Научная статья на тему 'Анализ факторов успеха продвижения бренда в социальных сетях'

Анализ факторов успеха продвижения бренда в социальных сетях Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Чинчикайте Р., Куроедова Д.

Реклама распространяется особенно быстро в социальных сетях на форумах и других подобных сайтах. В связи с этим число компаний, пользующихся различными маркетинговыми инструментaми социальных сетей, постоянно растет. В данной статье рассматриваются особенности факторов успеха продвижения бренда в социальных сетях на примере бренда«Vytautas». Для проведенного анализа был использoван метод биометрического исследования «Eye tracking» и метод многокритериальной экспертной оценки.

i Надоели баннеры? Вы всегда можете отключить рекламу.
iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.
i Надоели баннеры? Вы всегда можете отключить рекламу.

Successful promotion of the brand in social networks: factor analysis

Advertising spreads very fast on social networks, forums and similar communication sites. In 2013, the online social media tools were used by 38.3 per cent of companies, and this number is constantly growing. This article deals with the online marketing, social networking and brand concepts. It analyses specific characteristics of a brand and social networking as well as their significance. Based on the example of the brand Vytautas, the success factors of the brand on social networks are set. Consumer opinions on the importance of social networks for promoting the brand are assessed. The analysis employs the following methods: the biometric Eye Tracking analysis and multiple criteria assessment method.

Текст научной работы на тему «Анализ факторов успеха продвижения бренда в социальных сетях»

Том 10. № 2 (56). 2015

R. Cincikaité, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Vilnius, Lithuania,

renata.cincikaite@vgtu.lt D. Kurojedova, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Vilnius, Lithuania,


Successful promotion of the brand in social networks: factor analysis

Advertising spreads very fast on social networks, forums and similar communication sites. In 2013, the online social media tools were used by 38 . 3 per cent of companies, and this number is constantly growing . This article deals with the online marketing, social networking and brand concepts . It analyses specific characteristics of a brand and social networking as well as their significance . Based on the example of the brand Vytautas, the success factors of the brand on social networks are set . Consumer opinions on the importance of social networks for promoting the brand are assessed. The analysis employs the following methods: the biometric Eye Tracking analysis and multiple criteria assessment method

Keywords: brand, social networks, users, biometric analysis, multiple criteria assessment .


Fast spread of technologies and the Internet encourage users to spend most of their free time on computers, smart phones and social networking. Social networks are one of the fastest-rising tools. Recently in America social media involves 90 per cent of registered teenagers and elderly people — around 80 million members. In October of 2009, social websites were visited by 830 million users. According to the research company eMarketer, this year approximately 1.61 billion people — more than one-fifth of humanity — at least once a month connected to social networks. Their study reveals that this figure is 14.2 per cent higher than a year ago, while in 2017 social networks will be used by 2.33 billion people. According to the researchers, the number of 1.61 billion accounts for about 22 per cent of the world's population. Facebook, with over one billion users, is the world's largest social network (according to the research company eMarketer). Based on the survey conducted by the social networking agency Social Market-

ing, about 40 per cent of Lithuania's population use the social networking site Facebook. The top three of the most popular social networking sites in Lithuania include: Facebook in the first place, the second — Google+, the third — Linkedin.

Object of the study. The study on the brand on social networks is conducted based on the example of the brand of Birstonas mineral water Vytautas.

Aim of the study. To conduct the analysis of scientific references on the brand on social networks and identify factors having impact on the brand popularity on social networks based on the brand Vytautas example.


1. Explore theoretical aspects of the brand promotion/awareness in social media.

2. In order to identify the factors having impact on the brand popularity on social networks, to conduct the 'Eye Tracking' and multiple criteria assessment analyses.

Research methods. Analysis of scientific literature, a survey, biometric Eye Tracking analysis and multiple criteria assessment.

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Theoretical aspects of assessing the brand promotion on social networking sites

In order to increase the brand awareness, companies employ various online marketing tools, one of which, gaining an increasing popularity, is social media. Currently 92 per cent of electronic buyers search for information about products and services on the Internet, social networks and blogs. Surveys conducted last year by 'Kaspersky Tab' revealed that 73 per cent of the Internet users make use of social networks.

