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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Тадтаева А.В., Плиева А.Р., Страдомская Д.А.

Статья посвящена языковой терминологии, используемой при обозначении и осуществлении расчетов различных размеров посредством интернета и мобильной связи. Рассматриваются относительно новые формы денег: пластиковые карточки и электронные деньги. В статье определены особенности, недостатки и преимущества, как наличных, так и безналичных денежных средств. Дана классификация видов электронных денег, а также их групп, которым соответствуют определенные лексические обозначения.The article is devoted to the language terminology used for the designation and implementation of various sized calculations by means of the Internet and mobile communication. Rather new forms of money are considered: plastic cards and electronic money. Both cash, and non-cash money features, shortcomings and advantages are defined in the article. Classification of electronic money types and its groups to which there is a certain correspondence of lexical designations is also given.

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Использованные источники:

1. Добровольский Д. О. Корпус параллельных текстов как инструмент анализа литературного перевода [Электронный ресурс]. - URL: //http://www.dialog-21.ru/Archive/2003/Dobrovolskij.htm

2. Зубов А.В. Информационные технологии в лингвистике: Учеб. пособие. -М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2004.

3. Метод чтения Ильи Франка. [Электронный ресурс]. - URL: http: //www.franklang.ru/

4. Sinclair, J. Corpus, Concordance, Collocation, Oxford University Press. 1991. -171 p.

5. Word List Creator. [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://www.wordlistcreator.com/

6. AntConc. [Электронный ресурс] URL: http: //www. antlab. sci.waseda. ac .jp/software. html

Тадтаева А.В., к. пед.н.


кафедра «Иностранных языков»

Плиева А.Р. студент 2 курса Страдомская Д.А. студент 2 курса факультет «Финансово-экономический» Финансовый Университет при Правительстве Российской Федерации (Владикавказский филиал)


Статья посвящена языковой терминологии, используемой при обозначении и осуществлении расчетов различных размеров посредством интернета и мобильной связи. Рассматриваются относительно новые формы денег: пластиковые карточки и электронные деньги. В статье определены особенности, недостатки и преимущества, как наличных, так и безналичных денежных средств. Дана классификация видов электронных денег, а также их групп, которым соответствуют определенные лексические обозначения.

Ключевые слова:пластиковые карты, смарт-карты, электронные деньги, наличные деньги, понятие электронного кошелька, терминал.



The article is devoted to the language terminology used for the designation and implementation of various sized calculations by means of the Internet and mobile communication. Rather new forms of money are considered: plastic cards and electronic money. Both cash, and non-cash money features, shortcomings and advantages are defined in the article. Classification of electronic money types and its groups to which there is a certain correspondence of lexical designations is also given.

Key words: plastic cards, smart cards, electronic money, cash, the concept of electronic purse, network-based cards, terminal.

The economicdevelopmentof any country today is impossible without monetary highly effective system and the use of modern payment mechanisms. As practice shows, everyday problems in financing, economy lending, the budget execution, as well as the distant future tasks allow providing intensive development of various forms of non-cash payments.

Payment mechanism is the structure of the economy which mediates the "metabolism" in the economic system. Methods of payment are divided into cash and non-cash. Cashless payments are gradually replacing the cash payments in monetary systems of different countries. The main share of non-cash payments accounts for the commercial banks. The most important payment and settlement function in the payment system of the statebelongs to them.

The close association of bank accounts and non-cash means of circulation suggests considering the essence of banking settlements, primarily through the definition of their place in the system of cashless payments.

Calculations carried out by a commercial bank are possible to determine from the various points of view: first, in terms of technique from the settlement, and secondly, depending on the particular organization of settlements and, thirdly, on the economic substance of bank accounts.

On the contrary, the second term "payment system" is very widely used at present in almost all publications related to bank accounts. Western experts reveal this conceptas "a set of mechanisms for the implementation of the commitments taken by local entities on material or financial resourcesacquisition" Among these mechanisms they include "institutions providing payment services, a variety of tools used for the transmission of payment instructions (including links) and contractual relationships between the parties concerned". Interbank payments are defined by them from a technological position [1].

