модели предоставляют подробную информацию, они требуют всесторонних и точных данных о межотраслевых транзакциях, что может быть проблемой. Часто используются национальные и региональные таблицы входных-выходных моделей. Эти модели предполагают линейную зависимость и могут не отражать динамические изменения с течением времени, такие как сдвиги в предпочтениях потребителей или технологиях. Кроме того, они могут не учитывать внешние факторы, такие как экономические потрясения или изменения в политике.
Все вышеперечисленные модели можно комбинировать с другими подходами, такими как модели общего равновесия, для улучшения анализа и предоставления более полного представления о влиянии туризма. Они в общем помогают оценить, как изменения в расходах на туризм влияют на другие сектора, такие как розничная торговля, транспорт и услуги. Каждый подход имеет свои сильные стороны и ограничения, и часто сочетание этих методов дает наиболее полную оценку косвенного макроэкономического воздействия туризма.
Литература и источники
1. Baggio R., Antonioli Corigliano M. A practical forecasting method for a tourism organization // Proceedings of the International Conference: Knowledge as Value Advantage of Tourism Destinations. - Malaga, 2008. - Р. 29-31.
2. Dixon P.B., Parmenter B.R. Computable general equilibrium modelling for policy analysis and forecasting // Handbook of computational economics. - 1996. - Т.1. - Р. 3-85.
3. Иванова Ю. О., Григорьева В.В., Поздняков К.К. Влияние туризма на национальную экономику и методы его оценки: обзор литературы // Финансы и управление. - 2022. - №1.
4. Тахумова О.В., Харций А.С. Современное состояние и тенденции развития туризма в мировой экономике // Экономика и социум. - 2016. - №12-2 (31).
References and Sources
1. Baggio R., Antonioli Corigliano M. A practical forecasting method for a tourism organization //Proceedings of the International Conference: Knowledge as Value Advantage of Tourism Destinations. - Malaga, 2008. - Р. 29-31.
2. Dixon P. B., Parmenter B. R. Computable general equilibrium modelling for policy analysis and forecasting //Handbook of computational economics. - 1996. - T. 1. - Р. 3-85.
3. Ivanova YU. O., Grigor'yeva V. V., Pozdnyakov K. K. Vliyaniye turizma na natsional'nuyu ekonomiku i metody yego otsenki: obzor literatury // Finansy i upravleniye. 2022. №1. URL:
4. Takhumova O. V., Khartsiy A. S. Sovremennoye sostoyaniye i tendentsii razvitiya turizma v mirovoy ekonomike // Ekonomika i sotsium. 2016. №12-2 (31).
ГУЛУЗАДЕ САБИР БАДРАДДИН - кандидат экономических наук, Азербайджанский университет туризма и менеджмента, Баку, Азербайджан (s.quluzade@atmu.edu.az).
GULUZADE, SABIR B. - Ph.D. in Economics, Azerbaijan University of Tourism and Management, Baku, Azerbaijan.
УДК 330.46 DOI: 10.24412/2308-264X^024-5-274-279
Ключевые слова: идентификация, эмпатия, социальное воздействие, межгрупповое восприятие, межгрупповое взаимодействие, управление.
В статье рассматриваются особенности межгруппового и межличностного взаимодействия в системе управления на предприятии. Восприятие и взаимодействие в группе в основном состоят из суждений и мнений, высказанных членами группы друг о друге. Если между двумя переменными в группе есть связь, следует прояснить тенденции богатства указанной связи. Таким образом, восприятие может развиваться в двух категориях: адекватное и неадекватное. Когда соответствующие групповые индивиды стабилизируют общее настроение, пытаясь решить любые возникающие проблемы совместно. Восприятие, понимание и взаимодействие реализуются правильно в межличностных отношениях. Идентификация, с другой стороны, позволяет людям адаптироваться друг к другу в результате сил социального влияния. Таким образом, во взаимном управлении (группе) преобладает гармония. Идентификация также обеспечивает регулирование видимых и невидимых явлений. Межгрупповое восприятие в управлении отражает сложные взаимодействия в контексте когнитивных процессов. Межгрупповое взаимодействие в управлении происходит по линии системного развития. Поскольку межгрупповое восприятие в принципе является основным источником информации о группе и ее членах, оно может активировать различные когнитивные процессы, как контекст. Эти процессы включают активацию обобщенных перцептивных различий между внутренней и внешней группой и выявление уже существующих стереотипов об определенных группах. Они также могут включать механизмы обработки информации, задействованные при сборе информации о центральной тенденции и изменчивости групп и их членов. Межгрупповое взаимодействие активизирует кооперативные цели группы. Стереотипы, которых придерживаются индивиды группы, определяют нормы группы, характеризующиеся общей конкуренцией или сотрудничеством. Межгрупповое взаимодействие относится к определенным стереотипам, которых придерживается группа, которые могут включать идентификацию, эмпатию и социальное влияние. Если индивиды группы правильно воспринимают друг друга и демонстрируют адекватное поведение, это является признаком того, что преобладает состояние нормального сотрудничества. Упомянутый процесс регулирует механизмы управления как системы.
