ANALYSIS OF MODERN “E-GOVERNMENT” MODELS IN THE WORLD Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
электронное правительство / континентально-европейская модель / англо-американская модель / азиатская модель / российская модель / западная и азиатская модели. / электрон ҳукумат / континентал-овропа модели / инглиз-америка модели / Осиё модели / Россия модели / ғарб ва шарқ моделлари.

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Adilkhodjaeva Surayyo Makhkamovna

в статье анализируются модели «электронного правительства» в мире, существует 4 основных модели «электронного правительства»: континентально-европейская модель; англо-американская модель, которая отражает специфику становления электронного правительства в США и Великобритании; азиатская модель; российская модель. Каждая из этих моделей имеет свою особенность. Континентально-европейская модель электронного правительства характеризуется наличием надгосударственных институтов (Европарламент, Еврокомиссия, Европейский суд), рекомендации которых обязательны для исполнения всеми странами ЕС. Англо-американская модель электронного правительства развита в США, Канаде и Великобритании. В США основной акцент сделан на универсальное обслуживание граждан и обеспечение их информацией. Азиатская модель электронного правительства опирается на специфический стиль управления. Автор, рассмотрев модели «электронного правительства» в мире, отмечает, что существуют несколько подходов к классификации моделей “e-Government” в современный период. Но ни один из этих подходов не является подтвержденным официальными международными органами, ООН или его структурами, т.е. не являются общепринятыми. Учитывая, что в государствах СНГ интенсивно развивается «электронное правительство», особенно интенсивно, в Беларуси, Казахстане, России, Узбекистане. Автор считает, что на сегодняшний день будет правильно, если выделить основные три модели “e-Government: западную, восточную и стран СНГ.

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мақолада дунёдаги электрон ҳукумат моделлари таҳлил қилиниб, унда электрон ҳукуматнинг 4 та асосий моделлари кўрсатилган: континентал-овропа модели; инглиз-америка, Осиё, Россия моделлари кўриб чиқилган. Муаллиф ҳозирги кунда электрон ҳукумат моделларини классификациялашда бир нечта қараш мавжудлигини эътироф этган. Унга кўра, инглиз-америка модели АҚШ ва Буюк Британияда “e-Government”ни шакллантириш ва ривожланишида акс этади. Ушбу моделларнинг ҳар бири ўзига хос хусусиятга эга. Европа электрон тизимининг модели юқори даражадаги институтларнинг (Европа Парламенти, Европа Комиссияси, Европа суди мавжудлиги билан тавсифланади ва тавсиялари барча Европа Итифоқи давлатлари учун мажбурийдир. Инглиз-америка электрон ҳукуматининг модели АҚШ, Канада, Буюк Британияда амалга оширилиб, унда фуқаролар учун универсал хизмат кўрсатиш ва уларни маълумотлар билан таъминлаш асосий йўналиш ҳисобланади. Осиё электрон ҳукумати эса муайян бошқарув услубига асосланган. Муаллиф дунёдаги электрон ҳукумат моделларини таснифлашнинг бир нечта турлари мавжудлигини таъкидлаган. Лекин халқаро ташкилотлар, БМТ ва органлари томонидан ҳеч қайси электрон ҳукуматни моделлаштириш расмий тасдиқланмаган ҳамда умумий-универсал деб топилмаган. Хулосада муаллиф МДҲ мамлакатлари, айниқса, Беларусь, Қозоғистон, Россия ва Ўзбекистон давлатларида электрон ҳукумат тезкор ривожланиб бораётганлигини ҳисобга олиб, ҳозирги кунда учта модел, яъни ғарб, шарқ ва МДҲ давлатлари модел турлари мавжудлигини илгари сурди.




