Научная статья на тему 'Annotations and keywords'

Annotations and keywords Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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    Текст научной работы на тему «Annotations and keywords»


    Peter Arkadiev. The Aspectual System of Lithuanian (with references to areal data)

    The paper deals with verbal aspect in standard Lithuanian with reference to dialectal and areal data. The traditional view that Lithuanian possesses a binary category of aspect is rejected, since no strictly grammatical (morphosyntactic) phenomena are associated with either of the alleged aspects, and because the binary classification is too coarse to adequately represent the aspectual properties of Lithuanian verbs. Instead, a more detailed classification of predicates into actional (situation) types is proposed. Major mechanisms of aspectual derivation, such as telicizing prefixation, delimita-tive, semelfactive, and iterative formations are described. In addition to the traditionally recognized Past Habitual, another inflectional category with aspectual meaning is described for the first time, i.e. the Contituative expressed by the “external” prefix (te)be-. Periphrastic aspectual constructions, such as the Perfect/Resultative and the Avertive, are also analysed.

    Keywords: Lithuanian, derivational aspect, actionality, continuative, avertive, habitual, perfect, resultative

    Timofey Arkhangelskiy, Vladimir Panov. Aspect in Greek: problems and typology

    The paper provides an outline of the Ancient and Modern Greek aspectual systems and of the diachronic change Greek has undergone. Typological peculiarities of the Greek aspectual system are described in more detail. The paper is particularly concerned with non-prototypical uses of aspect where the perfective and the imperfective are used asymmetrically, cf. the infinitive and the imperative in Ancient Greek vs. the imperative/prohibitive, the subjunctive, and the conditional in Modern Greek.

    Keywords: aspect, typology, Greek, diachrony

    Oleg Belyaev. The tense and aspect system of Ashti Dargwa

    The paper addresses the morphology and semantics of key aspectual-temporal forms in the Ashti dialect of Kubachi (Dargi group of Nakh-Daghestanian languages). The tense and aspect system of this dialect is typologically remarkable because of the large number and variety of verbal para-

    digm forms; for example, Ashti opposes morphologically three types of Habitual meanings. The paper also focuses on the interaction between the binary category of aspect expressed by verbal stems and the aspectual meanings of verbal inflectional suffixes. The description of the Ashti tense and aspect system is supplemented with its comparison with the systems of other Dargi languages and dialects.

    Keywords: Dargi languages, Nakh-Daghestanian languages, aspect,


    Michael Daniel, Maria Poupynina, Daria Ryzhova, Oleg Volkov. A survey of aspectual categories in Chukchi-Kamchatkan languages

    The paper proposes a functional survey of aspectual categories in the ‘core’ Chukchi-Kamchatkan languages Chukchi, Koryak and Alutor. It is based primarily on the existing corpora of these languages. The data from corpora, grammatical descriptions and text collections are reconsidered in terms of elementary aspectual meanings and their clustering. Based on an in-tra-genetic typological analysis, some more vs. less stable elements of the aspectual system are isolated, and their probable functional evolution is discussed. The paper briefly considers the interaction of aspectual meanings with other verbal categories: the future tense, the unwitnessed past, and negation.

    Keywords: aspect, perfect, perfective, evidential, resultative, imper-fective, future, Chukchi, Alutor, Koryak

    Anna Erman. The Progressive in Dan-Blo

    There are three grammatical constructions in Dan-Blo (Southern Mande < Mande < Niger-Congo) expressing the progressive meaning. These constructions and nuances of their grammatical semantics are analysed in the paper; certain ideas concerning the etymology of their morphological markers are advanced.

    Keywords: Dan-Blo, Souther Mande, progressive

    Elena Gorbova. A sketch of the Spanish aspectual-temporal system

    The paper provides a description of the aspectual-temporal domain of the Spanish grammatical system presenting two possible theoretical models. The first is based on the notion of a binary grammatical opposition and the assumption of a theoretical possibility for a language to have more than one aspectual opposition. The second can be characterized as a multilevel model. The presentation of the two models is preceded by a discussion of some theoretical and methodological problems of aspectual typology.

