AGE AND GROWTH OF COMMON CARP (CYPRINUS CARPIO LINNAEUS, 1758) IN TUDAKUL RESERVOIR, UZBEKISTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Kamilov B.G., Mirzaev U.T., Mustafaeva Z.A.

The study was carried out from November 2011 to October 2012 in Tudakul reservoir, Uzbekistan. A total 422 common carps, Cyprinus carpio L., were sampled including 212 females and 210 males. Scale of common carp is cycloid, large, with straight edges. Annuli on scale of immature carp appear in March and of mature fish appear in May (during spawning period which occurs in second half of April - early May). The ages, total lengths and weights of the samples ranged between 1 to 7 years, 15 to 94 cm and 50 to 15000 g, respectively. The relation between total length (TL, cm) and weight (W, g) was described by equation W = 0.0193*TL2.956 (r = 0.99). The relationship between total length (TL) and standard length (SL) was described by linear equation: SL = 0.875*TL - 0.899 (r = 0.995). Mean back calculated total length was at age I - 20.5 cm, II - 37.5 cm, III - 51.4 cm, IV - 66.9 cm, V - 75.5 cm, VI - 84.2 cm, VII - 86.0 cm. In Tudakul reservoir, common carp growth rate is fast in compare with other regions of area and introductions of this species.

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местообитаний «Natura 2000». Ценность территорий-ядер определяется присутствием в составе их флоры 78 редких в Республике Молдова видов растений, представленных различными по численности локальными популяциями.

Список использованной литературы:

1. Андреев А.В., Изверская Т.Д. и др. Концепция создания экологической сети Республики Молдова //Сборник научных статей «Академику Л.С. Бергу - 125 лет». - Бендеры, 2001. - С. 153-215.

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3. Гейдеман Т.С. Определитель высших растений Молдавской ССР. - Кишинев: Штиинца, 1986. - Изд. 3. - 636 с.

4. Директория ключевых территорий Национальной экологической сети Республики Молдова //Andreev A., G. §abanova, T. Izverskaia [et al.]. - Chi§inäu: „Elena-V.I." SRL, 2012. - 700 p.

5. Изверская Т.Д., Гендов В.С., Шабанова Г.А. Операционный список сосудистых растений Республики Молдова //Dendrology, floriculture and landscape gardening. Materials of Int. Sci. Conf. Nikitsky Botanical Gardens, Yalta, Ukraine, June 5-8, 2012. - Vol. 2. - Р. 29.

6. Корчагин А.А. Видовой (флористический) состав растительных сообществ и методы его изучения //Полевая геоботаника. - Наука. Л.: 1964. - Т. III. - С. 39-202.

7. Красная книга Приднестровья /Мин. природных ресурсов и экол. контроля Приднестр. Молд. Респ. - Тирасполь: Б. и., 2009. - 376 c.

8. План управления Рамсарским сайтом «Нижний Днестр» /Андреев А., Е. Аникеев, Г. Шабанова, Т. Изверская [и др.]; под общей ред. А. Андреева. - Chi§inäu: „Elena-V.I.". 2011. - 574 p.

9. Смирнова-Гараева Н.В. Редкие растения Днестра и его водоемов //Охрана природы Молдавии. - Кишинев: «Штиинца», 1975. - Вып. 13. - С. 88-98.

10. Червона книга Украни. Рослинний свгг /Пд ред. Я.П.Дддуха. - К!ев: Глобалконсалтинг, 2009. - 900 с.

11. Черепанов С.К. Сосудистые растения России и сопредельных государств (в пределах бывшего СССР). - СПб.: Мир и семья. 1995. - 992 с.

12. Экологическое законодательство Республики Молдова (1996-1998). - Кишинев: Экологическое общество «Biotica», 1999. - 233 p.

13. Cartea Ro§ie a plantelor vasculare din Romania /Gheorghe Dihoru, Gavril Negrean. -Bucure§ti: «Editura Academiei Romane», 2009. - 630 p.

14. Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats. Bern, Switzerland. 1979. http://conventions.coe.int/Treaty/EN/Treaties/Html/10 4.htm.

15. Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora, O.J. L206, - P. 00070050.

16. Panzaru P., Negru A., Izverschii T. Taxoni ran din flora Republicii Moldova. - Chi§inau, 2002. - 148 p.

17. The Interpretation Manual of European Union Habitats. EUR 28. European Commission. DG Environment. - April, 2013. - 144 p.