Adilkhodjaeva Surayyo Makhkamovna, Tashkent state university of law, Tashkent, 100047, Uzbekistan

Аннотация: в статье анализируются модели «электронного правительства» в мире, существует 4 основных модели «электронного правительства»: континентально-европейская модель; англо-американская модель, которая отражает специфику становления электронного правительства в США и Великобритании; азиатская модель; российская модель. Каждая из этих моделей имеет свою особенность. Континентально-европейская модель электронного правительства характеризуется наличием надгосударственных институтов (Европарламент, Еврокомиссия, Европейский суд), рекомендации которых обязательны для исполнения всеми странами ЕС. Англо-американская модель электронного правительства развита в США, Канаде и Великобритании. В США основной акцент сделан на универсальное обслуживание граждан и обеспечение их информацией. Азиатская модель электронного правительства опирается на специфический стиль управления. Автор, рассмотрев модели «электронного правительства» в мире, отмечает, что существуют несколько подходов к классификации моделей "e-Government" в современный период. Но ни один из этих подходов не является подтвержденным официальными международными органами, ООН или его структурами, т.е. не являются общепринятыми. Учитывая, что в государствах СНГ интенсивно развивается «электронное правительство», особенно интенсивно, в Беларуси, Казахстане, России, Узбекистане. Автор считает, что на сегодняшний день будет правильно, если выделить основные три модели "e-Government: западную, восточную и стран СНГ.

Ключевые слова: электронное правительство, континентально-европейская модель; англоамериканская модель; азиатская модель; российская модель; западная и азиатская модели.

Аннотация: мацолада дунёдаги электрон уукумат моделлари таулил цилиниб, унда электрон уукуматнинг 4 та асосий моделлари курсатилган: континентал-овропа модели; инглиз-америка, Осиё, Россия моделлари куриб чицилган. Муаллиф уозирги кунда электрон уукумат моделларини классификациялашда бир нечта цараш мавжудлигини эътироф этган. Унга кура, инглиз-америка модели АКЩ ва Буюк Британияда "e-Government"ни шакллантириш ва ривожланишида акс этади. Ушбу моделларнинг уар бири узига хос хусусиятга эга. Европа электрон тизимининг модели юцори даражадаги институтларнинг (Европа Парламенти, Европа Комиссияси, Европа суди мавжудлиги билан тавсифланади ва тавсиялари барча Европа Итифоци давлатлари учун мажбурийдир. Инглиз-америка электрон уукуматининг модели АКЩ, Канада, Буюк Британияда амалга оширилиб, унда фуцаролар учун универсал хизмат курсатиш ва уларни маълумотлар билан таъминлаш асосий йуналиш уисобланади. Осиё электрон уукумати эса муайян бошцарув услубига асосланган. Муаллиф дунёдаги электрон уукумат моделларини таснифлашнинг бир нечта турлари мавжудлигини таъкидлаган. Лекин халцаро ташкилотлар, БМТ ва органлари томонидан уеч цайси электрон уукуматни моделлаштириш расмий тасдицланмаган уамда умумий-универсал деб топилмаган. Хулосада муаллиф МДХ мамлакатлари, айницса, Беларусь, Козогистон, Россия ва Узбекистон давлатларида электрон уукумат тезкор ривожланиб бораётганлигини уисобга олиб, уозирги кунда учта модел, яъни гарб, шарц ва МДХ, давлатлари модел турлари мавжудлигини илгари сурди.

Калит сузлар: электрон уукумат, континентал-овропа модели; инглиз-америка модели; Осиё модели; Россия модели; гарб ва шарц моделлари.

From the beginning of the 21st century, the concept of "e-Government" began to be widely introduced in various countries of the world as a means of increasing the efficiency of society's management by new information and communication technologies. According to the UN, the number of countries using Internet technologies to optimize work and interaction with citizens has already exceeded 190. And according to the results of 2018, countries such as Denmark, Australia, the Republic of Korea, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Finland, and Singapore according to the annual world study "The implementation of the e-government concept was highly appreciated. Meanwhile, the UN emphasizes the achievements of Singapore, the Republic of Korea in this area. The United Nations has been tasked to make every effort at the national and international level to create local information resources and applications. A specially created working group in the

framework of the UN ICT Taskforce carries out the international coordination for the implementation of this plan. The UN solves the problem of overcoming informational inequalities in the framework of the fight against poverty. Currently, inequality exists among regions, countries and even continents. For example, in London there are more Internet users than throughout the continent of Africa, and only about 15 % of the world's population owns computers. Therefore, the UN pays considerable attention to the implementation of the concept of "e-government" at the global level [1].