    Keywords: typological approach, Spanish, aspectual grammemes, grammatical opposition, aspectual-temporal system, perfective and imperfec-tive aspectual domains, progressive, perfect, imperfect, aorist

    Ekaterina Gruzdeva. Aspectual classes of verbs in Nivkh

    The paper considers different ways of expressing qualitative aspectu-ality in Nivkh. It describes the distribution of Nivkh verbs in ten aspectual classes, examines the meanings of verb forms in various language contexts and analyses the interaction of verbs belonging to different classes with progressive, completive, continuative and resultative markers.

    Keywords: aspectual class of verbs, progressive, inchoative, completive, intensive, resultative, continuative

    Valentin Gusev. Aspect in Nganasan

    The Nganasan verbal system is formed by two mutually opposed “perfective” and “imperfective” verb classes. The first class describes momentary events, in particular those representing the final points in telic processes, while verbs of the second class denote atelic processes and states. Perfective verbs have no present forms, while imperfective verbs have no perfect forms. With derived stems, the aspectual class is determined by the outermost derivational suffix.

    The paper examines how verbal roots and derivational suffixes are distributed between the two aspectual classes and how perfective and imper-fective stems are used in discourse. Another topic is the use of perfective and imperfective deverbal nouns which form an independent opposition.

    Keywords: aspect, binary aspectual opposition, non-finite verbal forms, Nganasan

    Timur Maisak. Participial forms in the tense-aspect system of Agul

    The paper deals with the indicative tense-aspect system of Agul, a language of the Lezgic branch, the East Caucasian family. Its main forms include the Present, the Habitual, the Aorist, and the Perfect, all of which are of periphrastic origin and are built upon imperfective and perfective converbs. Special attention is given to the participial subsystem comprising periphrastic forms built upon four substantivized participles. It is argued that “participial” periphrastic forms are semantically parallel to the main (“converbial”) forms, and the peculiarities of their meanings should be explained by the semantics of the participles. In particular, while the main forms are basically used to introduce a new situation, participial forms refer to characteristics of the participants and to facts from a stable “bank of knowledge”. The last section

    considers the functions of participles in non-finite (relative, complement, and adverbial) clauses, as well as their use in the focus construction where the participle is the head of the presupposed part of the utterance. The analysis is based on the corpus of spontaneous oral narratives in the Huppuq’ dialect.

    Keywords: Agul language, Lezgic languages, East Caucasian languages, grammaticalization, tense-aspect system, periphrastic form, participle, present, habitual, aorist, perfect, assertion, presupposition, focus construction

    Sergey Malyshev. Aspect in Coptic

    The paper provides a synchronic description of aspect expression patterns in Sahidic Coptic and focuses on the semantics of aspect-related grammatical meanings (such as the Imperfective, the Perfective, the Resultative, the Habitual, and the Future), and proposes an actional classification of 12 verb classes.

    Keywords: Coptic, aspect, actionality, imperfective, perfective, resul-tative, habitual, future

    Vladimir Panov. Aspectual functions of Latin preverbs: descriptive problems

    Latin possesses a number of verbal prefixes (preverbs) with spatial characteristics of situations as their primary meanings. At the same time, similarly to East-European and Caucasian languages, Latin preverbs can influence aspect meanings. Two types of such influence can be observed: the first is the so-called Vey — Schooneveld effect involving practically all preverbs, and the second is represented by prefixal Aktionsarts similar to those found in Slavic and other languages of the areal (involving the preverbs con-, dis-, re-, per-). The Latin facts are studied based on texts of different epochs.

    Keywords: Latin, preverbs, prefixation, Vey-Schooneveld effect, Ak-tionsart, Slavic, Baltic

    Elena Perekhvalskaya. Expression of aspectual meanings in the Udihe language

    There is no aspect as an overt grammatical category in Udihe. Aspectual meanings in Udihe are expressed: 1) in combination with temporal meanings; 2) by derivational verbal suffixes. The aspectual meaning of a particular verb form results from the interaction between the meaning of completion intrinsic in the lexeme and the aspectual meaning of the grammatical form. The actional properties of specific verbs also play a significant role.

    Keywords: Tungusic, Udihe, origins of perfect, derivational suffixes with aspectual meaning.

