ANALYSIS SITUATION OF URBAN GREEN SPACE FRAMEWORK IN TEHRAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Danilina Nina V., Majorzadehzahiri Alireza

Introduction. In recent years, the development of cities and the increase in urban population has upset the balance of urban ecology in Iran. The destruction of agricultural fields and natural areas, as well as changes in the function of urban green spaces have caused environmental problems. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to investigate the distribution of green space in Tehran with an environmental sustainability approach. Materials and methods. The research method is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. Basic information has been obtained through library studies and Tehran Municipality and using GIS, mathematical and statistical methods such as entropy coefficient, Concentration level method, Lorenz curve, Location quotient (L.Q) method, Distribution quotient (D.Q) method distribution of Tehran green space function were analyzed. Results. The results show the unbalanced and inappropriate spatial distribution of green space and the critical environmental situation in the 22 districts of Tehran. According to the entropy coefficient model, district 18 is the most unbalanced distribution and in contrast, district 2 has the most balanced distribution. The results of the concentration level method based on the value of C obtained for each of the districts showed that districts 4 and 1 with the level of 2.141 and 2.103 have the highest concentration level and other districts have much less concentration level than these districts. The Lorenz curve also indicates that the distribution of urban green spaces in 22 districts of Tehran is different from the uniform distribution, and in some districts, it is higher than the uniform distribution and, in some districts, it is lower, which indicates an unbalanced distribution between the districts. Location quotient (L.Q) method and distribution quotient (D.Q) method also showed that the concentration and density of green space use in different districts of Tehran was inappropriate and unbalanced. Conclusions. This research show that according to the 8 million population in Tehran, its per capita green space is 16.27 square meters and its distribution is unbalanced in 22 districts. Also districts 1 and 22 with a per capita of 33.85 and 58.67 square meters and having 204 and 77 green spaces in the suitable situation and districts 10 and 11 districts with a per capita of 2.58 and 4.96 and having 51 and 30 green spaces are in the unsuitable situation. And according to the statistical methods used, the green space of the districts has an unbalanced spatial distribution. In the 1990s and 2000s, there was a greater tendency for construction in the northern districts and about 45 % of the city’s gardens were destroyed during these years, and most of the destruction occurred in the northern districts.

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УДК 711.4:504.06(55) DOI: 10.22227/1997-0935.2021.8.975-985

Analysis situation of urban green space framework in Tehran

Nina V. Danilina, Alireza Majorzadehzahiri

Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University) (MGSU); Moscow,

Russian Federation


Introduction. In recent years, the development of cities and the increase in urban population has upset the balance of urban ecology in Iran. The destruction of agricultural fields and natural areas, as well as changes in the function of urban green spaces have caused environmental problems. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to investigate the distribution of green space in Tehran with an environmental sustainability approach.

Materials and methods. The research method is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. Basic information has been obtained through library studies and Tehran Municipality and using GIS, mathematical and statistical methods such as entropy coefficient, Concentration level method, Lorenz curve, Location quotient (L.Q) method, Distribution quotient (D.Q) method distribution of Tehran green space function were analyzed.

Results. The results show the unbalanced and inappropriate spatial distribution of green space and the critical environmental situation in the 22 districts of Tehran. According to the entropy coefficient model, district 18 is the most unbalanced distribution and in contrast, district 2 has the most balanced distribution. The results of the concentration level method based on the value of C obtained for each of the districts showed that districts 4 and 1 with the level of 2.141 and 2.103 have the highest concentration level and other districts have much less concentration level than these districts. The Lorenz curve also indicates that the distribution of urban green spaces in 22 districts of Tehran is different from the uniform distribution, and in some districts, it is higher than the uniform distribution and, in some districts, it is lower, which indicates an unbalanced distribution between the districts. Location quotient (L.Q) method and distribution quotient (D.Q) method also showed that ^ e the concentration and density of green space use in different districts of Tehran was inappropriate and unbalanced. W 0

Conclusions. This research show that according to the 8 million population in Tehran, its per capita green space is 16.27 3 j square meters and its distribution is unbalanced in 22 districts. Also districts 1 and 22 with a per capita of 33.85 and 58.67 K square meters and having 204 and 77 green spaces in the suitable situation and districts 10 and 11 districts with a per capita 3 ^ of 2.58 and 4.96 and having 51 and 30 green spaces are in the unsuitable situation. And according to the statistical methods S r used, the green space of the districts has an unbalanced spatial distribution. In the 1990s and 2000s, there was a greater c Q tendency for construction in the northern districts and about 45 % of the city's gardens were destroyed during these years, • . and most of the destruction occurred in the northern districts. o S

t S

KEYWORDS: urban green space, spatial distribution, sufficiency, environmental sustainability, GIS, Tehran y 1

