ANTI-CORRUPTION IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE SEARCH FOR EFFECTIVE MECHANISMS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Политологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
corruption / anti-corruption / anti-corruption policy / public administration / public service.

Аннотация научной статьи по политологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Moxichexra Yunusalievna Yuldasheva

In the article, the author highlighted the problem of combating corruption in the public service, which is relevant for the Uzbek state. The conclusion is argued that one of the main priorities facing the state is to combat corruption in all areas of interaction between government bodies and citizens, and above all, in the public service. The optimal measures for conducting the state anti-corruption policy in modern Uzbekistan are substantiated.

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Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=2223Q



Moxichexra Yunusalievna Yuldasheva

Chief Specialist of the Personnel Department of the State, Unitary Enterprise "Tax

Service" under the State Tax Committee mohichehra.yuldasheva@Soliq.uz

In the article, the author highlighted the problem of combating corruption in the public service, which is relevant for the Uzbek state. The conclusion is argued that one of the main priorities facing the state is to combat corruption in all areas of interaction between government bodies and citizens, and above all, in the public service. The optimal measures for conducting the state anti-corruption policy in modern Uzbekistan are substantiated.

Keywords: corruption, anti-corruption, anti-corruption policy, public administration, public service.

The fight against corruption is one of the priorities of any modern state. The solution of state strategic anti-corruption tasks in Uzbekistan determines the necessary level of ensuring the country's national security, as well as creating conditions for protecting the constitutional rights of citizens. The solution to this problem is both international and national in nature.

In the civil service system, where officials have large resources of power, material and non-material benefits in their hands, the need to eradicate corruption comes to the fore, as corruption violations are reflected in all areas of activity of civil servants and government bodies.

At the present stage, corruption has acquired the scale of a whole social phenomenon that completely decomposes state power. The reason for this is the abuse by civil servants of their official position in order to obtain personal benefit or the benefit of a certain circle of persons, contrary to the interests of society and the state. The penetration of corruption into all spheres of public administration has become the main reason for hindering the work of the public service system in our country. Speaking at the first Eurasian Anti-Corruption Forum "Legal Innovations in Combating Corruption", S.E. Naryshkin, in his report "The International Community in the Fight against Corruption", emphasized that "corruption not only endangers the sovereignty and security of the state: it undermines the very foundations of human civilization,




Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=2223Q

disrupts the normal development of all spheres of people's lives, reduces their morality and material well-being"1.

The President of Uzbekistan Sh.M.Mirziyoyev also repeatedly expressed the opinion that the issues of corruption in the public service should be included in the federal agenda. He emphasized that "a citizen who would like to become a civil servant must clearly understand that taking office is inextricably linked with stringent anticorruption requirements" 2.

Accordingly, in order to minimize the damage caused by corruption to citizens and the state, it is necessary to eradicate this phenomenon or minimize the degree of corruption of government bodies and civil servants. For this, the state is pursuing a policy aimed at combating corruption, within the framework of which legal acts are being developed that determine the main measures and directions, the purpose of which is to combat this socially dangerous phenomenon of the modern Uzbek state.

The anti-corruption policy is aimed at eliminating not only the consequences caused by corruption crimes, but also at eliminating the reasons why, in fact, officials and civil servants take bribes and abuse their powers in public service.

Due to the fact that corruption in the civil service is a systemic phenomenon, the developed mechanisms for combating it cannot be unilateral and influence it only through the impact on it only from the side of society, finance, or legal regulation of the activities of civil servants. Accordingly, the measures that are applied in the anticorruption policy should affect this phenomenon in the aggregate. Mechanisms that include a system of administrative and legal measures aimed at combating corruption in the public service should be paramount. This priority is determined by the fact that corruption is more associated with obtaining benefits precisely through speculation in their official position by officials who, by virtue of their powers, have the ability to


dispose of administrative and financial resources . At the same time, many constitutional rights of citizens may be infringed.

In general, anti-corruption mechanisms in the civil service should be divided into several groups, including:

The organizational and legal mechanism for combating corruption in the civil service is focused on combating corruption both in terms of ethical and moral norms,

1 Naryshkin S. E. Mezhdunarodnoe soobshchestvo v borbe s korruptsiey // ZHurnal rossiyskogo prava. 2012. T. 7. № 187. S. 5-7

2 https://www.trt.net.tr/uzbek/turk-dunyosi/2017/02/07/o-zbekiston-prezidenti-shavkat-mirziyoyev-korrupsiyaga-qarshi-kurashish-dasturini-tasdiqladi-666524

3 Glazunova A.A. Aktualnye problemy protivodeystviya korruptsii na gosudarstvennoy sluzhbe / A.A. Glazunova, E.V. Tolokonnikova// Aktualnye problemy prava: materialy IV Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. - M. : Buki-Vedi, 2015. S. 193-196.