18. The Red Book of the Pepublic of Moldova. -Chi§inau: L E. P. ,,§tiinta", 2001. - II edition. - 287 p.

19. The Red Book of the Pepublic of Moldova. -Chi§inau: L E. P. ,,§tiinta", 2015. - III edition. - 492 p.

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Kamilov B. G.

Senior scientific researcher, Flora and Fauna Gene Pool Institute of AS RUz

Mirzaev U.T.

Heard of laboratory of Hydrobiology& Ichthyology, Senior scientific researcher, Flora and Fauna Gene Pool Institute of AS RUz

Mustafaeva Z.A. Junior scientific researcher, Flora and Fauna Gene Pool Institute of AS RUz



Abstract: The study was carried out from November 2011 to October 2012 in Tudakul reservoir, Uzbekistan. A total 422 common carps, Cyprinus carpio L., were sampled including 212 females and 210 males. Scale of common carp is cycloid, large, with straight edges. Annuli on scale of immature carp appear in March and of mature fish appear in May (during spawning period which occurs in second half of April - early May). The ages, total lengths and weights of the samples ranged between 1 to 7 years, 15 to 94 cm and 50 to 15000 g, respectively. The relation between total length (TL, cm) and weight (W, g) was described by equation W = 0.0193*TL2956 (r = 0.99). The relationship between total length (TL) and standard length (SL) was described by linear equation: SL = 0.875*TL - 0.899 (r = 0.995). Mean back calculated total length was at age I - 20.5 cm, II - 37.5 cm, III - 51.4 cm, IV - 66.9 cm, V - 75.5 cm, VI - 84.2 cm, VII - 86.0 cm. In Tudakul reservoir, common carp growth rate is fast in compare with other regions of area and introductions of this species.


Key words: common carp, Cyprinus carpio, age, back-calculation, growth.


Common carp, Cyprinus carpio L, is endogenous fish in Uzbekistan [1 - 4]. The carp has high priority for fish consumption of the local community; it is supplied to the domestic market from aquaculture and fisheries.

Tudakul reservoir (fig. 1) was created for water storage and transition in the lower reach of Zerafshan River, Uzbekistan (39°51'15"N 64°50'29"E). This is an arid zone with extremely continental temporary climate. Summer is hot (average monthly air temperature in July is about 29oC, in daytime often is about 35-42oC). Winter is rather cold (average monthly temperature in January is -2oC, standing water bodies often are covered by ice for 1.5 months). Total area of reservoir is 22 000 ha, average depth is about 5 m, maximal depth is 22 m. Tudakul reservoir is stocked by large common carp summerlins (70 - 120 g) so as by silver carp, Hy-pophthalmichthys molitrix, bighead carp, H. nobilis, and grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella, each Autumn by "Aqua-Tudakul" fisheries company; stocking density of common carp was 103-168 fisf/ha since 2003 (or 110-112 tons of common carp summerlings with mean weight 30-50 g). "Aqua-Tudakul" company has created hatchery on the bank of reservoir and form broodstock from large fish caught in reservoir in Summer-Autumn for artificial reproduction. Summerlings of common carp and asian carps are produced in ponds of that hatchery. "Aqua-Tudakul" is a single company carried out fish capturing in reservoir. Fishermen use 5 commercial seines with large mesh (70 - 90 mm mesh in wings of seine net) because catch is oriented to large fishes (more than 1.5 kg). Catch of common carp in Tudakul reservoir was 141 - 326 tones in 2009-2010 years. Also carp natural reproduction occurs in reservoir, but water discharge from reservoir take place at time of larvae fattening. So, mass of larvae is carried out from reservoir to irrigation channels.

The study of age and growth is essential in fisheries and management. Estimating age and growth of common carp under conditions of irrigation reservoir and culture based fisheries is limited and fragmental [4]. The objective of this study is to study age and growth of common carp in Tudakul reservoir.

Material and methods

Fish samples were collected each 15 days from November 2009 to October 2010 from the Tudakul reservoir by using gill nets with 24, 32, 36, 40, 50, 60, 70, 90, 100, 110 and 120 mm in mesh size.

The total length (TL) in the nearest 1 mm and weight (W) in the nearest 1 g were recorded for each fish. Because of standard length (without caudal fin, to the end of scale coverlet) is main body size parameter for fish growth studies in the former USSR (and much of information is based on this parameter) the relationship with total length for transformation was studied. Standard length (SL) was also measured to the nearest 1 mm for each fish.

Scales (3-4 samples) were taken from 1st row above lateral line under 1st ray of dorsal fin. Scales were

cleaned in water and examined under binocular microscope for the age determination. Scales were measured with the aid of a microfiche under magnification 10,0x. Annuli measurements were taken along 5 transects (radiuses) from focus: front, back, lateral, diagonal between lateral and front sectors and diagonal between lateral and back sectors (fig. 2).