    Alexander Rostovtsev-Popiel. Aspect category formation in Georgian

    This paper addresses two aspectual systems featuring the opposition of perfective vs. imperfective in the Georgian literary tradition. The aspectual grams used in Old Georgian were primarily suffixes, but as the number of adverbial spatial elements decreased and the system acquired a closed set of preverbs that had lost their syntactic freedom and become part of the verb, the expression of the category of aspect was taken over by prefixation as early as in the Middle Georgian period.

    Keywords: Georgian, Aspect, Perfective, Imperfective, Tmesis

    Natalia Serdobolskaya. Pluractionality and aspect in the Be-sermyan dialect of Udmurt: multiplicity of pluractional suffixes

    The Besermyan dialect of Udmurt, like Standard Udmurt, has three strategies to encode pluractionality. First, there are “conjugation pairs” — verbs with the same stem that belong to two different conjugations. The verbs of the first conjugation usually differ from the verbs of the second conjugation in that the verb of the first conjugation denotes a single situation, while the verb of the second conjugation denotes iteration of situations.

    Second, there are verb pairs where one verb includes the multiplicative suffix -ja and the other verb, one of the semelfactive suffixes. Most verb stems of this type cannot be used without the multiplicative or a semelfactive suffix.

    Third, there are verbs formed with the iterative suffix -al/-l’l’a. Used without this marker, verbs can denote both single and plural situations, while verbs with this marker encode iteration of situations. This suffix may occur both with verbs with multiplicative or semelfactive suffixes and with second conjugation stems denoting plural situations.

    The aim of this work is to determine the semantics of the aforementioned three strategies of encoding pluractionality, as well as the meaning of verbs with more than one pluractionality markers.

    Keywords: pluractionality, Udmurt, Besermyan, iterative, habitual, multiplicative, semelfactive

    Andrey Shluinsky. Factative and adjacent grams: a tentative typology

    The paper deals with the verbal category of the ‘factative’. This label is used for verbal forms that can have either temporal reference to present and imperfective viewpoint or temporal reference to past and perfective viewpoints depending on the semantic features of a given verb.

    The paper shows that temporal and aspectual interpretation of a facta-tive in different languages can depend on different lexical features of a verb.

    Factatives with actionality-based and aspect-based distribution are distinguished. The actionality-based distribution of a factative can be related to the semantic features of telicity vs. atelicity, stativity vs. dynamicity, qualities vs. occurences (individual-level vs. stage-level predicates). Aspect-based distribution is related to the perfectivity vs. imperfectivity of a verb or clause.

    Along with factatives, related verbal categories are discussed as well. These involve presental-preterial polysemy and include the categories of nonfuture tense and categories that have both perfect and stative or both perfective and stative uses.

    Keywords: factative, verbal aspect, perfective, imperfective, actional-ity, non-future tense

    Natalia Stoynova. The Refactive: types of polysemy

    The paper deals with the so-called refactive meanings (‘again’, ‘back’, ‘in response’, and some others). It aims to find out a range of verb meanings that tend to be co-expressed with refactive meanings. Cross-linguistic data on polysemy types of refactive affixes is discussed. The data shows a relation of refactive meanings to the following semantic domains: phasal aspect (con-tinuative), verbal plurality (habitual, multiplicative, distributive), spatial meanings (prolative, associated motion), valency-changing meanings (reflexive, reciprocal), discourse meanings (mirative, additive, consecutive, etc.), intensive, reversive, and some others.

    Keywords: typology, semantics, verbal derivation, verbal plurality, refactive

    Anna Urmanchieva. Imperfectives in Evenki: aspectual semantics and discourse functions

    This paper deals with imperfective forms of Evenki (Tungusic). These forms can be divided into two semantic groups: Durative forms and Habitual forms. Both their aspectual semantics and their discourse functions in folklore narratives are discussed.

