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Ключевые слова
oxidative stress / nanomaterials / reproductive system / hypofertility / antioxidant enzymes / vitamins / оксидативний стрес / наноматеріали / статева система / гіпофертильність / антиоксидатні ензими / ві-таміни.

Аннотация научной статьи по животноводству и молочному делу, автор научной работы — Кошевой Всеволод, Науменко Світлана, Клочков Володимир, Єфімова Світлана

The effectiveness of modern means of reproductive capacity correcting requires a comprehensive study of the antioxidant system as a leading mechanism for regulating and protecting the processes of spermatogenesis. Studies have shown a positive effect of oxides of rare earth elements in nanoform on the sexual function of males. Thus, gadolinium orthovanadate nanoparticles help to improve the quality indicators of boar sperm in hypofertility on the background of oxidative stress, normalize hormonal balance by reducing the oxidative load in the body. The aim of this work was to elucidate the dynamics of the antioxidant status in blood serum of boars with the administration of gadolinium orthovanadate nanoparticles. Thus, in the animals of the experi-mental group an increase in antioxidant potential on the 15th day of the experiment was found. Catalase ac-tivity increased by 17,7 % (P˂0,05), GSH-Px – by 18,9 % (P˂0,05), and GSH-Rd – by 15,9 % (P˂0,05), SOD activity and GSH content tended to increase. On the 30th day of the experiment the antioxidant potential un-derwent significant changes compared to the indicators of animals before the administration of nanoparticles. Catalase activity and SOD in blood serum increased by 49,5 % (P˂0,001) and 32,6% (P˂0,01), respectively, and almost reached the values of the control group. The pool of thiol disulfide system increased significantly – GSH content increased by 23,1 % (P˂0,01), and GSH-Px and GSH-Rd activity increased by 51,4 % (P˂0,001) and 36,6 % (P˂0,001), respectively, which even exceeded the value of the group of animals with full indicators of reproductive capacity. With the administration of gadolinium orthovanadate nanoparticles the dynamics of vitamin content in boars had no significant changes. The prospect of further research is to determine the im-pact of the developed method of correction on the fertility of sperm and yield of piglets.

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Ефективність сучасних засобів корекції репродуктивної здатності потребує всебічного вивчення стану антиоксидантної системи, як провідного механізму регуляції і захисту процесів сперматогенезу. Дослідженнями показано позитивний вплив оксидів рідкісноземельних елементів у наноформі на статеву функцію самців. Так, наночастинки гадолінію ортованадату сприяють покращенню якісних показників сперми кнурів за гіпофертильності на тлі оксидативного стресу, нормалізації гормонального балансу за зменшення оксидативного навантаження у їх організмі. Метою даної роботи було з'ясування динаміки антиоксидантного статусу сироватки крові кнурів за введення наночастинок гадолінію ортованадату. Так, у тварин дослідної групи встановлено посилення антиоксидантного потенціалу – на 15-ту добу екс-перименту каталазна активність зросла на 17,7 % (P˂0,05), GSH-Px – на 18,9 % (P˂0,05), а GSH-Rd – на 15,9 % (P˂0,05), тенденцію до підвищення зазнали активність СОД і вміст GSH. На 30-ту добу експери-менту антиоксидантний потенціал зазнав значних змін порівняно з показниками тварин до введення на-ночастинок. Активність каталази і СОД у сироватці крові зросли на 49,5 % (P˂0,001) і на 32,6 % (P˂0,01) відповідно й майже досягли значень групи контролю. Значно збільшився пул тіол-дисульфідної системи – вміст GSH збільшився на 23,1 % (P˂0,01), а активність GSH-Px і GSH-Rd підвищилися на 51,4 % (P˂0,001) і 36,6 % (P˂0,001) відповідно, що навіть перевищило значення групи тварин з повноцін-ними показниками репродуктивної здатності. За введення наночастинок гадолінію ортованадату не ма-ла вірогідних змін динаміка показників вітамінної забезпеченості організму кнурів. Перспективою пода-льших досліджень є з'ясування впливу розробленого способу корекції на запліднювальну здатність спер-ми і показники виходу поросят.