FOR CITATION: Danilina N.V., Majorzadehzahiri A. Analysis situation of urban green space framework in Tehran. u —

Vestnik MGSU [Monthly Journal on Construction and Architecture]. 2021; 16(8):975-985. DOI: 10.22227/1997-0935.2021.8. a § 975-985 (rus.). -

Анализ состояния городского зеленого каркаса в Тегеране

Н.В. Данилина, А. Маджорзадехзахири ^ з

Национальный исследовательский Московский государственный строительный университет =1 -

(НИУМГСУ); г. Москва, Россия Г §

- I (


Я 1

Введение. В последние годы развитие городов и рост городского населения нарушили баланс городской экологии в Иране. Цель исследования — изучить состояние зеленого каркаса на примере Тегерана с использованием подхода

экологической устойчивости. < ^

Материалы и методы. Применили описательно-аналитические методы с использованием ГИС, математические 1 °

и статистические инструменты, такие как коэффициент энтропии, метод уровня концентрации, кривая Лоренца, метод § Ф

коэффициента местоположения (Ь.О), метод коэффициента распределения ф.О) для анализа распределения функ- > 6

ции зеленых зон Тегерана. Исходная информация получена посредством натурных исследований и анализа офици- 1 >

альных документов муниципалитета Тегерана. Ф Ы

Результаты. Установлены несогласованное пространственное распределение зеленых зон и критическая экологи- <д п

ческая ситуация в 22 округах Тегерана. Согласно модели коэффициента энтропии, округ 18 обладает наиболее не- £ о

сбалансированным распределением, округ 2 — сбалансированным распределением. Применение метода уровня Ф >

концентрации, основанного на значении С, полученном для каждого из округов, показало, что округа 4 и 1 с уровнем , ,

2,141 и 2,103 обладают самым высоким уровнем концентрации, другие округа — меньшим уровнем концентрации 2 2

зеленых зон. Кривая Лоренца указывает на неравномерное распределение зеленых зон между округами. Методы 1_.0 2 2 и D.Q также продемонстрировали, что концентрация и плотность использования зеленых зон в различных округах Тегерана неравномерны.

ф ф

© Nina V Danilina, Alireza Majorzadehzahiri, 2021

Распространяется на основании Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC)

Выводы. Средняя обеспеченность населения Тегерана зелеными зонами составляет 16,27 м2 на человека, что соответствует российским нормам, но их распределение в 22 округах несбалансированное, и жители разных округов имеют разные условия доступа к ним. Для округов 1 и 22 обеспеченность — 33,85 и 58,67 м2, для округов 10 и 11 — 2,58 и 4,96 м2 на человека. Доказана гипотеза, что предложенные методы можно применять для оценки состояния зеленого каркаса. Зеленый каркас Тегерана находится в неудовлетворительном состоянии и не обеспечивает устойчивое развитие территорий города. Объясняется это действиями власти в 1990-2000 гг., когда началась активная застройка города и уничтожение 45 % городских садов.

КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: городские зеленые зоны, пространственное распределение, обеспеченность, экологическая устойчивость, ГИС, статистические методы, Тегеран

ДЛЯ ЦИТИРОВАНИЯ: Данилина Н.В., Маджорзадехзахири А. Analysis situation of urban green space framework in Tehran // Вестник МГСУ. 2021. Т. 16. Вып. 8. С. 975-985. DOI: 10.22227/1997-0935.2021.8.975-985


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Green space is one of the most important urban functions. Which is considered as green infrastructure in urban districts and also as one of the most important centers of welfare and recreational services, have an important social, economic and ecological role in cities and a favorable environment for raising children, maintaining comfort and it is an indicator for improving the quality of living space and community development. But the vital importance of green space in today's world is not only because of its recreational and economic values, but also because of its environmental importance. In other words, the most important effect of green space in cities is its environmental function, which increases the biological quality of cities by creating a balance in the metabolism of the city on the one hand and raising the level of beauty on the other. Therefore, the importance and role of urban green space in their life and sustainability and its physical and natural effects on the urban system and its various ecological, economic and social efficiencies cannot be ignored. With this approach, urban green space can be defined as outdoor places with prominent amounts of plant life and the existence of major quasi-natural areas. Green space development should be based on the correct attitude to the environmental and social needs of the city as well as the facilities and capabilities of the city. In this regard, the two categories of sustainable development and improving resource productivity will be at the top of green space development policies. A very important point here is to know the ecological structure and quality of the environment [1-4].

