Научная статья на тему 'Analysis of contemporary issues of e-learning'

Analysis of contemporary issues of e-learning Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Sergeeva Nadezda

It presents an analysis of contemporary issues of e-learning for further establishment of educational complex. The ways of introduction of information technologies in various areas of the educational system.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Analysis of contemporary issues of e-learning»

Результаты интервью показали, что школьные психологи, участвующие в проекте в качестве тренеров, стали уверенней в себе, научились лучше работать с аудиторией, повысился их статус в школе, и они получили более высокие категории: 58 % обрели новые профессиональные навыки; 37 % школьных психологов стали уверенней в работе с группой.

Программа дала возможность участникам изменить свою жизнь к лучшему, принимать самостоятельные решения, а также стать конкурентоспособными на рынке труда. Задача сегодняшних выпускников, а также их родителей и школьных психологов - подходить к выбору профессии очень серьезно, чтобы быть востребованными долгие годы.


1. «Закон об образовании Республики Казахстан», с изменениями и дополнениями по состоянию на 04.12.2015 г., Астана, 2015, 92 с.

2. Образовательная программа по лидерству, профориентации и финансовой грамотности «Выбирая главный путь», Куликовских Н., Атырау, «Акжелкен», 2012 г., - 177 стр.

3. «Концепция государственной молодежной политики РК до 2020 года», Астана, 2013, 33 с.

Analysis of contemporary issues of e-learning Sergeeva N. (Russian Federation)

Анализ современных проблем электронного обучения Сергеева Н. Н. (Российская Федерация)

Сергеева Надежда Николаевна / Sergeeva Nadezda - аспирант, кафедра педагогики и психологии,

Донской государственный технический университет (ДГТУ), г. Ростов-на-Дону

Abstract: it presents an analysis of contemporary issues of e-learning for further establishment of educational complex. The ways of introduction of information technologies in various areas of the educational system.

Аннотация: предлагается анализ современных проблем электронного обучения для дальнейшего создания учебно-методического комплекса. Рассматриваются пути внедрения информационных технологий в различные области образовательной системы.

Keywords: e-learning, informatization of education, methodical complex.

Ключевые слова: электронное обучение, информатизация образования, учебнометодический комплекс.

УДК 37.013.75

Introduction of information technologies in various areas of educational system accepts more and more large-scale character every year. There is a need for integrated, system, careful approach to informatization.

Demand for the higher education is high today, more than ever. The number of the students who are trained on one course, on average, is measured by thousands. That fact that the potential and abilities of each student differ, causes big inconveniences. Among organizational problems the problem of shortage of audiences is also particularly acute. One

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more problem are large volumes of the studied material therefore the percent of residual knowledge in this case is low.

The following question in this situation seems natural: how in the conditions of the limited offer to increase productivity, efficiency of educational process, without having lost thus in its quality? In other words: what it is necessary to make to intensify training process, having kept thus the demanded quality parameters?

To answer this question, let's consider education as technological process in which various information technologies are used (technical, program, network and so forth). We will notice that any technological process is sought to be automated, usually, for the purpose of improvement of quality and quantity of production. In our case production will be «future» of a modern civilized society - trained, possessing certain qualitative characteristics, and first of all, professional competence.

Fast development of electronic educational resources, information technologies “ their mass introduction in all spheres of activity of the person demand system” the policy balanced “ in the field of information and communication preparation. Qualitatively new information pedagogical technologies increasing computer literacy and competence trained in system of continuous education, taking into account a specification the requirement “ professional standards for all levels “ educations are necessary. [Use of information and communication technologies in professional technical education: Program of a specialized training course / Kotsik of B. Ya. - M.: Prod. The house «Training - Service», 2006, 16 pages] The special attention needs to be paid to training in the field of information and communicative technologies directly for education here. Development of information technologies demands the continuous improvement and development received by teachers knowledge , ability and skills, and already not only in the form of professional development, but also by means of continuous communication, exchange of experience. In the form of self-education given”the social networks and social communities functioning on the Internet can occupy a special role.

Automation of technological process, as a rule, means use of an automation equipment for improvement of technology of process and improvement of management of the process course, i.e. observance of this technology. It is logical to assume, proceeding from this analogy that for improvement of educational process there is automation equipment. Electronic materials and educational and methodical complexes, the various training information systems can be an example of such means. However if to take all parties of educational process into account, it is possible to notice that means in itself aren't a sufficient condition for ensuring learning efficiency: they need to be applied correctly. As to us sees, some problems which will be considered below are the reason for that.

So, it is possible to distinguish from problems of educational process most actual today:

Insufficiency of presentation in submission of information that most often leads to incomplete assimilation of a training material, and further - to education deterioration, in general. This problem can be solved, creating qualitative electronic training materials or electronic educational and methodical complexes. Difficulties in this sphere are caused by absence of any standard on electronic educational and methodical complexes [Information and communication technologies for secondary education. Specialized training course. / P. Kommers, M. Semerling - M.: Изд. House «Training Service», 2005. With 24]. Thereof each teacher is free to put the sense in the contents and registration of these complexes. Nevertheless, it is considered that the good Educational and methodical complex has to be accurately structured, supplied with the hypertext and multimedia inserts; to consist of a course of lectures, a set of test tasks (questions, tasks, tests and so forth), additional materials, in a word - all information necessary for studying of discipline. An important role plays as well a way of supply of material (the text, presentation, animation, video lecture, etc.).

