ANALYSIS OF THE CHERVAZ LANDSLIDE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о Земле и смежные экологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о Земле и смежным экологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Federico Barrel

The purpose of this article is to make a critical analysis of the landslide Chervaz.The studies related to this landslide began after the flood of October 2000, following which in Aosta Valley they were activated and reactivated several landslides including the paleo-landslide of Chervaz. Despite being a paleo-landslide from the analysis of historical events it was not possible to collect any data on the triggering conditions of the landslide. From 2010 they were carried out several investigations to better understand the geometry and the dynamics of this phenomenon. As regard the future, new surveys are planned, in particular new drillings and geophysical surveys which together with the new information that can be derived from the multi - parametric probe DSM will allow to expand knowledge on this complex landslide.

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Текст научной работы на тему «ANALYSIS OF THE CHERVAZ LANDSLIDE»

3. Доклад о состоянии и использовании земель сельскохозяйственного назначения. Режим доступа: http ://mcx.ru/documents/document/v7_show/31175.133. htm

4. Ежегодный доклад «О состоянии и об охране окружающей среды Пермского края» 2014. Режим доступа: http://www.permecology.ru/ ежегодный-экологический-доклад/ежегодный-экологический-доклад-2013/

5. "Земельный кодекс Российской Федерации" от 25.10.2001 N 136-ФЗ (ред. от 23.05.2016). Режим доступа: http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_33773/

6. GlobalEnvironment Outlook 5. Режим доступа: http://www.unep.org/geo/pdfs/geo5/GEO5_report_full_en.pdf

7. Status of the World's Soil Resources (SWSR) - Main Report. Режим доступа: http://www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/c6814873-efc3-41db-b7d3-2081a10ede50/

AGROGENE TRANSFORMATION OF SOIL E.O. Bochkareva Perm State University, 614990, Perm, street Bukireva, 15 e-mail: katya93bochkareva@gmail.com

The article presents the main types of agricultural land. Described anthropogenic impacts of agriculture on soil.

Key words: transformation, agriculture, soil cover.

УДК 58.002


Barrel Federico® Politecnico di Torino, Italy

The purpose of this article is to make a critical analysis of the landslide Chervaz .The studies related to this landslide began after the flood of October 2000 , following which in Aosta Valley they were activated and reactivated several landslides including the paleo-landslide of Chervaz . Despite being a paleo-landslide from the analysis of historical events it was not possible to collect any data on the triggering conditions of the landslide. From 2010 they were carried out several investigations to better understand the geometry and the dynamics of this phenomenon. As regard the future, new surveys are planned, in particular new drillings and geophysical surveys which together with the new information that can be derived from the multi - parametric probe DSM will allow to expand knowledge on this complex landslide.

® Barrel Federico, 2016

Introduction. The flood event of October 2000 causes the formation and the reactivation of many landslides in the north west of Italy, in particular in following regions: Aosta Valley and Piedmont.

Studies on Chervaz's landslide began in 2002 when in the Aosta Valley was activated the landslides' monitoring network.

Geological and geomorphological framework. The landslide is situated in the North West of Italy in the orographic right of the Dora Baltea River, straddling the municipalities of.

Figure 1: position of Chervaz's landslide

Fenis and Chambave at an altitude between 1100 m e 1400 m above the sea level. From a geological point of view, this area is situated in the Pennidic dominion, and in particular it belongs to Piedmont Zone of schists with green stones. The substrate lithology is constituted by schists, serpentinites, metabasite, talc schists.

As regard the geomorphological aspect, the area of Chervaz is characterized by a strong glacial imprint which took place in Pleistocene and which was followed on one side by a fluvial modeling type, related to the strong erosive action of stream Septumian flowing on the right side of the landslide, and on the other side by a gravitational modeling, due to the release of the glacial masses' pressure which took place during the Holocene.

In October 2000, there was the reactivation of several processes of instability triggered by the saturation of the surface layers for a depth below 10 m in the areas of the river basin and Chervaz Septumian .

According to an initial study, realized by the society GEODATA, it was assumed that the volume was about 1, 2-106 m3. [1]

Later, in 2010, a study conducted by IMAGEO estimate the volume a more than 7-106 m3. It was assumed a greater volume due to the fact that the geophysical surveys carried out in 2002 had reached a limited thickness without identifying the sliding surface. [2]

As regard the classification, the Chervaz's landslide is a complex landslide characterized by translational and rotational movement.

Historical data. We try to find in the historical records news related to triggers and the trigger mechanisms.

Unfortunately, even if we have several extreme event registered in the Septumian creek basin, there are few information regarding directly the Chervaz landslide, table 1. It wasn't possible to individuate the trigger event, and this is due to the fact that in the last 200 years probably the landslide stay dormant.

