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ВІСНИК Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка ISSN 1728-3817
Appendix 1
А. Starostina, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv,
O. Babanska, Assistant I. Mechnikov Odessa national university, Odessa
In the article critical analysis of the main theoretical schools about the nature and mechanisms of the implementation of trans-border cooperation (TBC) was conducted. Author's approach for determining TBC essence, its forms and subjects was developed. TBC is a process of establishment of the international regional relations between subjects (local and regional authorities, territorial communities, public organizations, businessmen) of two or more countries which have general borders. This process includes development of general strategies, priority directions and programs of the development of territories on the basis of estimation of their general potential, strengths and weaknesses, determinations of sinergetical effect from their use, exposure of risks with the purpose of realization of socio-economic interests of all participants of collaboration, executed by corresponding agreements which do not conflict with the current legislation of countries. Special attention is paid to the classification of the subjects of the TBC and the system of their socio-economic interests.
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V. Kravchenko, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, А. Starostina, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv
Modern state of the Ukrainian clannish-oligarchic economy can be characterized in the terms of extraordinarily high degree of riskiness that makes actual use of scientifically based approach to the entrepreneurial risk management. Paper analyses certain types of enterprise risks than are connected with the certain forms of rotation of capital. Approaches of the different scientific schools to enterprise and its risks (classic political economy, Austrian, Marxism, Austro -German, Keynesianism, behavioral economics, neoclassical school, institutionalism) are considered in the article. Formation of the modern Ukrainian theory of enterprise risks must include achievements of other scientific schools.
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O. Garashchuk, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor Deputy Head of the organizaional and information support -the Head of the Public Relations and Media and International Cooperation of the State inspection of educational institutions of Ukraine,
V. Kutsenko, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor Chief Scientific Officer State Institution "Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of NAS of Ukraine"
Improving the quality of education needs to move her to an innovative way of development. The paper states that innovation in education - a key condition of its availability, efficient use of resources. Innovations in Education author examines how the introduction of something new in higher education, the implementation of new ideas, new methods. Reviewed state of scientific and technical progress in Ukraine, noting that the volume of scientific and technical work performed by enterprises grows. Emphasizes the role of higher education, which is an integral component of the economy. Systematized indicators characterizing the level of development of higher education in Ukraine. The changes that have occurred and the factors that led to them. Emphasized the importance of implementing the various components of the innovation in the educational process and proved a number of measures for its development. Revealed the importance of financial components to provide the resource base for the transition of the educational sector in the innovation way of development.
The need for structural changes in higher education, in training, which has a positive impact on the socio-economic performance of the country and the economic activity of the population. It is emphasized that confirm the activity of higher education transition to an innovative way of development is closely associated with this process in a secondary school. And therefore stresses the need for further computerization and informatization of secondary school and in higher education needs to accelerate the development and implementation of new learning technologies, formation of creative innovation teams and ensure their mobility, financial security model of higher education, including through public-private partnership.
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V. Shevchenko, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv
Different models of free trade agreements (FTA) and free trade zones (FTZ) are considered in the article, argued the complex approach to their structures and results under unstable global economic environment. Such agreements support the trade relations progress, create conditions for financial linkages development among the countries, including trade financing, banking services, foreign investments.
The typology of the free trade zones models and financial linkages types between countries have been developed. Approaches to the results of the free trade zones have been argued. It has been discovered that for the free trade zones of transitional countries the prevailing are tarde flows concentration whereas financial and investment linkages are acting with developed countries.
The main directions of increasing of the financial linkages results in the free trade zones have been discovered.
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4. Bhagwati, J. Termites in the Trading System. How Preferential Agreements Undermine Free Trade. /. J.Bhagwati -Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008.
5. Cheong D. Methods for Ex Post Economic Evaluation of Free Trade Agreements./ D. Cheong // - ADB Working Paper Series on Regional Economic Integration. - Asian Dvelopment Bank, 2010.
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8. Karacaovali, B., Limao, N. The clash of liberalizations: preferential vs. multilateral trade liberalization in the European Union./ B.Karacaovali, N.Limao.// - Journal of International Economics, - 2008, No. 74(2). - P. 299-327.
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N. Kochkina, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv
The article identifies trends in the development of marketing communications in the global interactive space by analyzing the factors of their functioning and researching motivation of viral audience. It is revealed the prevalence of interactive technologies in today's information space and the growth dynamics of interactive advertising market. It is proved that favorable conditions for marketing communications' functioning forms the basis for the development of viral advertising as an effective communication tool for untraditional impact on potential customers. The popularity of social networks as a major source of viral messages is determined. The motivation of YouTube audience, which provides a resonant video viewing and retransmission, is investigated. Gender and age differences that stipulate communication affect on consumers are identified. Cyclic social consciousness is observed that demands further research of viral audience, including constructing scenarios of viral behavior.