The consequences of urban development and their environmental problems have made the existence of green space and its expansion inevitable forever. Cities, as the center of concentration, activity and life, have no choice but to accept the structure and function of natural systems in order to ensure their sustainability. Urban green spaces as a living and vital part of the morphological structure and the main factor of ecological potential of cities have a fundamental role in the environmental sustainability of cities. In recent centuries, the trend of increasing urban population and, consequently, the expansion of the physical development of the city, has created many problems for urban centers, especially large cities. In our country, the rapid growth in recent decades has been done in such a way that the urban space and

infrastructure required by cities are not equipped accordingly [5, 6]. The main effect that has resulted in the rapid growth of the city is the disruption and inadequacy of the service distribution system, which is generally seen in all cities of Iran. The consequences of urban development and the complexity of today's environmental problems that have affected many urban communities, has made the existence of green space and its expansion more necessary than ever. Today, our living environment is a place where green space is an integral part of the urban structure and should play a key role in urban metabolism and environmental sustainability and be a framework for promoting culture, urban society and individual identity [7-10]. On the other hand, the growth of industry and population growth in cities, has led to commercial construction and the need to create new urban functions to meet the growing needs and housing population gradually reduces the share of green space and urban gardens and thus It has caused environmental pollution. It is worth mentioning that with the increase in the process of destruction of nature, human attention to natural resources has increased and its productivity has replaced respect for nature. In general, the existence of green space and their impact on cities is inevitable, so without it, it is not possible for cities to remain sustainable. The most important effect of green space in cities is temperature adjustment, increase in relative humidity, mild air and dust absorption [11, 12]. Therefore, if green space is necessary as a part of the context of cities as well as part of urban functions, it cannot be separated from the needs of urban society. Therefore, green space should be constructed quantitatively in proportion to the physical volume of the city and its future expansion process so that it can have an effective environmental efficiency as an active green space creation and proper distribution Green space in cities has a significant impact on physical and mental health, social activities, high IQ and increase the ability to work and activity and gives a new and satisfying shape to people's lives. But now, as we see, the urban landscape in many contemporary cities, has been nothing but buildings and towering towers, and man can less relax in escaping the mass of cement, iron, asphalt and enjoy living in cities. In the meantime, as mentioned, proper access to urban green space is one of the issues that play a significant role in the relative guarantee of individual and social health, peace of mind

of citizens and improving the quality of the environment [13-16].

Undoubtedly, green space and urban parks should be considered among the most basic factors of environmental and human sustainability of urbanization today. If they are properly planned, they will have favorable effects on the health of body and soul. Green space, which is part of the appearance of the city, as one of the real phenomena, is one of the first issues that human beings have always been in contact with and will be. The importance of green space in urban environments is such that it is considered as one of the indicators of community development. In the meantime, what seems important is the issue of spatial and spatial distribution of urban green space, which if it is inappropriate, visual, social and environmental anomalies such as improper architectural design, improper plant layout, lack of spaces Proper leisure creates the confusion of the cityscape, inappropriate use of leisure time and lack of proper social interaction [17-19].

Landscapes change because they are the expression of the dynamic interaction between natural and cultural forces in the environment. Cultural landscapes are the result of consecutive reorganization of the land in order to adapt its use and spatial structure better to the changing societal demands. The theory of quality of life is to promote and develop the concepts of quality of people's living environment to provide them with the best ways of life. the development of smart and sustainable city concepts on the basis of social factors that will play the role of the accelerator for ensuring a high quality of life for the population and the urban aspects of sustainable development of smart territories. Thus, the practical implementation of the proposed methods creates a real opportunity to improve the quality indicators of urban life with a complex landscape located in the city, which will directly affect the improvement of people's health [20-23].

In addition to this issue, another major problem in different cities of Iran is the lack of urban green space. Today, when a comparison is made between green space urban planning standards, it is clear that many cities face major shortcomings, as well as inadequate distribution

and unfair distribution, which have created problems in terms of easy access for people. Therefore, city managers in responding to these imbalances need to use new analytical tools and more effort. Therefore, the importance of such issues in special districts and cities such as Tehran is more than other districts. Because human societies in these cities are constantly exposed to the consequences of urbanization and environmental pollution. If we add these cases to environmental stresses such as extreme heat, dust and dry air, then we will realize the importance of green space in such cities Irregular development The city of Tehran and having more facilities and services raises the need for green space more than before. In this city, the increase in population and excessive density of buildings has destroyed the environmental quality and has caused the destruction of these spaces as much as possible. One of the problems of Tehran is the uncoordinated distribution of green space in different districts of the city. Global standards of green space are something around 25-20 square meters for each citizen, while according to unofficial statistics, the per capita green space in our country is about 8-9 square meters. However, in the city of Tehran, this per capita is 9.2 square meters per person, and specifically in district one, the per capita green space in the current conditions is about 3.91 square meters per person. Of course, this figure is not the same in different districts of Tehran for some districts per capita green space is less than the urban standard and for others is more, and this lack of uniform distribution exists not only in the whole districts but also within the areas themselves. At the same time, the same amount has been distributed spatially and spatially, so study and be aware of how the spatial and spatial distribution of green space in district one of Tehran with emphasis on environmental sustainability and with the aim of recognizing existing deficiencies and bottlenecks Such observance of the principle of spatial justice seems necessary.


