Научная статья на тему 'Additional services as part of the organizational and economic mechanism of development of hotel complex'

Additional services as part of the organizational and economic mechanism of development of hotel complex Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Bashinskaya V.A.

The article considers the main aspects of organizational-economic mechanism functioning at the hotel industry and the role of management mechanism on the way to successful business running and competitive advantages. One of the ways of improving of this mechanism is creating and implementation of additional services.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Additional services as part of the organizational and economic mechanism of development of hotel complex»


© Bashinskaya V.A.*

Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok

The article considers the main aspects of organizational-economic mechanism functioning at the hotel industry and the role of management mechanism on the way to successful business running and competitive advantages.

One of the ways of improving of this mechanism is creating and implementation of additional services.

Key words: Management mechanism, organizational-economic mechanism, hotel business of extra services, additional services.

Hotel business is one of the important components of the service sector in Russia. Its effective functioning facilitates the social and economic revival of country’s development and its separate regions. Hotel industry has a great influence on the tourism as a factor of Russian’s prestige eminence and it is a continual source of the foreign currency incomings.

Hotel industry has to be the one of the effective means of the market mechanism, revenue incomings, and creation of the new working positions, regions’ support.

The tendencies of the Russian economic development are characterized by the high dynamism, structure improvements’ activation in favor of service sector, aggravation of the competition. The outside environment’s processes acquire the features of integration, complementarities and causalities. These phenomena stipulate for the necessity of scientific search of the new mechanisms and methods of strategic hotel management.

Every hotel develops its own principles of management. The general principles include: scientism (the use of the current scientific developments to ensure the highest social and economic effect); equity; integration and system (the covering of all spheres of personnel management and interconnection, interdependence of its separate components: economic, organizational, social and other aspects); succession; equity and absence of discrimination; economy (the ensuring of payback of personnel management actions); concreteness and addressing.

Nowadays the actuality of management mechanism problem determination of the hotels development causes the necessity of revision, improvement and addition of some approaches of the organizational-economic mechanism’s formation and the usage of management mechanism by hotels.

* Магистр 1 -го курса по специальности «Г остиничное дело» (Hospitality management) кафедры Сервиса и туризма.

Экономика, организация и управление предприятиями, отраслями, комплексами


The economic system is «... part of system of higher order - the social and economic. It is difficult, probabilistic, dynamic system, covering processes of production, an exchange, distribution and consumption material benefits...» [1].

Economic system often calls any private economic object, emphasizing its difficult system character. In this sense speak about firm, the enterprise, the region, branch as about «economic system».

The economic-mathematical dictionary defines SET as «. a set of the elements possessing some general properties essential to their characteristic, but not the surely system properties» [1].

Organizational-economic mechanism of management is an aggregate of organizational and economic factors that make an influence on the economic and organizational parameters of management system that contribute to forming and strengthening of organizational-economic potential, receiving competitive advantages and company’s effective operation [2]. The mechanism of management consists of the following components: management principles and problems, methods, forms and instruments of management, organizational structure of company’s management and its personnel, information and means of its processing.

As additional services are part of organizational and economic system, their classification is represented actual from the point of view of studying the organizational and economic mechanism and its improvement in particular.

According to GOST 50646-2012 «Services to the population», the term «service» is defined as result of direct interaction of the performer and consumer, and also own activity of the performer of services in satisfaction of need of the consumer of services. The functional purpose of service are subdivided on material and welfare. Material service - service in satisfaction of material and household needs of the consumer of services which rendering includes the activity which is carried out in relation to a material product, including, provided by the consumer. Welfare (non-material) service - service in satisfaction of spiritual, intellectual, ethical needs and maintenance of normal activity of the consumer, including maintenance and recovery of health, spiritual and physical development of the personality, professionalism increase. Refer the services providing simultaneous satisfaction of material and household and welfare needs of consumers of services to the mixed services.

By definition of specialists of the Russian state university of tourism and service, «service is no other than useful effect of consumer cost of goods or direct work».

Hotel service consists of the following components:

- services of providing number with a berth where the guest can accommodate;

- other services which are carried out by the personnel of hotel (cleaning of number, registration of the guest, food, etc. services).

Hotel service represents continuous interaction of the personnel and client during his stay in hotel taking into account organizational structure of manage-


ment. Hotel service can't be carried out without client; in this regard he becomes part of this system and has direct impact on formation of hotel service.

Quality of the provided services has to correspond to terms of the contract, and at absence or incompleteness of terms of the contract - to the requirements which are usually shown to these services.

If regulations provided obligatory requirements to services, quality of the provided services has to conform to these requirements.

Material support of hotel, the list and quality of the provided services have to conform to requirements of the category appropriated to it.

The services provided in hotels are subdivided into the main and additional. They can be free and paid.

Accommodation and food belong to the main services.

Additional services can be paid and free. Without additional payment the following types of service can be provided to guests: call of ambulance, use of the medical first-aid kit, delivery in number of correspondence at its receiving, reveille by certain time, granting boiled water, needles, threads, one set of ware and tableware.

