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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Irmakova P.V., Ulanova O.B.

Our research analyzes the influence of money on personality and interpersonal relations. It views the money problems from economic, psychological and sociological standpoints. It also searches for the relationship between all these approaches to money and its impacts to people. The paper justifies the topic relevance from the approach diversity standpoint to money as well as personality . The theoretical part covers money properties, kinds and functions of money, its present and past. The paper also presents the questionnaire aimed at considering the people`s attitude to the role of money in their life. The questionnaire includes the questions of attitude to money in general and the ways to spend it in particular.

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УДК 336. 74: 159.932.2.

1 2

Polina V. Irmakova , Olga B. Ulanova

1 2

' Russian State Agrarian University- Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, Moscow,


1V.P. Goryachkin Mechanics and Power Engineering Institute,

2The institute of Economics and Management in Agro-Industrial Sector,


2 undina52@gmail.com, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5388-0599

Corresponding author: Olga B. Ulanova, undina52@gmail.com


Abstract. Our research analyzes the influence of money on personality and interpersonal relations. It views the money problems from economic, psychological and sociological standpoints. It also searches for the relationship between all these approaches to money and its impacts to people. The paper justifies the topic relevance from the approach diversity standpoint to money as well as personality . The theoretical part covers money properties, kinds and functions of money, its present and past. The paper also presents the questionnaire aimed at considering the people's attitude to the role of money in their life. The questionnaire includes the questions of attitude to money in general and the ways to spend it in particular.

Key words: human behavior, interpersonal relationship, means of payment, money, money forms, money functions, money properties, need for money, personality, personality trait

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Ермакова Полина Вячеславовна , Ольга Борисовна Уланова

1' Российский Государственный Аграрный Университет- МСХА им.К.А. Тимирязева,

Москва, Россия

1 Институт механики и энергетики им. В.П. Горячкина, Институт экономики и управления АПК,

1polinaerm04@gmail. com

2 undina52@gmail.com, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5388-0599

Автор, ответственный за переписку: Ольга Борисовна Уланова,

undina52@gmail. com



Аннотация. В нашем исследовании анализируется влияние денег на личность и межличностные отношения. В нём рассматривается проблема денег с экономических, психологических и социологических позиций. В неё также осуществляется поиск взаимосвязей между всеми этими подходами к деньгам и их влиянием на людей. В статье актуальность темы обосновывается с точки зрения разнообразия подходов к деньгам, а также к личности. Теоретическая часть охватывает свойства денег, виды и функции денег, их настоящее и прошлое. В работе также представлен опросник, предназначенный для рассмотрения отношения людей к роли денег в их жизни. Опросник включает в себя вопросы об отношении к деньгам, в общем, и способам их траты, в частности.

Ключевые слова: человеческое поведение, межличностные отношения, средства платежа, деньги, формы денег, функции денег, свойств денег, потребность в деньгах, личность, черта личности

Relevance. The research topic is relevant as firstly, it deals with the issues of several sciences, comprising economics, merchandising and psychology. The sciences are of quite different nature, for instance economics belongs to social- humanitarian discipline. The traits of both science and humanity are mixed in merchandising and psychology. As a result, it is possible to analyze the inter-influence of many different factors in the topic concerned. It means that is possible to define money in different ways. Being analyzed in merchandising, money is known as the good belonging to some particular kind and is used as the total equivalent. Money is also considered as either any item or verified record that have been accepted as the payment means for goods and services and debt payment, such as taxes from economic standpoint. Secondly, money is the only current asset that is characterized by absolute liquidity, that is, can be exchanged for both goods and services easily. Therefore, all the transactions connected with tangible asset supply as well as providing services are completed with monetary calculations. The latter can take both cash and non-cash forms. It is very important for the state to accelerate both cash and non-cash fund turnover , as it enables to curb inflation and streamline payments.

As a result, money is evaluated as a very important resource for all the people, that have been using it daily for the whole life. Therefore, fourthly, the term "personality" can also be considered from the standpoint of different disciplines, including psychology as well as sociology [2]. Having been analyzed by psychologists, a personality means the individual who is able to arrange and control his life, bearing full responsibility for it. It is rational to combine the money issues with the psychological viewpoint of personality by the need for money. The "need for money" can be understood as the one that can be satisfied by means of money. Having been discussed from psychological standpoint, money is evaluated as the personality's success indicator. As each person treats money in different ways, his psychic as well as emotional condition are influenced by either excess or lack of money. Different money amount people have got can result in negative feelings, such as envy, pride, hatred, greed. Human behaviour is affected by a number of personality traits. Greed resulted from money problems making people do jobs that are unpleasant for them, get into arranged marriages, sacrifice personal preferences for profit.

