ANALYSIS OF METHODS OF MONITORING SPEECH SKILLS AND SKILLS IN TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Scientific / artistic / geographical and historical works / customs / religion / culture / freedom / equality / prosperity / ilmiy / badiiy / geografik va tarixiy asarlar / urf-odatlar / din / madaniyat / erkinlik / tenglik / farovonlik.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Khaydarzade, Gulnoza Abdukhamidovna

The speed of reading may not be a leading indicator of the control in the first and second academic years. In subsequent classes, speed is the main indicator, along with content. The essence (task, purpose, role) of the control is now to consider what to check. A foreign language teacher gets a methodical problem of what to check. The object of investigation is thoroughly studied both theoretical and practical. The foreign language skills and skills learned by the teacher and administration are monitored. The extent to which learners have acquired the skills and abilities they have, what difficulties they have, and what to work hard on.

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O'qish tezligi birinchi va ikkinchi o'quv yillarida nazoratning etakchi ko'rsatkichi bo'la olmaydi. Keyingi darslarda mazmun bilan bir qatorda asosiy ko'rsatkich tezlik hisoblanadi. Nazoratning mohiyati (vazifasi, maqsadi, roli) endi nimani tekshirish haqida o'ylashdir. Chet tili o'qituvchisi oldida nimani tekshirish kerakligi haqidagi uslubiy vazifa turadi. Tadqiqot ob'ekti ham nazariy, ham amaliy jihatdan chuqur o'rganilgan. O‘qituvchi va ma’muriyat tomonidan chet tilini egallash darajasi nazorat qilinadi. O‘quvchilarning o‘zlari ega bo‘lgan ko‘nikma va malakalarni qay darajada egallaganliklari, ular qanday qiyinchiliklarga duch kelishlari, nimalar ustida qattiq ishlash kerakligi.


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Khaydarzade Gulnoza Abdukhamidovna

Lecturer at the Department of Western Languages, Tashkent State University of Oriental studies, Uzbekistan.


The speed of reading may not be a leading indicator of the control in the first and second academic years. In subsequent classes, speed is the main indicator, along with content. The essence (task, purpose, role) of the control is now to consider what to check. A foreign language teacher gets a methodical problem of what to check. The object of investigation is thoroughly studied both theoretical and practical. The foreign language skills and skills learned by the teacher and administration are monitored. The extent to which learners have acquired the skills and abilities they have, what difficulties they have, and what to work hard on.

Keywords: Scientific, artistic, geographical and historical works, customs, religion, culture, freedom, equality, prosperity.


Скорость чтения не может быть опережающим показателем контроля в первый и второй учебные годы. В последующих занятиях наряду с содержанием основным показателем является скорость. Суть (задача, цель, роль) контроля теперь в том, чтобы подумать, что проверять. Перед учителем иностранного языка встает методическая задача, что проверять. Объект исследования досконально изучен как теоретически, так и практически. Уровень владения иностранным языком, приобретенный учителем и администрацией, контролируется. Степень, в которой учащиеся приобрели навыки и способности, которые у них есть, с какими трудностями они сталкиваются и над чем нужно усердно работать.

Ключевые слова: научные, художественные, географические и исторические произведения, обычаи, религия, культура, свобода, равенство, процветание.


O'qish tezligi birinchi va ikkinchi o'quv yillarida nazoratning etakchi ko'rsatkichi bo'la olmaydi. Keyingi darslarda mazmun bilan bir qatorda asosiy ko'rsatkich tezlik hisoblanadi. Nazoratning mohiyati (vazifasi, maqsadi, roli) endi nimani tekshirish haqida o'ylashdir. Chet tili o'qituvchisi oldida nimani tekshirish

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kerakligi haqidagi uslubiy vazifa turadi. Tadqiqot ob'ekti ham nazariy, ham amaliy jihatdan chuqur o'rganilgan. O'qituvchi va ma'muriyat tomonidan chet tilini egallash darajasi nazorat qilinadi. O 'quvchilarning o 'zlari ega bo 'lgan ko 'nikma va malakalarni qay darajada egallaganliklari, ular qanday qiyinchiliklarga duch kelishlari, nimalar ustida qattiq ishlash kerakligi.

Kalit so'zlar: ilmiy, badiiy, geografik va tarixiy asarlar, urf-odatlar, din, madaniyat, erkinlik, tenglik, farovonlik.


The meaning of the word "control" is the state of the thing, its course, monitoring, checking, and controlling one's behavior. Such verification is expected to positively change the case. So the result is not the blame or the fault, but the foundation of the investigation lies in the good intentions of eliminating defects, correcting mistakes, and correcting the wrong. Unfortunately, the word control is a negative concept in society has become irregular. The terms "check", "control", "control" are the meanings. Among them is the concept of control . It is as if there is some disadvantage in the "inquiry".