«етушшшм-шишау» #штш, 2©21 / veterinary sciences


птицы / В. М. Бачинская, Р. Н. Джаббаров, Ю. Г. Юденок // Инновационная наука. - 2020. - № 5. - с. 63-65.

2. ГОСТ Р 52121-2003 «Яйца куриные пищевые. Технические условия».

3. Сапарбекова А. Е. Сравнительная ветери-нарно-санитарная экспертиза яиц уток разных пород / А. Е. Сапарбекова, Е. И. Касымов // Естественные и математические науки в современном мире. - 2016. - № 41. - с. 62-71.

4. Харлап С. Ю. Морфометрическая оценка куриных яиц кросса "Родонит" / С. Ю. Харлап, О. В, Чепуштанова, И. В. Суязова // Известия Санкт-Петербургского государственного аграрного университета. - 2018. - № 51. - с. 187-192.

Кошевой Всеволод, Науменко Свiтлана Державний бютехнологгчнийунгверситет

Хартв, Украша Клочков Володимир, СфЬмова Свiтлана 1нститут сцинтиляцшних матергалгв НАН Украши


UDC 636.4:612.1:615.256.4-022.532/612.616.31

Koshevoy Vsevolod, Naumenko Svitlana,

State Biotechnological University, Kharkiv, Ukraine Klochkov Volodymyr, Yefimova Svitlana

Institute of Scintillation Materials of the NAS of Ukraine,

Kharkiv, Ukraine



The effectiveness of modern means of reproductive capacity correcting requires a comprehensive study of the antioxidant system as a leading mechanism for regulating and protecting the processes of spermatogenesis. Studies have shown a positive effect of oxides of rare earth elements in nanoform on the sexual function of males. Thus, gadolinium orthovanadate nanoparticles help to improve the quality indicators of boar sperm in hypofertility on the background of oxidative stress, normalize hormonal balance by reducing the oxidative load in the body. The aim of this work was to elucidate the dynamics of the antioxidant status in blood serum of boars with the administration of gadolinium orthovanadate nanoparticles. Thus, in the animals of the experimental group an increase in antioxidant potential - on the 15th day of the experiment was found. Catalase activity increased by 17,7 % (P<0,05), GSH-Px - by 18,9 % (P<0,05), and GSH-Rd - by 15,9 % (P<0,05), SOD activity and GSH content tended to increase. On the 30th day of the experiment the antioxidant potential underwent significant changes compared to the indicators of animals before the administration of nanoparticles. Catalase activity and SOD in blood serum increased by 49,5 % (P<0,001) and 32,6% (P<0,01), respectively, and almost reached the values of the control group. The pool of thiol disulfide system increased significantly - GSH content increased by 23,1 % (P<0,01), and GSH-Px and GSH-Rd activity increased by 51,4 % (P<0,001) and 36,6 % (P<0,001), respectively, which even exceeded the value of the group of animals with full indicators of reproductive capacity. With the administration of gadolinium orthovanadate nanoparticles the dynamics of vitamin content in boars had no significant changes. The prospect of further research is to determine the impact of the developed method of correction on the fertility of sperm and yield ofpiglets.


Ефективтсть сучасних засобiв корекцИ репродуктивное здатностi потребуе всебiчного вивчення стану антиоксидантног системи, як провiдного механiзму регуляцН i захисту процеав сперматогенезу.

лупы. Такие яйца отправляются в сеть общественного питания или на промышленную переработку [3].

При полном смешивании желтка и белка, наличии видимых кровяных включений на желтке, темных пятен на скорлупе, зеленого белка с неприятным запахом, яйца отправляются на техническую реализацию. Немедленному уничтожению подлежат тухлые яйца, все остальные, включая яйца с посторонним запахом или неоплодотворенные яйца с инкубатора, утилизируют или перерабатывают в кормовую муку.