Tehran (Fig. 1) with an area of about 730 square kilometers is located between 51 degrees and 8 minutes

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Fig. 1. Location of Tehran

to 51 degrees and 37 minutes east longitude and 35 degrees and 34 minutes to 35 degrees and 50 minutes north latitude and in terms of administrative divisions into 22 districts and 119 regions, and 362 neighborhoods. Tehran has hot and dry summers and cold and wet winters. It is most often affected by the Siberian anticyclone. Its temperature rises especially during the cold period of the year and during the nights. The frequency of temperature inversion, especially at altitudes of 5 to 100 meters, increases the city's ability to pollute. In addition, the increase in stagnant air also increases the concern of planners to create healthy living conditions.

This research was analytical-descriptive. In this research, first, using library studies, urban plans and field studies, the desired information has been collected, then to analyze this information and to measure the level of concentration and spatial balance of green spaces in different districts of Tehran, Their distribution quotient between districts and the difference between the distribution of urban green spaces and uniform

distribution are the existing mathematical and statistical methods such as entropy coefficient, concentration level, Lorenz curve, location quotient (L.Q) method and distribution quotient (D.Q) method.


Situation of green space framework in Tehran

According to the statistics obtained from Tehran Municipality, the total area of the city is 615,621,556.30 square meters, in which 8,938,686 people live. The green space of Tehran, which mostly includes parks and gardens, is 557,308,706 square meters. According to the population of Tehran, the per capita green space is 16.27 square meters per person. In total, there are 2,262 green spaces in Tehran. The green space framework of Tehran includes 7 types of green space, which are shown in Fig. 2.

Also, the situation of each district of Tehran is shown in Table 1 and Fig. 3, 4 and 5.


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Fig. 2. Current Situation of Tehran Green Space Framework

Table 1. Comparison of population, area and green space of 22 districts of Tehran

Districts Population Area, m2 Green space area, m2 Green space per capita, m2

1 522,526 46,610,925.96 16,503,712 33.85

2 721,964 47,005,551.53 14,683,896 20.94

3 337,275 29,217,372.49 5,268,898 15.94

4 946,728 61,554,530.94 20,013,693 21.78

5 884,287 53,161,730.49 12,426,409 14.48

6 259,868 21,367,448.65 3,119,503 12.41

End of the Table 1

Districts Population Area, m2 Green space area, m2 Green space per capita, m2

7 312,996 15,335,057.36 1,409,262 4.51

8 445,554 13,156,441.53 1,705,089 4.01

9 180,818 19,746,501.80 2,778,630 15.95

10 336,962 8,185,486.76 843,299 2.58

11 316,492 12,031,225.02 1,527,996 4.96

12 241,430 16,007,300.69 1,375,827 5.69

13 244,516 12,862,735.46 2,203,722 8.85

14 507,783 14,552,730.70 4,775,736 9.26

15 670,574 27,739,822.06 9,835,482 15.34

16 260,178 16,512,495.56 3,076,979 11.46

17 289,234 8,251,824.81 1,062,393 3.89

18 431,276 37,869,105.00 6,648,183 15.83

19 262,316 20,341,440.30 6,856,397 26.27

20 378,741 23,583,689.19 6,798,268 18.61

21 196,998 51,525,286.31 6,864,068 36.74

22 198,970 59,002,853.70 10,346,053 58.67

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* G rccn spa« a rc «. mJ T G n-c n space capita, ra3

Fig. 3. Green space area of 22 districts of Tehran

As Tables 1 and Fig. 3, 4 and 5 shows, the largest area of green space in Tehran is in district 4 with an area of 20,013,693 square meters and per capita green space is 21.78 square meters. In contrast, the lowest area of green space is related to district 10 with a green space area of 843,299 m2 and a per capita green space of 2,058 m2. District 22 with a per capita green space of 58.67 square

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meters has the highest per capita due to the low population of this district. The highest number of green spaces among the 22 districts of Tehran is in district 4 with 264 and the lowest number is in district 10 with 28 green spaces. To create a suitable urban environment and ensure the welfare of residents, it is necessary to create a balance between the resident population and green space.