The question of the development and practical implementation of the concept of "e-government" was raised initially in the United States and then in Western Europe in the 1990s. In March 2000, the European Commission adopted the new program "Electronic Europe (20002010)" and identified the main goal of the activity - promoting the growth of citizens' confidence in the state and strengthening social partnership [2].There are several approaches to the classification of e-government models in the world. Therefore, it is believed that there are 4 basic models of "e-government". Conventionally, they are designated as: the continental-European model (within which the development of e-democracy will be implemented not only in Western countries, but also in Central and Eastern Europe, which will be adopted in 2004 in the EU); the Anglo-American model, which reflects the specifics of the formation of e-government in the US and the UK; Asian model (we will consider the example of South Korea); Russian model, which is represented in the targeted federal program "Electronic Russia (2002-2010)"

1. The continental European model of e-government is characterized by: the presence of supranational institutions (the European Parliament, the European Commission, the European Court), whose recommendations are binding on all EU countries; the high degree of integration of European people and countries, which manifests itself in a single currency, in a single pan-European information space. The management and activities of national governments and supranational structures in this model are due to the use of high technologies with a focus on the needs of citizens-users of information networks and systems. This type of control allows you to receive government information in real time. Citizens successfully perform their civic duty in the payment of taxes and fines [3]. In France, there is a government program in the field of information technology - "On the preparation of France to join the information society." The program provides a number of measures for informatization of ministries and departments. Their main goal is to provide a wide range of information interaction between government agencies and business representatives, with citizens, which is the basis for the transition to e-government operation. At the end of 2000, the implementation of the Cabinet of Ministers computerization program was announced in Estonia. The information system of the Estonian CM will provide an opportunity to exchange documents in electronic form, to get acquainted with the amendments of a minister, made by him to the discussed draft regulations, to vote online. Latvia seriously approached the problem of creating an "e-government" and considered Microsoft's proposal as the main proposal. Analysis of the proposal showed that in the process of implementing the idea of e-government, the most serious work on restructuring the state document management system remains to adapt it to the capabilities and features of computer technologies. The mechanical transfer of the paper workflow system to computer networks will not make it possible to fully take advantage of the new technologies, but it is practically impossible [4].

2. The Anglo-American model of e-government is developed in the USA, Canada and the UK. In the US, the focus is on universal service for citizens and providing them with information. As part of this trend, the US e-government serves citizens, provides services and reports (http://lcweb.loc.gov/global/executive/fed.html). In general, the activities of the American government are carried out under the slogan of greater openness, transparency and accountability to citizens. As for the e-government of Great Britain, its activity is fixed in the program, which has the name "Electronic citizens, e-business, e-government. Strategic concept of serving society in the information age. " The program focuses on solving the following problems: expansion of the range of services provided by the government; ensuring more efficient use of social information in government bodies; the creation of technical and educational conditions for the full

coverage of government services by citizens. For government agencies in the UK, the main goal is interactive interaction with the public [5]. The strategy of building an "e-Govemment" in the UK is quite systemic and covers almost all areas of government officials. It is really supported at the highest government level and this determines its effectiveness. The main objectives of the strategy are primarily the release of civil servants from routine, unproductive work, the elimination of unjustified, intermediate links in the information chain of interaction between government structures [6].

3. The Asian e-government model relies on a specific management style. In forming the e-democracy model, the South Korean government focused on meeting the information needs of the population and introducing information and communication technologies into the system of culture and education [7]. The successful development of e-democracy allowed the citizens of South Korea to grasp the idea of their own importance and the possibility of a real influence on the affairs of the state and society. Important and useful in the Korean experience for us is a meaningful and far-sighted policy of the state in the development of electronic communication. Creating a single information space throughout the country not only strengthens the position of the state, but also puts on a practical plane the basic principle of democracy: the people are the source and carrier of power [8]. Singapore is one of the most advanced countries in the implementation of information technologies, including the most conservative and least changeable public institution, such as public administration and government interaction with ordinary citizens. Singapore became the first country in the world, where in 1999 the large government portal e-Citizen Center (www.ecitizen.gov.sg) was created, where citizens of Singapore can not only get information about a particular government department, but also actions for which previously would have to go to a specific government agency. This requires only a small registration in the system, after which, during each next server visit, the introduction of a name and password allows the user to directly contact almost any branch of the government. The entire server is divided into nine "houses" (buildings), located along the symbolic road. For example, in the "Family House" (Family), you can get married, and in the "House of Law and Order" (Law and Order), you can send an incident report to the police. A government department supports each section of the server [9].