    Keywords: Evenki, aspect, imperfective, durative, habitual, grammati-calization, discourse

    Igor Vinogradov. Aspectual systems of Mayan languages

    This paper deals with the expression of aspect in the verbal grammar of Mayan languages. There are two types of aspectual systems in the languages of this family, depending on the number of aspectual markers in the verbal word-form: either one single marker (in the languages of Mayan Low-

    lands) or two distinct markers (in the Highlands). Typologically, the languages of the second group are most interesting: they express aspectual meanings by two grammatical categories at once, such that one of them consists of a short number of grams with extensive meanings, and the other (which may be called "interpreting"), on the contrary, has a broad number of grams with specific meanings.

    Keywords: aspect, verbal grammar, Mayan languages, typology

    Valentin Vydrin. Aspectual systems of Southern Mande languages in a diachronic perspective

    The genetic distance among the languages of the Southern Mande group (Niger-Congo) is comparable to that among Germanic languages. Unlike what is typical for the Indo-European languages, the verbal morphology of Southern Mande is hard to reconstruct. The main reason is that the proto-Southern Mande was, most probably, a predominantly isolating language, and the morphological markers of the modern languages are, in their majority, recent innovations. Still, certain forms (imperfective, perfective, imperative) can be reconstructed. It turns out that the majority of inflexional morphemes in Southern Mande are, by their origin, locative postpositions.

    Keywords: Mande, Southern Mande, Dan, Guro, Mwan, Mano, Tura, Gban, Beng, Yaure, Wan, supine, gerund, imperfective, perfective



    Часть 1. Аспектуальные системы I. Восточная и Южная Европа

    П. М. Аркадьев

    Аспектуальная система литовского языка

    (с привлечением ареальных данных)...................................45

    Т. А. Архангельский, В. А. Панов

    Аспект в греческом языке: проблемные зоны и типология..............122

    Е. В. Горбова

    О строении аспектуально-темпоральной системы испанского языка... 149

    II. Кавказ

    О. И. Беляев

    Аспектуально-темпоральная система аштынского даргинского...........181

    Т. А. Майсак

    Причастные формы в видо-временной системе агульского языка.........228

    A. А. Ростовцев-Попель

    Становление категории аспекта в грузинском языке...................290

    III. Северная Сибирь и Дальний Восток

    B. Ю. Гусев

    Аспект в нганасанском языке........................................311

    Е. В. Перехвальская

    Выражение аспектуальных значений в удэгейском языке................361

    О. С. Волков, М. А. Даниэль, М. Ю. Пупынина, Д. А. Рыжова К характеристике аспектуальной системы

    чукотско-камчатских языков.........................................396

    Е. Ю. Груздева

    Аспектуальные классы глаголов в нивхском языке.....................458

    С. В. Малышев

    Аспект в коптском языке...........................................534

    В. Ф. Выдрин

    Аспектуальные системы южных манде

    в диахронической перспективе......................................5бб

    A. В. Эрман

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    Прогрессив в дан-бло..............................................64s

    И. А. Виноградов

    Аспектуальные системы языков майя.................................662


    B. А. Панов

    Аспектуальные функции латинских превербов:

    проблемы описания.................................................707

    Н. В. Сердобольская

    Глагольная множественность и аспект

    в бесермянском диалекте удмуртского языка:

    множественность показателей множественности.......................735

    А. Ю. Урманчиева

    Имперфективные формы эвенкийского глагола:

    аспектуальные значения и дискурсивные функции.....................786

    Н. М. Стойнова

    Рефактив и смежные глагольные значения............................867

    А. Б. Шлуинский

    Фактатив и смежные категории: опыт типологии......................950

    Указатель языков..................................................997

    Сведения об авторах..............................................1003

    Аннотации и ключевые слова.......................................1006

    Annotations and keywords.........................................1014

    Научное издание


    Исследования по теории грамматики

    Подписано к печати 18.07.2012 Формат 60x90 1/16 Усл. печ. л. 64. Уч.-изд. л. 53,8. Тираж 400 экз.

    Санкт-Петербургская издательская фирма «Наука» 199034, Санкт-Петербург, Менделеевская линия, 1 main@nauka.nw.ru, www.naukaspb.com

    Автор оригинал-макета — В. Ю. Гусев

    Отпечатано в типографии «Нестор СПб., ул. Розенштейна, д. 21 тел./факс: (812)622-01-23 e-mail: manager_nestor@list.ru

    ISBN 978-5-02-038306-7

    9 785020 383067


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