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L. Kudyrko, PhD in Economics, Professor Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv
The article analyzes the approaches to compliance methodological heritage of macro-and microeconomics theory to modern economic development challenges. Thesis about need of the methodological tools extension for the analysis of new processes and phenomena at the supranational level is argued. The expediency of strengthening interdisciplinary approach in their evaluation, which will provide a more objective and comprehensive understanding of nature and mechanisms of transformation of international economic relations in the modern era, and thus will improve the quality of professional training of international economists is substantiated.
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N. Krylova, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor,
J. Red'ko, master of International Economics Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv
Grain consumption is growing constantly along with the population growth and this factors favor to the demand of grain growth. Such trend define the necessity to found out th emain factors, which shape the Ukraininan crops' export. Defnition of such factors will allow to optimize the process of export orientation of srops production in Ukraine.
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V. Savelyev, PhD in Economics, Assistant Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv
The article concerns with the basic consumer segments. The consumer needs are analyzed in the article and the model of change in consumer behavior is created. The article proposes the recommendations on effective strategic actions in order to competitive capacity increase.
It is determined that in low purchasing power conditions, focus on meeting the needs of loyal customer segments will allow companies to increase the competitiveness of the market supply.
Adaptation of marketing strategy in low purchasing power conditions is a creative process in which success is based on the orientation of the changed consumption motives.
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3. Fatxutdinov R. A. Strategicheskij marketing: uchebnik. - M., 2000. - 640 p.
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5. Lamben Zhan-Zhak. Menedzhment, orientirovannyj na rynok / per. s angl. - Spb.: Piter, 2004. - 800 p.
N. Danylova, Assistant Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv
This paper studies recent trends of the world energy system in the case of globalization. The problems causing changes in the global energy market and raises the possibility of an energy crisis are idenitified, both in the short- and in the long-term period. The increased competition in global energy market is also revealed.
In the case of global competitive pressure on energy resources, renewable energy market has become the subject of many studies of modern domestic and foreign scholars, such as MKaltshmit, A.Vize, V.Shtreyher, V.Rau, B.Zanner, and S.Dunn others.
During the study of the global renewable energy market as the most dynamic the European market of renewable energy sources was detected. However, the dynamics of this market is becoming more sophisticate, the share of renewable energy in the total energy production is not stable, increasing international competition from foreign producers is growing, which requires further study changes.
The paper proposed a simplified model of the impact of alternative energy market players on its development and illustrates changes in the state policy of the European energy strategy.
1. Sledz S. National alternative industry: to be or not to be? / S. Sledz // Weekend Mirror: Ukraine - 2013. - №42. -[Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: http://gazeta.zn.ua/business/otechestvennaya-industriya-po-proizvodstvu-oborudovaniya-dlya-alternativnoy-energetiki-byt-ili-ne-byt-_.html?page=2&items=20.
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А. Kozlova, PhD student Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv
The article highlights the factors influencing agricultural production towards global market. The study consists basic fundamental imperatives of globalization on the agricultural sector in international economic relations. The article analyzes the strategic priorities of the international agricultural sector, which includes financial and credit support, legal aspects, processes and integration of organizational structures. Technological imperatives require a large structural and institutional turn in the Ukrainian economy on the basis of current trends in the global economy, scientific and technical potential. There is a growing importance of organizing and conducting international level in the field of technological forecasting. This type of prediction is considered as backbone component in strategic forecasting and economic development programming.
1. Bazylevych V.D., Ylyn V.V. Philosophy of Economics. History / V. Bazylevych, V. Ylyn. - K.: Knowledge; Moscow: Ribary, 2011. - 927s.
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4. Fedulova L.I. Innovative development industry in Ukraine: Trends and patterns / LI Fedulova / / Actual problems of economy. - 2007. - № 3 (69). - P. 82-84.
5. Aubert J-E. Innovation Policy for the Developing World / J-E. Aubert // Special Report of The World Bank. - The World Bank, 2013. - P. 7-9.
6. Lederman D. Innovation and Development around the World, 1960-2000 / D. Lederman, L. Saenz // World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3774. - The World Bank, 2013. - 35 p.
M. Ustymenko, PhD student Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv
The influence of enterprises integration into international innovation clusters on the increasing of enterprises, countries and regions economic sustainability under the global instability are explored. Potential sources of instability and threats of the integration into international cluster structures are defined.
Author outlines the main benefits of international innovation cluster for enhancement of economic agents sustainability, such as: possibility for joint exploitation of market opportunities and efforts consolidation for overcoming market threats, cluster selfsufficiency, effective cluster internal reorganization and adaptation in response to external changes.