Список литературы

1. Бачинская В. М. Сравнительная ветери-нарно-санитарная экспертиза яиц водоплавающей



До^дженнями показано позитивний вплив OKCudie pidKicHO-земелъних елементiв у наноформi на статеву функцю самцiв. Так, наночастинки гадолiнiю ортованадату сприяютъ покращенню яюсних показниюв сперми кнурiв за гiпофертилъностi на тлi оксидативного стресу, нормалгзацИ гормонального балансу за зменшення оксидативного навантаження у Их органiзмi. Метою даноi роботи було з'ясування динамжи антиоксидантного статусу сироватки кровi кнурiв за введення наночастинок гадолiнiю ортованадату. Так, у тварин дослiдноi групи встановлено посилення антиоксидантного потенщалу - на 15-ту добу екс-перименту каталазна активнiстъ зросла на 17,7 % (P<0,05), GSH-Px - на 18,9 % (P<0,05), а GSH-Rd - на 15,9 % (P<0,05), тенденцт до пiдвищення зазнали активнктъ СОД i вмiст GSH. На 30-ту добу експери-менту антиоксидантний потенцiал зазнав значних змiн порiвняно з показниками тварин до введення наночастинок. Активнктъ каталази i СОДу сироватцi кровiзросли на 49,5 % (P<0,001) i на 32,6 % (P<0,01) вiдповiдно й майже досягли значенъ групи контролю. Значно збшъшився пул тiол-дисулъфiдноi системи -вмiст GSH збшъшився на 23,1 % (P<0,01), а активтстъ GSH-Px i GSH-Rd пiдвищилися на 51,4 % (P<0,001) i 36,6 % (P<0,001) вiдповiдно, що навiтъ перевищило значення групи тварин з повно^нними показниками репродуктивно '1' здатностi. За введення наночастинок гадолтт ортованадату не мала вiрогi-дних змт динамжа показниюв вiтамiнноi забезпеченостi оргатзму кнурiв. Перспективою подалъших до-слiдженъ е з'ясування впливу розробленого способу корекцИ на заплiднювалъну здатнiстъ сперми i показ-ники виходу поросят.

Ключовi слова: оксидативний стрес, наноматерiали, статева система, гтофертилътстъ, антиок-сидатт ензими, вiтамiни.

Keywords: oxidative stress, nanomaterials, reproductive system, hypofertility, antioxidant enzymes, vitamins.

Introduction. The development of modern means of reproductive capacity correcting in males requires a comprehensive study of their impact on the dynamics of body systems, especially those that perform regulatory or executive functions of spermatogenesis and / or manifestation of sexual reflexes and reproductive function in general. There are controversial results on the effectiveness of antioxidant therapy in sexual dysfunction, and, in particular, the state of the components of the antioxidant defense system under the influence of various means of pharmacocorrection [1-5, 7, 10-11].

Previous studies have shown a positive effect of oxides of rare earth elements in nanoform on the sexual function of males. Thus, we found a positive effect of gadolinium orthovanadate nanoparticles on the quality indicators of boar sperm in hypofertility on the background of oxidative stress. At the same time, normalization of hormonal balance with a decrease of oxidative load in the body was indicated [6].

The aim of this work was to elucidate the dynamics of the antioxidant status of blood serum in boars with the administration of gadolinium orthovanadate nano-particles.

Material and research methods. The work was performed in the laboratories of the Department of Veterinary Reproductology at Kharkiv State Zooveterinary Academy (from 01.09.2021 - the Department of Veterinary Surgery and Reproductology of State Biotechno-logical University) and the Department of Nanostruc-tured Materials named after Y. V. Malyukin at the Institute of Scintillation Materials of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kharkiv).

All manipulations with animals were carried out in accordance with the European Convention for the protection of vertebrate animals used for experimental and scientific purposes (2006) and General ethical principles of animal experiments adopted by the First National Congress on Bioethics (Kyiv, Ukraine, 2001).

Groups of animals were formed according to the sperm quality indicators and the content of OS markers. They were divided into two groups. The sperm quality

in males of the control group (n=5) met the standards, and in the experimental group (n=5) it was reduced, especially in terms of sperm motility and the number of motile sperm in ejaculate. At the same time, intensification of peroxidation processes towards the content of OS markers in blood serum was noted.

