Научная статья на тему 'Adult situation on polish labor market'

Adult situation on polish labor market Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
polish labor market / raising professional qualifications / adult education / employment status / the progress of civilization

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Strzałkowska Iwona

Article takes up the subject of the situation of adults in the Polish labor market. Shows the frequency of taking courses, training and other activities aimed at improving professional qualifications, with the distinction of age, sex, current level of education etc. Moreover, reveals reasons the constant compulsion to acquire higher professional skills.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Adult situation on polish labor market»


I. Strzatkowska

Article takes up the subject of the situation of adults in the Polish labor market. Shows the frequency of taking courses, training and other activities aimed at improving professional qualifications, with the distinction of age, sex, current level of education etc. Moreover, reveals reasons the constant compulsion to acquire higher professional skills.

Key words: polish labor market, raising professional qualifications, adult education, employment status, the progress of civilization.

Changes in the work is a result of many factors. In Poland, since 1989 a significant impact on these changes were political changes, scientific and technical progress (automation and robotization), the transition from the physical to intellectual work. This resulted in a change the qualifications of employees. 1

Level of education attained in a very significant impact on participation in employment. The higher the education, the more likely that a person will be active in the labor market. Worth noting that, in relation to higher education to have only an average of men cause more than 20% less likely to be active in the labor market, while for women the difference is significantly higher - a woman with secondary education is almost 60% less likely to remain in the labor market. 2 Analysis of those aged 18 and over using educational services and consideration of the status of the labor market indicates that in 2013 approximately 63.6% were economically inactive, of which approximately 86.8% are under the age of 24 years, which are still in the school education system. In the group of economically active persons aged 18 years and older, who benefited from educational services, only 13.2% were unemployed. In the process of raising qualifications among people aged over 24 years working mainly involved who are still relatively higher qualifications than unemployed or economically inactive. Among workers that the unemployed over 18 years of age having activity education most often women, which accounted for 58.3% of the unemployed and 58.5% of the working. Active people and educationally benefited mainly from the services provided in the school system - 81.7% of unemployed and 70.2% of workers. Note the increase in the importance of educational services rendered mode of non-school in 2013, especially in the case of employers.3

Education throughout life and especially raising professional qualification is one of the foundations of the European Employment Strategy.4 The rapid changes in the economy and its external relations require active and long-term actions that will help prepare for new challenges. One of the primary ways is investment in human throughout life. To be able to design appropriate actions both at the state

1 T. Pilch, Czlowiek dorosly w scenariuszu zycia rodzinnego, in: Wprowadzenie do andragogiki, T. Wujek (red.), Warszawa, 1996.

2 I. E. Kotowska (red.), Rynek pracy i wykluczenie spoleczne w kontekscie percepcji Polakow. Diagnoza spoleczna 2013. Raport tematyczny, Warszawa, 2014.

3 http://www.diagnoza.com/pliki/raporty_tematyczne/Rynek_pracy_i_wykluczenie_spoleczne.pdf

4 http://ec.europa.eu/social


level, as in the workplace, increase the activity of adult education, it is necessary to know the determinants of vocational training making.


The structure of people aged 25 or older participating in any activity associated with the raising of qualification of their professional or other skills in the years 2005-2007, 2007-2009, 2009-2011 and 2011-2013by gender, education, place of residence and age (in percent)1

Demographic and Social Features The proportion of people aged 25 years and more involved in raising qualification of their professional or other skills in the years

2005-2007 2007-2009 2009-2011 2011-2013

Altogether 11,7 11,9 10,7 9,6

Women 56,8 51,9 54,0 56,1

Men 43,2 48,1 46,0 43,9

Higher and Vocational 57,5 57,4 62,2 63,4

Average 28,5 29,0 24,7 25,2

Basic vocational 11,8 11,9 10,6 9,5

Primary and below 2,2 1,7 2,5 1,9

Cities over 500 000 residents 23,6 24,1 25,2 27,3

Cities from 200 to 500 000 residents 17,0 17,2 17,2 16,9

Cities from 100 to 200 000 residents 8,4 8,0 8,0 8,4

Cities from 20 to 100 000 residents 19,6 19,2 20,0 18,4

Cities below 20 000 residents 11,8 10,4 10,6 10,6

The village 19,6 21,0 19,0 18,4

25-29 years 25,8 27,3 25,7 22,8

30-34 years 20,9 18,7 19,9 19,8

35-39 years 14,3 16,4 16,2 16,6

40-44 years 12,8 12,0 12,6 12,7

45-49 years 10,4 10,6 9,2 9,2

50-54 years 9,3 8,4 8,0 8,5

55 years and more 6,4 6,6 8,5 10,3

1 I. E. Kotowska (red.), Rynek pracy i wykluczenie spofeczne w kontekscie percepcji Polakow. Diagnoza spofeczna 2013. Raport tematyczny, Warszawa, 2014.