Theoretical Aspects of Branding

Branding occurred long ago, and no one knows who created the first trade brand. Even before our era, people were producing certain products, e. g. bricks, clay dishes, etc. and marked them by certain signs. Over time, branding has changed its shape and started to be applied for a wider assortment. In the 4th decade of the 19th century, branding started to be actively advertised by media. Before the 8th decade all consumer goods were advertised. They were advertised by manufacturers via their agencies. Later, more and more new retailers began to appear. Realizing their power, they were increasingly manifesting them-

selves, expanding and influencing the manufacturers' brands. In the 9th decade, the perceptions of branding have basically changed. Previously branding included everything that was in store, but at that time the brand has become the store itself and its staff. Another branding wave has risen in the 10th decade, when the service trademarks began to be actively established (W. Olins, 2006).

In the broadest sense brands/trade marks are symbols which can be very different. The most common signs are images, words or their combinations. However, their variety can be much wider. Lately three-dimensional characters are gaining popularity, which may include products or packaging forms. It is now possible to register such brands as a flavor, sound or smell. Any distinctive words, phrases, letters, numerals, drawings, designs, shapes, colors, logos, labels or combinations of the components listed, assigned for distinguishing between goods or services, can make a brand. In many countries cues, advertising slogans, film and book titles are considered as brands/ trademarks as well. The table below shows different authors' concepts on branding (Table 1).

After conducting the analysis of definitions, it can be argued that in all cases the trade brand is mentioned as a certain symbol or a visu-

Table 1. Branding concepts (created by the authors)

Author, year Concept

Davidaviciene, Jezukeviciute, 2013 The brand mark is a visual tool for the company, consisting of tangible and intangible factors, which represents the company to the customers, provides uniqueness between competitors and increases its value to creditors (shareholders, etc.).

Republic of Lithuania Law on Trade Marks No. VIII-1981 of October 10, 2000 Trade mark is described as any sign capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one person from those of other persons and capable of being represented graphically. For the purposes of this Law, a service mark shall also be treated as a trade mark.

Lisauskiene, 1998 Trade brand is a product or service, type of product, group or organization concept, based on the visual, aural and emotional aspect

Tijunaitiene, 2005 Trade brand is a brand name, concept, sign, symbol, design or combination of them, intended to identify goods or services offered for one seller or group of goods and distinguish them from those of competitors' goods or services

Pranulis irk t, 2000 Trade brand is a symbol intended to identify goods or services of one manufacturer or company from good and services of other manufacturers.

Kapferer J. N., 2001 Trade brand is not exclusively the product label, a different graphic or technical solution. It means the value, source and method of this product to be known in the market.


' Том 10. № 2 (56). 2015

al tool, capable of distinguishing the product or service of a particular company from other companies. Key aspect — the brand helps to distinguish the product or service.

Theoretical aspects of social networking

The first social networking website, where you could create your profile and a circle of friends, appeared in 1995 and was called www. classmates.com (fig. 1). The original sources of social networking are connected with military communication.

It is forecasted that in 2017 social media will be used by 2.33 billion people. According to the researchers, the number of 1.61 billion represents about 22 per cent of the world's population.

All these definitions (tab. 2) imply that social networking is an interactive communication environment. Some authors distinguish possibilities to create your own web page and profile, while others consider this as an opportunity to share information. However, they all agree that this is taking place on the Internet space and

in a form of communication. This distinguishes social networks from other online marketing tools. At present, every fifth our country's electronic buyer admits exchanging his opinion on purchases, influenced by other users' opinions. This was revealed by a special online consumer behavior study conducted by the Lithuania's largest market and media research company TNS LT.

According to H. Bakanauskas, 'Social networks are areas which create an atmosphere of a comfortable and uninhibited communication, accessible from anywhere and at any time. Often it is the message boards, forums, event calendars, newsletters and anything else that allow the users with similar interests to communicate publicly or anonymously'. However, it is very difficult to maintain privacy on social networks. When viewed from an ordinary Internet user perspective, one can see more disadvantages. Nevertheless, some disadvantages can only be to the benefit of businesses. More and more people spending time on the Internet and social networks, enables businesses

1995 1997 2000 2002 2003 2006 2011

Classmates AsianAvenue MiGente Friendster LinkedIn Twiter Google+

BlackPlanet MySpace Facebook

Fig. 1. Development of social networking

Table 2. Social networking concepts (created by the authors)

Author, year Concept

Bakanauskas A., 2012 In a broad sense, this term is commonly used to refer to such websites which allow the users themselves to create the content, connect to peer networks and thus communicate, all this must be accessed through a web browser

Davidaviciené, Jezukeviciute, 2013 Social networking is an expression of communication in a virtual space, where the users can not only read and share information and communicate with the other users and organizations, but also create 'a new life'.

