Научная статья на тему 'Analysis of formation experience senior civil identity in modern school'

Analysis of formation experience senior civil identity in modern school Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Karataeva Tatyana A.

The article reveals the essence of citizenship modern schoolboy as valuable component of its civic identity against the background of vocational guidance. Analysis of the works of senior pupils shows that the presence of distinguished citizen rights and duties to the state, which must be understood and accepted them as the intrinsic values that contribute to its subjectivity.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Analysis of formation experience senior civil identity in modern school»

Section 8. School Education

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/EJLL-17-1-38-40

Karataeva Tatyana A.

graduate student of the department of general and vocational pedagogy

Orenburg State University, teacher of history and social MOAU "Gymnasium № 3" in Orenburg

E-mail: karataevatatyana@yandex.ru

Analysis of formation experience senior civil identity in modern school

Abstract: The article reveals the essence of citizenship modern schoolboy as valuable component of its civic identity against the background of vocational guidance. Analysis of the works of senior pupils shows that the presence of distinguished citizen rights and duties to the state, which must be understood and accepted them as the intrinsic values that contribute to its subjectivity.

Keywords: civic identity, citizenship, citizen, value, subjectivity.

In the context of the humanization of modern educa- display of civic engagement in society" [3, P. 177], that is,

tion to teenagers opens up broad prospects a choice of directions of training activities, items of final certification ensuring appropriate professional orientation later. According to the rating the most popular professions in Russia in 2016, the first ten positions occupied by IT-specialist, engineer, teacher, lawyer, doctor, marketer, HR specialist, worker, professional beauty industry, environmentalist [1], indicating that a variety of professional employers' preferences. And if students are willing to live up to their hopes of joining the working life by qualified personnel?

Lesson znany September 1, 2016 by chance for students in grades 9-11 Orenburg was devoted to the theme "My future profession". The purpose of this event was to ensure that "to assist students in vocational guidance, the formation of a decent life perspective, active citizenship" [2, P. 1], and this, in turn, made us think of understanding by the students of this problem. Thus, future graduates MOAU "Gymnasium № 3" Orenburg was asked to write a mini-essay on the theme "There is such a profession — a citizen ..." to reveal their attitude to the problem of "man's awareness of their belonging to a certain number of citizens of the state, involving the presence of his high level of political and legal culture, sufficient axiological potential, commitment to regular

civil identity.

Results of the analysis of creative works have shown that 22% of the authors of the 108 people were in favor of the view that nationality is determined by the State where the child is born, which means that the citizen has no choice, so this profession does not exist in principle. One of the most important arguments in support of it is the lack of financial compensation for the performance of duties of the citizen. In the writings more than once heard the phrase: to be a citizen — "this is a hobby, which is good to deal with, . but not everyone does it, because he has more important things to do", the citizen is not possible to "take a day off or resign", " it is not necessary to study and take exams. " An interesting idea that a citizen — a "profession, which a person receives at birth" and "fulfills every minute" because it brings to life the need to fill the content of this professional priority. Are there any schools specifically training the younger generation to be citizens? Clearly not. However, the mission entrusted to the educational institutions, performing and educational function.

37% of students aged 16-18 stated that each person decides for himself to be a citizen of it or not, making a range of civil, as in any professional field, "whether to protect their homeland, to take up the spiritual and social life

Analysis of formation experience senior civil identity in modern school

of the community, to show whether the civic participation, to create favorable conditions there for themselves and the community to life". Any self-determination suggests alternatives that emphasized high school students: "citizen — it is a profession, and not the easiest." Most teens (41%) spoke about a set of rights and duties of a citizen, which determines, in their opinion, its status in the state, "the man in any profession should be responsible, decent, and the citizen must comply with the laws of their country, trying to make it better". Students often wrote that "to be a citizen is not easy, we must know the legal norms of the state, moral and ethical standards of the population, as well as necessary to the full development of civil society to develop...". Respectfully should take the view that, "every profession requires individuals to certain skills, abilities and commitments" and a citizen have to wait for "the observance of rules and regulations, obedience to the laws, pay taxes, participate in the elections ..." Be a citizen — so "not only belong to the population of a State, but also act, to know and exercise their rights" — such citizenship bulk of today's high school students.

It should be clarified under the civil position in pedagogical science understand the "dynamic forms and develops a set of personality traits as a citizen, aimed at the creative development of the society, the state and himself as a part thereof, which is manifested in readiness for the implementation of civilian activities" [4, P. 3], the formation ofwhich can not be separated from the formation of civil identity of adolescents in modern school, which are laid before it all znanievye base. Civil identical structures can be represented as a combination of four basic components: cognitive, which includes civic literacy; of values, based on citizenship; emotional, recognizing the patriotism of love for the motherland; the activity, are expected to participate in public life, or the presence of citizenship [5, P. 6]. Within the framework of the present study is necessary to dwell on individual elements of civil identichnosti. Vazhno that students themselves emphasize the value of knowledge for the development of civil characteristics, and especially the rights and obligations of a citizen. They highly valued the significance of individual school subjects, contributing to the realization of this task. For example, students write: ". for each profession need education to each activity has its own science or subject, and maybe a few And then the question arises:.!" If citizenship — a profession, what object corresponds to it "? Answer: "social" For them obvious epistemological basis of its own civic identity, which is unthinkable without the support of knowl-

edge in political science, law, sociology, economics, social psychology, philosophy — humanities Sciences So, regardless of the professional choice in the future potential graduates.. educational institutions today must have the elementary subject knowledge, abilities and skills of social science areas. "ordinary students of the course of social science it is known that a citizen is called" a man with the totality of the rights and duties established in the state to which it belongs and with which it is associated " but other than a formal approach to its definition, should see him still and benevolent person, endowed with moral qualities such as patriotism, responsibility, respect for the past, tolerance, civil identity" [6, P. 149], which corresponds to the students expressed citizenship. Causing the component values of civic identity schoolchildren citizenship must receive justification from the axiological point of view. "The meaning of axiological approach can be disclosed through the system of axio-logical principles, which include: the recognition of the human ultimate value and respect the uniqueness, recognition of social rights and freedoms, related to the adolescent as a subject of its own development, education cooperation, based on the unity of valuable qualities of the adolescent and educational for teacher, private principles of live communication with your child: respect, kindness, mercy, love, tact, care, spiritual "food" adolescents" [7, P. 73] that causes to consider civic identity and more from the standpoint of the subject approach to pedagogy. "After all, subjective value — conscious and taken by man common meanings of self-realization (self-realization, self-creation)" [8, P. 16] advocate for seniors original reference in the life and personality formation in the context of the formation of their civic identity. How else, if not the subject of activity, the creator ofyour own destiny, you can call the author of the following lines: "To be a citizen of the country means more than just having her citizenship true citizen of Russia must love and respect their homeland, to know its history, to remember and honor. its heroes. He must responsibly fulfill their duties, thus contributing to the development of the country. for this state gives its citizens a number of important rights ... ", which belongs to one of those students who, through their active participation class and school, high in public life level performance prove the existence of civil pozitsii. Takim way, "the presence of civilian experience as subjective determines the degree of participation of youth in political life, the desire and the ability to interact with other people in order to improve their own lives and society, the ability to analyze their own capabilities in matters of personal decision, public

and national issues, which indicates the subjectivity as to admit to myself the priority value of civic identity, de-

the basis for the formation of civil position "modern spite the forthcoming choice of profession and service

school [9, P. 257]. Graduates of 9 and 11 classes are ready deyatelnosti.


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