Nanoparticles (NPs) of oxides of rare earth elements synthesized at the Department of Nanostructured Materials at the Institute of Scintillation Materials of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine under the agreement on scientific and practical cooperation (№ 48 from 22.07.2020) were used to correct the OS. Males of the experimental group were orally administered the hydrosol of gadolinium orthovanadate NP activated by europium with a size of 25*8 nm grain size at a dose of 0,0125 mg per kg of live weight for 14 days.

Blood for research was taken according to the generally accepted method on the 1st, 15th and 30th day of the experiment. In boars' red blood cell hemolysate the following parameters were spectrophotometrically determined: SOD (EC activity by the degree of inhibition of the reaction by the enzyme to reduce ni-trobluetetrazolium in the presence of NADH and phen-azinemethosulfate; CAT (EC activity on the ability of hydrogen peroxide to form a stable complex with ammonium molybdate, the colour intensity of which was measured at I = 410 nm; GSH-Px (EC activity in the rate of oxidation of the reduced glutathione in the presence of tertiary butyl hydroperoxide in the color reaction with 5,5-dithiobis-2-nitro-benzoic acid and measurement at a wavelength of 412 nm; GSH-Rd activity (EC by reducing the content of NADFN at 37 °C for 1 min at I = 340 nm; GSH - by the Butler method using Ellman's reagent was investigated. The content of vitamins A, E and C in blood serum was determined by the method of high performance liquid chromatography [12].

All digital data obtained during the study were processed statistically using Microsoft EXCEL. Student's criterion was used to determine the probability of differences between mean values.



Research results and their discussion. The antioxidant potential of the male has a significant impact on the regulation of reproductive function and the value of female fertilization. There is a direct relationship between reproducibility and the state of the antioxidant

14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

SOD, rel.un./mgHb


defense system. Thus, with a decrease in sperm quality indicators and suppression of hormonal activity of the endocrine glands a low level of antioxidant defense is noted [3, 8-9, 11].

CAT, цmol/H2O2/l-mm

40 30 20 10 0

-29,3 27,8

15th day

30th day


Before administration

Fig. 1. Dynamics of catalase and SOD activity of blood serum in boars with the administration of gadolinium

orthovanadate nanoparticles (M±m, n=5).

GSH, ^ol/l





GSH-Px, цmol/minxmg.p

GSH-Rd, цmol/minxmg.pr

Before administration 15th day

30th day

Fig. 2. Dynamics of glutathione link antioxidant defence of blood serum in boars with the administration of gadolinium orthovanadate nanoparticles (M±m, n=5).

In animals of the experimental group before the administration of NPs a decrease in antioxidant defense, both enzymatic and non-enzymatic units was found. Thus, there was a decrease in catalase activity in the blood serum of boars by 36,5 % (P<0,001) and SOD - by 30,7 % (P<0,001) (fig. 1). At the same time, the glutathione link (fig. 2) underwent less significant changes - GSH content was lower by 12,4 % (P<0,05), and GSH-Px activity decreased by 30,8 % (P<0,001), while GSH-Rd - by 24,1 % (P<0,01) compared to the

animals of the control group. A negative balance of vitamin supply (fig. 3) in males was found - the content of vitamin A decreased by 37,3 % (P<0,001), vitamin E - by 29,0 % (P<0,001), and vitamin C - by 20,7 % (P<0,01).

With the correction of reproductive capacity in boars under oxidative stress by gadolinium orthovana-date NPs a positive dynamics of changes in sperm quality indicators and hormonal balance on the background of reduced oxidative load was found [6].






Vitamin C, ^ol/l -"-Vitamin E, pmol/l Vitamin A, ^ol/l

14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

12 ,1

9 6 9 9 9, 7

7 6

5 4 5 5 5, 3

0, 75 0, 47 0, 49 0,5 2


Before administration

15th day

30th day

Fig. 3. Dynamics of vitamin supply of blood serum in boars with the administration of gadolinium orthovanadate

nanoparticles (M±m, n=5).