Creation electronic educational and methodical complexes is interfaced to many difficulties, among which:

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• difficulties in creation of complexes by teachers of seniors (and the most skilled) generations. Such people need the additional person for «transfer» of their knowledge to an electronic look;

• absence as mechanisms of protection of copyright, and state regulation in the matter. Protection of copyright - really sore point not only at creation of EUMK, but, despite relevance of a problem, any certain decision to offer very difficult (the main problem - ease of copying of electronic materials);

• insufficient qualification of teachers for creation of the materials which are qualitatively issued, supplied with hyperlinks and multimedia inserts. For the solution of this problem registration of methodical complexes needs to be charged to the expert able to work with the text, graphics, multimedia [Development of professional competence of the ICT area. A basic training course / M. V. Moiseyeva, V. K. Stepanov, E. D. Patarakin, A. D. Ishkov, etc. - M.: Prod. house «Training Service», 2007, 256 pages].

• the created complexes often carry on themselves «print» of that higher education institution, faculty, chair, specialty and teachers who created them (for example, the accepted terminology, stylistics and so forth).

1. • absence of the conventional banks and centers of reviewing of electronic materials which can be trusted at a choice of this or that complex. It is obvious that before to create such center, it is necessary to define its functions and powers, and also a task and the purposes of functioning [Doliner L. I. Development of an electronic distance learning course: studies. grant. - Yekaterinburg: GAOU DPO FROM «IRO», 2014. - 178 pages].

As the indirect characteristic of quality of electronic educational and methodical complexes the term of its creation can serve. For example, we in two years created only a course of lectures on the higher mathematics that testifies that the term of creation of a good educational and methodical complex has to be comparable to the term of the edition of the traditional textbook.

If to consider communication problems of educational process the insufficient sovershennost of means of remote communication of the teacher and student seems [Artyomova O. G., Maltsev N. A. Problems of use of distance learning - Modern educational technologies and methods of their introduction in system of training: Materials of scientific and methodical conference. Vyazma: VF MGIU Public Educational Institution, 2011. - 282 s.]. For example, at the moment there are no the ready software allowing to exchange in the online mode the mathematical formulas written in a look habitual to mathematics. Actually, the task consists not in development of mathematical language here, and in integration of the available means into intellectual system of communication by means of which it would be possible to exchange the text, formulas, raster and vector pictures, sound both video fragments and streams (talk and video talk), etc. both in online, and in the postponed mode with possibility of fixing of each «conversation».

Not less interesting problem is complexity of creation of models of devices (tools) for carrying out occupations in virtual laboratories. It is possible to carry mathematical, physical, chemical, biological devices (tools) to that. Most likely, creation of models has to consider the following parameters:

- realism degree: evident representation (for example, the image), evident representation and simple model, evident representation and difficult model (with possibility of a task of separate parameters);

- list of characteristics of the device (tool);

- classes of the accuracy (error), durability, firmness, etc.

Each model has to contain the description of the device (tool), the principles of its functioning, the purpose and conditions of use. Modern means of visual programming and animation allow to reproduce any necessary action on the screen, however, it is necessary to begin with writing of some standard or the leading document regulating creation of virtual devices (tools).

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Remains serious a problem «information inequality» in opportunities for pupils who live in the large cities and in small settlements (rural raiDo na). Situation is aggravated also with that circumstance that character of the educational resources of new generation placed in storages of information and education resources assumes possibility of their active use after hours, in any forms independent works. To the pupils living in zones of limited access to the Internet, such form of free use of a training material in electronic form in the basic to weight it is inaccessible. In overcoming of this digital gap regional programs of an inform - the tization supporting the projects directed on increase of capacity of telecommunication channels of educational networks have to play a key role. There is an inequality and in the cost of providing telecommunication services for educational an institution various regions of Russia. It is supposed that the solution of the matters has to become part state politicians in education aimed at the harmonious development national computer scientific educational networks.

The considered list of problems, certainly, isn't exhaustive in such difficult process as automation of educational process. However some interesting directions which it would be desirable to develop in further works are defined.

It would also be desirable to note that automation of educational process assumes an active position of the trained. Unfortunately, experience of teaching various disciplines shows that because of general aspiration to the higher education activity of a position of the average student is reduced, respectively, quality of their preparation is also reduced, despite everything enclosed from higher educational institutions of efforts. Perhaps, automation of educational process will help to solve this problem, and the future of our society will be rather educated, grounded for further work.

Having summed up the result, at the heart of the carried-out analysis it should be noted that in recent years in the higher education of Russia there are favorable conditions for dalneids hy development of information technologies in education. It is connected as with internal strategy of development establishment the higher education, and with growth of requirement of the population on production and services in the field of informatization of everyday life, in general, its information literacy increases, fast rates the infrastructure for introduction new information technologies develops.


1. The federal law of 29.12.2012 N 273-FZ (an edition of 13.07.2015) «About education in the Russian Federation» (with amendment and additional, in force from 24.07.2015).

2. The order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 09.01.2014 N 2 «About the statement of the Order of application by the organizations which are carrying out educational activity, electronic training, remote educational technologies at realization of educational programs».

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9. The order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2001 No. 1756-r.

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10. Doliner L. I. Development of an electronic distance learning course: studies. grant. -Yekaterinburg: GAOU DPO FROM «IRO», 2014. - 178 pages.

11. Meshcheryakova I. N. «Possibilities of electronic training in development of informative activity of students: educational and methodical grant» FLINT; 2014.

12. Hrolenko A. T., Denisov A. V. «Modern information technologies for the humanist: practical guidance» FLINT; 2007.

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