Electronic money is a relatively a new form of money. For the first time, the possibility of its usage as a mean of payment instead of money in the form of "cards" was proposed by the American scientist Edward Bellamy in the 1880s. The emergence of the first electronic money is usually associated with the appearance of "smart cards" technology. It is a plastic card with computer chip which holds information about the amount of money in the account [3].

So, electronic money is the replacement of cash, stored on electronic media

which can be estimated in various sizes via the Internet and mobile communication, in different industries at the moment of implementation of transactions at the points of sale and trade.

Electronic money is increasingly part of our daily lives replacing the usual means of payment as cash and cashless funds. Today the electronic system varied, each has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. A common misconception is the identification of electronic and non-cash money. This is because electronic money is not substituted for conventional funding. It is issued just as non-cash money. The difference is that this involves a specialized company and in the case of non-cash assets as the Issuer the role of which is played by the Central State Bank.

All currently existing banking systems are divided into a bank reporting system and a payment system. The difference between them lies in the fact that within the system of banking communications only prompt shipment and storage of accounting documents are made, the settlement payment system is given by the participating banks, the settlement payment system functions are directly linked with their members' implementation of mutual claims and liabilities. The first group includes the systems such as SWIFT and BankWire which is privately-owned electronic network of banks in the US, the second one is FedWire which is a network of the Federal Reserve System (the FED) in the USA; New York International payment; London automatic system of clearing houses CHIPS [2].

The English electronic system of automated clearing CHAPS which is a credit transfer system within a single day, connects 12 banks including the Bank of England. Banks which have received the reports of fundtransfer through the system should provide funds credited side during the day, increasing the CHAPS efficiency in business and finance. Funds transfer through this system is unconditional and irrevocable.

FedWire and CHIPS are among the electronic transfer systems widely used in the United States. They serve more than 90% interbank domestic payments in the United States.

FedWire is the biggest banking network communication. FedWire is actively involved in the Federal Reserve System (the Fed) service with the rate of about 5.5 thousand credit and financial institutions. The principle of the electronic settlement system work with the Federal Reserve System is due to the US Federal Reservestructure itself. Every bank participates in the system through its regional Federal Reserve Bank. Acting on its own behalf or on behalf of its client, one bank simply moves some funds from its reserve account to the reserve account of the beneficiary bank/ the later takes them on his own behalf or on behalf of the beneficiary (depending on who the payment is addressed). This method of calculation leads to the fact that the funds in the reserve account of the FedWire bank party turn around 12 times during the day. At the banking level, the payment is made almost instantly. It is possible because while a reserve account is debited in one bank and other loans.

Each Federal Reserve Bank serves regional computer network and balances payments and banktransfers within the region. If the payment is addressed to financial institutions of the other region, the Reserve Bank of the payer accesses the backup to the beneficiary via the Central Processing Union (the CPU) in Culpepper City [5].

Each of the participants of the Fed's payment system handles all lower levels. However, the main point is to move the funds to the reserve accounts of banks. In fact, the system assumes responsibility only for the movement of funds in the Federal Reserve Bank and between them (in the networks of the first and second levels).

The responsibilities for the member banks computer connection with the customers aredealt by the banks themselves. Payment is considered complete since the transfer of funds to the reserve account of the receiving bank cannot be withdrawn.

The creation of bank electronic network(CHIPS system)in New York needed to take into the account the growing volume of international transactions settlement. Since the execution of all payments in full in a single center is difficult, CHIPS system was designed as a decentralized system. Among all the participating banks the 12 largest ones were selected for this. Banks with a capital of not less than $250 millioncan become CHIPS participants. All CHIPS participants should have offices in New York, the connection from the computer settlement banks. CHIPS system is quite different from the rest. The fact is that the inter-bank liabilities and assets are not regulated by it immediately after issuing the relevant documents in the form of e-mails and accumulate during normal business hours, after which the balance is supplied. Final payments are settlement banks by transferring the funds to the reserve account at the Federal Reserve Bank in New York on Fed-Wire network. Thus, the settlement banks in the CHIPS system perform the same functions as the Federal Reserve Bank. But the difference between them is that the payments are not executed immediately through the settlement system CHAPS. Mutual commitments storage system is suitable for participating banks, all payments are regulated within a single day; the Federal Reserve Bank in New York determines the reserve position of the other banks at the end of the working day.