Similar positive changes in the dynamics of the antioxidant status in male blood serum were noted. Thus, on the 15th day of the experiment in animals of the experimental group an increase in antioxidant potential - catalase activity increased by 17,7 % (P<0,05), GSH-Px - by 18,9 % (P<0,05), and GSH-Rd - by 15,9% (P<0,05) was found. At the same time, the SOD activity and GSH content tended to increase. With the administration of gadolinium orthovanadate NPs had no significant changes in the dynamics of vitamin content in boars.

On the 30th day of the experiment the antioxidant potential underwent significant changes compared to the indicators of animals before the administration of NPs. Catalase activity and SOD in blood serum increased by 49,5 % (P<0,001) and 32,6 % (P<0,01), respectively, and almost reached the values of the control group. The pool of thiol disulfide system increased significantly - GSH content increased by 23,1 % (P<0,01), and GSH-Px and GSH-Rd activity increased by 51,4 % (P<0,001) and 36,6 % (P<0,001), respectively, which even exceeded the value of the group of animals with full indicators of reproductive capacity.

The method of the reproductive capacity correcting in boars by gadolinium orthovanadate NPs had no effect on vitamin metabolism - on the 30th day of the study the content of vitamins in blood serum did not change significantly compared to the group of animals before administration of NPs and was lower than control indicators: vitamin A - by 30,7 % (P<0,001), vitamin E - by 30,3 % (P<0,001), and vitamin C - by 19,8 % (P<0,01).

The obtained results confirm the presence of powerful antioxidant properties of gadolinium orthovana-date NPs, that have a special effect on the components of the thiol disulfide system, improve catalase activity and SOD, and do not cause changes in vitamin metabolism.


The positive effect of gadolinium orthovanadate nanoparticles on the antioxidant status in boars with reduced reproductive capacity on the background of oxi-dative stress is proved:

1. With the administration of NPs an increase in the activity of the components of the thiol disulfide link

of antioxidant defense was determined, thus - on the 15 th day in the experimental group of animals there was an increase in GSH-Px activity - by 18,9 % and GSH-Rd - by 15,9 %, instead, on the 30th day GSH content increased by 23,1 % and GSH-Px and GSH-Rd activity increased by 51,4 % and 36,6 %, respectively.

2. The increase in the antioxidant potential of boars was confirmed by an increase in catalase activity (on the 15th day - by 17,7 %, and on the 30th day - by 49,5 %), while on the 30th day of the experiment SOD activity increased by 32,6 %.

3. The administration of gadolinium orthovanadate NPs hydrosol had no effect on vitamin metabolism - on the 30th day of the study the content of vitamins in blood serum did not change significantly compared to the group of animals before the administration of NPs.


1. Adeoye, O., Olawumi, J., Opeyemi, A., & Christiania, O. (2018). Review on the role of glutha-tione on oxidative stress and infertility. JBRA Assisted Reproduction, 22(1), 61-66. doi: 10.5935/15180557.20180003.

2. Barati, E., Nikzad, H., & Karimian, M. (2020). Oxidative stress and male infertility: current khowledge of pathophysiology and role of antioxidant therapy in disease management. Cellular and molecular life sci-enes: CMLS, 77(1), 93-113. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00018-019-03253-8.

3. Barik, G., Chaturvedula, L. & Bobby, Z. (2019). Role of oxidative stress and antioxidants in male infertility: An interventional study. Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences, 12(3), 204-209. https://doi.org/10.4103/jhrs.jhrs_135_18.

4. Bisht, S., Faiq, M., Tolahunase, M., & Dada, R. (2017). Oxidative stress and male infertility. Nature Reviews Urology, 14(8), 470-485. doi: 10.1038/nrurol.2017.69.

5. Goma, A. A., Tohamy, H. G., El-Kazaz, S. E., Soliman, M. M., Shukry, M., Elgazzar, A. M., & Rashed, R. R. (2020). Insight study on comparison between zinc oxide nanoparticles and its bulk impact on reproductive performance, antioxidant levels, gene expression, and histopathology of testes in male rats. Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland), 10(1), article number 41. https://doi.org/10.3390/antiox10010041.

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«етушшшм-шишау» 2©21 / veterinary sciences


6. Koshevoy, V. I., Naumenko, S. V., Klochkov, V. K., & Yefimova, S. L. (2021). The use of gadolinium orthovanadate nanoparticles for the correction of reproductive ability in boars under oxidative stress. Ukrainian journal of veterinary sciences, 2, 74-82. https://doi.org/10.31548/ujvs.2021.02.008.