In order to control the process of learning a foreign language, it is necessary to use transfer method. We methodically analyze what, why and how it is checked and how the control result is measured. It is well known that a foreign language is taught for practical purposes, and its technical and sign language are interconnected to acquire speech activities. In short, speaking skills in a foreign language are acquired. It is clear that these same educational and methodical events are controlled. The methodological literature also includes the examination of knowledge, skills and skills. Foreign language knowledge is not specifically tested because it is studied as part of the daily routine and, therefore, it is tested. Here are the troublesome questions. Well, what is being investigated is clear, what is the expected expectation of control, what is its function, how the impact of the review will affect the learning process, etc.


First of all, we will try to answer the question of why control is necessary, to cover the functions of verification. Educational task of inspection. Testing exercises and tasks are performed during repetition and consolidation of the previously learned language material (skills) and the acquired skills. All of them form a system of educational activities in educational management. Training is also provided during supervision.

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Diagnostic (preventive) task of inspection. The result of learning a language is good and bad, and it is important to plan your work accordingly will be correcting the tasks and exercises in the lesson will be entered. The reasons for the short comings are also identified. Diagnostic control helps the teacher to carry out his or her teaching activities. Control function of control. It is an activity aimed at controlling the educational process so as not to waste time and effort that seeks to find the most effective teaching methods and to use them in the acquisition of language material and speech skills.

Assessment function. Requires grading of student activities. It is also a criterion for teachers to assess a student's progress. Assessment is an important impetus for the student's future work. Indices and qualifications are measured by scores.There is a two-way assessment of reading activities:

1) active or passive participation in the training

2) The result of the service (s) performed, ie the quality of skills and skills acquired. Both approaches are a good incentive to increase student motivation.

One of the key considerations to be investigated is to prevent adverse outcomes. In addition to overseeing students' skills and competencies, they are also subjected to disciplinary investigations, internal motivation for learning, and improvement of educational process management. The educational process is monitored for the benefit of the process, and the less time it takes, the more benefits it will receive.

The review also addresses the issue of the norm. For example: the speed of reading may not be a leading indicator of the control in the first and second academic years. In subsequent classes, speed is the main indicator, along with content. The essence (task, purpose, role) of the control is now to consider what to check.

A foreign language teacher gets a methodical problem of what to check. The object of investigation is thoroughly studied both theoretical and practical. The foreign language skills and skills learned by the teacher and administration are monitored. The extent to which learners have acquired the skills and abilities they have, what difficulties they have, and what to work hard on.

The difference between the subject matter of control in a foreign language and the subject matter of the school is that the theoretical knowledge is not tested, but rather the ability to speak, listen, understand, read, and partially write skills and abilities. Examination of the vocabulary controls the level of lexical, grammatical and pronunciation, and the extent of their use in speech activities.Testing skills also measure the extent to which speech activities can be used as a means of communication. The ability of the speaker and the pair of speech to speak, the ability to listen to the audio content once in a while, and the ability to read information from the graphic text are tested. The skills and qualifications of the student at different

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stages of training vary. The final requirements for these students are clearly included in the school's foreign language program. Indicators of practical acquisition of speech activity are measured by the main and additional criteria: the main criterion is the lower limit of activity and the additional criterion higher.

Speaking in a foreign language; qualitative and quantitative indicators of activities methodology. Indicators of quality of speech: correspondence of the student's speech to the theme and perfect expression of it; creative approach to speaking; ability to use language materials correctly.

Quantity Indicators: Speaking volumes. These indicators differ in quality and quantity for the first and second concentrations of the school .Double Speaking Requirements: For the first concentrator, provide accurate information / feedback during the double speech process, exchange views, use question-and-answer phrases, suggest and respond (agree or reject, identify information). Each interlocutor is required to apply the grammar rule correctly in a pair of speeches

In addition to what is noted for the second concentrate, free thinking in the process of double talk. The maximum number of sentences used is up to 9.

Requirements for the Individual speaking: At the First Concentration: on the topic given by the extended language material not prepared, that is, be able to independently respond to events and facts. Ability to use up to 12 sentences when speaking.

In the second concentration: Reasoning the point to be able to evaluate the individual's ideas and to respond personally. Ability to use up to 15 sentences in speech.

Qualitative criteria in listening comprehension: the nature of the perceived audiotape (mechanical speech or speech), and the level of understanding (general perception, complete appreciation, clear understanding). Quantitative indicators in listening comprehension: the timing and frequency of the cognitive speech. Listening and understanding in the current curriculum requirements.

First Concentration: Listening to and understanding of live nutts (or mechanical speech speeches), which include familiar vocabulary and grammatical material and consist of no more than 1% of unrelated words. The audio track lasts about 1.2 minutes, with sentences up to 12 words long.