Keywords: identification; empathy; social impact; intergroup perception; intergroup interaction; management
During the research special attention was paid to interpersonal relations of group individuals. Perception and interaction in a group mainly consist of the judgments and opinions put forward by group members about each other. If there is a relationship between two variables in the group, the wealth trends of the mentioned relationship should be clarified. Thus, perception can develop in two categories: adequate and inadequate. When appropriate group individuals stabilize the general mood by trying to solve any problems that arise mutually. Perception, understanding and interaction are realized correctly in interpersonal relationships. Identification, on the other hand allows people to adapt to each other as a result of the forces of social influence. Thus, harmony prevails in mutual management (group). Identification also provides regulation of visible and invisible phenomena. A joint social-psychological analysis of identification with intergroup perception and interaction in management is regulated depending on the mechanisms of self-perpetuation and resistance to change of stereotypes existing among individuals in the group. Intergroup perception in management reflects complex interactions in the context of affective and cognitive processes. Intergroup interaction includes internal and external factors of perception and cognitive processes. Intergroup interaction in management takes place along the line of systematic development. Since intergroup perception is in principle, the main source of information about the group and group members it can activate different cognitive processes as a context. These processes include the activation of generalized perceptual differences between the in-group and the out-group and the identification of pre-existing stereotypes about certain groups. They may also include the information processing mechanisms involved when gathering information about the central tendency and variability of groups and their members. Intergroup interaction activates the group's cooperative goals. Stereotypes held by group individuals determine the norms of the group, characterized by general competition or cooperation. Intergroup interaction refers to certain stereotypes held by the group, which may include identification, empathy, and social influence. If the individuals of the group perceive each other correctly and exhibit adequate behavior, this is an indication that the condition of normal cooperation prevails. The mentioned process regulates the mechanisms of management as a system.
It is known that the simplest way for a person to understand others is through identification - that is, a person assimilates the necessary aspect, feature or attribute of himself and the event by comparing himself to the person in front of him or equating his personal characteristics. In other words, identification is a psychological process that ensures the perception of the presented object by being completely or partially identified. Identification is expressed by a person's assimilation of the appropriate alien behavior model, beliefs and values that belong to others [1, p.24]. In group activity, identification refers to group members' appropriation of events as their own. At this time, some specific features attract attention.
Intergroup perception is perceived as the cognitive activity of an object in a social group. Intergroup perception is characterized by stereotyping, integration of cognitive components and emotional characteristics, as well as affective and open evaluative orientation. The specificity of intergroup perception consists of the following:
1) People with different ways of thinking can form a whole as part of a group;
2) Increasing demand for people to be more flexible during activities.
Thus, after the formation of intergroup perception, people's resistance to external influences is high. In schematizing and simplifying the possible range of aspects of group perception and evaluation, new patterns may emerge. In many cases, identification is divided into more specific concepts and types, including cognitive empathy, emotional (or affective) empathy, somatic empathy, and spiritual empathy.
