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УДК 37.013
Науменко Егор Евгеньевич, кандидат экономических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры экономической теории, Тюменский государственный университет (г. Тюмень, РФ). E-mail:
Статья посвящена проблемам и противоречиям, которые могут возникнуть при реализации Проекта 5-100 в образовательной среде России, в частности, Урала и Сибири. Авторы акцентируют внимание на трех составляющих Проекта: повышение требований к научной деятельности, мораторий на «инбридинг» и введение категории «постдок». В статье поднимается вопрос о неготовности ряда российских университетов, вошедших в Проект, к масштабным переменам, что может вызвать разрушение их научного потенциала. Авторы проанализировали проблему с акцентом на Тюменский государственный университет, так как именно в нем разработана наиболее кардинальная Программа преобразований.
Анализ Проекта 5-100 осуществлен с позиций цивилизационного методологического подхода и рассматривает реализацию модели в условиях возможного диссонанса англосаксонской и российской культур. Полагаем, что целесообразно использовать диалектику Гегеля, в частности, «Закон отрицания отрицания», для обоснования обязательного прохождения университетами всех этапов развития перед тем, как включиться в Проект 5-100. При нарушении этого правила начинается деформация системы, что может повлечь разрушение научного потенциала ряда вузов. В исследовании использован сравнительный метод, позволивший соотнести условия деятельности университетов в урало-сибирском регионе и других территорий России и Запада.
Источники исследования включают две группы: 1) нормативные акты по реализации Проекта: Указ Президента РФ от 07 мая 2012 года № 599 «О мерах по реализации государственной полити-
ки в области науки и образования»; Распоряжение Правительства от 29 октября 2012 года № 2006-р; Программы повышения конкурентоспособности семи университетов; 2) интервью с должностными лицами университетов Урала и Сибири, ответственными за проведение реформы.
Цель настоящей статьи - выявить наиболее общие проблемы реализации Проекта 5-100 для университетов урало-сибирского региона и обосновать необходимость создания для них дополнительных условий, связанных с сохранением и приумножением их интеллектуального капитала.
Ключевые слова: Проект 5-100, международное сотрудничество, Тюменский государственный университет, «инбреды», «постдоки».
Naumenko Egor Evgenevich, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Economic Theory, Tyumen State University (Tyumen, Russian Federation). E-mail: rony811@
This article is devoted to the problems and contradictions that may arise with the implementation of Project 5-100 in the education system of Russia and especially in the Urals and in Siberia. The author focused on three components of the project such as improved requirements for scientific activities, the possibility of a moratorium on the "inbreeding" and the introduction of the category "post-doc. " This article also focuses on issue of unpreparedness of some Russian universities for these large-scale changes which may cause the destruction of scientific potential of the schools. The author of this article analyzes this issue in the example of Tyumen State University because this particular school has gone through the most radical transformation program. The article emphasized that, the development of Ural and Siberian areas is essential thus universities of this region must participate in national and international programs. In this regard in the article, the measures are proposed to adapt to Project 5-100.
The analysis of Project 5-100 in this article is viewed with civilization methodological approach and with pursuit of possible dissonance of Anglo-Saxon and Russian cultures. We believe that it is advisable to use the dialectic of Hegel, in particular the "law of negation of the negation" to justify the necessity for the participating universities to go through stages of full development before engaging in Project 5-100. If this rule is violated the deformation of their systems may occur, which could lead to destruction of scientific potentials of these universities. The study used comparative method allowing to correlate the universities of Ural-Siberian region and other territories of Russia and the West.
Study sources include two groups: 1) normative acts for the implementation of the project: the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation from May 7, 2012. № 599 "On measures on realization of the State policy in the field of science and education"; Order of the Government from October 29, 2012 No. 2006-r; Program for competitiveness for twenty one universities and adopted "road maps" of fifteen universities; 2) interviews with University officials in the Urals and Siberia, responsible for the reform.
The purposes of this article are to identify the most common issues which may arise during the project implementation process for the universities of Ural and Siberian regions, and to justify the need for the formation of additional conditions related to the preservation and augmentation of their intellectual reserve.
Keywords: Project 5-100, international cooperation, Tyumen State University, Ural, Siberia, "inbreeds," "postdoc".
The system of higher education in modern Russia reflects problems and contradictions caused by a combination of Soviet and Russian institutions. Soviet education reflected the totalitarian state type and were based on vertical system of teacher - student
relationships. This approach, coupled with a range of other factors was effective in the past in education and also in other spheres such as sport, ballet, etc. The collapse of the Soviet Union caused a change of ideological orientations, which in combination with
a deteriorating economy caused the emergence of a new type of university. This new institution became financially dependent on its students, but still kept the traditions of the Soviet higher education.
By the early 2000s, the new generation of teachers and students emerged. The first received their education in the new conditions of commercialized universities and cultural and ideological disorientation of 1990s-2000s, and as a result of that were not always able logically and objectively to evaluate processes occurring in the world, in the country and education. In the face of growing numbers of universities in 1990s, low qualified educators have appearedwith many ended up in institutions of higher education by accident and thus were incapable of performing academic research.