Bacys T., 2012 Interactive structure of the Internet, where people can create public or semi-public profiles, which are connected by links displayed by lists set for a certain degree of publicity.

Danah M. Boyd, Nicole B. Ellison, 2008 Social networking is defined as a web service that allows individuals to construct a public or semi-public profile within a restricted system, clearly define a list of other users that they share a connection with, and view their own created list of connections as well as those created by other users within the system.

Wasserman S. and Faust K., 1994 Social networking is formally defined as a set of social actors, or apexes that are interconnected by various types of communication.


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to reach more consumers. As social networking is public and makes it difficult to maintain privacy, this can also be seen as an advantage for businesses. This helps businesses to easily collect information about the existing and potential customers. Social networking allows you to fast and efficiently reach consumers all around the world.

Study on the brand 'Vytautas' on social networking sites

There is a huge variety of marketing tools, including social networking sites, where businesses can advertise their goods. Therefore, it is important for them to select where, how

and when to promote their product in the most effective and successful way. According to Davidaviciene and Jezukeviciute [1], it is possible to distinguish the following types of social networking:

1. General — general websites whose primary purpose is to support the construction of social relations among people (e. g. Facebook, MySpace).

2. Connecting with portals — this is only one of the services provided by portals (e. g. Yahoo! MSN Spaces).

3. Vertical — designed for people with special interests or hobbies (e. g. Dogster — social networking site for dog lovers, Xanga — social networking site for teenagers) [1].

Fig. 2. The brand 'Vytautas' assessment algorithm

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The study on the brand on social networks is conducted based on the example of Birstonas mineral water brand 'Vytautas'.

The study involved three methods: A survey, aimed at finding out the consumer attitudes to the brand 'Vytautas' in social networks. Bio-metric 'Eye Tracking' analysis. Following the respondent's iris movements, the following has been identified: the location where the user's look is majorly focused and the respondent's information search path. Multiple criteria assessment, aimed at determining the success factors of the brand (fig. 2).

Results of survey in the study on the brand 'Vytautas' on social networks

The survey involved 144 respondents. The major part consisted of young people from 19 to 25 years of age (84.7%). Social networks were used by 96.5% of respondents (fig. 3).

The social network that attracts major popularity is Facebook (51.5% of respondents).

Do youuse social networks?



Fig. 3. Distribution of respondents by use of social networks

The users tend to read and show interest in feedback, however, they do not always trust it.

The majority of respondents trust the feedback information (37.5%) when the comments are written by their familiar people. Also, part of the users trust only when they find a lot of positive feedback comments about the product or service (24.3%). The brand has an impact on the purchase of a product, 66.7% of respondents confirm that the brand affects their decision on buying a product.

Thus, the majority of consumers will buy the product that has already been seen, heard or tried by them. In this case, advertising is also useful, since having noticed the item on social networks, the user will remember and is likely to choose it. When buying mineral water, the respondents said that the price attaches major attention (34.0%) and the quality (42.2%). These are the main factors taken into account by the users. Brand is important only to 11.7% of respondents. Almost all of the users mentioned they had seen some kind of the Vytau-tas mineral water advertising (95.8%). Such data suggest that the brand 'Vytautas' is popular and well known. However, when asked about where they saw the advertising most frequently, the users mentioned different sources, of which social networks were mentioned by only 23.6% of respondents.



6,3% 4,9%


What social networking sites are you registered? (Several options are possible)

■ Facebook

■ One.lt

■ MySpace

■ Linkedin

■ Draugas.lt

■ Klase.lt

■ Vkontakte.ru

■ Odnoklassniki.ru

■ Twitter

■ Kitasvariantas

Fig. 4. Distribution of respondents by the social networking used


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For market research purposes the following biometric systems may be used: facial recognition, keyboard signature, iris and retinal analysis systems and the voice analysis system.

It is possible to distinguish three methods of eye analysis [9].

• The iris identification.

• The system capturing movement of the eye.

• The pupil tracking.

The system of fixing eye movement (Eye Tracking) is widely applied in virtual environments: for advertising, creating web pages, ebusiness, collection and processing of statistical data.