7. Koshevoy, V., Naumenko, S., Skliarov, P., Fedorenko, S., & Kostyshyn, L. (2021). Male infertility: Pathogenetic significance of oxidative stress and antioxidant defence (review). Scientific Horizons, 24(6), 107-116. https://doi.org/10.48077/scihor.24(6).2021.107-116.

8. Koziorowska-Gilun, M., Koziorowski, M., Strzezek, J. & Fraser, L. (2011). Seasonal changes in antioxidant defence systems in seminal plasma and fluids of the boar reproductive tract. Reproductive biology, 11(1), 37-47. https://doi.org/10.1016/s1642-431x(12)60062-x

9. Palani, A., & Asdallh, N. (2019). Effects of low seminal plasma antioxidant potential on semen quality and male fertility. Passer Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 1(1), 4-8. https://doi.org/10.24271/psr.02.

10. Ribas-Maynou, J., & Yesre, M. (2020). Oxi-dative Stress in Male Infertility: Causes, Effects in Assisted Reproductive Techniques, and Protective Support of Antioxidants. Biology, 9(4), article number 77. https://doi.org/10.3390/biology9040077.

11. Scarlata, E., & O'Flaherty, C. (2020). Antiox-idant enzymes and male fertility: lessons from knockout models. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, 32(8), 569-580. https://doi.org/10.1089/ars.2019.7985.

12. Vlizlo, V.V. et al. (2012). Laboratorni metody doslidzhennia u biolohii, tvarynnytstvi ta veterynarnii medytsyni: dovidnyk [Laboratory research methods in biology, animal husbandry and veterinary medicine: handbook]. Lviv: Spolom. (in Ukrainian).

УДК: 636.638.178.

Посохова И. А., Перекотий С. И.,

Научный руководитель: канд. с.-х. наук Меренкова Н.В. Кубанский Государственный Аграрный Университет имени И. Т. Трубилина


Posokhova I. A., Perekotiy S. I.,

Supervisor: Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Merenkova N. V. Kuban State Agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin



Нами были рассмотрены физико-химические и органолептические показатели мёда. Также обратили внимание на проблему фальсификации, путем добавления к натуральному мёду других продуктов, всячески удешевляющих его и влияющих на качество продукции.


We examined the physicochemical and organoleptic characteristics of honey. They also pay attention to the problem of falsification, by adding other products to natural honey, to make it cheaper and affect the quality of products.

Ключевые слова: натуральный мёд, фальсификация, ветеринарно-санитарная экспертиза, качество, рынок, диастаза, примеси.

Keywords: natural honey, falsification, veterinary and sanitary examination, quality, market, diastase, impurities.

Натуральный мёд - продукт, вырабатываемый пчелами из растительной или животной пади, нектара цветов. Это сладкая, сиропообразная жидкость, имеющая способность к кристаллизации. Химический состав мёда довольно сложен, представляет собой смесь разнообразных компонентов, главными из которых являются виноградный и плодовый сахар.

Согласно ГОСТу 31771-2012 цвет мёда устанавливается по шкале Пфунда. Данная методика разбивает цвета на золотой, экстра светло-золотой, темно-золотой, белый, экстра белый, прозрачно-белый. Меда темных цветов или прозрачные получаются благодаря перге, которая попадает в мёд при

откачке. Когда мёд начинает кристаллизоваться, он мутнеет, а вкус зависит напрямую от количества и соотношения сахаров. Горьковатый на вкус мёд получается из-за аминокислот и эфирных масел растений. Пропавший мёд по вкусу кислый [4].

В последние годы соответствие ветеринарно -санитарным стандартам качества мёда - серьезный аспект в вопросах безопасности и экологичности продуктов питания.

Подделка пищевых продуктов путем изменения состава является обманом потребителей ради получения экономической выгоды. Наиболее часто мы сталкиваемся с фальсификацией мёда на рынке. С наибольшей частотой фальсифицируются мёд.

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