Table 1

Extreme event regarding the Chervaz landslide registered in the Septumian creek basin [3] [4].

Year Event

1945 Chervaz landslide discovered

(hypothetical surface: 2 ha).


Flood, reactivation of the landslide.

Geological - geomorphological survey. Carried out in the

summer of 2010 with the aim of producing a paper detailed 1: 2000.

The geological-geomorphological survey highlighted in several areas of the landslide the presence of plans talc schist dipping in the North East direction that could identify the sliding surface responsible for the movement of the landslide in this direction. This hypothesis can be confirmed only through the realization of geological surveys.

Geophysical survey. The geophysical surveys took place in 2002 and they were realized by society GEINVEST with the aim to identify the thickness of the debris cover and to estimate the depth of bedrock.

The survey was carried out by the methods of electrical tomography and seismic refraction.

As regard the seismic refraction, data processing permits to identify four seismic units:

• V < 1 km/s: this unit consists mainly in debris and it have a depth of 5-10 m;

• 1 km/s < V < 2 km/s: this second unit corresponds to the bedrock intensely fractured;

• 2 km/s < V < 3 km/s: fractured substrate;

• V > 3 km/s: intact bedrock.

• The bedrock was found only in some places. This is due to the fact that in the central sector of the landslide, where geophysical surveys were focused geophysical, the bedrock is at a depth of 80 m while survey methods have reached a maximum depth of 50 m.

• As regard the electric tomography, data processing has led to the realization of two-dimensional sections in which it was possible to distinguish two different electrical units:

• p < 4000 Qm: corresponding to the debris cover and the substrate greatly altered ;

• p > 4000 Qm: which corresponds to the more or less fractured


The electrical tomography has also highlighted the presence of some geophysical discontinuities that show how the stability of the slope in the Chervaz compromised both from the point of view of the surface level, both levels deeper.

Figure 2: Profile P1 and electrical profile S2 in which it was put in evidence the line of iso-resistivity of 4000 Q * m that has allowed to distinguish the two different lithological units . This profile has also highlighted three geophysical discontinuity.

Figure 3: first hypothesis of sliding surface.

Figure 4: real sliding surface.

Geological survey. The geological surveys were conducted in the month of May 2013 by the company CSI srl of Milan. The works have seen the realization of a vertical survey which has reached a depth of 153.40 m. The drilling was performed with continuous core system Wire Line. The stratigraphy obtained confirmed some assumptions made previously. As it was observed by geophysical profiles, the covering layer has a thickness of 5 m. Furthermore, from the analysis of the stratigraphy also it was also be possible to make some assumptions about the sliding surface. In fact it was individuated a level of clay at a depth of 70 m.

In reality, from inclinometers data conducted in September 2014 it was possible to understand that the sliding surface is located at a depth of 90 m in correspondence of another layer of clay.

Monitoring system. The monitoring system of the Chervaz landslide is constituted by:

> 10 GPS vertex, manual network reading, installed in December


> 2 GPS stations, automatic network reading, installed in 2008. Multi-parameter column, DMS, (inclinometer, water level sensor and

temperature) installed in September 2014.

As regard the manual network reading, measurements are made in the months of October and November. As can be seen from the figure 5, the most active sector of the landslide appears to be the North East sector where they were registered displacement ranging from 0.27 m to 0.3 m in the period 2008-2013.


Figure 5: total displacement measured by GPS manual network

Figure 6: Monitoring system: 10 GPS vertex of the manual network reading (ch1-ch11); 2 GPS stations (GPS8 and GPS9); inclinometer. Replaced in 2014 by a multi-parametric

column DMS.

The total maximum movement in the period 2003 - 2010 was 60 cm for the vertex CH3 the minimum was 20 cm for CH10. Note that at present we have no information about the South sector of landslide the main points are arranged in the central and in the apical. As regard the automatic network reading, the station GPS8 is placed in the North sector of the landslide while the station GPS9 is placed in the central sector.

Data are recorded twice a day, at 6 o'clock and 12 o'clock. From data processing it was possible to plot the graphs of figure 7 and figure 8 which show the displacement of the two GPS stations in the North (in blue) and in the East (red squares) direction.If we observe figure 7 and 8 we can notice that data appear to be little scattered around the trend lines identified, consequently we can affirm that the speed of the landslide displacements is constant throughout the monitoring period, thus excludes the hypothesis of accelerations of the landslide in conjunction with intense rainfall events.

Figure 7: displacement in function of time measured by GPS8 station.

Figure 7: displacement in function of time measured by GPS9 station.

In 2013 the monitoring network has been implemented, in particular, was added an inclinometer made after the geological survey.