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№ DO

■ T

s □

s y c o (D *


2 2 O O 2 2


Fig. 4. Number and area of green space in 22 districts of Tehran


o o


CO CO K (V U 3 > in c « 2

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o % ---- "t^

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8 « z ° co E

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Fig. 5. Sufficience of green space per capita in 22 districts of Tehran

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Entropy coefficient of the existence of spatial balance of a variable and less

Through the entropy method to measure the than the inverse number indicates this state, which is

uniformity of the variables; Such as population calculated based on the following equation:

distribution in districts of a city or public services can f, (a, ) be used. According to the theoretical principle of the

j n r i \

model, when entropy tends to the number one, the sign =0 j ' '

j = 1, 2, ..., n,


E. = -KLpli lnp...

K = 1/ln M

(2) (3)

ment of the spatial distribution of an activity or function is done through the following equation:

where E is the entropy coefficient of each district and P is the ratio of the number of independent variables (green space) divided by the sum of the independent variables. F is the value of the independent variable and K is the constant coefficient. M is the number of calculated variables.

Based on the method, Tables 2 show the distribution of green space in the districts, and the more the coefficient tends to one inclination, the more the balance of services indicates, and the more it tends to zero, the more the inconsistency in distribution of green space at the districts level. Based on the results of entropy index analysis; The spatial distribution of green space use among the 22 districts of Tehran is such that district 18 is the most unbalanced distribution and in contrast, district 2 has the most balanced distribution.

Concentration level method

This technique shows the extent to which an activity is evenly distributed in different parts of an district or territory, or to what extent it tends to Concentration. It therefore provides a comparative image of the position of the study districts relative to each other. The measure-

Table 2. Calculation of entropy coefficient for districts of Tehran

Districts Entropy coefficient

1 0.648

2 0.681

3 0.450

4 0.465

5 0.450

6 0.406

7 0.446

8 0.440

9 0.233

10 0.372

11 0.489

12 0.479

13 0.315

14 0.123

15 0.358

16 0.493

17 0.434

18 0.106

19 0.221

20 0.540

21 0.319

22 0.409

C =

iix - y\



where C is the concentration of an activity or function, X is the percentage distributed of the area of each district, and Y is the percentage distributed of an activity or function in each district. The C value in this technique always fluctuates between zero and one hundred. The higher the amount and calculated, it indicates the inappropriate distribution or the intense concentration of that activity or function in certain points.

The level of C indicates the low concentration of urban green spaces in the 22 districts of Tehran. In order to clarify the analysis of the concentration of green spaces and to know in which district the concentration is more, we calculated this method separately for each district of Tehran. The results of Table 3 show that districts 1, 21, 2, 15, and 22 with the concentration of 2.103, 1.735, 1.421, 1.256, and 1.100 have the highest concentration but in other districts of Tehran Far less common in these districts.

Lorenz curve

This technique is one of the spatial distribution techniques and shows how variables are distributed. This

Table 3. Concentration level of green spaces in 22 districts of Tehran

Districts Concentration level of green space C, %

1 2.103

2 1.421

3 0.492

4 2.142

5 0.116

6 0.622

7 0.742

8 0.460

9 0.612

10 0.363

11 0.431

12 0.809

13 0.258

14 0.522

15 1.256

16 0.243

17 0.291

18 0.703

19 0.794

20 0.510

21 1.735

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22 1.100

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Fig. 6. Lorenz curve for green space distribution in Tehran


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curve is a cumulative frequency curve and compares the distribution of the variable in question with a uniform distribution that represents equality. In this curve, the cumulative ratio of the variable (green space) is on the >>-axis and the cumulative ratio of the population of the districts is on the x-axis. According to this curve, the farther the curve is from the standard distribution line, the more unbalanced the distribution of the desired variable in a zone will be.

According to Fig. 6, as can be seen, the Lorenz curve shows the difference in spatial distribution of urban green space in 22 districts of Tehran compared to uniform distribution and indicates the fact that the distribution of urban green space in 22 districts is proportional. It is different in uniform distribution and in some districts, it is higher than uniform distribution and, in some districts, it is lower which indicates unbalanced distribution between districts.

Location quotient (L.Q) method

The L.Q method is very useful for calculating the spatial concentration. By this method, it is easy to understand the distribution of the desired variable in urban districts. The L.Q method is a measure designed to determine the relative concentration of a function in one district relative to other districts. That is, it is a method of measuring the relative concentration of a particular district relative to all districts. The equation of method L.Q is:

L.Q = (xi/ni) / (x/n),


than one indicates the concentration of the desired variable in one district relative to the total districts.