Second Concentration: Understanding the audiotape with up to 2% of unfamiliar international words meant to glorify its meaning beyond its previous requirements. 500-700 characters are heard per minute, audio texts lasting up to 4 minutes, sentences up to 13 words long.

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Qualitative indicators in reading: 1) Reading comprehension (general understanding, full understanding of key points and information, explicit appreciation of the content of the text, translation through or without translation);

2) The nature of the language material in the text (lexical material that is familiar or only part of it), adapted / original text.

Quantity readings: reading speed, text size. Software requirements for training. First Concentration: Reading and telling texts from literary and scientific popular literature, which include 3 to 4 percent of unfamiliar vocabulary based on familiar lexical and grammatical material (meaning they are proud of word for word elements). The reading speed will add up to 500 words per minute. In the second concentration: read excerpts from fiction and popular literature with an unknown vocabulary with up to 4% contextualized (selected) based on studied grammatical material, reading up to 500 words per minute, with up to 10% unfamiliar lexicon with sociopolitical (from the press) reading) and reading popular scientific literature.

Determining the requirements for supervised speech skills (as part of their skills) is a methodical measure for the formation of the content of foreign language teaching, and the requirements for skills development in each class are provided. This methodological problem is constantly attracted by many methodologists. The answer to the question of what to control is a test of the skills and abilities of mastering this foreign language.


Speaking Listening Reading Writing

Students' name and surname The ability to ask questions The ability to answer the The ability to speak in pairs To illusrtate Statement Speaking Defition of descriptions Listening slowly Known materials Unknown material Re-define skills Understanding of meaning Full understanding of the content Reading speed Use of the dictionary To know the meaning of the new Spelling Writing speed Writing a letter

As soon as the nature of the control is revealed and the object to be investigated is

identified, the issues of direct organization of the investigation remain. In control


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, VOLUME 1 | SPECIAL ISSUE 2

educational, natural and social sciences q ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423

methodology, it is important to clarify the concepts of methods, variations, tests and evaluations. Discussion methods examine how the learners' attitudes and skills are monitored. As you know, a foreign language is learned during exercise. Inspection too based on exercise. The problem is the training and validation maps common or different? In practice, it is common practice that both require common objects to be executed and that some sources of inspection are distinguished. There are four types of skills and qualifications: daily (permanent), thematic (thematic), periodic, final control.

Forms of inspections are individual (specific / particular) oral / written, in one language / two languages. The five point assessment of pupils' speech activities is regulated in school life. We will examine the issues of control methods separately.

Methods of control. Skill checkand the ability to speak and use pronunciation and speech patterns. Skill testing is related to the acquisition of speech activities. Methods for verifying the use of active vocabulary: make as many sentences as possible using the examples given; fill in the blanks, select compounds of horse-like qualities; find picture words to name the items in the picture or class, and so on.


Examination of passive vocabulary: transfer of words from foreign language to native language; Analysis of the elements of compilation the grouping of words according to certain criteria. The following methods apply to checking active grammar: what did you / saw yesterday?

Talk about what you do on Sundays and what you do this summer (use the present, past, future times of the verb);

Find out what your friend did last night, what he does on Sundays, and what he does during the summer holidays (rumors strengthen);

Ask your partner to give you something or to do something (say the commands); Tell

us how many children you have in your classroom, how many desks and windows

(duplicate the number and the number of horses) .

Methods for verifying the use of passive grammar:

Finding the word so-called grammatical l phenomenon, their definition;

Translation of speech from foreign language into native language.

Pronunciation of foreign words, words and phrases. Examination is done by speaking samples of speech. The teacher instructs students to go back after training (exercises for using the necessary vocabulary). They say what they do in the morning, afternoon and evening. Here is a description of how speech control methods are used. Regular supervision is the most common and most effective type of supervision that the teacher uses daily, as mentioned above, to take corrective action. In each lesson, teaching and supervision are represented as integral parts of learning.


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Topical control is when a topic or textbook is taught in a foreign language. It is well known that the foreign language material (except for the first few lessons) is methodically organized on a particular subject. One or more paragraphs are devoted to the same topic. Usually the theme check is the paragraph

The last lesson. Depending on the results of a routine (regular) investigation, it will take a long time. The challenges are more and more time consuming when the problems come togetherless satisfactory if it is satisfactory. Periodic control is for a quarter or half year. It is clear that periodic reviews cover a large amount of material. This control shows the overall progress of the students in the classroom. Therefore, this type of verification is useful for completion at the end of the school year. It is natural that the textbook should not be used for periodic monitoring, as errors or possible difficulties will be taken into account in daily classroom exercises. Consequently, periodic the teacher prepares and conducts the exercises.

All language materials that have been studied in the past or present to repeat what has not been properly mastered the next lesson will be monitored. When this is done, the error is prevented.


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