Index of relative scale size (J) was calculated for each fish according to Galkin [5] by using the formula: J = (d*100) / SL, where J= index, d = longitudinal diameter of scale in millimeters, SL = fish length without tail in millimeters.

The length-weight relationship was determined according to the equation: W = a* TLb, where W = fish weight in grams, TL = total length in centimeters, 'a' and 'b' are constants.


A total 422 specimen of common carps were sampled including 212 females and 210 males. Overall sex ratio between females and males was near to 1: 1.

Scale of common carp is cycloid with flat edges. Common carp belongs to fishes with large scale; index of relative scale size varied from 4.72 to 5.78 (mean 5.36). Quantity of scales in lateral line varied from 36 to 40 (mean 38).

During the colder months the sclerites (ridges) are crowded together on scales; during the warmer months sclerites are spaced further apart (wide to each other). Annuli (true year mark) are characterized by crowded sclerites. Rather often false rings can be found on scales of common carp as a result of different unusual events (when growth stop) during vegetation season. False ring are thin and open-ended, visible not around the whole scale, situated in zone of apart sclerites.

Annuli on scale of immature common carp appear in March and of mature fish appear in May (after spawning which occurs in second half of April - early May).

Annuli are visible in all sectors studied but in back sector not so distinctly.

Total length - scale size relationship had strong positive significant correlation (P - 0.05) for all transects studied (table 1), that's why all those transects can be used for growth rate determination. But annuli on diagonal (between lateral and front sectors) were visible more distinctly for us. That's why we have selected them in this study; relationship between total length and scale size was described by equations TL = 3.4*V -2.11, where TL = total length, cm, V = size of diagonal radius, mm (fig. 3). According to equations found, back-calculations were accomplished by using Fraiser-Lee's modification of direct proportional method [6].

Length - weight relationship. There were no significant differences between lengths of the sexes, so all of calculations were made using combined date (female + male). The ages, total lengths and weights of the samples ranged between 1 to 7 years, 15 to 94 cm and 50 to 15000 g, respectively. The relation between total length and weight were plotted for combined sexes (fig. 4).


The relationship between total length (TL) and standard length (SLl) was described by linear equation: SL = 0.875*TL - 0.899 (r = 0.995, n = 422).

Growth rate of common carp. The mean lengths and weights of different ages of bighead carp are given in table 2. Back-calculated growth of bighead carp is given in table 3. During first 3 years of age, growth increased at the higher rate, whereas, during further years, growth rate slowed due to the fish maturation.


Common carp is one of the most important aquaculture species in the world [7]. In Uzbekistan, common carp is also important species as for aquaculture so fisheries through restocking of plain lakes for residual waters storage and reservoirs for commercial ichthy-ofauna improving. In Tudakul reservoir, fisheries management uses regular stocking of common carp with density 103-168 summerlings/ha and catch at age 3-4 years and older. The idea is to produce bigger fish (more than 2 kg), so it will not be in competition with common carp from aquaculture (0.5-1 kg) and more valuable at the same time.

The common carp was among the first fish species for which age and growth estimation techniques were used. Such calcified structures as scale, otoliths, vertebrae, opercles, pectoral fin rays were used [8]. Otoliths have gained favour because of their lack of resorption and because otoliths growth is acellular rather then by calcification [9]. However, extraction and processing of common carp otoliths are time consuming and require sacrifice of fish. Lubinski et al. [10] concluded that scales are the best structure for age and growth estimating. Phelps et. al. [11] studied that relative average percent of differences in age estimation between scale and otoliths was 6.8 % for common carp at age up to 13 years old.

Fish growth study including back-calculation models are important tools in fisheries research and management that are used to determine past lengths and growth from the bony structures of fishes. Growth data provides confidence to fisheries biologists about fish population under environments in different ecosystems or management manipulations [12].

Fish growth can be affected by such factors as temperature, stocking density, food availability, and food quality [13, 14]. In Tudakul reservoir, common carp growth increased at the higher rate during first 4 years of age, whereas, during further years, growth rate slowed due to the fish maturation

In previous many-years studies, length without tail was used to estimate growth parameters of inland fishes including common carp in the former-USSR, and the total length in many other countries. All the comparisons were done ignoring this situation (table 4).

In Tudakul reservoir, common carp growth rate is higher than in water bodies of Oklahoma, Iowa, Arkan-zas (USA), northern part of Caspian Sea and lakes of Turkey and other reservoirs of Uzbekistan and neighbouring Tajikistan) [4, 15-18].