Three clusters (engineering for agriculture production cluster (Hersonska oblast and German enterprises), IT cluster (Lvivska oblast and Poland enterprises), cluster for R&D commercialization (Slobodzanschina euroregion)) are examined to uncover the role of international innovation cluster formation on enhancement of economic agents' economic sustainability.
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3. OECD (2009), Policy Responses to the Economic Crisis: Investing in Innovation for Long-Term Growth, OECD Publishing.
4. Popelnyuhov R.V. Theoretyko-metodychni zasadu makroekonomichnoi stabilnosti. "Ekonomika ta derdzava" № 12, 2009, p. 58-61.
5. Feschur R.V. Ekonomichna stiykist pidpriiemstva / R.V. Feschur, H.S. Baranivska // Problemy ekonomiki ta upravlinnya. Visnuk Natsionalnogo universytetu "Lvivsks politehnika." - 2010. - №684.
6. Mokhonko G.A. Strategichna stiykist pidpruiemstva ta yii zabezpechennya v umovah nestabilnogo rynkovogo
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7. Bazhenova O. External shocks on economic growth of Ukraine: theoretical backgrounds and empirical testing / O. Bazhenova // News of Ki'i'vskogo natsionalnogo universitetu im. Tarasa Shevchenko. Ekonomika. -K.: cWd "Kiev The Univ," 2012, N Vip. 140.-S.6-9
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10. Hart, D.A. (2000), Innovation Clusters: Key Concepts, Working paper, Department of Land Management and Development, and School of Planning Studies, The University of Reading, United Kingdom. http://centaur.reading.ac.uk/ 27212/1/0600.pdf.
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11. Cainelli, G. (2012), "Production and financial linkages in inter-firm networks: structural variety, risk-sharing and resilience", Journal of Evolutionary Economics. Sep2012, Vol. 22 Issue 4, p711-734.
12. Obolentseva L.V. Klasteryzatsiya yak napryam rozvitku natsionalnoi ekonomiku: problem ta perspectuvu / L.V. Obolentseva // Ekonomichni problemu ta perspekttyvy rozvytku zhitlovo-kommunalnogo gospodarstva na suchasnomy etapi: materialy II mizhnar. nauk.-pract. conf., Kharkiv, 20 - 22, 2010 zhovtnya p. / Min-vo z pytan ZHKG Ukrainy, HNAMG. - H.: HNAMG, 2010 - S. 173 - 176 - [Електронний ресурс] / Режим доступу: http://eprints.kname.edu.ua/17645/.
13. OECD (2009), Clusters, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED), OECD Publishing.
14. Walerud C. and A. Viachka (2012) "Transnational networks of cluster organisations. Cluster Observatory Report "Stockholm: Center for Strategy and Competitiveness, Stockholm School of Economics.
15. Shovkalyuk V.S. Clustery ta innovatsiiny rozvutok Ukrainy / Stvorennya ta funktsionuvannya innovatsiynih klasteriv. Informatsiyno-analitichny materialy Derzhavnogo agenstva Ukrainy z pytan nauku, innovatsii ta informatuzatsii Ukrainy [Електронний ресурс] / Режим доступу: http://dknii.gov.ua/?q=system/files/sites/default/files/images/
16. Pro stvorennya v Hersonskii oblasti mashinobudivnogo clusteru vyrobnytstva, zberigannya ta realizatsii zernozbyralnih kombayniv: rozporyadzennya Kabinetu Ministriv na vikonanannya doruchennya presidenta Ukrainy 25 Bereznya od 2011 roku №1-1 / 566.
17. Priorytety polityky importozamischennya v strategii modernizatsii promislovosti Ukrainy ". Analitychna dopovid. Instytut strategichnih doslidzhen Ukrainy [Електронний ресурс] / Режим доступу: http://www.niss.gov.ua/.
18. Conceptual approach to the creation of a system innovation platform GeoTeCHNOPOLIS within the Euroregion "Sloboda" [Text] / Alex Kiryuhin et al. // Zhurnal sotsialno-ekonomichnoi geografii. - 2011 - Vip. 10 - S. 167-172.
M. Osvald, PhD student Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv
In the conditions of globalization all the companies try to find the effective ways of maximizing their profit. One of the instruments is the system of the transfer pricing that helps to optimize the costs and allocate effective the resources of the company. Transfer pricing has detrimental effect on the economy of countries, though the governments use the regulations to minimize this effect on their economy. In this case the conflict of interests appears. Paper deals with an analysis of the functions and reasons of the economic agents which use the transfer prices to demonstrate the conflict of interests in transfer pricing. The purpose of the study is the determination of the best ways to solve the conflict situations in the process of transfer pricing according to the economic interests of the agents: company and government and within the company: headquarters and subsidiaries. The main point of resolving the conflict between company and government is to make clear regulations of transfer pricing for enterprises and productive relations between company and government. The methods to resolve the conflict within the company are: clear guidelines, decentralization and motivation for stuff members.