The psychological mechanisms of intergroup perception and understanding consist of the integration of elements related to identification, empathy, and thinking. All informational events are made concrete by the personality through appropriate identifications. It is possible to find the source of the mentioned ideas in the opinions of Sigmund Freud. The concept of identification has three main conceptual forms described by Sigmund Freud: primary identification, narcissistic (secondary) identification, and partial (secondary) identification. Thus, the main meaning of identification in psychoanalytic studies is interpreted in simple language, and the desire of a person to be similar to another is considered as a research topic of a mixed clinical and theoretical field [13, p.213]. Let's take a look at some of them:
- Primary identification is the basic and primitive form of emotional attachment that a person has to another person or any object. The initial attitude of the individual to the perceived object is based on his personal experience. This means that a person learns to distinguish between objects and events by acquiring relevant practical knowledge during his life path from the day he was born. He builds a unique emotional bond with all the people around him. This type of identification also leads a person to make decisions unconsciously. Primary identification mainly characterizes the child's learning by imitating the
adults around him (mainly the parent). By imitating the experience of adults, the child makes associations and begins to show some kind of similar behavior. At this time, the elderly are required to be very careful. Thus, the child's future lifestyle directly depends on the behavioral patterns exhibited by the parents. Children unconsciously adopt all the characteristics of their parents. Due to this process of emotional attachment, the child develops a "super-ego" that refers to the moral values and rules by which the parents live [4, p.145].
- Narcissistic identification - narcissistic identification refers to a certain change or complete identification of an object. Such an activity usually happens in the young age of a person. In the work called "Trauer and Melancholie" authored by Sigmund Freud and published in 1917 he noted identification as the initial stage of object selection and at the same time, experiencing a sense of loss in a person leads to regression (withdrawal, reduction) in his behavior.
- Partial identification - is based on a person's perception of the special qualities of others. Observations show that partial identification is more common in individuals with a high leadership spirit and development orientation. Such a mechanism plays an important role in the formation of groups. Partial identification contributes to the development of the character of the individual, including the group, the "ego" of individuals is formed due to identification within the group, and group norms are manifested. It should also be noted that partial identification leads the person to cooperate rather than to recognize others as adversaries. As a result, it is possible to note that partial identification encourages a person to social life.
The ideas put forward by Z.Freud have caused quite wide discussions. Moreover, identification is considered both a developmental and a defense mechanism. Other types of identification are also known: counter-identification (Fliess, 1953); pseudoidentification (Eidelberg, 1938); congruent and complementary identities (Racker, 1957), etc. types of identification have been studied by a number of psychoanalysts. Sigmund Freud also argued that there are certain similarities between the partial identification process and empathy. He noted that through imitation, a person acquires the features of the mechanism of understanding by switching from identification to empathy, that is, to a different mental life. The mentioned feature is also reflected in the opinions of the Australian psychoanalyst Otto Fenichel. O.Fenishel emphasized that the manifestation of empathy plays a key role in the correct perception of the object. In general, empathy is considered as the ability of a person to understand the emotional state, point of view and experience of another person, including being able to put oneself in his place. Empathy has social, cognitive and emotional aspects that are not limited to those mentioned [3, p. 39].
Empathy is known to have wide-ranging and conflicting characteristics among researchers and other people alike. Empathy is an ancient Greek word "empatheia", which means "physical passion". The famous German philosopher Theodor Lipps adapted the German term "einfuhlung" (feeling) to psychology, and the American psychologist Edward Bradford Titchener translated the word "einfuhlung" into English as "empathy". Empathy includes the desire to care for and help other people, to experience emotions that match the feelings of another person, to understand what another person is thinking or feeling and a wide range of phenomena [15]. We can simply note that empathy is not a pattern of behavior that a person exhibits unconsciously. Empathy is a nuance of perspective that manifests as a reciprocal effect of human emotions. A person's recognition and acceptance of others from a physiological and psychological point of view is related to his or her ability to imitate and this process is associated with proprioceptive feelings. Empathy also manifests itself in connection with compassion and emotional contagion. Empathy is valued not as "feeling sorry" for a person facing difficulties, but as feeling sorry for him or understanding the essence of his situation [10, p.163]. Empathy has two main components: emotional empathy and affective empathy. Emotional empathy is characterized by the ability to respond with an emotion appropriate to the mental state of another. Affective empathy, on the other hand, is characterized by the characteristics of being affected by the emotional or arousal state of another and includes the following components.