In commercial fisheries age and growth provides information on the productivity of a stock and at what rate it can be sustainably harvested. As stocking rate of summerlings is regulated factor, so carp reproduction

in reservoir is out of problems. Common carp growth under using stocking densities is favorable for fisheries.

In Tudakul reservoir, phenomenon of R. Lee did not show because "Aqua-Tudakul" fishing company is oriented to the catch of large size (more than 2 kg) fish. So, catch do not take away fish of first two-three years, all fish with different growth are presented in reservoir.

Our data shows that common carp in Tudakul reservoir has fast growth in compare with populations in region and in area including regions of introduction. As "Aqua-Tudakul" is first company used culture based fisheries in Uzbekistan, stocking density 100-170 summerlings/ha can be recommended as first preliminary rate of stocking for other plane lakes and reservoirs in the country.


1. Kamilov G.K. (1973). Ribi vodohranilisch Uz-bekistana (Fishes of reservoirs of Uzbekistan). Tashkent, FAN, 234 p. (in Russian).

2. Salikhov T.V., Kamilov B.G., Atadjanov A.K. (2001). Ribi Uzbekistana (Fishes of Uzbekistan). Tashkent, Chinor ENK, 152 p. (in Russian).

3. Murakaeva A., Kohlmann K., Kersten P., Kamilov B., Khabibullin D. (2003). Genetic characterization of wild and domesticated common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) populations from Uzbekistan. Aquaculture, (218): 153-166.

4. Kamilov G., Urchinov Z.U. (1995). Fish and fisheries in Uzbekistan under the impact of irrigated agriculture. In: Inland fisheries under the impact of irrigated agriculture: Central Asia. FAO Fisheries Circular, N 894, Rome, FAO, pp. 10-41.

5. Galkin G.G. (1958). Atlas cheshui presnovod-nih kostistih rib (Atlas of scales of freshwater os-tiichthies fishes). Isvestiya Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-is-sledovatelskogo Instituta Ozernogo i Rechnogo Ribnogo Khozyaistva, (44): 1-105 (in Russian).

6. Chugunova N. I. (1963). Age and growth studies in fish. National Science Foundation, Washington D.C., 132 p.

7. FAO. (2012). The state of World Fisheries and Aquaculture, 2012. Rome, FAO, 227 pp.

8. Carlander K. D. (1987). A history of scale age and growth studies of North American freshwater fishes. In: R. C. Summerfelt and G. E. Hall (editors), Age and growth of fish. Iowa State University Press, Ames., pp. 3-14.

9. Secor D. H., Dean J.M., Campana S.E. (1995). Recent developments in fish otolith research. University of South Carolina Press, Columbia.

10. Lubinski K. S., Jackson S.D., Hartsfield B.N. (1984). Age structure and analysis of carp populations in the Mississippi and Illinois rivers. Illinois Natur. History Surv., Aquatic Biology Tech. Report, 9, Champaign.

11. Phelps Q.E, Kris E.R., Willis D.W. (2007), Precision of Five Structures for Estimating Age of Common Carp. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 27:103-105.

12. Klumb R. A., Bozek A., Frie R. V. (1999). Validation of Dahl-Lea and Fraser-Lee backcalculated models by using oxytetracycline-marked blue gills and

blue gill x green sunfish hybrids. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 19: 504-514.

13. Gasaway R. D. (1978). Growth, survival and harvest of grass carp in Florida lakes. pp 167-183. IN: R. O. Smitherman, W. L. Shelton, and J. H. Grover, eds. Symposium on culture of exotic fishes. Am. Fish. Soc, Auburn, Ala.

14. Bonar S. A., Thomas G.L., Thiesfeld S.L., Pauley G.B., Stables T.B. (1993). Effect of triploid grass carp on the aquatic macrophyte community of Devils Lake, Oregon. North American Journal Fisheries Management, 13:757-765.

15. Mauck P.E., Summerfelt R.C. (1970). Length-weighn relationships, age composition, growth and

condition factors of carp in Lake Carl Blackwell. Proc. Okla. Acad. Sci., 50: 61-68.

16. Karatas M., Cicek E., Basusta A., Basusta, N. ( 2007). Age, growth and mortality of common carp (Cyprinus carpio Linneaus, 1758) population in Almus Dam Lake (Tokat- Turkey). Journal of Applied Biol. Sci., 3: 81-85, 200.

17. Sedaghat S., Hoseini S.A., Larijani M., Ranjbar K.Sh. (2013). Age and growth of common carp (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758) in southern Caspian Sea, Iran. World Journ. of Fisheries and Marine Sci., 5 : 71-73.