The inclinometer tube has a length of 123 meters. The "zero" reading was realized in 2013 and it was very important because all subsequent

inclinometer readings are referenced to the changes from the zero measurements.

In May 2014 were realized the first manual reading which show that the sliding surface identifiable to a depth of 91 meters, as we ca see in figure 4. Measurements were carried out at depth intervals of 50 cm. Data processing permits to plot the graphs of the cumulative displacements, figure 10.

Initially the department of Geological activity suggested the use of an automated system inclinometer, but recently, in the autumn of 2014, the hole of the geological survey has been equipped with a multi-parameter column DMS by the company CSG Srl of Ricaldone (AL). The DMS realizes inclinometer, water level and temperature measures.

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Figure 9: cumulative displacements.

Conclusions. The aim of this article was to make a critical analysis of the landslide of Chervaz. From 2010 to today the cognitive framework of the phenomenon is greatly expanded and now get we have a better idea of the dynamics of movement and volumes involved. It is estimated that the landslide movement interest a volume of a total of 7*106 m3.

The sliding surface has been in 2013 identified at depth of 70 meters below ground level, in reality the inclinometer reading of May 2014 shows that the sliding surface is at a depth of 91 meters.

The monitoring system has highlighted that the movement of all the body of the landslide is directed from South West to the North East. From the data processing related to the automatic GPS network reading we might affirm that there is no correlation with rainfall events nor with the period of melting snow, in fact the displacements' speed of the landslide is constant during the year.


1. GEODATA, «Studio del movimento franoso di Chervaz.,» Torino, 2002.

2. IMAGEO s.r.l., «Approfondimento e aggiornamento dello studio del fenomeno franoso di Chervaz, in comune di Chambave,» Torino, 2010.

3. B. Fiorenzani, Analisi geomorfologica dei Bacini Arly e Septumian e del Vallone del Pieiller interessati dall'evento alluvionale del 13-16 ottobre 2000., 2001.

4. C. P. L. Vescoz, Phénomenes atmosphèriques, souvenir des princi-pales anomalies du temps observées en Vallée d'Aoste dans le cours du XIX siècle, 1928.

5. IMAGEO s.r.l., Carta Geomorfologica di dettaglio della frana di Chervaz 1:2000, Torino, 2010.

6. «http://www.arpa.vda.it/,» [Online].

7. «http://www.regione.vda.it/,» [Online].

8. GEOINVEST s.r.l., «Rapporto dell'indagine geofisica di Chervaz,» Piacenza, 2002.

9. F. Bonetto e G. Mortara, «Fenomeni franosi in Valle d'Aosta.».

10. F. Luino, «Sequence of instability processes triggered by heavy rainfall in the northern Italy.,» 2003.

11. Assessorato opere pubbliche, difesa del suolo e edilizia residen-ziale, Dati del pluviometro della frana di Vollein.

12. Assessorato opere pubbliche, difesa del suolo e edilizia residen-ziale, Dati stazioni GPS automatiche, manuali della frana di Chervaz.

13. Assessorato opere pubbliche, difesa del suolo e edilizia residen-ziale, Report annuali Chervaz, 2008 - 2012.

14. CNR-IRPI, «Fenomeno franosodi Chervaz- Report relativo alle misure inclinometriche manuali,» 2014.

15. M. Farina, «Studio del bacino del torrente Septumian,» Aosta, 2007.

16. d.d.s.e.e.r. Assessorato opere pubbliche, Dati stazioni GPS automa-tiche, manuali della frana di Chervaz.

17. d.d.s.e.e.r. Assessorato opere pubbliche, Dati del pluviometro della frana di Vollein.

18. «http://geonavsct.partout.it/pub/geoRelBac/,» [Online].

19. C.S.I. srl - Consolidamento Sondaggi Italia, «Indagini geognostiche finalizzate all'approfondimento delle conoscenze geologiche ed al mo-nitoraggio del movimento franoso di Chervaz nel Comune di Chambave (AO),» Milano, 2013.

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Deiana A®.

Politecnico di Torino, E-mail: sempredeiana@gmail.com

Bachelor degree in Environmental Engineering, Deiana, Andrea

The following article shows some potential solutions for the valorization of wastes and wastewater produced by farms and food industries. It moreover introduces the need of green energy to reduce dependency on fossil fuels.

Keywords: anaerobic digestion, dark fermentation, ABE fermentation.

Due to climatic diversities, farming by-products are different in each region of Europe. Interesting wastes from this sector are principally scrap from cereal crops and manure from different livestock. For what regards food industries, three productions are relevant for the characteristics of their scraps: olive oil mills, sugar industries, cheese industries and wine industries.

® Deiana A., 2016

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