ANALYSIS OF THE THE ENERGY BALANCE OF UKRAINE TO IMPROVE THE ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF FUEL AND ENERGY COMPLEX Текст научной статьи по специальности «Энергетика и рациональное природопользование»

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Аннотация научной статьи по энергетике и рациональному природопользованию, автор научной работы — Rosen V.P., Trachuk A.R.

The main problems that arise in front of Ukraine's energy sector and the direct negative impact on the level of energy, as well as national security. A review of the empirical data on the production, supply and consumption of fuel and energy resources, as well as carried out analysis of the energy balance of the country. It describes the main causes of energy waste and low energy efficiency in Ukraine. The possible measures to resolve the existing problems in the sphere of energy saving and prospects for future research.

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agent. The flow of lubricant-cooling agent must be generous, constant and be aimed at contact surface. There are two reasons for that: firstly, fibers are fixed with strips, therefore the tool is similar to grinding disk with polymer couplant or brush with pointed wire fibers, the contact spot is small and all heat concentrated local; secondly, fiber self-refrigeration is difficult because of their compact pressing to each other

The model hasn't time to warm up to limiting temperature at fiber extension L=32 mm because of their fluffing and self-refrigeration, so processing with testing range operation modes: <S=1...6 m/min; /=1,5 mm; V=4.. .10 m/s is possible without lubricant-cooling agent.


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4. Krivoukhov V.A., Chubarov A.D. Machining titanium alloys. - Moscow: Mechanical Engineering, 1970. - 180 pages.

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Doctor of technical sciences, prof., head of Department Rosen V. P.

Postgraduate Trachuk A. R.

Ukraine, Kiev city, Institute of Energy Saving and Energy management National Technical University of Ukraine "Kiev Polytechnic Institute" Department of Automation Management of Electrotechnical Complexes

Abstract. The main problems that arise in front of Ukraine's energy sector and the direct negative impact on the level of energy, as well as national security. A review of the empirical data on the production, supply and consumption of fuel and energy resources, as well as carried out analysis of the energy balance of the country. It describes the main causes of energy waste and low energy efficiency in Ukraine. The possible measures to resolve the existing problems in the sphere of energy saving and prospects for future research.

Keywords: energy balance state, energy saving, energy efficiency, fuel and energy sector, fuel and energy resources, the energy intensity of the economy, energy security.

Formulation of the problem. Today, the energy sector of Ukraine appeared a number of unprecedented challenges, a direct negative impact on the level of energy, and thus the national security of our country. The main problems in this context can be defined as follows:

• excessive level of dependence on the monopoly of the imports of energy resources;

• high energy intensity of gross domestic product of Ukraine;

• imperfection of the market structure of energy products and services;

• pricing and structural imbalances of the energy balance of the country;

• a payment crisis and poor financial condition of the state;

• a high level of budget spending to subsidize the consumption of gas, heat and electricity;

• imperfection of the legal framework, as well as the inefficiency of the state

policy in the sphere of energy saving;

• unfavorable investment climate and low innovation activity of the fuel and energy complex;

• shortage of funding for energy efficiency;

• a high level of negative impact of greenhouse gas emissions on the population and the environment.

Empirical data from leading institutes that explore energy efficiency and conservation problems [15] show that Ukrainian consumers are increasingly irrational use of fuel and energy resources. In particular, it established that in the past three years, according to the criterion of purchasing power parity power consumption of the Ukrainian economy is 3.8 times more than in the European Union. And this, in turn, has a negative impact on the state economy and the environment as a whole.

