Научная статья на тему 'Appearance of the musicial soore of the play'

Appearance of the musicial soore of the play Текст научной статьи по специальности «Искусствоведение»

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Oriental Art and Culture
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Ключевые слова
Musical theater actor / drama actor / diploma performance / study / acting / stage / mise and scene / diction / Мусиқа театр актёри / драма актёри / диплом спектакли / этюд / пьеса / актёрлик маҳорати / саҳна / мезансахна / дикция

Аннотация научной статьи по искусствоведению, автор научной работы — Adil Zammadinov

Musical theater actors have a great responsibility. Because they are not entering into a dramatic situation must perform arias, duets and continue the story.

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Мусиқий театр актёрлари зиммасига эса бу борада кўпроқ масъулият юкланади. Негаки улар драматик холатдан чиқмаган холда ариялар, дуэтлар ижро этишлари ва воқеалар ривожини давом эттириши керак. Бевосита роль ижро этишга келсак, юқорида таъкидлаб ўтганимиздек, маҳорат мактаби асосига биринчи курсда тамал тоши қўйилади

Текст научной работы на тему «Appearance of the musicial soore of the play»

'Oriental Art and Culture" Scientific-Methodical Journal - (3) III/2020

ISSN 2181-063X


Adil Zammadinov

Nukus branch of Uzbekistan state institute of arts and culture

Abstract: Musical theater actors have a great responsibility. Because they are not entering into a dramatic situation must perform arias, duets and continue the story.

Keywords: Musical theater actor, drama actor, diploma performance, study, acting, stage, mise and scene, diction.


Адиль Заммадинов УзДСМИ Нукус филиали

Аннотация: Мусиций театр актёрлари зиммасига эса бу борада купроц масъулият юкланади. Негаки улар драматик холатдан чицмаган холда ариялар, дуэтлар ижро этишлари ва воцеалар ривожини давом эттириши керак. Бевосита роль ижро этишга келсак, юцорида таъкидлаб утганимиздек, мауорат мактаби асосига биринчи курсда тамал тоши цуйилади.

Калит сузлар: Мусица театр актёри, драма актёри, диплом спектакли, этюд, пьеса, актёрлик мауорати, сауна, мезансахна, дикция


Адиль Заммадинов Нукусский филиал Узбекского государственного института искусств и культуры

Аннотация: Актеры музыкального театра несут большую

ответственность. Потому что они не входя в драматическую ситуацию должны исполнять арии, дуэты и продолжать историю.

Ключевые слова: Актер музыкального театра, актер драмы, дипломный спектакль, этюд, актерское мастерство, сцена, мезансцена, дикция.

In the subject of acting skills in theatrical art, it is ended with playing on the stage of the diploma performance during 8th semester, 4th course. In order to reaching excellent work, it is important to show the idea through the play which



'Oriental Art and Culture" Scientific-Methodical Journal - (3) III/2020

ISSN 2181-063X

author wants. A play, film, videofilm consisted the set of “etudes”. They include 5 event components as performance:

First component: the starter event of the etude, it begins before etude when the curtains opened, it appears on the stage from the final component;

Second component: The main event begins, after the evaluating process of it;

Third component: the culmination begins;

Fourth component: the final of the etude;

Fifth component: Main event and etude is ended.

To be understandable, let's see the sequence through geometric drawing.


1. The initial event;

2. Main event;

3. Culmination;

4. Final;

5. Basic event.

When etude birth based on exercises, loads of things can be unknown to the teacher and student yet. Therefore, in order to understand the potential of the students, teacher directs the work of them and not build the etude. Teacher helps the student to find ways to build an etude. In the process of creating etude, a lot of creativities and organizational things become clear. So, this exercise can reach the level of etude? Which level the creative and organizational capabilities of the student? [1.Б.34]

The capabilities in acting skills can be enough for the birth of etude? There are any basic which can be suitable for technics? Are the training conditions appropriate? Which level the student reach to act on stage? Is the etude compatible for the student's capability, teacher should answer all of the questions above.К. S. Stanislavskiy said, «There are five main links in the communication process». In etudes based on literary works, students encounter creative and technical issues that are new for them. All issues in students must be solved during first-half of the second year on the basis of one literary ethics material. In order to consolidate the acquired knowledge, the actor must continually upgrade the technique and gain the necessary experience in new etudes. In the second half of the year, almost all issues will be solved on the basis of very sophisticated dramatic material.