The source: research team I. E. Kotowska

Table shows that the typical person participating in any activity associated with improving their professional qualifications or other skills is still a person with higher education, aged 25-34, living in a big city, more woman than a man. The data in the table confirm the selectivity of the process of improving professional skills in relation to the place of residence, particularly unfavorable for the villagers. With the increase in size of the place of residence of the activity related to professional development is often taken by the residents. These results confirm the highly selective nature of the process of adult education.

In the XXI century labor market has become global, which is exemplified by undertaking of work for two million Poles in the European Union1. The world has become more open. Presents us with ever-increasing demands. It does not ignore the Polish labor market. Employee can not be passive. Now almost every profession requires constant improvement of the knowledge. Very of ten, to stop the work, the employee must regularly certify the new qualifications.

Raising the qualifications of professional or other skills by people aged 25 years and more frequently takes the form financed by the employer (about 36% of responses in 2005-2007, nearly 40-42% in 2007-2013). Training, which directs the employer, are usually the most effective due to employment prospects. Slightly less employees use training courses financed from its own resources. Invariably, about 7-8% of the respondents indicated to undertake educational activities associated with raising other skills, eg. learning to ride.2

Poland, as a country of the former communist bloc, has a special task when it comes to adult education- should complement the competency gaps among people aged 45+ who ended formal education yet in the previous system. These vulnerabilities may relate to language competence, skills the use of ICT’s and many general competences necessary for navigating the job market and the functioning of the information society. 3

Depreciation of knowledge is inextricably associated with the rapid development technology, which creates the opportunities. Appears new products, services and industries. Experts Academy of Sciences estimates that by 2025, the creation of 250-300 thousand new jobs in the knowledge-based competition and it will be about 45% of all new jobs. Access to them will be reserved for those who are versed the continuing development of skills. 4

You can not to plan professional life in one company, because can it does not meet the global competition. There can also be programmed to plan entire professional life in one of specializations, because progress technology can cause that this specialty disappear. It is very probable, for example, the replacement of RFID cards cashiers in supermarkets, and computer diagnostics already replaced the "mechanics of the twentieth century" in the automotive stations service. This means new jobs, which will require totally different competencies.5

1 Raport o Kapitale Intelektualnym Polski, Warszawa, 2008.

2 I. E. Kotowska (red.), Rynek pracy i wykluczenie spofeczne w kontekscie percepcji Polakow. Diagnoza spofeczna 2013. Raport tematyczny, Warszawa, 2014.

3 Raport o Kapitale Intelektualnym Polski, Warszawa, 2008.

4 http://www.pan.pl/

5 Raport o Kapitale Intelektualnym Polski, Warszawa, 2008.


Analysis of adult education activities, considered as the use of a specific service and extracurricular school mode and the use of professional development still do not change substantially the assessment process of lifelong learning. Still visible is its high selectivity for people aged over 25 years. Educational activity take the young, well-educated, with higher incomes, professionally active, living in large cities people. However, you can notice an increase in the use of all types of classes, courses, training, etc. which are intended to raise the status of the employee. This is due to the development of the state, the progress of civilization, changing the mentality of people and other. I my opinion it is good, and will be even better.


1. Kotowska I. E. (red.), Rynek pracy i wykluczenie spoteczne w kontekscie percepcji Polakow. Diagnoza spoteczna 2013. Raport tematyczny, Warszawa, 2014.

2. Raport o Kapitale Intelektualnym Polski, Warszawa, 2008.

3. Pilch T., Cztowiek dorosty w scenariuszu zycia rodzinnego, in: Wprowadzenie do andragogiki, T. Wujek (red.), Warszawa, 1996.

4. http://www.pan.pl/

5. http://www.diagnoza.com/pliki/raporty_tematyczne/Rynek_pracy_i_wykluczenie_spoleczne. pdf


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