Thus, biometric analysis was performed in order, by tracking the iris, to figure out how Vy-tautas mineral water is found on the social networking site Facebook. The study involved ten experts. They were given two tasks:

On the social networking site Facebook to find Vytautas mineral water.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Table 3. Comparison of biometric systems (Biometrics.ru) [9]

Biometric system Does the system accurately distinguish one individual from another? Personal biometric element characteristics never change? Accessibility level (is it difficult to obtain the data) Practical application frequency level Security level (is it difficult to cheat the system)

Facial recognition system No Average High High Low

Fingerprints Yes Yes Average High High

Palm contour identification Average Average High Average Average

Keyboard signature No No Average Average Average

Arm vein analysis Average Average Average Average High

Iris analysis systems Yes Yes Average Low High

Retinal analysis systems Yes Average Low Low High

Handwritten signature analysis system Average No High High High

Voice analysis systems No No Average High Low

DNA analysis Yes Yes Low Low Low

Does brand awareness affect your purchase?

Fig. 5. Distribution of respondents by brand influence

Results of biometric analysis in the study on the brand 'Vytautas' on social networks

Biometric technologies are based on recording certain human biometric parameters, unchanging throughout life, such as physical, physiological characteristics (fingerprints, the iris, retina, face, palm contour, ear shape, body odor, voice), behavioral characteristics (the manner of writing the signature, the manner of keyboard clicks, walking, etc.), comparison and analysis of the data [9] (tab. 3).

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Fig. 6. Movement of the iris while searching for Vytautas mineral water

On the social networking site Facebook to find the English page of Vytautas mineral water 'Vytautas Mineral Water 'and on this page to find the video clip 'Eastern European Men School'.

Figure 6 reflects how, when performing the first task, the eye sight is focused in the search box. The respondents were given a precise task — to find Vytautas mineral water, so the easiest way to do this was to use the search. This was done by 100% of the experts. We can also distinguish the fact that 40% of experts briefly looked at the advertising banners, located on the right side of Facebook. To complete the task, on average, took twenty-three seconds. Several respondents coped with the task over nineteen seconds, for some others it took thirty seconds.

The second task for respondents was more complex. The users had to find the English page of Vytautas mineral water titled 'Vytautas Mineral Water', and then — a video clip 'Eastern European Men School' in it. While searching for the English page, the users' behavior is similar to that when searching for Vytautas mineral water. All the experts took advantage of the search box as well (Fig. 7).

In this case, none of the users' eyes were directed to the side. All respondents immediately used the search. After entering the English name of Vytautas mineral water, they found it on the website. After finding the Vytautas mineral water web page, the users had to find a video titled 'Eastern European Men School'. All users had their eyes focused on the middle of the

Fig. 7. Movement of the iris while searching for Facebook profile 'Vytautas Mineral Water'

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Fig. 8. Movement of the iris in the profile to find the video clip 'Eastern European Men School'

page. Although all the respondents' look was restlessly attached in different directions, but it has been maintained quite centered (Fig. 8).

70% of users immediately searched for the video clip on the English-profile 'wall'. The other 30% had a short look on the 'wall', and, noticing any video, decided to look through other columns. While the video clip was already visible on the screen (Fig. 9).

Although the searched image appeared on the screen, it was at the end of the page and did not attract attention, because, as mentioned earlier, the respondents' focus has been centered in the middle of the page. These users, who could not find the video clip on the 'wall', kept looking for this video in the section 'Video Records', where logically it should be (Fig. 10).

Failing to find the video clip, the respondents returned to the English home page and tried again to find the video on the 'wall'. After the second try the image was found, since the page was lowered below, and the image was placed in the middle, so the respondents could see it. This video was uploaded to the YouTube category, located next to 'Video Records', but none of the respondents has noticed this column. When asked why they did not choose this column, so that to make it easier to find the video, the respondents answered that they did not even see this column. The respondents, who were looking for the video in the 'Video Records' column, also mentioned that did not notice this column and added that if there is one column assigned for videos, they did not think there could be another one. Since all re-

Fig. 9. Movement of the iris in the profile while searching for the video clip 'Eastern European Men School'