However, such a system for the bankclientscreates certain difficulties because the money can act to the beneficiaryonly in 18 hours. In other words, this system is convenient becauseall the transfers of money on the amount of400 billion dollarsper day will be reduced to a few final payments on the amount of 4.5 billion dollars.

The main problem of electronic systemsettlement is a large amount of daily overdrafts arising from the excess reserve account with a delay of receipts from customers, etc. The total daily overdraft at the Federal Reserve System and CHIPS is 80 billion dollars.

Electronic systems vary in the number of parties involved in the transfers and calculations: SWIFT organizes sending bank messages on a bilateral basis. Thus, between every two participants; Fed systems, CHAPS, CHIPS regulate payment

obligations on a multilateral basis [1].

SWIFT (Society for World-Wide Interbank Financial Telecommunications) is the Community Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication. It is a leading international organization in the sphere of financial telecommunications. The main area of SWIFT activity is to provide prompt, reliable, efficient, confidential and protected from unauthorized access to telecommunication service for banks and work on forms and methods standardization for financial informationexchange.

Electronic money also should not be confused with credit cards.Since the cards themselves act as ways to use a customer's Bank account and all transactions in this case are manufactured using conventional money while electronic money is a separate mean of payment [4].

On a consumer level the users refer any payment service to electronic money that allows payments for goods or services, etc. A consumer e-money property is similar to conventional money. You can make money, pay it for the services, transmit and receive it from the other people, and different operations manufactured with conventional money. There is also a similarity when the loss of the card-wallet cards and electronic cash recorded on it is lost money for the holder.

There are usually two types of electronic money based on cards (card-based) andon the basis of networks (network-based). The first group includes cards withbuilt-in microprocessor which has the recorded equivalent cash value, pre-paid organization that produces these cash cards, payment and settlement documents.

Another group is the so-called pre-paid smart cards that combine the convenience of payment cards with the protection and functionality built-in chip. They allow users to pay for small expensesquickly and easily, therefore, mainly used to buy cheap items. They can also be reloadable and disposable [7].

The concept of e-wallets, as a financial product, one expects-no specific limit on the amount stored in the wallet funds and uses it for relatively small payments. At the present time electronic money is used in all spheres of activity. There is a huge amount of goods and services that you can pay online. The creators of the various services and sellers of goods understand that they can significantly increase your turnover and attract more customersthrough the Internet, and they are beginning to use electronic payment systems, giving its customers the opportunity to pay for goods and services with electronic money. According to the studies e-money are used in 37 countries. Today the greatest distribution of electronic money is undergone in Japan where it is used for more than one third of the population. The Japanese pay in such a way not only on the Internet but also for purchases in retail stores, and even for travelling on public transport as a fee [6].

It is not surprising, since electronic money has several advantages, such as: speed of payment, which occurs almost instantaneously. Furthermore, during the burglary of the purse you will almost always be returned your money back, unlike the Bank cards. The electronic wallet is not charged, and it is available in perpetuity. Digital wallets can easily be in any of the terminals using payment cards, and Bank

branches. But e-wallets have some drawbacks. They are oftenunnecessary spent in vain as there is no feeling of the electronic money materiality. That is why itcan easily be paid for unnecessary things. The next disadvantage is that not all stores accept electronic money, although the e-Commerce market in Russia is developed well enough but there are a number of stores that accept only cash or Bank card [8].

