UDC: 378.31
Mukhitdinova F.R.
department of interfaculty foreign languages faculty of foreign languages Andijan State University Andijan. Uzbekistan
Abstract: The article analyzes the features of the organization of independent work of university students, analyzes the concept of independent work, considers independent work as a didactic category, as a form, method, method, method, condition, activity of teaching and education.
Key words: independent work, activity, educational activity, training, students, teaching aids.
The organization of independent work of pupils and students is the problem of pedagogical theory and practice, which has a long history, it was studied by a wide range of researchers. But today the educational situation (social attitude, conceptual foundations, real conditions, the subjects of the educational process) has changed significantly. There is a transition to multilevel training, which requires the study of the features of independent cognitive activity at different levels and identify ways to improve the efficiency of independent work of students, forms and methods of its organization.
Exploring the essence of independent work of students, it is easy to see that scientists, striving for a comprehensive solution to the problem of organizing independent work of students and highlighting its various aspects, give an important place to pedagogical aspects of organizing independent work of higher education.
Scientists-practitioners have always paid much attention to the study of various aspects related to independent work. The importance of independent work in the implementation of the learning process is reflected both in the classical pedagogical heritage and in domestic scientific thought.
The content of independent work of students on a particular discipline is determined by the working curriculum of disciplines. The curriculum of the discipline, provided by the working curriculum for the student to master the process of independent work, is submitted for final control along with the educational material, which was developed during the training sessions.
The student's independent work is provided by a system of teaching aids provided for the study of a particular discipline: textbook, teaching aids, lecture
notes, workshops, etc. Often independent work is considered as a separate type of study, along with a lecture, seminar, practical training and more. At the same time, its essential features are considered to be the obligation to study in the time allotted to the agenda of the university, work without the direct participation of the teacher, but with his mandatory control.
The learning process cannot be carried out without effective feedback, which is realized through control over its results. The quality of control of students' knowledge and its reliability are very important for making the right decisions to improve the learning process and organize independent work of students.
Selection of previously unsolved parts of the overall problem. The efficiency of independent work is ensured by constant monitoring. The advantage of control is a significant possibility of individual approach depending on the level of knowledge, abilities and even the nature of the student. When one needs to constantly monitor, evaluate the performance of tasks on each topic or part of it, the other is enough intermediate control, which includes several topics. Thus such student can carry out tasks of increase of level of complexity. It should be noted that the main task of control is to encourage students to actively work outside the classroom throughout the semester.
Control of students' independent work includes: answering control or test questions; abstract check; checking abstracts; verification of solved tasks; check of calculations; checking the completed graphic exercises and tasks; checking the completed individual tasks.
To achieve it, we use various forms of control of independent work, which are covered above - oral examination, tests, tests, colloquia and final control - exam.
It is worth noting such an aspect of independent work as students' mastery of the technology of cognitive activity, one of the important tasks of which is the formation of their ability to independently control and evaluate the results of their educational work. And on this basis to manage the process of cognition. independent work student education
Organizational features of independent work are:
- availability of tasks for independent work;
- providing special time for their implementation; planning methods, tools and forms of independent work;
- students' educational activities (collective or individual), their activity in this case;
- self-control and current control;
- management of this work by the teacher;
- availability of expected results.
Thus, the main task of organizing independent work of students is to use traditional and innovative forms and methods of teaching, which,
complementing each other, would be a single system that can be adapted to the specifics of the educational process in a particular higher education institution..
According to other statements, independent work involves all the active mental activity of students in the learning process, is the internal basis of communication of different types and forms of classes, considering independent work the main method of learning, proponents of this approach argue that it covers cognitive activities. students not only out of class, but also at lectures, seminars, individual interviews, tests, exams, during the defense of term papers, dissertations, etc. That is, independent work, according to this vision, covers all types and forms of educational process.
Full-fledged independent work of the student in laboratories, reading rooms, participation in scientific researches forms the modern expert capable to practically apply the meaningful information. In higher education there is a question of adaptation to the conditions of higher education, where the share of independent work, self-organization, self-education increases significantly.
Formulation of the goals of the article. The urgency of this problem is due to insufficient theoretical and methodological development of forms and methods of organizing independent work of university students, as well as the prospects for its development.
In essence, independent work is an active mental activity of the student associated with the implementation of the educational task. The presence of the task and the target setting for its implementation are considered to be characteristic features of independent work. The tasks that the student has to solve in educational activities relate to the following areas:
- mastering the material of the topic, which is considered at the lecture (work with the lecture synopsis, recommended educational literature);
- annotation of fundamental works in accordance with the curriculum of the discipline;
- solving problems, experiments, etc.;
- preparation of abstracts, tests, fixed speeches (reports) at the seminar;
- preparation of term papers, dissertations.
All these elements of the educational process are independent work, as students carry them out to some extent individually, outside classroom time.
Independent work - the student's educational activity aimed at studying and mastering the material of the subject without the direct participation of the teacher.
Thus, independent work of students is the main form of organization of education, which includes various types of individual and collective learning activities, which are carried out in classroom and extracurricular activities, taking into account individual characteristics and cognitive abilities of students under the guidance of a teacher or without his direct participation. Considering the historical aspect of independent work in the cognitive activity of the individual, we must draw the following conclusions: independent work is a
complex, multifaceted pedagogical phenomenon, to solve which there are different approaches. Independent work is considered as a didactic category, as a form, method, method, means, condition, activity of teaching and education.
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