Научная статья на тему 'Актуальные вопросы промышленной политики России'

Актуальные вопросы промышленной политики России Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Гузикова Людмила Александровна

Обоснована актуальность регулирования промышленного развития в современной России, рассмотрены проблемы производственных предприятий и существующие отраслевые приоритеты, проанализирован Проект федерального закона «О промышленной политике» и выявлены вопросы, которые в случае его принятия могут остаться неурегулированными.

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The paper substantiates the importance of regulation of the industrial development in modern Russia; the problems of industrial enterprises and the existing sectoral priorities are discussed, the draft federal law «On industrial policy» is analyzed, and issues that may remain unresolved, if adopted, are identified.

Текст научной работы на тему «Актуальные вопросы промышленной политики России»

Regional and branch economy

UDC 338.2=111

L.A. Guzikova


Л.А. Гузикова


The paper substantiates the importance of regulation of the industrial development in modern Russia; the problems of industrial enterprises and the existing sectoral priorities are discussed, the draft federal law «On industrial policy» is analyzed, and issues that may remain unresolved, if adopted, are identified.


Обоснована актуальность регулирования промышленного развития в современной России, рассмотрены проблемы производственных предприятий и существующие отраслевые приоритеты, проанализирован Проект федерального закона «О промышленной политике» и выявлены вопросы, которые в случае его принятия могут остаться неурегулированными.


Since the mid-1990s, the strengthening of the role of government has been a typical trend in the development of national economies. On the one hand, the government is responsible for the production of public goods; on the other hand, the government performs a regulatory function, creates and remodels market institutes, establishes rules for their operation [1].

The forms and methods of the governmental influence on economic processes are diverse. However, the regulation by establishing for businesses such «rules of the game» which lead to the desired results due to objective economic laws is preferable in a market economy compared to the direct impact or the setting of operation standards.

Important instruments of influence on the economic processes are strategic concepts, macroeconomic targets, indicative planning, and target-oriented development programs.

Macroeconomic, industrial, budget, tax, social, foreign and regional policies may be distinguished within the governmental economic

policy depending on the regulation objects and objectives. All economic policies are closely interrelated. Their goals, objectives, methods of execution and control, resource provision and the expected results should be coordinated and aligned in a comprehensive strategic plan that includes a system of priorities, implementation phases, key indicators and possible alternatives.

An interest in the industrial policy has noticeably increased in Russia recently. The industrial policy has long been virtually ignored by the government. The researchers believe the main reason that caused the interest are serious problems in the Russian economy that cannot be solved only by the efforts of the business community which is now looking for new approaches to the government industrial policy [2, 16].

In 2010, when the industrial production index in the manufacturing sector was equal to 11.8 %, the debate about the role of industrial policy, the quality, quantity and the set of mechanisms attributed to this field seemed to be caused by the significant growth of the industrial

performance in the manufacturing sector [3]. However, in 2011, the index fell to 6.5 % and in 2012 — to 4.1 %. In various sectors of industry indices do not move synchronously and the level of the year 1991 was reached only in the energy minerals production [4].

In our opinion, an actualization of the industrial policy, an acute need for its development and implementation are evoked by objective processes in the Russian economy; and first of all, by a need to overcome the technological backwardness of the industrial capacity compared to most developed countries.

The Russian industry is currently characterized by the following problems related to the industrial policy:

1) a considerable wear and obsolescence of fixed assets. According to the State Statistics Committee, the depreciation of fixed assets of the manufacturing industry as a whole amounted to 43.4 % at the end of 2012 [5]. The depreciation of fixed assets, which in some areas reaches from 50 % to 75 %, does not allow Russian companies to produce products that meet the international requirements;

2) insufficient investment, low availability of credit resources inhibit the modernization and replacement of fixed assets. In practice, investments are made only in the most prosperous enterprises while other companies experience investment shortage. The share of investment in fixed assets constitutes slightly more than 13 % of the total investment in the economy and 16.8 % of the total book value of fixed assets in the manufacturing sector [5]. The lack of investment is compounded by capital outflows from the country, which, according to the Central Bank, constitutes more than $ 60 billion a year. This amount is more than 15 % of the total volume of investment in fixed assets in 2012;

3) the absence of the tax and monetary incentive instruments;

4) the ack of a transparent and supportive administration;

5) the lack of qualified specialists in industry.