As for the Russian electronic money system, Russian businesshas entered the electronic payments market at the time when the worldwidemarket has been rapidly growing. Having entered the market, the Russian payment system has shown great customer appeal and strong growth. Numerous data indicate that every 15-th inhabitant of the Russian Federation currently produces electronic money payment. Today payments for train tickets or the plane, clothing, furniture, appliances, ebooks, and even tickets to a concert or to the theatre, and much more are made with the help of Russian e-money system. It has also become possibly available to pay for the state and municipal services using electronic money. If we assume that an increasing number of people will prefer to use electronic money, the demand for money in the Central banks will decrease. It will reduce the volume of cash in circulation, deterioration of Central Bank's balance sheet and loss of its main income.In addition, the uncontrolled emission of electronic money could lead to a sharp increase in the money supply and inflation. Meanwhile, the Central Bank loses control over the mass electronic money, at least those that are issued by non-banking organizations, through the mechanism of reserve requirements. And if you add the system of cashless payments between countries, the question arises about the need for the continued existence of Central banks [7].

In the Russian context the ways of development and the extent of electronic money collected will be determined by the specifics of the domestic economy. The development of information technologies in Russia is at a high level, and this allows the introduction of appropriate payment systems, the potential number of users and volume of transactions will, most likely, be much lower than in the West. The reasons for this are in particular the low level of wages, the instability of the Russianfinancial system and as a consequence mistrust of broad layers of the population. In addition, these features of the domestic companies functioning, as a "pattern of non-payment", "tax optimization", etc. may also make changes in the development of electronic payment systems of mutual settlements between the enterprises or the invention of tax evasion schemes.

Finally, it is obvious that in Russian conditions it is necessary to pay special attention to issues of consumer safety and protection against fraud.

Использованные источники:

1. Алиева С.Ш., Тадтаева А.В. Основы организации производства // В сборнике: Проблемы экономики, организации и управления в России и мире Материалы V международной научно-практической конференции. Ответственный редактор Уварина Н.В. 2014. С. 15-18.

2. Бигаева Э.С. Лингвокультурный аспект в изучении иностранного языка // В сборнике:Актуальные проблемы современной науки: теория и

практика2013. С. 274-280.

3. Бигаева Э.С., Цибирова И.А. Культурологический фактор в изучении иностранного языка // В сборнике:Социально-экономическое развитие региона в условиях модернизацииМатериалы Всероссийской межвузовской научно-практической конференции преподавателей и студентов. 2015. С. 491494.

4. Отараева З.А., Тадтаева А.В. Электронные деньги и платежные системы // В сборнике:Проблемы экономики, организации и управления в России и миреМатериалы V международной научно-практической конференции. Ответственный редактор Уварина Н.В. 2014. С. 231-234.

5. Тадтаева А.В., Цирихова С.А. Медиаобразование на современном этапе // В сборнике: Образование: традиции и инновации Материалы II международной научно-практической конференции. 2013. С. 302-306.

6. Тадтаева А.В., Зангиева З.Н., Цирихова С.А. National cultural specific character of the verbal communication // Гуманитарные и социальные науки. 2015.№2. С. 78-86.

7. Tadtaeva A.V., Margieva A.V. Actual problems of modern business development on the basis of the economic theory // В сборнике: Материалы III Международного научного конгресса "Предпринимательство и бизнес в условиях экономической нестабильности "Финансовый университет при Правительстве РФ. 2015. С. 16-18.

8. Монография: Барбашов В.П., Варламова А.И., Васьбиева Д.Г., Ганина Е.В., Германов С.Н., Дзилихова Л.Ф., Дубинина Г.А., Жаркова Т.И., Звягинцева Е.П., Квач Н.В., Клименко Е.В., Климова И.И., Кондрахина Н.Г., Креер М.Я., Кременецкая И.В., Ливская Е.В., Лизунова Н.М., Мельничук М.В., Петрова О.Н., Пилипчук Е.Д.и др. К 95-летнему юбилею Финансового университета при Правительстве Российской Федерации / Коллектив авторов под ред. В.П. Барбашова, И.И. Климовой, М.В. Мельничук, Л.С. Чикилёва. Лингвометодические аспекты профессионально ориентированного обучения иностранным языкам: традиции и инновации. - Москва, 2014.

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