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spondents' look, as has already been shown by the investigation, were mainly directed to the center, so those placed in YouTube Videos remained unnoticed by any of the respondents who participated in the study. The second task was conducted by the respondents quite differently. Probably the second task was accomplished in twenty-three minutes. Respondents focused their eyes on the very center of the page, and succeeded in finding the video on the 'wall'. 50% of other respondents acted in the similar way. The average duration of their performance of the task was thirty-five seconds. Respondents focused their look on the center, and watched the news just a little slower. 30% of respondents coped with this task in a more difficult way. The duration of performance — a minute or longer. The worst result was one and a half minutes. These respondents directed their attention to the video album, then returned to the 'wall', however their sight was more distracted because of the failure to find the desired information where expected. Therefore, the sight was not so focused in the centre; it was turning to the sides until finally the video they were looking for was found. The research results allow making the conclusion that the users focus their look mostly in the middle. The sight seldom deviates to the sides, up or down, especially when the user has a specific goal — wants to find the product already known to him, the one he is interested in, so he will use a search engine, without pay-

ing attention to the information placed on the sides. So in order to provide any information to the consumer and make it visible, it needs to be placed in the center as much as possible. Also try to avoid columns with similar meaning, as this may mislead the consumer and he will not be able to find information of interest to him. Users failed to find the video on the 'wall' at once also because the video clip link itself was too small. Major users' attention was attracted by pictures, photos or videos of larger size. Since the video they were searching for was smaller in size, it was not noticed immediately as well. This leads to another conclusion that the image must be larger and draw attention, as consumers, first of all, are looking at the pictures, and only then to the text, associated with the image or video.

Findings of multiple criteria analysis in the study on the brand 'Vytautas' on social networks

Expert evaluation was conducted in accordance with the social research ethical standards [21]:

— The respondents have been selected so that they were competent enough to answer the questions;

— Respondents agreed to participate in the survey;

— The researcher had no influence on the respondents.

Danisevicius, Gonestas [22], Boguslauskas [20] argue that expertise can be assessed by


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examining prior knowledge, required for dealing with scientific problem, and by expert reliability coefficient calculation, or may be restricted to formal information about the expert that meets the established requirements. The matrix of expert survey data is shown on fig. 11.

^~\Experts Factors 1 2 j n

1 Xii X12 X1 Xn


M X1 Xm2 Xi Xmn

Fig. 11. Expert survey data

The task is verifying the hypothesis on the competitiveness indicators weight coefficients' equality to zero. Selected significance level a = 0.05. The hypothesis of equality of the coefficient to zero is rejected, the observed p-val-ue exceeding 0.05.

The number X,, shows the assessment given by j — th expert to the i — th competitiveness factor.

Weight coefficients of competitiveness factors and their separate groups were set by the statistical average method by formula (1).

Weight coefficient = ■

I s



where Sj - statistical average.

The possible weight coefficient values are within the interval of 0 and 1. The sum of weight coefficients of each group of factors must be equal to 1.

For the assessment of internal consistency of the expert evaluation questionnaire scale Cronbach alpha coefficient (2) was calculated.

NC (2)

а =

v + (N - 1)c '

where: N — the number of characteristics (questions); c - average internal covariates

of the variables (expert answers; v — average variation of the variables (expert answers).

For conducting the multiple criteria assessment, the selected factors are divided into groups: the advertising image, social networking factors and mineral water factors:

Advertising image: attention attracting colors; informative value of advertising; video material used in advertising; duration of advertising.

Social networking factors: use of social networks Facebook, youtube for advertising; information on the product provided on social networks; reliability of social networks information.

Mineral water factors: mineral water brand awareness; price; taste; title.

Other factors: suitability of Viral Video Ads type; odering mineral water via social networks; advertising position on social networks; product information update on social networks.

The final score of Vytautas mineral water promotional advertising is 0.81 out of the possible 0.9. This indicates a relatively high level of expert evaluation. 90% of respondents mentioned that the advertising colors are selected properly. 70% of respondents mentioned the appropriate use of images. The final score of social networking factors is 0.79 out of the possible 0.9. 80% of respondents mentioned that the use of social networks for advertising purposes is appropriate and effective. 20% of respondents mentioned that this is partly suitable method. Both advertising and the product type are very important. The information on the product Vytautas provided on social networks received different respondents' evaluation. This has resulted in reduction of the score. 60% of respondents mentioned that the information is relevant, and 40% of respondents considered it as partially relevant. The provided information is not complete or relevant factors are not emphasized. The reliability of information has also been assessed in different ways, which also reduced the total score. Half of the respondents mentioned that the information announced on social networks is reliable; the other half argued that the information is reliable only sometimes. This depends on people disseminating the in-



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formation, also on its nature. The third assessed group included mineral water factors. The final Vytautas mineral water factor score is 0.58 out of the possible 0.6. This is almost the maximum. Mineral water brand awareness is significant for 90% of respondents, and only for 10% it is of average importance. This indicates that the audible and visible sign will be purchased by the users more than an unknown mineral water.