The reasons mentioned above lead to the

closure of businesses, to unemployment growth and, consequently, to a decrease in real incomes of the population.

Currently, the legislation base of the industrial policy in Russia includes nearly 60 federal laws, a number of Presidential decrees

and orders, and nearly 100 governmental decisions and orders. Five major state programs on the development of the most important sectors of industry were developed and adopted to implement the Presidential Decree of 07.05.2012 № 596 «On the long-term national economic policy»: «The development of the aviation industry in 2013—2025», «The development of shipbuilding in 2013—2030», «The development of the electronic industry in 2013—2025», «The development of the pharmaceutical and medical industry in 20132020», «The development of industry and its competitiveness».

The concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation until 2020, approved by the Federal Government on November 17, 2008 № 1662-r, states that the most important sector of knowledge, employment and income generation during the next 10 — 15 years will be basic industries, transport, construction, and agricultural sectors. Russia has a significant competitive advantage in these sectors. However, it is here that the main growth barriers and performance failures have been accumulated [6].

The concept determines the following priority industries: aircraft engineering, motor engineering, rocket and space industry, shipbuilding, radio electronics, atomic energy, information and communication technology [7].

The final products of these industries have stable and growing markets abroad. Currently, the share of high-tech industries in the Russian industrial export equals 7 %, is much below the average 23—25 % for the OECD countries [8].

As a result of the governmental programs, by 2020 Russia it is expected to create new full-fledged infrastructure of industries including embedded innovative industries and research centers of the leading global corporations, to carry out the modernization of fixed assets, to expand the range and volume of production, to increase the competitiveness of Russian enterprises.

However, the adverse situation caused by the industrial growth slowdown cannot be overcome by creating separate innovation centers or by the conversion of some enterprises to a new level of technology. An appropriate overall level of technological development in the manufacturing industry ought to be established to bring pilot samples into industrial series successfully.

The world experience shows that only the overall level of industrial development that can ensure the effective implementation of scientific development in the mass production capable of conquering world markets [9].

A holistic system of measures to support and develop industry is necessary to jump from the exploitation of the existing production capacities to the modernization and the creation of new industries.

The federal law on industrial policy should become a legal foundation of a long-term governmental industrial policy. The adoption of such a law is particularly relevant in terms of the WTO membership; it requires integrated measures to stimulate the development of separate industries.

The ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation presented a Draft Federal Law «On industrial policy in the Russian Federation», which is currently undergoing public consultation.

In accordance with the project «industrial policy is a set of legal, economic, organizational, educational, informational, social, infrastructural and other measures of governmental exposure to industrial activities aimed at the development of the industrial potential of the Russian Federation, providing competitive products, balanced and sustainable development of the industry for socio -economic development and security of the Russian Federation» [6].

The industrial policy is aimed at regulating the activities of economic entities as a whole and individual aspects related to the acquisition of production factors, manufacturing, distribution and sale of goods and services. The active role of the government should be combined with the use of effective market mechanisms. Regulation should cover all phases of the entity's life cycle and the life cycle of its products.

In accordance with the definition of industrial activities used in the draft law the area of industrial policy regulation includes only manufacturing industries. In our view, taking into account the urgent need for fixed assets updating and modernization in manufacturing industries, the construction complex ought to be included into the legal field of the industrial policy.

The industrial policy in different countries as well as in a country in different historical periods differs in its purposes and the composition of its methods and tools.

