the effectiveness of learning. There are complex processes in physics and technology research that cannot be explained without ICT. There is a need to model thermal processes and their modeling processes based on the studied cases.
Teachers can develop their knowledge through online learning. With the help of presentation support, it is easy to design unexpected moments in the lesson, use animation modules to solve problems on ready-made drawings. The use of presentation allows students to engage in activities, resulting in a process of self-formation of concepts. By looking at the finished drawings, the children see the patterns, make assumptions, and prove the features. The experience of independently searching for new knowledge is very important for students. It is well known that distance education plays an important role in human life, so distance self-education should be taught to children. One such virtual platform for student self-education is the "Virtual Tutoring" section, where teachers post learning materials. In addition to traditional control and measurement materials to monitor knowledge in the classroom, you can use specially designed multimedia presentations, training and control tests: www.abt.uz. The computer offers the student an assignment, if the student answers correctly, the word "well done" is displayed on the screen and a new assignment is given, if the answer is incorrect, the computer error shows and asks to repeat. That is, the student receives a new task after completing the previous one. This allows each student in the class to work at their own pace. The results show that the use of information technology in the classroom and in extracurricular activities expands the creative potential of teachers and students, increases interest in science, encourages students to learn more serious topics in the sciences, which leads to increased mastery. will come.
Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22257
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