UDC 801.6
O.V. Peremitina
Kargasoksky Secondary School number 2 (MBOU KSOSH number 2)
(Kargasok, Kargasoksky district, Tomsk region, Russian Federation).
E-mail: peremitinaov@sibmail.com
Abstract. This paper examines not only the symbols of England, that people
around the world have chosen as an English symbol, but also offers a look at
the analogues English symbols in Russian society because each of these countries has a rich history and they have something to be proud of.
Keywords: symbol; the English; sign; icon; culture; Russia; project.
In January 2006, the British government launched a two-year project titled Icons - a portrait of England, trying to find the most significant symbols of England and Englishment. Hundreds of thousands of people in the UK and abroad took part in this project and nominated the things they cherish most in England.
Then the question arises, what is the symbol and where did it occur. As a result of the search, the following definition of the word "symbol" was found - the Greeks meant every real sign, which had a conditional secret value for a certain group of people, for example, for the fans of Ceres, Tsibe-ly, Mithras. One or the other sign (symbol) served as honors corporations, workshops, and various parties - government, public or religious. The word "symbol" in everyday speech replaced an old word for a sign, banner, aim, heavenly sign [1]. The dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov [2] said that the symbol is a conventional sign of some concepts.
Let us see, how do people choose English symbols, what can make the thing as a symbol?
1. Symbols are symbolic - they represent something in British culture, history or English way of life.
2. Symbols are recognizable in the crowd - if no one has heard of them or do not know how they look, the subject cannot be a symbol.
3. Symbols multifaceted - they have hidden depths and unexpected associations.
4. However, the icon is not the people. Shakespeare, Darwin and Churchill can live as historical figures, but they cannot be included as characters in this collection. But they cannot be ignored too. It simply means that, most likely Shakespeare's play, and not a man from the town of Stratford - upon - Avon will be included in this list.
Analogues of English symbols in Russian society
After learning about the project, I want to not just talk about the symbols of England, but also try to find in our country similar symbols, which are
also very important for Russia and represent our country. Relevance of the topic is to realize a sense of pride of our country, for its rich and unique history. British project has shown that the British are very proud of their country and respect their traditions, and its symbols are known far beyond its borders. This work will help to know what Russia is known and appreciated abroad [3-10].
How were the appropriate symbols selected then? A cup of tea, I would like to compare with the samovar, as both of these items are symbols of tea in England and Russia. The Portrait of Henry VIII can be compared with the Bronze Horseman because both of these symbols were like monuments of two great rulers of the two great powers. Oxford and Cambridge are two of the most famous prestigious university in England is comparable to MSU, as it is the first university in Russia, and the TSU, which is the first in Siberia. The rose is a symbol of England, which is immediately associated with the two-headed eagle in Russia. And Hadrian's Wall is surely associated with the Kremlin wall. The Angel of the North is comparable with the Mamaev Kurgan because these objects can be seen by a huge number of people every day. Fish and chips the British see as ethnic food, which in our country meet shchi (cabbage soup). But the oak is seen in England as a plant tree for the country, filled with different stories. In Russia, it is not difficult to guess that this tree is a birch. Wimbledon is the most prestigious world-class tournament in England, and in Russia it is the Kremlin Cup tournament, which is also a world-class tournament. "The Beatles" is the most famous English band performing rock 'n' roll, which was subject to Russian comparison group - a well-known group "Time Machine", also performing rock 'n' roll. Famous characters of the English Puppet Theatre are Punch and Judy, and Parsley is also famous for his stories in the world of puppetry. The Eden Project is comparable with the Sochi arboretum, since it is also a kind of botanical garden, where 1 800 species of plants grow. For the convenience of comparison, the selected symbols of two states are summarized in the table.