• Empathic concern: a sensitive attitude that a person has to the emotional state of others;
• Personal distress: a person's feeling of anxiety due to the emotional state of others;
• Affective mentalizing: a person refers to the body language, facial expressions, beliefs, and skills of others;
• Cognitive empathy: refers to the ability to understand another's perspective or mental state. Cognitive empathy is used synonymously with the terms empathic accuracy, social cognition, prospective imitation, theory of mind and mentalization.
Cognitive empathy dimensions also include specific dimensions of social behavior and social influence. Social influence involves the ways in which individuals adjust their behavior to meet the demands of the social environment. The mentioned process can be manifested in various forms such as adaptation, socialization, psychological pressure, obedience, leadership and persuasion. Usually, as a result of social influence, people can exhibit a pattern of attitude and behavior resulting from a certain action, command or demand. American psychologist Herbert Kelman distinguished three types of social influence:
- Adaptation - refers to when people agree with others, but actually keep their personal opinions
- Identification - means people are affected.
- Internalization - means that people accept any behavior and agree with it [10, p.162]. Social influence pushes people to adapt to the expectations of others. Social influence can be informational and normative at the same time. Informational social influence perceives information about other people as reality. It is known that the influence of information on a person occurs due to the essentially vague form of certain stimuli or social disagreement. Normative influence is manifested due to the person's adaptation to the positive expectations of others. Based on Kelman's typology, we can see that the normative influence pushes a person to social harmony and the informative influence to personal degradation. Another important aspect that is important here is the identification or reference of a certain communication and action subject to real interactions.
E.Mayo, K.Levin, L.Festinger, A.Bandura and other well-known psychologists played an important role in the study of the spiritual and psychological foundations of management with their research and theories. Within these theories, interpersonal relations, sympathy and antipathy, leadership and conformism, personality value system and ideals, etc. its study played an important role in the formation of management psychology as a science, in the creation of theories of social man and other social relations. The social approach does not fully reflect the multifaceted and complex essence of a person, as this approach is a sociological approach and views a person as a social being. According to this approach, a person can achieve development, regulation of his activity, activation and motivation by regulating and correcting the social relations he enters into, and by using means of social influence [1, p.66].
In the formation and development of "Management psychology" as a science, Kurt Levin, a well-known American psychologist of German origin, played a major role. "Field theory" scientific school was formed based on the research conducted by K.Levin and his colleagues who studied group-dynamic phenomena. The basis of this theory is the following two ideas:
1) the tension that arises in the personality as a result of the interaction and interaction of the individual with his environment affects the nature of his relationship with the environment. In K. Levi's theory, the psychological environment of an individual is the area or structure where his interaction and connection with the environment takes place. According to this theory, the motivation of the personality's social behavior is explained by the interaction occurring in the field surrounding the personality.
2) it is related to determining the direction of a person's social behavior. According to this idea, positive valence (positive motivation) directs an individual's behavior in the desired direction, while negative valence (negative motivation) is its direction in the opposite direction [1, p.14].
These noted features of intergroup perception are equally associated with effects such as intergroup discrimination and favoritism. Because these effects are universal and undeniable components in the formation of interpersonal relationships, they are considered dependent on the activity of the respective group. What is in-group favoritism? In-group favoritism is when an individual feels an emotional attachment to the group from the day they become a member. Intergroup favoritism is replaced by in-group comparison and evaluation according to certain criteria, as well as the integration of intra-group advantage into competitive conditions. In the future, it acts as a manifestation of the transition to a mutually negative and hostile relationship between group representatives. Thus, the presence of dependence and discrimination in interpersonal relations has a negative effect on the development of
groups and the type of joint intergroup activity, including teamwork. In this regard, we can note that favoritism can appear as a negative factor in intergroup perception. Intergroup perception is influenced by a number of social stereotypes and intergroup ideas.
Each group has its own truth, accuracy and adequacy. According to G.M.Andreeva, social psychology uses the definition given to personality in general psychology, but explains such an issue that, on the one hand, in which specific group does the personality absorb social experience, and on the other hand, how does it realize itself in this group. In other words, social psychology studies personality behavior and activity in real concrete groups. Interactions of the individual with the group and the characteristics of his communication in the group is a fundamental problem for social psychology. In order to analyze this problem, it is necessary to investigate through which group the society influences the personality (G.M.Andreeva), to reveal his "I-concept", to distinguish the characteristics of his behavior in the "Jogari window", to clarify how he evaluates social relations, to review the characteristics of the socialization process [1, p.52].
