ADDICTION IS THE PLAGUE OF THE CENTURY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Pazliddinov A.V.

In this article discusses about addiction is the plague of the century and given some important information about it.

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Текст научной работы на тему «ADDICTION IS THE PLAGUE OF THE CENTURY»

Pazliddinov A. V. senior lecturer

2nd Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences



Abstract: In this article discusses about addiction is the plague of the century and given some important information about it.

Keywords: plague, drugs, psychostimulating, promedol, sympathomimetic.

Psychotropic drugs (Greek psych-soul, consciousness + tropos turn, direction; synonymous with psychopharmacological drugs) are drugs that affect mental functions, emotional sphere and behavior. There are the following (the main groups of P. s.: Neuroleptic drugs, lithium preparations (see Lithium salts), Tranquilizers, Sedatives, Nootropic drugs, Antidepressants and psychostimulants (Psychostimulating and analeptic drugs). Drugs of other groups of drugs also have a psychotropic effect, for example, narcotic analgesics (morphine, promedol, etc.), sympathomimetic drugs (ephedrine), ketamine, ethyl alcohol. However, their psychotropic effect is not the main, but concomitant, and therefore such drugs are not classified as a psychotropic drug.

Each of the groups of psychotropic drugs is characterized by a certain direction of psychotropic action. Thus, antipsychotic drugs have an antipsychotic effect, i.e. the ability to weaken the productive symptoms of psychosis (delusions, hallucinations, mental automatisms). The mechanism of action of neuroleptics is associated with a depressant effect on copaminergic transmission in the nigrostriatal, mesolimbic and mesocortical areas of the brain, which explains both the psychotropic and some manifestations of the side effects of drugs in this group, manifested in the form of extrapyramidal disorders (parkinsonism, tardive dyskinesia).

Antidepressants (nialamid, imizin, amitriptyline, etc.) have a positive fusion in affective disorders, which is accompanied by an improvement in the general mental state and mood. The antidepressant effect of certain drugs in this group can be combined with a psychostimulant (for example, nialamide) or psychosedative (for example, amitriptyline) action. At the heart of the mechanism of action of antidepressants on the central nervous system. lies their ability to enhance the effects of endogenous neurotransmitters from among monoamines (norepinephrine, etc.) in various ways. Antidepressants are used for psychogenic and somatic depressive states. Antipsychotics are used mainly for the relief of psychotic disorders in various mental illnesses, and also as antiemetics (Antiemetics).

Lithium preparations have selective activity in manic states and are used for the relief and prevention of these states, for example, in manic-depressive psychosis.

Tranquilizers (sibazon, phenazenam, chlozepid, etc.) have an anxiolytic and calming effect on the central nervous system, and therefore are widely used for various emotional disorders of a neurotic and neurosis-like nature (emotional tension, anxiety, fear, etc.). ). In addition, they have a moderate hypnotic, anticonvulsant and muscle-relaxing effect), which allows you to prescribe tranquilizers as; hypnotics (hypnotics), as well as in the treatment of certain forms of epilepsy and diseases of the central nervous system that occur with increased skeletal muscle tone, for example, with spastic paralysis.

Sedatives (bromides and preparations of valerian root, motherwort grass, passionflower and a number of other plants) have a moderately pronounced sedative effect and, along with tranquilizers, are widely used, especially in outpatient practice, for various neurotic conditions, insomnia, increased irritability, etc.

Nootropic drugs have an activating effect on impaired mnestic and intellectual functions of the brain. The drugs of this group can be considered as structural analogs of the inhibitory neurotransmitter aminobutyric acid (piracetam, sodium hydroxybutyrate, phenibut, pantogam) or some vitamins (pyriditol). Nootropics improve energy metabolism in the brain tissue, activate the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids, facilitate learning and memory processes, and exhibit an antihypoxic effect.

Amphetamines will also help manage obesity and depressive disorder, which has been proven by researchers at the State University of New York. Recent studies at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden have shown that the drug can also help heart attack patients recover faster. Recall that, for medical reasons, these drugs were previously prescribed very often and to almost everyone, until bans were introduced in a number of countries.

Opioid receptor antagonists. The drugs in this group include the painkiller "Tramadol", which is used in palliative therapy to relieve severe pain in cancer patients.

Basically, drug addiction develops in people as a result of street use, without any medical control. In modern medicine, the use of narcotic drugs occurs under the watchful supervision of doctors, and cases of dependence are mainly provoked by the uncontrolled use of certain drugs. Basically, this is the development of the so-called breaking. This is possible with regular use of heavy opiate drugs or morphine. But, as we have already said, such drugs are prescribed only to terminally ill people in order to somehow alleviate their pain. On the other hand, psychological dependence can always develop, without physical symptoms. In this case, medical care after taking drugs is in the form of psychotherapy. Also, the medical consequences of drugs include dependence, which occurs against the background of taking (in 95% of cases - uncontrolled)

sedatives and hypnotics. That is, the patient may develop anxiety, insomnia, apathy, and sometimes a depressive disorder. That is why constant monitoring by a treating specialist is important.

The main ones include: nausea and vomiting, convulsive phenomena, tachycardia, arrhythmia, depression of consciousness, hallucinations, unreasonable outbursts of aggression, panic attacks, deterioration or memory lapses, pain in the abdomen and chest. The most dangerous consequence of consumption is death.

Nalbuphine is a narcotic drug used in the treatment of pain syndromes of varying severity. It is a frequent companion of drug addiction, used by a drug addict to obtain euphoria and a calming effect.

The use in the recommended dosages (in the treatment regimen) does not cause serious consequences. But if the recommendations are not followed or the drug is abused, the following consequences appear: respiratory depression, withdrawal syndrome in opiate addicts, relaxation of smooth muscles, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, chronic hypanthia. In cases of severe overdose, death is possible.

Treatment of drug addicts. The process of treating pharmacy drug addicts is more complicated than the treatment of ordinary addicts - this is due to the fact that it is not difficult for a drug addict to find a drug, it is sold in the nearest pharmacies. Therefore, in the process of treating such drug addicts, special attention is paid to the psychological component. Psychologists begin their work at the time of admission and do not finish at the stage of rehabilitation of drug addicts in the center.

Drug addiction treatment is always complex, including: consultation with a narcologist, initial examination, detoxification, drug treatment, and a course of rehabilitation. The duration of treatment depends on the complexity of the problem, the chosen method, the individual characteristics of the patient's body and a number of other factors.


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"Экономика и социум" №12(103)-2 2022



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