Eshankulova M.N.
Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute
Abstract. This article provides historical data on the establishment of metrology and certification in our country. achieved in Information about the fact that the Russian government issued an instruction on the unconditional use of Russian measurements in Turkestan and the metrological history of the period that has passed until today, as well as the contributions of Western scientists to metrology given. Friendship, strategic partnership relations between Uzbekistan and Russia, state visits of the leaders of the two countries and the achieved results, as well as the effective work carried out in the political, trade-economic, militarytechnical, cultural-humanitarian spheres and the Central Asian region It is intended to make a brief comment on the views on the issue and to analyze the current political processes between the two countries. As a novelty of the work, it is possible to see that with the arrival of the President of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev at the top of the government, the foreign policy has been significantly activated and is moving into an open policy mode.
Key words: Ammeter, rotating disk induction mechanism, wattmeter, phasometer, galvanometer, standardization, magnet.
Introduction: It is necessary to highlight the contribution of Ulugbek in the development and improvement of the theory of measurements, that in the territory of our country, great importance is attached to measurement work, that is, to the field of metrology. The fact that the information he recommended as a result of his astronomical observations and measurements differed very little from the information obtained on the basis of modern and sophisticated devices, and in some cases did not differ at all, still amazes scientists and specialists. The theory of measurements is also given special importance in "Nightmare" by Kaikovus, who traveled all over the world. Danish scientist H. Oersted invented the magnetic effect of electric current. The German physicist G. Ohm who used it in 1826 showed that the change of the magnetic shaft depends on the current passing through the conductor, i.e. the turning of the magnetic shaft to a certain angle under the influence of the magnetic field around the conductor. checked the dependence on the material. By making a tool based on this principle, Om created his own law [1]. In 1867, U. Thompson (Kelvin) created a galvanometer with a movable coil and a permanent magnet. The second half of the 19th century is famous for the invention of electromechanical energy sources in the history of electrical engineering. These sources cannot be used without electrical measuring instruments. The service of the Russian electrical engineer M.O. Dolivo
Dobrovsky in the creation of electrical measuring devices deserves special attention. He invented electromagnetic ammeters and voltmeters, rotating disk induction mechanisms. Based on these devices, wattmeters and phasometers were created. In 1872, A.G. Stoletov investigated the effect of the strength of the magnetic field on the magnetic absorption of iron and proposed a method based on the measurement of magnetic induction. Academician B.S. Jacobi, who used a ballistic galvanometer, proposed several devices for measuring electrical circuit parameters. He was the first to prove the need for a common supply unit for measuring electrical quantities. Because, at that time, electrical measuring devices were needed to compare the results of innovations and inventions in the field of electrical engineering, to prove complete similarity. Therefore, the need for general measurement support of the system of electrical quantities has arisen. Such a system was adopted at the 1st International Electrotechnical Congress held in Paris in 1881 [3].
The great Russian scientist D. I. Mendeleev - as the author of fundamental works in the field of weights and measures, made a great contribution to the development of the science of metrology. In 1892, on the initiative of D. I. Mendeleev, the "Chamber of Weights and Measures" was established in Russia. Another great service of the scientist is that he founded the implementation of the metric system in Russia and prepared it from an organizational point of view. Buesa was a suitable ground for the implementation of the metric system in 19181920. Standardization, metrology and certification in the republic. On April 18, 1923, according to the decision of the SNK of the Republic of Turkestan, the "Regulation on Weights and Scales" was approved, and the Turkestan Bureau of Weights and Scales was established under the committee for establishing internal trade. The Chamber of Comparison of Trade Scales and Scales was established in the city of Tashkent, the scope of which covered the entire territory of the Republic of Turkestan [2, 5]. In 1924, the first laboratory of state control over standards and measuring instruments (DNL) was established. In the same year, the name of the Chamber of Comparison was changed to the name of the Central Asian Chamber of Weights and Measures, and Kyrgyzstan became the founder of metrological services in the republics of Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. One of the biggest achievements of this period was the complete implementation of the metric system in our republic. In March 1930, a standardization committee was established under the Council of the Uzbek SSR, and in 1931 it was merged with the Chamber of Weights and Measures. In the years after the war, state testing laboratories (DTL) were established in each regional center. Their work was led by the representative of the committee on measuring instruments and measuring works under the Council of Ministers of the Uzbek SSR.
The laboratory of the Republic of Uzbekistan (UzRDTL) will be established in the city of Tashkent for state control over measuring techniques and standards. In 1979, UzRDTL was transformed into the Center of Standardization and Metrology of Uzbekistan (UzSMM) [3]. In 1992, standardization, metrology
and certification under the Cabinet of Ministers of UzSMM was changed to the state center of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzdavstandart No. 93 of March 2, 1992 "On the organization of standardization work from the Republic of Uzbekistan")[ 2, 3, 4]. Uzdavstandart is designated as the national office of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the fields of standardization, metrology and certification. In order to carry out the tasks assigned to it, Uzdavstandart and its regional offices have a fleet of sample measuring instruments and high-precision comparison instruments, including working standards and 2319 units. The new two-story building with an area of more than ten thousand square meters houses the laboratories, where the comparison of measuring instruments for 15 types of measurements is carried out. A repository of state standards is being created.
Conclusion: To conclude this article, it should be said that today the role of certification in ensuring the quality and efficiency of products is considered very high. It would not be wrong to say that the introduction of standardization, metrology and certification in the Republic of our first country led to the production of products that meet the high standards of foreign requirements. The aim of the article is to propose effective ways to introduce some of the introduced standards to new ones in our country, analyzing the standards of products that can withstand competition in today's globalization era.
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"Экономика и социум" №2(117)-1 2024