4. The Russian model of e-government is represented in the targeted federal program "Electronic Russia 2002-2010". This program is focused on overcoming technological backwardness and turning the country from a raw material supplier into an exporter of software information products. The main objectives of the program are to improvie the functioning of the economy, government and local government, creatie conditions for the realization of the right of citizens to free access to information and to obtain the necessary services relatied to the regulation of life and activities in the information society. In total, the program provides for the implementation of various activities in 9 areas. The main ones are 2 directions: Ensuring openness in the activities of public authorities; Improvement of the activities of public authorities and local self-government by information and communication technologies. It is believed that all these models can be reduced to two models - the western and eastern. For example, E.A. Yakovlev, believes that the countries that have achieved the greatest success in implementing the principles of e-government are Canada, Singapore and the United States. It is on the example of these states that two basic models of the formation of e-government are considered: the western (Canada and the USA) and the eastern (Singapore) [10]. The main features of the future e-government are formed depending on the political and economic systems of specific countries. For the United States of America and Canada, the main idea of e-government is that e-government acts as a tool for developing democracy, increasing public participation, and strengthening public control over the state. For Singapore and South Korea, the main motivation for transforming the government is the desire to strengthen the control of power over the population. Particular attention is paid to the performance of state functions. Here, management is based on a hierarchical principle, in which each lower level is controlled and subordinated to a higher level.

One of the major achievements of the Republic of Korea, which has been recognized at the UN level, is undoubtedly the functioning of "electronic government". The significance of the introduction of e-government at the socio-political level, as Koreans themselves admit, is the following: a significant improvement in the quality of services provided by the state to the population; increasing the efficiency of state bodies, openness and transparency of their work; increasing access to the participation of civil society in government; increasing their awareness and public control. The most important achievement of e-government was the increase in the efficiency of functional relations between the state and civil society.

The idea of creating e-government belongs to the government circles of the Republic of Korea. In particular, the President Kim De Zhong noted: "In our second attempt to build a national state, we will focus our efforts on creating an economy based on scientific knowledge and innovation, in which information and high technology will occupy a central place." [11]. The Korean way of creating e-Government consists of three stages as separate programs: the first is 1987-1995s; the second, 1995-2005; the third is from 2005 to the present.

One of the priorities for the development of the information society in the Republic of Belarus is the development of e-government technologies. The creation of conditions for the accelerated development of information and communication technology services. Contributing to the development of an information society on an innovative basis and contributing to improving the quality and effectiveness of information relations between the population, business and the state, is provided by the National Program for Accelerated Development of Information and Communication Technology Services 2011-2015 years.

In Kazakhstan in 2013, the state program "Information Kazakhstan - 2030" was adopted. The program's goal: ensuring the effectiveness of the public administration system, ensuring the availability of information and communication infrastructure, as well as creating conditions for the transition to the information society. At the beginning of 2016, Kazakhstan established a noncommercial joint-stock company, Government Corporation for Citizens, as an institutional foundation. The main activity of the company is the provision of public services in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the organization of work on receiving applications and issuing their results to the recipient on the principle of "one window", as well as ensuring the provision of public services in electronic form [12].

Having considered the basic models of "electronic government", we are more inclined to believe that the basic models are reduced to the western and eastern ones. According to the first classification, there is a model of the Russian "electronic government". However, this is also not entirely correct, since "E-government" has been formed and is developing at a good level not only in Russia, but also in Belarus, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Belarus, Russia, and Kazakhstan entered countries with a very high level of "e-Government" in 2018.

Thus, having considered the model of "electronic government" in the world, it should be noted that there are several approaches to the classification of "e-Government" models in the modern period. One of the approaches is based on the fact that there are 4 basic e-Government models: continental European, Anglo-American, Asian and Russian models. In accordance with a different approach, all varieties of "e-Government" in the modern world are reduced to two models: "Western" and "Asian". However, none of these approaches is confirmed by official international bodies, the UN or its structures, i.e. not generally accepted. It should be noted that the "e-Government" models are directly related to the forms and methods of government, with political realities. Considering that the "electronic government" is developing intensively in the CIS countries, especially intensively, in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, we believe that today it would be correct if we highlight the three main models of "e-Government: western, eastern and CIS.

