Научная статья на тему 'Analysis of synergic effect in compositional electrolitic Ni-B-COATINGS'

Analysis of synergic effect in compositional electrolitic Ni-B-COATINGS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Физика»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Analysis of synergic effect in compositional electrolitic Ni-B-COATINGS»

размерную погрешность обработки. По результатам проведения измерений оказалось, что концевые фрезы VaCutEdge снижают усилия резания и уменьшают размерные погрешности при высокоскоростном фрезеровании почти на 18% (см. графики на рис. 2).

Таким образом, практически доказано, что применение концевых фрез с переменной режущей кромкой целесообразно применять при высокоскоростном фрезеровании.

Выпуск такого инструмента требует более тщательной подготовки производства (получение параметров

смещения исходя из геометрической состоятельности инструмента), и несколько усложняет настройку технологического оборудования на выпуск партии, а также усложняет контроль качества изготовленного инструмента, но это с лихвой окупается в процессе его эксплуатации.

Подводя итог вышесказанному можно сказать, что отечественный производитель режущего инструмента в лице ООО НПП "РИТ-Инжиниринг", создал конкурентно-способный современный аналог, отвечающий последним требованиям, предъявляемых к режущим инструментам для высокоскоростной обработки.

Смешение инструмента, s а). обычная концевая фреза.

0 0 10 20 30 4

Смешение инструмента, мкы

б). фреза с геометрией VaCutEdge.

Рис. 2. Траектория смещения (отжим) концевой фрезы при обработке.


1. Истоцкий В.В. Формирование режущей части фасонных борфрез с применением шлифовально-за-точных станков с ЧПУ: Дис. канд. техн. наук: 05.03.01: Тула, 2005 124 е., 61:05-5/4083.

2. Истоцкий В.В., Протасьев В.Б. Проектирование режущей части фасонных инструментов с использованием виртуальных аналогов шлифовально-заточ-ных станков с ЧПУ, основанных на положениях булевой алгебры// Известия ТулГУ. Вып.2: Труды Междунар. юбил. научн.-техн. конф. "Проблемы

формообразования деталей при обработке резанием", посвящ. 90-летию со дня рождения С.И. Лашнева, 29-30 января 2007 г. - Тула: Изд-во ТулГУ, 2006.-(Инструментальные и метрологические системы). с. 170-174.

3. Протасьев В.Б., Истоцкий В.В. Проектирование фасонных инструментов, изготавливаемых с использованием шлифовально-заточных станков с ЧПУ. -М.: ИНФРА -М. 2011 - 128с. -(Научная мысль).

4. Фрезы концевые твердосплавные. Технические условия. ГОСТ 18372-73


Балакай Владимир Ильич

Д-р техн. наук, профессор Иванов Валерий Владимирович

Канд. хим. наук, доцент

Южно-Российского государственного политехнического университета им. М.И. Платова, Новочеркасск ANALYSIS OF SYNERGIC EFFECT IN COMPOSITIONAL ELECTROLITIC Ni-B-COATINGS

Balakai V.I., D in Technique, professor, Platov South-Russian state polytechnic university (Novocherkasskpolytechnic institute), Novocherkassk

Ivanov V.V., PhD in Chemistry, associate professor, Platov South-Russian state polytechnic university (Novocherkassk polytechnic institute), Novocherkassk

The velocity of linear wear and the friction coefficient of the compositional coatings (CC) may be presented in following forms

Ilin = a<Ilm, sol> + (1-a) <Ilin, lub> + Aa (<Ilin, sol> - <Ilin, lub>) and

f = a <fsol> + (1 - a) <flub> - Aa (<fsol> - <flub>).

In formulae the symbol a = asol is denotes the volume share of solid CC component, the value Aa = 4 (1 - a) a2 (1 -k (1 + kn)) is the relative synergic effect of the corresponding property, the parameter k is the dimensional factor, which determined the relationship between particle size of solid CC component rsol and the "width" of the "concentration wave" Ax, i.e. k = [rsol /(Ax + rsol)], where 0,5 < k < 1, and the symbol kn is the parameter, which denotes the volume share of the possible nano-fragments with definite (spherical or cylindrical) form for solid CC component (rsol s Ax by k s 0,5; 0 < kn < 1) [1-3].

The main calculation problem of those CC diagnostic properties is the definition of the volume share a and the mean value of Ilm and f for both solid and lubricant CC components. The basic causes of approximate information only about phase CC composition under friction and wear are the accompanying processes (the chemical composition change which is limited by the formation of new possible phases, the pounding and formation of phase's micro-particles which make difficult the solution of experimental phase analysis problem). Taking into account those causes the theoretical way of the phase problem decision is the only way of the dates receiving which may be the base for the possible forecasting of CC diagnostic properties.