It should be noted that the issue of energy saving is one of the key factors not only for the improvement of economic and environmental conditions, but also for the social development of the country. Initially, it concerns the issue of rising energy prices for all consumers and environmental ecology. Today, therefore, society should be interested in the economical consumption of energy resources and their rational use.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The issue of energy saving is widely covered both in foreign and domestic sources. In particular, today it is the subject of research of many leading international financial and consulting institutions, namely the International Energy Agency (IEA), United States Agency for International Development (United States Agency for International Development), GIZ (German Society for Technical Cooperation), Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (Nordic Environment IFC), World Bank (WB), European Bank for reconstruction and development (European Bank for reconstruction and development), European Union (EU), International gas Union (International gas Union), Energy Saving International AS (international consulting company energy efficiency), International Finance Corporation (IFC), and others. In addition to foreign institutions, the problems of efficient use of energy resources to actively investigate and Ukrainian specialized organizations, such as the State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine, the National Ecological Centre of Ukraine, Ukrainian Association for Energy Saving Association "Energy Efficient Cities of Ukraine" Association "All-Ukrainian Union" Energy Efficiency Fund investment "Bioenergy Association of Ukraine, Institute of economic research and policy consulting Institute for local development and others. The above organizations provide the dissemination of information on monitoring of energy performance, energy supply and use, these processes of governance and ways to resolve problems in the field of energy efficiency in Ukraine, using the best practices of the world experience.

It should also be noted that the issue of energy saving is the subject of many of the leading Ukrainian scientists: B. Bar'yakhtar, V.M. Geyts, P.F. Gozhik, A.A.Dolinskiy, I.M. Karp, Y.P. Korcheva, E.I. Kryzhanovsky, M.M. Kulik, L.M .Lobanov, Y.U. Matsevityy, V.F. Machulina, N.M. Mkhitaryan, I.M. Neklyudova, B.E. Paton, G. Pivnyak, B.S. Stogniy, A.K. Shydlovsky. Labor of aforementioned researchers mainly focused on the study of the state of the domestic energy sector, ways and methods of effective problem-solving in the field of energy efficiency. Theoretical, methodological and practical basis for effective transition of Ukraine to sustainable development in the field of energy saving and also examined V.A. Zhovtyansky, M.P. Kovalko, V.F. Nahodov, A.S. Nekrasov, V.R. Hams, A.V. Prakhovnik, V.P. Rosen, B.S. Stogniy and others. Therefore traced clearly reflected energy issues and energy conservation in both the scientific literature and in statistical and information sources.

It is important in this context and analyze the legislative framework, because the actual normative legal acts define the legal framework of functioning of an industry. In general, it should be noted that the legislation of Ukraine in the sphere of energy saving consists of laws and legal acts of public authorities and local self-government. However, it should be noted at once that some of them are directly related to issues of rational use of energy, practical ways to implement energy saving measures and the like; others are regulating issues of concerns indirectly.

Numerous scientific studies [1-5], as well as the experience of developed countries shows that the introduction of energy efficiency measures and alternative energy sources is the most efficient in

terms of economic viability, as specific public spending on them, respectively, several times less than the energy generation. That is why Ukraine should develop and vigorously implement an effective policy of rational use of fuel and energy resources. Therefore, the question of energy efficiency and energy saving should be considered as an important component of energy security.

The aim of the article is to study the actual problems of efficient production, delivery and consumption of fuel and energy resources in Ukraine, as well as determine the extent of their influence

on the economy of the state, because the only way to formulate effective public policies aimed at improving energy efficiency.

Statement of the main material. Ukraine is only partially provided with its own fuel and energy resources, with the result that there is a clear dependence on import. Inefficient and wasteful power consumption, as well as continued price increases energy provides a significant loss for the economy of Ukraine. In particular, according to experts, they make annually about 15-17 billion dollars. (Calculated in comparison with indicators of European countries). For comparison, according to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine foreign trade deficit of Ukraine in 2013 amounted 15 billion dollars and 848 billion dollars to 13 billion 652 millions in 2012 [3].

According to the information resource monitoring Statistical Review of World Energy World Energy Markets at the level of primary energy use in 2012, Ukraine took the twentieth place in the world, using a 125 billion tonnes of energy of oil equivalent.

Through research and analysis of information sources on this subject [1,3-5], it should be noted that in Ukraine have low energy efficiency rating of the following sectors: industrial, residential, public utilities, electric power and transport. And so they have the greatest potential for improving energy efficiency and conservation.

In general, mostly obsolete technology used in the above mentioned sectors, which, in turn, reduces their competitiveness and results in inefficient use of energy resources.

A more detailed review of this issue shows that a key factor in the low energy efficiency in the industrial sector, which accounts for 45% of total primary energy consumption, the high level of depreciation of fixed assets, combined with inadequate implementation of accounting devices of the automated systems and the latest technology.