As Table 4 shows, the L.Q calculated in districts 1, 2, 4, 19, 20, 21 and 22 is higher than one and indicates the high concentration of urban green spaces in these districts compared to other districts. In districts 3, 9, 15 and 18 this value is approximately equal to one, which indicates the balance in these districts. In districts 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16 and 17, this value is less than one and indicates the lack of concentration of this function in these districts compared to other districts.

Distribution quotient (D.Q) method

The following equation can be used to measure the distribution quotient of specific production, service or functional spaces:

D.Q = Y/X,


where D.Q is the distribution quotient, Y is the percentage distribution of the functional spaces of each district and X is the percentage distribution of the area of each district. Based on the distribution quotient calculations, there is a density of spaces or functions in districts where the quotient is more than one.

Table 4. Results of location quotient and distribution quotient for green space in 22 districts of Tehran

where xi is the number of variables i in the target district, ni is the population of the district, x is the number of variables in the whole city and n is the population of the whole city. Given an L.Q result smaller than one, this means that the concentration of the desired variable in one district is less than total districts. Equal to or close to one means the self-sufficiency of the district under consideration compared to other districts and is greater

Districts Location quotient (L.Q) Distribution quotient (D.Q)

1 2.016 1.555

2 1.298 1.372

3 0.997 0.792

4 1.349 1.428

5 0.897 1.026

6 0.766 0.641

7 0.287 0.403

End of the Table 4

Districts Location quotient (L.Q) Distribution quotient (D.Q)

8 0.244 0.569

9 0.981 0.618

10 0.159 0.452

11 0.308 0.557

12 0.363 0.377

13 0.575 0.752

14 0.600 1.441

15 0.936 1.557

16 0.755 0.818

17 0.234 0.565

18 0.984 0.771

19 1.669 1.480

20 1.146 1.266

21 2.224 0.585

22 3.320 0.770

To compare with the L.Q method (Table 4), the distribution quotient method for urban green spaces in 22 districts of Tehran was calculated with equation 6 and as we see in Table 4, the distribution quotient of green spaces in districts 1, 2, 4, 5, 14, 15, 19 and 20 is higher than one and indicates the density of green spaces in these districts.


Urbanization, is a major cause of environmental change. This approach has been formed as a result of historical-geographical complexities and has caused unbridled urban expansion and destruction of green spaces and agricultural lands and changes in land

functions and has caused the loss of beauty, urban space, nature and objective manifestation of socio-economic problems, has become cultural and ecological, which has not only caused climate change, but also environmental changes and disturbed the ecological balance. The disappearance of urban green spaces as the breathing lungs of cities and the expansion of polluting industries in cities has made the urban environment polluted and uninhabitable. Currently, 22.76 % of the total area of Tehran is dedicated to various types of green space. However, in the 1990s and 2000s, despite the emptiness of the southern and eastern districts of Tehran, there was a greater tendency to build in the northern districts. About 45 % of the city's gardens have been destroyed over the years, with most of the destruction in the north, and the parks created during this period are not comparable in terms of ecological efficiency. According to the population of 8,938,686 people in Tehran, the per capita green space is 16.27 square meters and its distribution in 22 districts of Tehran is unbalanced. District 2 with the highest entropy coefficient, is in the best conditions and district 18 with the lowest entropy coefficient, is in the worst condition. Considering the use of quantitatively different methods, it can be concluded that the distribution of urban green spaces in the 22 districts of Tehran is unbalanced and there is little difference in this regard between the districts so that based on the Lorenz curve the distribution of urban green spaces in the 22 districts of Tehran are different from the uniform distribution, which indicates an unbalanced distribution among the districts. Also, based on the data obtained from different methods in this study, it can be said that only districts 1, 4, 21 and 22 have a suitable situation in terms of urban green space performance and districts 10 and 11 have an unsuitable situation in terms of urban green space performance. are. According to the results of this research, there is a need for prioritization to improve and develop the urban green space framework of Tehran.

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1. Breuste J., Artmann M. Multi-functional urban green spaces. Cities and Nature. 2020; 399-526. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-37716-8_7

2. Javadi R., Nasrollahi N. Urban green space and health: The role of thermal comfort on the health benefits from the urban green space; a review study. Building and Environment. 2021; 202:108039. DOI: 10.1016/j. buildenv.2021.108039

3. Pallotta V.I. The scientific approach of masters of design to the pre-project study of green zones of the urban environment. Materials of the International Scientific Forum "Education. Science. Culture". 2016; 138-142. (rus.).