Symbols in England Symbols in Russia
A cup of tea samovar
The Portrait of Henry VIII The Bronze Horseman
Big Ben Spasskaya Tower
Oxbridge MSU, TSU
Rose Double-headed eagle
Hadrian's Wall The Kremlin Wall
Angel of the North Mamaev Kurgan
Fish and chips shchi
Oak birch
Wimbledon tournament The Kremlin Cup
The Beatles The Time Machine
Punch and Judy Parsley
Sutton Hoo Helmet Alexander Nevsky Helmet
The Eden Project The Sochi Arboretum
One of the main candidates for the best icon in England is a cup of tea. The English say jokingly: "Seven cups of tea in the morning cheer you; nine cups of tea will put you to sleep at night. If you are feverish, tea will cool you, and if you froze, tea will warm you. If you are depressed, it will cheer up you; if you are worried, then tea will soothe you". Tea came to Britain from China in the late 16th century but it was only for the very wealthy. Pound the cheapest tea cost about one third of the weekly wage of a skilled worker. He became cheaper three centuries ago. In Russia, we also have a custom - to gather friends at the samovar or a cup of tea. The samovar was for the Russian people as a symbol of home, comfort, companionship. The presence of a samovar at home meant material prosperity. Near the samovar people often dealt with serious business issues.
If we talk about the rulers embodied in works of art, the British chose a portrait of Henry VIII, who was painted by Hans Holbein. In our country, a monument to "The Bronze Horseman" is the most famous and the best work of art dedicated to Peter I - the Emperor of all emperors.
And now I would like to tell you about this symbol, which is known, probably for all. This is Big Ben. Many people think that Big Ben is the clock or the whole tower next to the Houses of Parliament. In fact, this is the nickname of the great bell at the top of the tower. The great bell was made in 1858. In our country, Big Ben most likely corresponds to the Spasskaya tower on Red Square. This is also a great watch that commemorates each hour by its bell ringing and is known all over the country. Spasskaya Tower is one of the 20 towers of the Moscow Kremlin, facing the Red Square. Its name is derived from the icon "Saviour". The tower was built during the reign of Ivan III in 1491.
Oxford and Cambridge are the oldest and most prestigious universities in the UK. Known collectively as "Oxbridge", they were chosen as the national symbols of England. Oxford and Cambridge are the cities - symbols. Worldwide, these geographical names are associated with the formation of a higher level, based on centuries-old traditions. We think that MSU, which was the first university in Russia and TSU, which was the first university in Siberia, are worthy of being compared with Oxbridge.
The English national emblem is the rose. It is the Queen of flowers, valued in history for its exquisite flavor and beautiful flower. It is not surprising that so many people voted for it as a symbol. Rose has a rich symbolic history. It is the emblem of rival royal houses, the symbol of secrecy, purity and love, appearing on shirts of players of rugby union or Labor Party logo. This symbol of England, we can compare with the two-headed eagle, which is also the emblem of Russia, as well as in England - rose. Double-headed eagle is the emblem of our country and a symbol of power and authority of our country. Since the XIII century, the eagle can be seen on coins and seals of various rulers in Western Europe. He turns into a stamp shape with the development of heraldry in medieval Europe.
On the outline of Britain from a great height, it will seem as a bizarre beast, whose neck wrapped by a huge stone serpent. That strange reptile is the famous Hadrian's Wall, rounds moorish, windswept hills, which he (Hadrian) ordered to be built in 122. So far, it remains one of the greatest monuments of ingenuity and diligence of Roman soldiers. In Russia, too, there is the famous wall, which at one time served a defensive function; it is called the Kremlin wall, now it is a famous monument and landmark in Russia.
In 1998, in the North-East of England there was erected a metal giant "Angel of the North", which pointed to the two parts of the world. Judging by the title, you might have guessed, it is north and south. A huge angel directs her figure in the sky for about two roads A1 and A167. In Russia also has a similar monument - giant. The statue is called "Motherland - Mother Calls!", which is dedicated to the "Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad".
One of the most popular foods in England is a fish with fries. The British identified it as a national symbol. More than 250 million meals are eaten in the country for a year. And our country has long been famous for Russian cabbage soup (shchi). Cabbage soup is the same firm symbol of Russia, as the black bread and a samovar. Russian culture and history are imbued by shchi spirit. It was namely shchi which added Russian national identity to the cosmopolitan flavor of Byzantine spirituality. Sources indicate: shchi is known in Russia, at least, from the IX century.
Oak was always perceived as the national tree of England. Its enormous height, age and strength made it the king of the English woods and a symbol of endurance. In Russia, from immemorial time a birch was the similar symbol, which best expresses the character of the people's soul.