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=2223Q

and from the point of view of its international significance in the system of states' activities.

The personnel mechanism for combating corruption in the civil service, one of the fundamental components of the anti-corruption policy in the civil service, is aimed at forming the personnel of public authorities. The competence, degree of knowledge of laws, morality of a civil servant depends on how successful the anti-corruption policy will be in the civil service.

Public control, as a mechanism for combating corruption in the public service, has a huge potential in the field of combating corruption, but, unfortunately, at the present stage of development it does not work as effectively as we would like, although this mechanism can have a huge impact on the state of affairs in in the field of combating corruption, since this is the most independent and objective group of mechanisms of all of the above, which acts exclusively in the interests of citizens, that is, it is aimed at defending their own interests.

At the same time, it should be emphasized that despite the rather large number of areas for preventing and suppressing corruption offenses, great efforts to combat this "illness" on the part of the state and society, this phenomenon has not yet lost the status of a threat to national security, and the level of corruption in the system public service does not stop growing. Practice shows that "the current legislative, organizational and other measures to combat corruption are insufficient and imperfect at the present stage of development of the state and its subjects"4. Accordingly, it is possible to single out a number of problems that exist in the field of combating corruption in the civil service:

- firstly, the possibility of concealing a crime by civil servants directly involved in the fight against corruption, which appears to them in connection with their official position, knowledge of various "loopholes" for unnoticed receiving bribes and other non-material services for the performance of their official duties , as well as the possibility of avoiding punishment for the committed act.

- secondly, the lack of initiative on the part of citizens and civil society institutions in the fight against corruption among civil servants and public authorities.

One more fact can be singled out as a problem of combating corruption: public authorities themselves often oppose any interference of civil society institutions and citizens in the decision-making process at the state level and the level of the subject of Uzbekistan, which suggests that the openness of authorities is only formally fixed principle, which in practice is observed quite rarely.

4 Sukharenko A. N. Transnatsionalnaya korruptsionnaya deyatelnost dolzhnostnykh lits RF: sostoyanie i problemy borby // Mezhdunarodnoe publichnoe i chastnoe pravo. 2019. №3 (48). S. 31-38.

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=2223Q

Summarizing the above, it should be concluded that corruption in public administration is the most dangerous type of corruption that undermines the authority of public authorities in the eyes of the entire population. It is also undeniable that any changes taking place in the state and society cannot give quick results, therefore, in order to solve the problem of combating corruption in the civil service in the future, it is necessary to take prompt measures to improve the state anti-corruption policy now.

Our analysis showed that in order to increase the effectiveness of combating corruption in the public service system, modern public administration in this area should include a whole range of measures aimed not only at curbing corruption, but also include preventive measures, including:

- "increasing civic engagement, political and legal culture of the population";

- strengthening in practice the principles of separation of powers, the rule of law, democracy, the priority of human rights;

- increasing the transparency and transparency of the civil service by providing citizens with access to information about the activities of government bodies;

- formation of institutions of "electronic democracy" and "digital government", etc.

The prompt and comprehensive introduction of changes in public policy aimed at combating corruption in public administration, in the consciousness and worldview of citizens, civil servants themselves, will allow achieving positive results in this area in the near future.

It must be emphasized once again that only comprehensive, consolidated actions of state authorities and the whole of society as a whole can lead to success in the work aimed at strengthening the global rule of law and fighting corruption in Uzbekistan.


1. Shavkat Mirziyoyev Korrupsiyaga qarshi kurashish dasturi https://www.trt.net.tr/uzbek/turk-dunyosi/2017/02/07/

2. Ageev V.N. Borba s korruptsiey v sfere gosudarstvennoy sluzhby kak prioritetnoe napravlenie gosudarstvennoy politiki // Sledovatel. 2016. № 9. S. 20-27.

3. Andrianov V.D. Byurokratiya, korruptsiya i effektivnost gosudarstvennogo upravleniya: istoriya i sovremennost: monografiya. -M.: Volters Kluver, 2014. 248 s. Научные труды КубГТУ, № 3, 2020 год 301 http://ntk.kubstu.ru/file/2950

4. Glazunova A.A. Aktualnye problemy protivodeystviya korruptsii na gosudarstvennoy sluzhbe / A.A. Glazunova, E.V. Tolokonnikova// Aktualnye problemy prava: materialy IV Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. - M. : Buki-Vedi, 2015. S. 193-196.

5. Sukharenko A. N. Transnatsionalnaya korruptsionnaya deyatelnost dolzhnostnykh lits RF: sostoyanie i problemy borby // Mezhdunarodnoe publichnoe i chastnoe pravo. 2019. №3 (48).

S. 31-38.

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