4. Rajput S., Arora K., Mathur R. Urban Green Space, Health Economics and Air Pollution in Delhi. 1st ed. Routledge India, 2021. DOI: 10.4324/9780429340581



5. Hanson H.I., Eckberg E., Widenberg M., Ols-son J.A. Gardens' contribution to people and urban green space. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 2021; 63:127198. DOI: 10.1016/j.ufug.2021.127198

6. Adams C.E. Urban Green Spaces. 3rd ed. CRC Press, 2018; 179-202. DOI: 10.1201/9781315371863-7

7. Klyukina A.I., Frolova T.L. Basic principles of organizing urban small green zones. Architecture and architectural environment: issues of historical and modern development. 2019; 98-103. (rus.).

8. Hall C.M. Cultural and Heritage Tourism in the Middle East and North Africa. 1st ed. Routledge, 2020. DOI: 10.4324/9780429279065

9. Illia F. Human-Nature Interaction in Urban Green Spaces. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal. 2020; 5:SI3. DOI: 10.21834/ebpj.v5iSI3.2581



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10. Whitten M. Contesting Longstanding Conceptualisations of Urban Green Space. Cities and Nature. 2020; 87-116. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-44480-8_5

11. Kowarik I. Working with Wilderness: a promising direction for urban green spaces. Landscape Architecture Frontiers. 2021; 9(1):92. DOI: 10.15302/J-LAF-1-030025

12. Mwendwa P., Giliba R.A. Benefits and Challenges of Urban Green Spaces. Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment. 2012; 12(1):73-79. DOI: 10.1080/10042857.2012.10685062

13. Bilgili B.C., Gokyer E. Urban Green Space System Planning. Landscape Planning. 2020. DOI: 10.5772/45877

14. Arnberger A., Eder R. Are urban visitors' general preferences for green-spaces similar to their preferences when seeking stress relief? Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 2015; 14(4):872-882. DOI: 10.1016/j. ufug.2015.07.005

15. Belmeziti A., Cherqui F., Kaufmann B. Improving the multi-functionality of urban green spaces: relations between components of green spaces and urban services. Sustainable Cities and Society. 2018; 43:1-10. DOI: 10.1016/j.scs.2018.07.014

16. Lamond J., Everett G. Sustainable Blue-Green Infrastructure: A social practice approach to understanding community preferences and stewardship. Landscape

Received July 7, 2021.

Adopted in revised form on August 22, 2021.

Approved for publication on August 24, 2021.

B i o n o t e s : Nina V. Danilina — Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department of Urban Planning; Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University) (MGSU); 26 Yaroslavskoe shosse, Moscow, 129337, Russian Federation; ID RISC: 686739, Scopus: 57192377385, ORCID: 0000-0002-9465-6435, ResearcherlD: F-2882-2017; DanilinaNV@mail.ru;

Alireza Majorzadehzahiri — PhD student of the Department of Urban Planning; Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University) (MGSU); 26 Yaroslavskoe shosse, Moscow, 129337, Russian Federation; ID RISC: 1103511, Scopus: 57209311034, ORCID: 0000-0002-9800-8830; alireza_majorzadehzahiri@ yahoo.com.

and Urban Planning. 2019; 191:103639. DOI: 10.1016/j. landurbplan.2019.103639

17. Nikishova T.A. Studying the international experience of organization of green spaces in urban areas. Northern Palmira. 2018; 222-226 (rus.).

18. Breuste J., Artmann M., Ioja C., Qureshi S. Making Green Cities. Cities and Nature. 2020. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-37716-8

19. Dempsey N., Dobson J. Naturally Challenged: Contested Perceptions and Practices in Urban Green Spaces. Cities and Nature. 2020. DOI: 10.1007/978-3030-44480-8

20. Antrop M. Why landscapes of the past are important for the future. Landscape and Urban Planning. 2005; 70(1-2):21-34. DOI: 10.1016/j.landurb-plan.2003.10.002

21. Vlasov D., Majorzadehzahiri A. Evaluate quality of urban life. E3S Web of Conferences. 2021; 26:05035. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202126305035

22. Danilina N., Majorzadehzahiri A. Social factors of sustainability for a smart city development. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2020; 869:022027. DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/869/2/022027

23. Shukurov I., Majorzadehzahiri A. Dustiness and Aerodynamics of Air in Central Asian Cities. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2020; 753:042013. DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/753/4/042013

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1. Breuste J., Artmann M. Multi-functional Urban Green Spaces // Cities and Nature. 2020. Pp. 137-143. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-37716-8_7

2. Javadi R., Nasrollahi N. Urban green space and health: The role of thermal comfort on the health benefits from the urban green space; a review study // Building and Environment. 2021. Vol. 202. P. 108039. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2021.108039

3. Паллотта В. И. Научный подход магистров дизайна к предпроектному исследованию зеленых зон городской среды // Образование. Наука. Культура: мат. Междунар. науч. форума. 2016. С. 138-142.