Having been discussed from sociological viewpoint, personality is known as a number of socially significant traits that develop in communication and promote successful relationship with people. This definition links the personality and interpersonal relationship problems for the latter is understood as the subjectively experienced human attitudes to each other manifested in communication process. It is also rational to join the ideas of money and interpersonal relations, since money is viewed as the main social stratification indicator nowadays. Money can be evaluated as the social class indicator. The people who have got a lot of money tend to behave very differently from those belonging to ether middle or lower classes.

As a result, the relationship resulted from using money can be either positive or negative [6]. On the one hand, bringing people together, money encourage them to develop social bonds. Some relationship is quite neutral , for example, having sold goods for money, buyers get profit. And having purchased goods, buyers manage to satisfy their requirements. Some other money relationship is positive. Its manifestations depend on the person's character. For instance, some well-off people can afford to be generous. Some of them are eager to help the poor, sacrificing money to some public funds, retirement homes, orphanages and so on. Others become philanthropists supporting art, science and education with their money. They promote social progress and development in this way. But one the other hands, money is capable of alienating people from one another as well. For instance, provided some person has borrowed the money from his friend and cannot pay it back, it is possible that a friend can become an enemy, beginning to threaten in case of failing to repay the money. It may happen, provided the lender is a cruel person. Others stop communicated with the borrower about any topics in future. And a lender is unlikely to give any more loans to this person as well.

Purpose and tasks. The research purpose is to identify the money role and importance in

modern people's life. The research tasks are to: consider the money essence and origin; characterize its functions and kinds; determine the money significance in modern world; reveal the money significance in modern students' lives.

Research problem and hypothesis. Our research problem is it is complicated to explain the reasons for the impacts of money on both personality and interpersonal relations through the profound economic mechanism analysis due to the differences in this discipline nature. Therefore, or research hypothesis is it is likely to be possible to explain the impacts of money on personality as well as interpersonal relations through the profound economic mechanism analysis.

Theoretical part. Firstly, we would like to analyze money origin. There was no money in the primitive society, as people take all necessary things from nature [5]. As a result, the property was mutual. Barter resulted from labor division. Barter is termed as the transaction in which products are exchanged for each other. The increasing complexity of economic relations resulted in the requirement for total cost equivalent. Some valuable goods including fur, spices and coffee were used for this purpose in the beginning. Then they were replaced by the coins made of precious metals. So, money was separated from the world of goods due to long social development. The money essence is that it is viewed as the specific commodity in which the universal equivalent social function is fused with the universal equivalent natural form.

Secondly, we will consider money from diversity standpoint. To begin with, there are several requirements to money production. The material used for money production out to be both convenient and wearable. Money should be portable and light in weight. Money usage requires it to be both divisible and combinable, that is, a person can apply it in different calculation transactions. Money also must be identifiable, as it enables to examine it for counterfeiting easily. Besides, monetary symbols are to be protected from theft. And its production ought to be as economical as possible.

Then there are three main money properties. The first property is general direct exchangeability, that is, the ability to be exchanged for different goods and services freely. The second property is exchange value crystallization. It is known as the mechanism that resolves the contradiction existing between consumer value and exchange value. The third property is universal working time materialization. Being expressed in cost, this money property denotes the differences in the time as well as labor spent on producing different goods.

Moreover, there are six forms of money, resulting from the main money properties [7]. The first form is commodity money that has been characterized as object exchange. Different peoples used different valuable objects , as the exchange was arranged in natural form. The second form is secured money. It looked like either certificates or tokens that were exchanged for the fixed amount of a certain good easily.

The third form is fiat money that is the same as symbolic. It is of no independent value, however, it is used as calculation means according to the social contact conditions. This form of money includes both banknotes and non-cash money. Becoming the thing of the past, cash payment is giving way to non-cash payment and electronic money. Being used for payment in the Internet, electronic money can also be converted into non-cash funds in bank accounts. The fourth forms include both foreign and domestic money. The former is secured by some asset, while the latter is circulation means. It is secured by any form of debt. The fifth form is credit money. Credit money is based on the right of demand, that is, its owner may have the debt repaid in future.