The introduction of an e-government system greatly increases the efficiency of public administration and contributes to the intensification of direct and reverse links between the state

and society. Therefore, at present, the creation of an e-government system is a necessity. For Uzbekistan, the experience of forming "e-Government" of foreign countries is very useful. On the one hand, a comparative analysis of the formation of "e-Government" in foreign countries will help you choose the right strategy for the creation and development of "e-government". On the other hand, the study of bad experience will help to avoid mistakes. In the course of the study, it was found that "e-government" means a new way of organizing and developing the public administration system, a way of transforming and improving it to focus on a fundamentally closer relationship with citizens, drastically improve the indicators for obtaining specific useful results of activities, greater efficiency and responsibility government agencies. The main features of the future e-government are formed depending on the political and economic systems of specific countries. In the course of a comparative analysis, it was established that the implementation of the concept of "e-government" is closely related to the reform of public administration and includes a number of integral aspects.

First, the method of providing information, ensuring openness and transparency of state bodies.

Second, the system of electronic document management of state administration. Third, the possibility of citizens not only to familiarize themselves with decisions taken in government bodies, but also their participation in decision-making.

Fourth, the provision of public services to citizens, business, other branches of government, in which the personal interaction between the state and the applicant is minimized, which prevents corruption.

Fifth, a set of technical and software resources that function to improve the efficiency of public administration.

The sixth, effective way of direct and feedback between government agencies and society. It should be noted that the "e-Government" models are directly related to the forms and methods of government, with political realities. Considering that the "electronic government" is developing intensively in the CIS countries, especially intensively, in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, we believe that today it would be correct if we highlight the three main models of "e-Government: western, eastern and CIS The experience of the USA and the Republic of Korea shows that the concept of e-government was aimed at radically changing the accepted working procedures, primarily in the executive branch, as well as business processes for commercial companies and the convenience of citizens. At the same time, serious attention was paid to the development of institutional structures that ensure the functioning of e-government, as well as the safety and security of information stored in the e-government database. Analysis of the study of the experience of foreign countries in the development of e-government showed that in most states the main stage in the organization of the system is the creation of an integrated system of government bodies, i.e. development of the G2G standard. It is at this stage that it is determined which state services and in what form the state services will provide. Determining the total number of public servants is not an easy task. For this, it is necessary to conduct an "administrative reform" by taking stock of existing laws and legislative acts.


1. United Nation E-Government 2018 Survey E-Government for the People // publicadministration.un.org/egovkb/en-us/Reports/UN-E-Government-Survey-2018 (20.03.2019 г.)

2. Adilhodjaeva S.M. The role of e-government in improving the functioning of civil society // Collection of articles on the round table on the topic: "Prospects for the implementation of e-government in Uzbekistan: problems and ways to solve them" April 23, 2015 TUIT. - P.9-14.

3. Alexander Jason H., Grubbs, Joseph W. Wired Government: Information Technology, External Public Organizations, and Cyberdemocracy. - University of Delaware. 2018. - P34-42.

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5. Mete Y. Examining the Motivations for E-government from an Institutional Theory Perspective: Evidence from Turkey: Indiana University, Bloomington, 2003. - P. 53-67.

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8. Victor Shkel. e-Government in the Republic of Korea: stages of development. Useful experience for successful implementation in Belarus // http://www.kv.by/content/337802-e-Government-v-respublike-koreya-etapy-razvitiya-poleznyi-opyt-dlya-uspeshnogo-vnedre. (20.03.2019).

9. Singapoure-government. e-Government Action Plan II. www.egov.gov.sg, (10.02.2019).

10. Yakovlev E.A. Electronic government: theoretical models and political strategy of the Russian state. Author. diss. PhD. - 32 p.

11. Address by President Kim De Joon at the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Republic of Korea on August 15, 1998 .http://www.kv.by/content/337802-e-Government-v-respublike-koreya-etapy-razvitiya-poleznyi-opyt-dlya-uspeshnogo-vnedre. (2.03.2019).

12. Avdeeva T.G. The problem of the "digital divide " in international economic discussions // Proceedings of the international seminar "Problems of overcoming the "digital inequality"in Russia and the CIS countries ". - M., 2000. - P. 63-67.

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