Depending on the priority goals, three types of the industrial policy can be distinguished:

1. structural policy, encouraging cross-sectoral and cross-regional capital cross flows for financing the changes in the sectoral and regional industry structure in line with the objectives of the industrial policy;

2. investment policy, providing and stimulating investments into the industrial development and infrastructure;

3. innovative policy, facilitating the interaction of business, scientific and innovative structures, the formation of the incentives to innovative economic activities, the establishment of governmental guidelines for an innovative model of development [10].

A traditional type of the sectoral industrial policy which influences the relative importance of individual industries and enterprises is called «vertical politics» and a new functional type is named «horizontal policies». The latter includes activities common to a large number of industries and enterprises in the fields of legislative support, protection of property rights, administrative barriers elimination, promote innovation and others. On the horizontal type of policy emphasizes the European Commission — the supreme body of the EU executive which proposes measures to ensure the competitiveness of the European manufacturing industry as the most innovations take place just in this area [11].

The objectives of the industrial policy of the Russian Federation stated in the draft law are a stable and innovative industrial development, the achievement and maintenance of high competitiveness of the national economy, providing on that basis the solution of social problems and the national security of the Russian Federation [5].

Thus, an innovation-oriented model of the industrial policy is declared a priority. However, under the circumstances, the Russian business has little incentive to increase innovation. The reasons lie in the strong competition from foreign hightech companies, in the backwardness of the domestic technological base, and the lack of qualified personnel. So the government must execute the role of an innovative locomotive engine in Russia increasing the budget allocation to the science and technology development [12].

The industrial policy as а governmental activity in creating a framework for economic

entities affects the investment process because the flows of capital and investments are closely related [13]. Taking into account the situation of the manufacturing industry capital base, it can be concluded that the priorities of innovation model cannot be achieved without a coherent innovation policy providing the reproduction of fixed assets in the sectors where the pace of technological progress is relatively low alongside with investment in innovation.

The draft law proposes the following measures of financial support for enterprises:

1) the establishment of industry-specific development funds for lending to enterprises on terms competitive with the terms of lending in foreign countries;

2) the provision of subsidies for reimbursement of incurred and financing new spending on a competitive basis;

3) a special tax treatment or benefits for industrial clusters and industrial parks, for companies engaged in industrial leasing and companies executing projects of environmental safety improvement for industrial plants.

Under the conditions of resource limitations, the industrial policy improves the position of some sectors of economy and industry due to the relative deterioration of the other sectors [14].

Let us note that the industrial policy is effective only if the long-term benefit from the

development of priority sectors exceeds the potential damage from slowing down others.

Regional industrial policy should be included into the federal industrial policy and coordinated with it in terms of goals, objectives and directions. A high degree of regional differentiation of industrial development in Russia and significant differences in the level and quality of life indicate the importance of regional industrial policy which aims to increase the competitiveness of industrial enterprises, to create accumulation funds for public needs. It is important to build approaches to formation of regional industrial policy priorities based on the type, stage of development and specificity of each region [15]. To date, the laws on industrial policy adopted in more than 40 regions of the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that the draft law does not establish any sectoral or regional priorities for the industrial development. Nor is the procedure for establishing these priorities and mechanisms for evaluating the results of the industrial policy implementation that shifts these important problems into sublegislative and to regional level and creates the potential reinforcement of existing imbalances of the industrial and regional development.

Thus, being necessary and timely the Draft Federal Law «On industrial policy of Russian Federation» does not provide adequate regulation of a number of important issues.


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GUZIKOVA Liudmila A. — St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University. 195251. Politechnicheskaya str. 29. St. Petersburg. Russia. E-mail: guzikova@mail.ru

ГУЗИКОВА Людмила Александровна — доцент кафедры «Финансы и денежное обращение» Санкт-Петербургского государственного политехнического университета.

195251, ул. Политехническая, д. 29, Санкт-Петербург, Россия. E-mail: guzikova@mail.ru

© St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University, 2013

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