Then, money is able to perform six functions [4]. The first function is the unit of account. As all goods and services are heterogeneous it is necessary to equalize them relative to the unit of account in order to conduct different transactions with them. It means that the prices of both goods and services are brought to a certain unity. Price becomes the cost measure. Being used as the standard for all goods, the unit of account makes it possible to conduct settlements between different counterparties involving different goods and services.

The second function is circulation means. Money is considered as the intermediary in moving both tangible and intangible assets. Its liquidity enables to perform transactions both

quickly and easily. As a result, money enables to overcome both distance and time.

The third function is the means of payment. Monetary payment is available to any individual in either cash or non-cash form. The means of deferred payment, in particular belongs to the means of payment, in general. This function is convenient, when the prices of goods fluctuate. Provided the purchase has been made in debt, it is expressed in money in order to understand the amount owed.

The fourth function is a store of value. Money value resulted from the fact that it had been made of precious metals in the past. Money is of great value nowadays due to its purchasing power. The fifth function connected with the previous one is the wealth creation means . That is, saving the money, the owner does not use it in current transactions in order to apply it in the future. Moreover, it is possible to use the value that money expresses as the wealth accumulation goal.

The sixth function is international money. The relationship between countries are developing in the active way nowadays. International trade requires the systems of settlements which enable to compare the monetary units used in different countries. For this purpose to be achieved both the floating exchange rate and two reserve world currencies that enable to perform transactions with foreign counterparties are being used today.

All functions are certain to be mixed nowadays. For example, provided money is used for savings, its value depends on the interest rate that appears when the money have been converted into the funds borrowed. Then, the money being used as the means of payment, its maximum liquidity makes it easy to circulate. makes it easy to circulate. Moreover, having been created for monetary settlements, sophisticated monetary systems are able to optimize the relationship between countries.

Thirdly, we are going to discuss money significance in the modern world. Being used in the modern world, money serves as the foundation for most economic relations. Therefore, it is impossible to imagine free market economy operation without them. It is the monetary system that creates the market economy foundation. The monetary system operating in the efficient and stable way appears to be the key to the smooth economy operation and economic growth [1].

Materials and methods. We have applied a questionnaire consisting of three questions as the main research method. Each question is provided with answer variants.

Research outcomes. The research took place in the 2022-2023 academic year in students' group 115 of Goryackin Mechanics and Power Engineering Institute containing 13 people. The research outcomes are presented in table 1 (see table 1).


The research outcomes

The question The answer variants ( a number of students)

Aim in life Not the most important thing It is difficult to answer

What means "money"? 8 3 2

The answer variants (%)

61.54 23.08 15.38

Does your monthly income satisfy your needs? The answer variants (a number of students)

It satisfies with difficulty It usually satisfies More than enough

4 7 2

The answer variants (%)

30.77 53.85 15.38

What are you short of money The answer variants (a number of students)

for? Hobby Education Food and necessities Entertainments Travelling Other

10 10

As the first two questions requires only one answer variant selected by each participant we have calculated the outcomes in both a number of people and percentage (see table 1). And the last question allows multiple answer, therefore the outcomes have been calculated only in a number of participants (see table 1).

Most students evaluate money as the most important thing in life. However there are more students who consider money as not very important aspect of life than those who are unsure of the answer (see table 1). There are a lit bit more students whose monthly income usually satisfies their needs than a number of those whose monthly income satisfies the needs with difficulty . And a smaller group of students believe their monthly income to have got more than enough money per month (see table 1). Most students do not have enough money for both their hobbies and travelling [3]. Fewer subgroup have not got enough money for entertainments. A subgroup of those who would like to have more money for education purposes contains more students than the one who is short of money for both food and necessities. The fewest number of students name some other money shortage areas (see table 1).

As a result, our research hypothesis has been confirmed.

Conclusion. Thus, money plays a significant role in the modern world. It would be impossible for the society to grow and operate without it. Money is certain to penetrate the whole life.

Our research is of inevitable novelty, as it tries to explain psychological money phenomenon from the economic positions.


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Information about the authors

P. V. Ermakova - student;

O.B. Ulanova - Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign and Russian Languages.

Информация об авторах

П.В. Ермакова - студент;

О.Б. Уланова - доцент кафедры иностранных и русского языков.

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