Besides free additional services, hotels provide the whole complex of various additional services paid separately. The list and quality of providing paid additional services has to conform to requirements the appropriated hotel of category. To services of hotels, according to Classification of hotels of the Russian Federation, belong:

- service of reception and placement (round the clock),

- door-keeper,

- baggage tray,

- daily cleaning of number,

- change bed linen daily,

- change of towels daily or at the request of the guest,

- washing,

- ironing,

- cleaning of clothes,

- services of the secretary, translator, messenger,

- rendering of services of the business center,

- storage of values in the safe,

- storage of baggage,

- currency exchange,

- reception of credit cards,

- transfer,

- taxi call,

- hire of the car,

- booking or sale of tickets,

- tourist services,

- call of ambulance, use of the first-aid kit.

Экономика, организация и управление предприятиями, отраслями, комплексами


The services offered by hotel have to be in an available place, and in a lobby, on a front desk and in number there have to be brochures with the description of services and their cost [3].

Additional services are the indispensable making activity of any hotel. The defining factor for increase in quantity and improvement of quality of additional services is orientation of the hotel enterprise to this or that category of lodgers. In other words, a variety and quality of the provided services to certain segments of the market of tourist services directly are connected with demand degree on these services.

The standard set of services limited to accommodation and food doesn't give to the hotel enterprise of particular competitive advantages therefore hotels try to think up absolutely unique ways of involvement of new guests and satisfaction of their requirements.

The income is the major motivating factor in the organization of additional service. But in a pursuit of profit you shouldn't be fond and create ridiculous services which won't justify themselves at all. For example, the Vladivostok hotel «Azimut», doesn't have sense to arrange a helipad near the building as she shouldn't count on guests who are able to afford movements by helicopter. And here the well-known Dubai hotel «Burj Al Arab» uses this type of air transport for delivery of especially important persons.

The following important factor influencing existence of these or those hotel services is the functional purpose of hotel. According to experts, as a rule, the ratio of the income of means of placement from the main and additional services is in the ratio 60 / 40 %. However, in resort hotels a situation the return: The hotel gains 40 % of the income from sale of numbers and 60 % earn on additional services. In this regard, for loading increase the infrastructure of a number of resort hotels can include pools, akvagorka, bowling, tennis courts, sports grounds, stadiums, a Spa complexes, etc. Besides, when forming services are considered needs of guests of all age. In resort hotels there can be a large number of clubs on interests: master classes from the chef or experts of a Spa complex, paintball club, cigar, school of arts, etc. The entertaining infrastructure of resort hotels is calculated first of all on the living.

Character and width of a set of additional services it is closely connected with average number of nights which the guest spends in hotel. Business hotels are intended for business tourists, travelers who stop, as a rule, for 2-3 days (or even less). For this reason the set of services in such hotels is limited. As shows experiment of the international business hotels, become the most demanded following from them: free parking; access to wi-fi in the territory of all hotel; small fitness center; conference rooms and meeting rooms.

Accommodation term in resort or sports hotels (and also sanatoria) is connected with long summer holiday or treatment (prevention). It considerably increases the stay term (more than 10 days). From here, and the list of additional


services becomes more various. Moreover, existence of additional services allows resort hotels to compensate a difference between high and low seasons due to involvement of locals. It is fair and for city hotels which turn into multipurpose complexes today: the hotel is combined with the business center, an aqua park, shopping center, a casino, etc.

The important factor causing existence of these or those additional services is the season. So, hotel working all the year round tries to level a profit indicator during a low flow of tourists in relation to a peak season. In this case they resort to the organization of various entertainment programs, holidays included in accommodation cost. Under certain initial conditions and the correct organization of process additional services are a serious help in work of the hotel enterprise. Development of additional services allows not only to expand the list of offers for clients of hotel, but also to involve in visit of hotel complex of residents. Presently it is already not enough to hotel to provide to the client usual number with a breakfast. As the key factor influencing increase of loading of hotel thanks to additional services, certainly, quality of service acts. In this regard, the key part at the organization of additional services is assigned to employees, them rendering. It first of all, instructors, animators, trainers, etc. In a number of hotels such service as «sport partner» is provided: if the guest came to play tennis, billiards, bowling, to it will surely offer the partner [5].

Thus, each hotel offers the visitors as the main and additional services. For attraction and deduction of guests it is necessary for hotels, being guided by various segments of the market of tourist services, to create new services according to focus of the hotel enterprise. The range of additional services is most widely presented in resort, improving and business hotels where visitors seldom when remain are happy with a narrow range of additional services.


1. Lopatnikov L.I. Ekonomiko-matematichesky dictionary. 2003. Electronic access: http://slovari.yandex.ru/

2. Economic mechanism of management of development of the enterprises / I.V Alekseev. - Lvov, 2010. - 154 p.

3. Rubinshtein E.D., Belyh S.V Assessment of investment activity of the region // Territory of new opportunities. Vestnik of Vladivostok State University of economic and service. - 2012. - № 1. - C. 33-38.

4. Rubinshtein E.D., Avdeev M.A. Economic: world hysterical experience and modern problems / edited by Klunko. - Stavropol, 2013. - Volume 2.

5. Balashova, E.A. Hotel business. How to reach faultless service: educational grant / E.A. Balashova. - M.: Publishing house «Top», 2012. - 103 p.

6. Rubinshtein E.D., Avdeev M.A. Financial management of economic system development / Center of development of scientific cooperation; edited by S.S. Chernova. - Novosibirsk, 2014. - Volume 12.

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