1. Pashkus V.J. Transfer pricing: evolution of conception and current introduction // Vestnik Sankt-Peterburskogo universiteta. Serija 5 (Ekonomika). - SPb.: Izdatelstvo Sankt-Peterburskogo universiteta, 2001. - Vip. 4 - №29. - S. 61-70.
2. Dzyuba P. Transfer pricing in financial system of TNC : Dis. ... kand. ekon. nauk: 08.05.01. - K.:2005. - 210 s.
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I. Protsenko, PhD student Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv
One of the main world economy's trends is the priority development of the service sector. Services, capital, information and technology flows typically fall outside the scope of regulation of national governments. The particular relevance to the issues of international legal regulation of international services market, therefore. Multilateral regulation of trade in services defined key provisions of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). The role of GATS (within the WTO) is very important nowadays, because the agreement defines the legal framework for trade in services, including in areas such as transport, investment, education, communications, financial services, energy, water and movement of natural persons. Intensive growth of international trade in services has caused the need for the creation of supranational institutions and a new level. The heist level of services liberalization achieved under such integration organizations as the EU, NAFTA, OECD and UNCTAD for assistance. One of the main trends in multilateral trade regulation is increase the share of regional trade agreements in the total volume of international trade cooperation
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E. Piskunova, Doctor of of Sciences (Economics), Professor,
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Based on the statistical data for regions of Ukraine with the use of cluster analysis by k-means classification of regions of Ukraine on the structure of consumption of basic foodstuffs. Analyzed the relationship between the structure of consumption and the level of economic security areas. To determine the factors that explain regional differences were found in the structure of food consumption the method of analysis of variance. The effect on the volume and structure of consumption in production of food, cash income, the cost of an average range of food items, as well as the proportion of the rural population in the region.
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ВІСНИК Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка ISSN 1728-3817
О. Klepikova, PhD in Economics, Assosiate Professor Odessa National Polytechnic University, Odessa
The article describes the main provisions of accounting and movement of financial resources insurance company. Has been developed simulation model of the interaction of financial flows insurance company that allows you to track the chain of financial resources and evaluate the possibility of making a profit.
The purpose of this article is to assess profit insurance company based on the developed simulation model.
Simulation model is divided in the following main business areas: accounting premiums; accumulation of income of the insurer and their distribution; modeling of the insurer; formation profit insurer.
For different types of insurance are simulated: the flow of customers; financial flows of payments; reserve funds; operating costs and revenues. Estimated various stochastic factors on finance flows (inflation, actions of competitors, crisis and postcrisis actions, etc.). Process simulation leads to the definition of the main results of the insurer (income, expenses, deductions in insurance reserves, commissions, administrative expenses, net income, retained earnings, etc.).
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A. Tsyutsyak, Lecturer
Ivano-Frankivsk University of Law Named After Danylo Galytskyy, Ivano-Frankivsk MORERN STATE OF ACCOUNTING AND TAXING OF FRANCHISING IN A RESTAURANT BUSINESS
It is covered the nature of franchising as the system of franchiser trade network development and as the form of business organization of the entrepreneurs who have the rights for running business under the brand of franchiser. The modern state of accounting operations according to the franchising agreement in a restaurant business is analyzed. The article enlights the problems of accounting operations' appearing during the creation of the trade mark by the franchiser, the getting of the franchise, and the charging of the franchising expenses and the bonus to a franchiser.
Considering the institutional theory, it is proposed to divide the franchising expenses (connected with the franchising agreement) into pre-franchising and franchising and to interpret them as the expenses of operations' coordination. We explain the order of franchising accounting.
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N. Butenko, PhD in Economics, Assosiate Professor Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv,
K. Pankova, PhD Student Lutsk Natioanal Technical University, Lutsk
In the existing conditions of industrial markets development, Ukrainian companies are losing competitiveness due to inefficient use of resources, not ecological production process and environmental pollution. This article summarizes the existing theoretical basis and develops practical recommendations for the forming of marketing ecologization system for domestic enterprises. Providing the sustainable socio-economic development in Ukraine requires creation of theoretical, methodological and practical basis introducing the eco-oriented business concept implementation. The concept of environmental marketing aims to strengthen the company's position in the market and facilitate building of long-term and transparent relationships between the consumers and the producers. It is necessary to develop a system of means in environmental marketing and improve the existing system of environmental certification and labeling of products and services. Implementation of these proposals will improve the environmental prosperity of consumer and society as a whole.
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