Residential real estate sector consumes nearly 30% of primary energy in Ukraine [5]. Excessive energy losses are mainly related to companies engaged in district heating and service distribution networks, which, in turn, are often outdated and poorly insulated. In addition, there is the use of buildings obsolete equipment with low efficiency and excessive period of its operation additionally leads to irrational process of supply of energy resources, and consequently, their inefficient consumption and use.

In particular, in the homes of high-rise buildings overrun of about 40% of the total consumption of fuel and energy resources in the country. Additional causes of low energy efficiency in the residential sector is the poor state of the housing stock, a significant life of the buildings, the lack of timely current and capital repairs and a small percentage of the introduction of low-cost energy efficiency measures. We should also mention the extremely low level of equipment of houses with individual facilities accounting of heat energy consumption and the corresponding control devices of its filing with respect to the outside air temperature (only 23% to the National Commission, carrying out state regulation in the energy sector).

It is clear that the failure to carry a valid account energy consumption creates a huge barrier for energy saving in this sector, since it is impossible to keep what is not measured correctly. The main reason for the low efficiency in the electricity sector is the continuing deterioration of the technical condition of the main and auxiliary equipment, significant losses in the electricity network, suboptimal methods of electricity generation and distribution, as well as the lack of funding for energy efficiency.

Sources of low energy efficiency in the transport sector (which consumes nearly 20% of energy resources in Ukraine) are derived from the high level of moral and physical deterioration of existing rolling stock, non-optimal modes of freight and passenger traffic, as well as the poor quality and insufficient capacity of road transport network of Ukraine .

In addition, it should be noted that the problem, which is more characteristic of all of the above sectors, is the lack of a transparent and effective state policy in the sphere of energy saving. After all, this leads to a lack of information necessary for investors, reducing the incentives for investment in improving energy efficiency.

Ukraine needs a fundamental transformation of its energy sector into a more efficient, safe and sustainable energy systems. Although a number of initiatives already implemented, further reforms are needed, based on the experience of other countries and specialized organizations of the donor.

The transformation of the energy sector of Ukraine should begin with a radical change in the approach to energy efficiency and energy conservation. The energy policy of the state is primarily to focus on improving energy efficiency in buildings, as well as in the supply of fuel and energy resources through effective regulatory systems of legal regulation of their operation and the formation of high-quality financial system stimulation. In energy-intensive industries should be greater use of the energy management system mechanisms and technologies.

Conclusions. Summing up, it should be noted that only the correct and thorough understanding of the barriers to study the area and the best ways to address them can be an effective means to qualitative disclosure of the energy saving potential. Therefore, to resolve the existing problems priority measures should be as follows:

1) Implementation and optimization of the operation of energy management systems in all the studied sectors of the Ukrainian economy;

2) Strengthening effective energy efficiency policies and energy conservation with the aim of sustainable consumption and use of energy major categories of consumers;

3) Modernization of all the components of energy systems, energy supply and energy consumption;

4) Improvement of energy security of the country by increasing its own production of oil and natural gas, as well as diversification of supply of energy resources;

5) The formation of an effective legal framework for the development of renewable energy sources;

6) Attracting domestic and foreign investments for the introduction of energy saving measures.

The prospect of seeing further research in the study of the efficiency of fuel and energy resources at the regional level, taking into account the structure of the regional economy.


1. Global Energy Outlook 2014 Insight. December 2013. 108 p.

2. Energy policy outside the member countries of the International Energy Agency: UKRAINE 2012 [Electronic resource] // IEA Publications. - 42 p. - Access: http://www.iea.org/w/bookshop/b.aspx

3. The World Bank Partnership - Ukraine: a review of the programs for the country. - April 2014 - 42.

4. International Gas Union: News, views and knowledge on gas - worldwide. World LNG Report. 2014 Edition.

5. Energy balance of Ukraine for 2012: Express Edition, the State Statistics Service of Ukraine from 12.20.2013 y. number 08 / 4-16 /


1Саидумаров Илхомжан Миралимович 1 Умаров Азизбек Алишер угли 2Закиров Руслан

1 Ташкентский государственный технический университет 2Авиапредприятие «Uzbekistan airways technics»

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