Intergroup interaction is studied using motivational, situational, and cognitive approaches. For the first time, it is possible to find consistent psychological views on intergroup interaction and the system of intergroup interpersonal relations in Z. Freud's works. Intergroup interaction takes place against the background of the process of the emergence or complete disappearance of the basic instinctive nature of individuals in the crowd. Thus, the stored subconscious characteristics are revealed. The fact of universality in intergroup interaction can act as the main means of maintaining group unity and stability. Intergroup interaction encompasses the social self-affirmation of group individuals to aspects of the self-image that emerges after understanding the social group. Thus, an individual's attempt to maintain or increase self-esteem, the respect a person has for his group, quality and quality indicators and regulating his relations with other groups through social comparison are also determined by intergroup interaction [3, p.248].
People are motivated to act in some way to determine their own destiny, to join a group of which they are currently a part but would be more highly valued or to make the current group tend to stand out from others in a positive way. This is also considered an individual classification of reality characterized by the influence of value orientations of the object and constitutes the systematic composition of management. As a specific form of activity, management is a complex, multifaceted phenomenon, with the joint effort of modern sciences, as a result of comprehensive research, full scientific views on its complex nature are formed [14, p.112]. The human factor, spiritual and psychological factors have a special place in management, which is a complex system. The human factor, as an active-creative, regulatory element of management activity, determines its uniqueness, purposefulness and systemic nature. The peculiarity of management activity is studied by management psychology. Thus, management psychology approaches management activity and management functions from the moral-psychological prism of a person and studies the active-creative, regulatory role of the human factor in management [5, p.8]. As a result, it is possible to put forward such an opinion that the general problems of identification against the background of intergroup interaction mean the issue of identifying oneself with a certain social group based on life interests and social activity.
The research on "Social-psychological analysis of the concept of identification in intergroup perception and interaction in management" using the Fidper methodology made it possible to obtain the following results:
The main goal of the study was to conduct a related analysis of identification with intergroup perception and interaction in the management system. For this, intergroup perception and interaction, as well as looking at the essence of identification in terms of content, have been defined as an important requirement. The main tasks of the research were to determine how identification is perceived in the collective relations of intergroup perception and interaction, detection of important and conflicting points, empathy and social influence, which act as the main indicators of identification. While conducting the research, attention was first paid to the structure of the group's wealth trends. The scope of interest of the group, the educational skills of the individuals who make up the group, individual-psychological characteristics, etc. taken into account. It should be noted that in order to determine the manifestation
characteristics of intergroup perception and intergroup interaction in intergroup interpersonal relations in management, the mentioned methodology was implemented in one of the educational institutions. 72 respondents including 34 women and 38 men took part in the research conducted mainly among schoolchildren aged 14-18 and seniors aged 29-56. During the research, the relationship between intergroup perception and interaction with identification was studied, it was possible to obtain information about the characteristics of self-recognition in the group, the ability to control personal behavior and empathy skills, interests and tendencies, and the extent to which people understand the truth about the beginning and end point of personal boundaries in interpersonal relationships in the collective. .
The results obtained during the survey are listed in Table №1:
Table 1.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Friendship * Hostility
Unity of thought * Disagreement
Consent * Dissatisfaction
Efficiency * Inefficiency
Heat * The cold
Cooperation * Disagree
Mutual support * Malice
Interest * Indifference
Enthusiasm * Boredom
Good luck * Failure
The answers given by the respondents in Table №1 indicate that the qualitative indicators of intergroup relations in the research environment have a stable psychological character. Thus, the management system in the institution, which mainly consists of training and teaching staff, is strictly organized, the indicators of collectivism in interpersonal relations are high, mutual understanding, perception and interaction between children are realized properly. People show deep interest and enthusiasm when starting any kind of activity.
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ГАДЖАМОВА ЗЕИНАБ АХМЕД - Институт философии и социологии Национальной академии наук Азербайджана, отдел социальной психологии, Баку, Азербайджан (hecemova7@gmail.com).
HAJAMOVA, ZEYNAB AHMAD - Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Department of Social Psychology, Baku, Azerbaijan (hecemova7@gmail.com).