The technique of the CC receipt is defines the phase composition of cover [1]. After thermal processing of CC the Ni, Ni2B and Ni3B phases of solid component and the teflon as the phase of lubricant component were obtained [1]. The NiB phases were discover into surface layers under dry friction condition and by specific loading 3 MPa (and by the friction velocity V = 0,048 m/s) [1].

The possible chemical transformations as a probable cause of the Ni3B, Ni2B and NiB phase formation are the next: Ni3B^Ni2B+Ni^NiB+2Ni,

6Ni+6B^2Ni3B+4B^3Ni2B+3B^ 6NiB. It's necessary to note the first chain of transformations are will be accompanied by partial extraction of the atoms Ni from positions of Ni3B crystal structure (after that from positions of Ni2B structure) and the deformational reconstruction of the Ni-nets and the B-layers (in Ni3B) or B-layers only (in Ni2B). Taking into account the possible mechanism of the electrochemical joint of nickel and phosphorus-containing components from electrolyte, the possible capture's variants of teflon micro-particles by these components under CC formation, and the possible chemical transformations processes were received the dates for determination of probable phase composition of the solid and lubricant CC components and the corresponding values of a.

The certain average values of the <Ilm> under dry friction condition for the phases of solid CC component Ni, Ni2B and Ni3B (1,1 |im/h), NiB (1,0 |im/h) and for the phase of lubricant CC component teflon (7,5 |im/h) were evaluated. For corresponding values of Aa (by k = 0,5 and kn = 0,17) the values <Ilin>calc were calculated (table 1).

Table 1.

The properties of the compositional Ni-B-covers

Coating Aa The velocity of the linear wear The friction coefficient

<Ilin>exp, Mm/h <Ilin>calc, Mm/h <f>exp <f>calc

Ni-В 0 1,100 1,10 0,25 0,25

Ni-В (teflon)(1) 0,098 0,767 0,74 0,218 0,21

Ni-В (teflon)(2) 0.192 0,530 0,56 0,185 0,17

Ni-В (teflon)(3)) 0,269 0,434 0,42 0,155 0,15

If take into account the certain average values of <f> under dry friction condition for the phases of solid CC component Ni, Ni2B and Ni3B (s 0,25), NiB (s 0,30) and for the phase of lubricant CC component teflon (s 0,03), then the values <f>calc may be calculated for corresponding values of Aa (k s 0,5; kn = 0,17). Obviously, that the obtained values <f>calc are corresponds to experimental dates <f>exp [1-3] satisfactorily, too (table 1).

Thus, the experimental dates about the velocity of linear wear and the friction coefficient of the compositional Ni-B-covers were interpretive by "concentration wave" model with parameters k = 0,5 and kn = 0,17 very satisfactorily [4, 5]. If the parameter kn is more or less then values 0,17, then it is the begin of the essential divergence between calculated and experimental dates. It's designed that the micro-particles of the solid CC component phases are very small and some of them are the nano-fragments with definite (spherical or cylindrical) form. The possible nano-particles of the Ni3B, Ni2B and NiB phases may be described by n-layers fragments of its structures with characteristic dimensions (in particular diameter) about 1,2 - 2,5 nm.

Thus, the possible synergic effect under friction and wear in receiving by electrochemical precipitation compositional Ni-B- coatings was analyzed. The results of

diagnostic properties calculation by "concentration wave" model and the corresponding experimental dates were discussed.


1. Balakai V.I., Ivanov V.V., Balakai I.V., Arzumanova A.V. Analysis of the phase disorder in electroplated nickel-boron coatings // Rus. J. Appl. Chem., 2009. T.82. № 5. C.851-856.

2. Ivanov V.V., Balakai V.I., Ivanov A.V., Arzumanova A.V. Synergism in composite electrolytic nickel-boron-fluoroplastic coatings // Rus. J. Appl. Chem., 2006. T.79. № 4. C.610-613.

3. Ivanov V.V., Balakai V.I., Kurnakova N.Yu. et al. Synergetic effect in nickel-teflon composite electrolytic coatings // Rus. J. Appl. Chem., 2008. T.81. № 12. C.2169-2171.

4. Ivanov V.V. «Concentration waves» model for the tribologic system CM1/D/CM2 // International journal of experimental education, 2014. - № 4. - Part 2. - P. 58-59.

5. Ivanov V.V. «Concentration waves» model for the tribologic system CM1/LL,D/CM2 // International journal of experimental education, 2014. - №4.- Part 2. - P. 59-60.

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