18. Maksunov V.A. (1968). Ribi Tadjikistana (Fishes of Tajikistan). Donish, Dushanbe, 100 p. (in Russian).

Table 1.

Correlation coefficients between common carp total length and different scale radiuses sizes

Scale radius Correlation coefficient Number of fish

Back 0.97 310

Diagonal between lateral and back sectors 0.98 300

Front 0.98 340

Lateral 0.98 340

Diagonal between lateral and front sectors 0.98 340

Mean length (TL) and weight (W) of common carp by age groups

Table 2:

Age grou PS


TL (cm) 15 - 29 22.5+1.01 26.5 - 55 42.3+1.17 41 - 67 53.2+1.19 54 - 79 64.3+0.83 62 - 93 76.9+3.39 72 - 90.5 84.4+2.82 - 87 - 94 89.7+4.28

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SL (cm) 12.5 - 25 18.9+0.9 20 - 47 36+1.04 32.5 - 58 45.4+1.04 47 - 65.5 55.5+0.68 54 - 80 66.5+2.89 62 - 80 73.9+2.75 - 75 - 82 77.5+4.41

W (g) 50 - 455 197.8+28.7 288 - 2300 1373+99.8 1160 - 4670 2444+167.4 2640 - 6320 4224+164.4 4700 -12600 7157+897.5 6000-13000 10100+983.3 - 10690-15000 12300+2662

Fish number 47 122 97 115 25 13 0 3

Table 3:

The mean calculated total length (cm) determined by back-calculation method according to age groups of

common carp (males and females combined) in Tudakul reservoir, Uzbekistan

Year class Age group Number fish Back-calculated length according to age group


2010 I 47 22.9

2009 II 122 21.4 42.6

2008 III 97 15.5 35.8 48.9

2007 IV 115 19.4 36.4 52.5 66.8

2006 V 25 18.8 36.7 57.0 69.4 76.6

2005 VI 13 24.6 39.1 50.2 71.0 78.5 87.5

2003 VII 3 21.1 34.3 48.5 60.5 71.5 80.9 86.0 89.7

Mean total length 20.5 37.5 51.4 66.9 75.5 84.2 86.0 89.7

Mean annual increment 20.5 16.9 13.9 15.5 8.6 8.7 1.8 3.7

Growth of common carp in different regions

Table 4.

Region * Mean length in each age (cm) Authors



raraQr mm

Grand Lake, Oklahoma, USA TL 17.2 25.4 31.5 39.1 43.2 52.8 [ 15 ]

Lake Carl Blackwell, Oklahoma, USA TL 10.8 19.1 26.6 32.8 38.9 43.9 47.9 50.4 51.9 57.7 [ 15 ]

Arkansas river, USA TL 5.1 14.2 21.1 27.9 33.8 38.1 41 45.2 46.7 48.2 [ 15 ]

Spirit lake, Iowa, USA TL 12.2 19.5 26.4 31 35.5 38.8 42.9 47 55.1 59.9 [ 15 ]

Almus Dam Lake, Turkey TL 16.7 20.9 24.5 27.6 30.3 32.6 34.5 [ 16 ]

Caspean Sea (south), Iran TL 23 24.6 32.4 36.4 39.7 43.1 48.9 50.4 [ 17 ]

Lake Dengiskul, Uzbekistan SL - 17.1 30.7 41.3 52.2 59.6 63.1 74.8 87 [ 4 ]

Talimardjan reservoir, Uzbekistan SL 15.7 27 37.7 47.7 56.4 62.8 67.4 70.7 74.8 80.9 [ 4 ]

Kairakum reservoir, Tadjikistan SL 10.6 19.9 27.4 31.1 [ 18 ]

Tudakul reservoir, Uzbekistan TL 20,5 37,5 51,4 66,9 75,5 84,2 86,0 This study

SL 16,8 31,8 44,1 57,8 65,2 72,8 74,4

* - TL - total length, SL - length without tail

Figure 1: Tudakul reservoir in Uzbekistan

Figure 2: Common carp chart and transects (radiuses) of measuring: AO - back, C2O or D2O - diagonal between lateral and back sectors, BO - front, CO or DO - lateral, C1O or D1O - diagonal between lateral and front



Figure 3. Total length - scale (front and diagonal between lateral and front sectors radiuses) size relationship of

common carp in Tudakul reservoir, Uzbekistan.

Total length, cm

Figure 4. Total length - weight relationship of common carp in Tudakul reservoir, Uzbekistan

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