Wimbledon is the most prestigious tennis tournaments in the world. Every tennis player wants to play there. Wimbledon is the oldest tennis tournament. It is the only one of the four Grand Slam tournaments, which is held on grass courts. The British are proud of their championship; however, neither the British could win the tournament since Fred Perry did it in 1936. And Russia has a prestigious tournament of international level, so called as the "Kremlin Cup". Kremlin Cup was founded in 1990 by a Swiss businessman Sassoon Kakshuri and is the first Russian professional tournament of international level.
One of the icons of England is the group "The Beatles", is world-famous band, performing his own songs in the style of rock and roll. The Beatles consisted of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. "The Beatles" were just ordinary lads from Liverpool who became famous all over the world. In our country, a group "Time Machine" is one of the first bands performing rock and roll.
Punch - the national character of the English Puppet Theatre. Punch is a hunchback with a sharp hooked nose and a big chin, in a pointed cap. He is a playboy, rogue, humorist and a fighter. For those who grew up in England,
Punch and Judy are the familiar characters and their story is loved by both children and adults. And you will not believe it, but Punch and Judy entertain people since the 17th century! Parsley - one of the characters of Russian folk puppetry. It is depicted in a red shirt, linen pants and pointed cap with a tassel; traditionally Parsley - a glove puppet.
Discovered in 1939, the place Sutton Hoo in Suffolk is one of the most remarkable finds found in England. Dazzling work done by human hands, the Sutton Hoo helmet, gives us invaluable insight into England in the seventh century, shedding light on the disposal of ships, weapons, and even fashion mustache in those days. Sutton Hoo Helmet - one of the four subjects of the kind ever found in England. In Russia, also, there is the famous helmet in which the Great Russian commander Alexander Nevsky took part in the Battle of the Ice.
In England, it is compared to the Garden of Eden, it covers an area of about 15 hectares. This wonder of the world is called Eden. This is a huge botanical garden, which is compared in our country, may be, with the Sochi Arboretum, which is also known throughout the world.
This article describes the 14 symbols of England, but they are, of course, much more in the project "Icons - a portrait of England". Sorry to say, it's difficult to cover everything. But nevertheless, I not only told you about the symbols of England, but also tried to find similar in Russia.
In conclusion, I would say that comparing the characters of the two great powers, England and Russia, we have:
1. Find out how similar and different these countries.
2. We saw the differences in their cultures.
3. Learned what represents each of these countries, what people remember when they hear their name.
1. ANDREEV, V., KUKLEV, V., and ROVNER, A., 1999. Encyclopedia of symbols, signs,
emblems. Publishing Inc. "Lokid", Publishing Inc. "Myth".
2. OZHEGOV, S.I., 1984. Dictionary of the Russian Language. Moscow: Russian language.
3. PROKHOROV, A.M., 1983. Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary. Moscow: Soviet Encyclope-
4. Journal for pupils who study English "Speak Out", 2006, 6. Moscow: Glossa-Press.
5. Journal for pupils who study English "Speak Out", 2007, 1. Moscow: Glossa-Press.
6. Journal for pupils who study English "Speak Out", 2007, 2-3. Moscow: Glossa-Press.
7. Journal for pupils who study English "Speak Out", 2007, 4. Moscow: Glossa-Press.
8. Journal for pupils who study English "Speak Out", 2007, 5. Moscow: Glossa-Press.
9. Journal for pupils who study English "Speak Out", 2007, 6. Moscow: Glossa-Press.
10. Journal for pupils who study English "Speak Out", 2008, 1. Moscow: Glossa-Press.
Перемитина О.В. Каргасокская средняя школа № 2 (с. Каргасок, Томская обл., Россия).
E-mail: peremitinaov@sibmail.com
Аннотация. Эта статья рассматривает не только символы Англии, которые люди во всем мире выбрали в качестве английского символа, но и предлагает взглянуть на аналоги символов на английском языке в российском обществе, поскольку у всех стран имеется богатая история, и у них есть, чем гордиться.
Ключевые слова: символ; английский язык; знак; икона; культура; Россия; проект.