4. Rajput S., Arora K., Mathur R. Urban green space, health economics and air pollution in Delhi. 1st ed. Routledge, India, 2021. DOI: 10.4324/9780429340581

5. Hanson H.I., Eckberg E., Widenberg M., Olsson J.A. Gardens' contribution to people and urban green space // Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 2021. Vol. 63. P. 127198. DOI: 10.1016/j.ufug.2021.127198

6. Adams C.E. Urban Green Spaces. 3rd ed. CRC Press, 2018. Pp. 179-202. DOI: 10.1201/9781315371863-7

7. Клюкина А.И., Фролова Т.Л. Основные принципы организации городских малых зеленых зон //

Архитектура и архитектурная среда: вопросы исторического и современного развития. 2019. С. 98-03.

8. Hall C.M. Cultural and heritage Tourism in the Middle East and North Africa. 1st ed. Routledge, 2020. DOI: 10.4324/9780429279065

9. Illia F. Human-Nature Interaction in Urban Green Spaces // Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal. 2020. 5: SI3. DOI: 10.21834/ebpj.v5iSI3.2581

10. Whitten M. Contesting longstanding conceptualisations of urban green space // Cities and Nature. 2020. Pp. 87-116 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-44480-8_5

11. Kowarik I. Working with Wilderness: a promising direction for urban green spaces // Landscape Architecture Frontiers. 2021. Vol. 9. Issue 1. P. 92. DOI: 10.15302/J-LAF-1-030025

12. MwendwaP., GilibaR.A. Benefits and challenges of urban green spaces // Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment. 2012. Vol. 12. Issue 1. Pp. 73-79. DOI: 10.1080/10042857.2012.10685062

13. Bilgili B.C., Gokyer E. Urban green space system planning // Landscape Planning. 2012. DOI: 10.5772/45877

14. Arnberger A., Eder R. Are urban visitors' general preferences for green-spaces similar to their preferences when seeking stress relief? // Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 2015. Vol. 14. Issue 4. Pp. 872-882. DOI: 10.1016/j.ufug.2015.07.005

15. Belmeziti A., Cherqui F., Kaufmann B. Improving the multi-functionality of urban green spaces: relations between components of green spaces and urban services // Sustainable Cities and Society. 2018. Vol. 43. Pp. 1-10. DOI: 10.1016/j.scs.2018.07.014

Поступила в редакцию 7 июля 2021 г. Принята в доработанном виде 22 августа 2021 г. Одобрена для публикации 24 августа 2021 г.

16. Lamond J., Everett G. Sustainable blue-green infrastructure: A social practice approach to understanding community preferences and stewardship // Landscape and Urban Planning. 2019. Vol. 191. P. 103639. DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2019.103639

17. Никишова T.A. Изучение зарубежного опыта организации зеленых зон в городской среде // Северная пальмира. 2018. С. 222-226.

18. Breuste J., Artmann M., Ioja C., Qureshi S. Making green cities // Cities and Nature. 2020. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-37716-8

19. Dempsey N., Dobson J. Naturally challenged: Contested perceptions and practices in urban green spaces // Cities and Nature. 2020. DOI: 10.1007/9783-030-44480-8

20. Antrop M. Why landscapes of the past are important for the future // Landscape and Urban Planning. 2005. Vol. 70. Issue 1-2. Pp. 21-34. DOI: 10.1016/j. landurbplan.2003.10.002

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

21. VlasovD., Majorzadehzahiri A. Evaluate quality of urban life // E3S Web of Conferences. 2021. Vol. 263. P. 05035. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202126305035

22. Danilina N., Majorzadehzahiri A. Social factors of sustainability for a smart city development // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2020. Vol. 869. P. 022027. DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/869/2/022027

23. Shukurov I., Majorzadehzahiri A. Dustiness and aerodynamics of air in Central Asian cities // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2020. Vol. 753. P. 042013. DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/753/4/042013

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Об авторах : Нина Васильевна Данилина — доктор технических наук, заведующая кафедрой градостроительства; Национальный исследовательский Московский государственный строительный университет (НИУ МГСУ); 129337, г. Москва, Ярославское шоссе, д. 26; РИНЦ ID: 686739, Scopus: 57192377385, ORCID: 0000-0002-9465-6435, ResearcherID: F-2882-2017; DanilinaNV@mail.ru;

Алиреза Маджорзадехзахири — аспирант кафедры градостроительства; Национальный исследовательский Московский государственный строительный университет (НИУ МГСУ); 129337, г. Москва, Ярославское шоссе, д. 26; РИНЦ ID: 1103511, Scopus: 57209311034, ORCID: 0000-0002-9800-8830; alireza_majorzadehzahiri@ yahoo.com.

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