There is an opportunity to learn and approach the creative method, with its individual elements, actor's full time role playing in the scene is in the third year. On etude, students do not attempt to create characters based on live images. Instead, participants use their names, their identities and the events and conditions that are familiar with them. During the course of work, student may develop some self-contained characteristics. Working with etude is not ended after first year.



'Oriental Art and Culture" Scientific-Methodical Journal - (3) III/2020

ISSN 2181-063X

After all, the etude gives the actor a vital observation that must be a constant companion of the artist. Therefore, the process of working on a subject etude should not only be a student, but also the whole of a creative life. [2.Б. 113-114] In this case, the teacher has to be careful, scrutinize and develop it. It is important to remember that the task of building your own logic of action based on your own experience, and trying to act naturally on the stage, is extremely difficult for the student. Satisfying, demanding performance of this task is a huge step towards mastering the secrets of acting. Another goal for Etude is its educational value. It is a waste of time, ineffective, to work on the etude that does not express itself higher purposes. The etude that illustrates an idea or an event that has a negative impact on the human psyche can have a detrimental effect on a student's educational background. For this reason, the teacher must pay close attention to the ideological value of the student ethos. The use of positive, real-life examples is very important for students mind. This should be taken into account when choosing a subject for etude. Since Etude is a performance, it must have its own purpose and the idea of promoting goodness.

1 - Understanding the environment, understanding its essence and choosing the exact object.

2 - Attention of the object. You will not move on until you are certain that you are focused on your partner and that he or she is capable of listening to you and trying to understand what you want them to do.

3- Adaptation and finding a way to an object, or in other words, "examining the heart of an object in a straightforward manner, and preparing for it to accept the thoughts, feelings, and perceptions in the lightest way possible."

4- You must convey to the object what you see and influence it, that is, make the partner “see what you see and how you see it with the inner eye”.

5 - Accepting the partner's response and conveying, influencing, and accepting what you are seeing. In other words, you seem to be sharing each other with what you see and your inner eyes. The player will be able to act correctly on the image and act logically with the correct development of the elements of the skill. It is not accidental that many of our teachers, including ordinary audiences, are often confronted with "lying" and "playing". Our teachers can understand what is going on in these words and what it means. But the ordinary audience is not interested in them, whether they enter the show, they must see the truth on the stage, get some spiritual nourishment and somehow forget their pain, and they have the right to demand it. They want what is happening on the stage to be true. Otherwise, they may be labeled it as a simple spectacle. [3.]

Musical theater actors have a greater responsibility. Because they have to play arias, duets and keep the story going without going into a dramatic situation. As for the indirect role, as we mentioned above, the foundation of the school of mastery is



'Oriental Art and Culture" Scientific-Methodical Journal - (3) III/2020

ISSN 2181-063X

the foundation of the first year. This foundation will be polished throughout the rest of the study years. In depth attention is paid to the elements of acting skills, which are gradually introduced into etudes, from etudes to fiction, and thus to the conditions provided by the author. Learn how to work independently under the conditions given by the author. Independent pieces and etudes link to music and chorus. The etudes and fiction are discussed with the students and their shortcomings are discussed. Students will be analyzed on a case-by-case basis and will be given instructions on what to do the next.

For example: A well-known novel is Abdullah Kadiri's novel “ The Past Days”. Meeting Otabek with Kumush after the wedding. Kumush, who is wearing the bride's dress before her face is taken away, her behavior and the behavior that prompted her to look at Otabek, "Is that you?" And her subsequent relationships. Many directors have made this scene known as "Unexpected Happiness." It is worth noting the skill of the author. The author describes the development of events in such a way that it is impossible for any reader to get excited. [4.B.97]. The names of etyuds are derived from their reality. The essays are based on prose works, stories, stories, novels, and life events. When the essay is used on the prose works, the entire work is read and then a fragment is selected, in which a strong conflict occurs.

... “We start with the lesson of acting as a child. At the same time, we will be able to work independently. ” That is to say, on the basis of an element of acting skills that is more difficult for a student, we give him some simple, less complicated tasks associated with that element, and, as a result of his own learning, we exacerbate conditions and so on.

Over time, students' self-esteem increases and they act according to the laws of creativity. An experienced director is slowly bring his teacher's expectations to such success. In the process of working, etudes should focus on the quality, not the quantity. Use only one etiquette but not one, but let the students use their acting skills in their place.


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'Oriental Art and Culture" Scientific-Methodical Journal - (3) III/2020

ISSN 2181-063X

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