90% of respondents think that the price of Vytautas mineral water is appropriate, and only 10% find it less appropriate. This indicates that Vytautas mineral water is affordable for the majority of users. The taste of any mineral water is important for 90% of respondents, and for 10% — moderately important. Many respondents mentioned that the flavor of mineral water should be mild. 80% of respondents mentioned that the title of Vytautas mineral water is appropriate, as it is Lithuanian, well known, many people have already got used to this name and it can be easily identified. 20% of respondents mentioned that this title is averagely suitable for mineral water. The final score is fixed by summing up all the results. Of the three possible scores, after having analyzed the opinions of experts on social networks and the factors of Vytautas mineral water, the final score of 2.65 was set. This is quite a high score, which indicates that the mineral water is popular and well known. Several major deficiencies have been noted in the technical parameters, such as the selection of the advertising type. Also in social media, where there is less confidence in information and the lack of certain desired elements, such as promotions, discounts and other.


1. Trade marks/brands are symbols for distinguishing one product from another. These signs help the user to select the manufacturer, the country where the product was manufactured and the manufacturer, for his advertising and revealing the exclusiveness of his product or service.

2. Social networks are usually described as the ability to communicate, construct your de-

sired web space in any place of the world and at any time. Currently, social networks are one of the most common type of advertising media. All technologies and consumer habits provide excellent opportunities for this advertising method. The conducted analysis also employed the following methods — a survey, biometric analysis and multiple criteria assessment method.

3. After conducting the survey, it can be concluded that social media is used by a very high percentage of users. Facebook is the most frequently used social networking site. However, only a small proportion of respondents noticed Vytautas mineral water ads on social networks.

4. After conducting the biometric analysis, it can be concluded that in many cases the users focus their look in the middle. If a user has a specific goal — he wants to find an item already known and interesting to him, he will use the search engine, without paying attention to the information provided on the sides of the web page.

5. Having conducted the multiple criteria assessment, quite a high score of 2.65 out of the possible 3 was identified. This shows that viral advertising of Vytautas mineral water has been successful and the mineral water is popular and well known. Several major deficiencies have been noted in the technical parameters, such as the selection of the advertising type. Also on social networks, where there is less confidence in information and the lack of certain desired elements, such as promotions, discounts and other. Users of social networks are often looking for discounts and sales of their favorite products or services.


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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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About authors: R. Cincikaité, Doctor of Social Science, Economics (04S), Associate Professor, Department of Business Technologies, Faculty of Business Management;

D. Kurojedova, Bachelor Department of Business Technologies, Faculty of Business Management For citation: Cincikaité R., Kurojedova D. Research study on a brand on social networking sites. Prikladnaya informatika — Journal of Applied Informatics, 2015, vol. 10, no. 2 (56), pp. 15-26.

Р. Чинчикайте, доктор социальных наук, экономики (04s), доцент, кафедра Бизнес-технологий Вильнюсского государственного университета им. Гедиминаса, Вильнюс, Литва, renata.cincikaite@vgtu.lt Д. Куроедова, бакалавр, кафедра Бизнес-технологий

Вильнюсского государственного университета им. Гедиминаса, Вильнюс, Литва, darja.kurojedova@gmail.com

Анализ факторов успеха продвижения бренда в социальных сетях

Реклама распространяется особенно быстро в социальных сетях — на форумах и других подобных сайтах. В связи с этим число компаний, пользующихся различными маркетинговыми инструментами социальных сетей, постоянно растет. В данной статье рассматриваются особенности факторов успеха продвижения бренда в социальных сетях на примере бренда «Vytautas». Для проведенного анализа был использован метод биометрического исследования «Eye tracking» и метод многокритериальной экспертной оценки.

Ключевые слова: бренд, социальные сети, потребители, биометрическое исследование «Eye tracking», метод многокритериальной оценки.


i Надоели баннеры? Вы всегда можете отключить рекламу.