Many students had weak motivation to learn, valued high salary first in choosing a degree. As a result many universities in order not to lose students reduced their knowledge requirements. Among some talented and oriented fundamentally and scientifically university youth, the opposite type of student emerged - unmotivated, intellectually undeveloped and poorly educated.
The solution of these problems lies in Project 5-100. As of January 1, 2016, twenty one Russian universities are already included in this program [13]. However, the first experience has shown that there was a threat of destruction of academic structures and scientific traditions of someof universities included in the project. These include the universities of Siberia and Ural, which are provincial but fairly influential in the region. The authors of this article propose a scientific discussion on the following issues: the concept of effectiveness of the Project, mechanisms, methods and methodological installation during its adaptation to Russian realities.
Among the published scientific papers we considered the following: on the system of selection of universities in international ratings [1; 4; 8]; on questions of preservation scientific traditions in the reforming process [5; 9]. In one of those articles its author considered prerequisites for inclusion of the Tyumen University in Project 5-100 and beginning the school's transition toward the new model [9].
The main objective of the project is defined by the Ministry of Education and Science as "maximizing the competitiveness of the group of leading Russian universities in the global market
of educational services and research programs" [13]. Thus, the project involves the adaptation of a number of Russian universities to the world standards and the incorporation of their international learning environment. Selected educational institutions should be fully in line with the Anglo-Saxon education system existing in the United States and Western Europe. Among universities in the Ural-Siberian region, following seven participate in the project: Novosibirsk State University, National Research Tomsk State University, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Siberian Federal University, Tyumen State University, Ural Federal University and South Ural State University [13].
The common features of these universities:
1. Lack of experience as leading universities in the country since they are leading universities only in their regions.
2. Intentions to catch up and overtake the "educational giants" or those schools also involved in the project such as Far Eastern Federal University, Higher School of Economics and others. It is expressed in radical approaches to the process, the methods of reform and initially inflated numbers. The project emphasizes 10 % of foreign instructors, of which the numbers higher in Tyumen University - 12 % [10] and 15 % in Ural Federal University [11], ect.
3. The aspiration to make every effort to prove their capability and competitiveness over the other schools of the region is reflected in some titles such as "centers of superiority".
According to Draft 5-100, the participating universities need to reach international levels of research to correspond to the needs of global development. As experience of the Tyumen State University has shown it is quite possible for a regional university. The University biologists specializing in soil acarology, only existing group in Russia became the world leading group in that field [6, p. 2]. The world-class scientific teams in the fields of photonics, environmental remediation, neurotechnologies, and software engineeringshould be mentioned as well [6, p. 1]. In the humanitarian sphere, historians and culturologists in the Tyumen University became the first in Russia and in the world who began studying Islam in Russia in order to prevent religious conflicts. The University lawyers have initiated and assumed responsibility for the elaboration of the normative
framework of international level on humanitarian issue such as children's rights in Russo-Finnish families [15, p. 216].
Meanwhile, these universities by focusing on solutions for the world's scientific objectives and intentions to assert higher status may impede important research related to the country's needs and their own regions. The world's leading schools of acarologyin Tyumen University received many international grants, however not yet reflected on the needs of the Tyumen region: as an example, the number of ticks does not decrease but grows [14]. Thus, this region is actually a pilot platform to resolve world problems but not the regional ones.
There is a possibility of destruction of scientific schools in the Ural-Siberian region. Despite the fact an average age of scientific and pedagogical instructors of the Tyumen University is forty five years old, the University Program for Increase of Competitiveness declared eighty five percent of professors as an inefficient for objective reasons such as age, and also because the subjects of their research do not meet the world needs [10]. Because this program is a regulatory act, the professors may have to vacate their seats or change the subjects of scientific research despite the research meets Russia's needs first of all. The new approach attacks their fundamental research hand focuses on elimination of scientific schools and directions.
Draft 5-100 means reforming faculties stuff by hiring graduates of other universities. For many participants in the project this requirement is painless because of the attractiveness of some regions such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad and Vladivostok. Siberia and Ural regions are not attractive for life, thus the formation of those universities' faculty stuff takes place mainly with their own graduates.
To solve this problem and fulfill the conditions to increase the number of scientists from "foreign" specialists, many universities in the Ural-Siberian region had to impose a moratorium on their graduates (this absolute prohibition is not in the programs of other universities). It is expected that potential stuff members would be able to obtain teaching of research positions at University only after graduating from Magistracy, post-graduate or post-doctoral level in leading foreign centers of higher education, which study may last for a few years. This rule extends to gifted students as well. Thus several leading
universities in the Urals and Siberia would have to provide to foreign scientific centers in the United States and Western Europe with 100 % of its staff consisting of young talented scientists for several years. These foreign centers may offer favorable conditions for its graduate students, thus Russian universities lose them. If the graduates were to return to Russia, they may end up in Moscow, Petersburg, and other research centers or in better comfortable climate and geographical zones.
We believe that not all talented graduates would want to further study abroad, and, accordingly could lose the right to ever work at university level. Economic, cultural and historical characteristics of the country may prevent internships. For example, in Russia marriage takes place usually earlier than in the west, thus young scientists would have to leave their wives or husbands and children for long periods of time. Going abroad with the families increases the chances of not return.
Theoretically, the "inbreeds" with academic degrees, not trapped in overseas internships could be applying at another university or simply move around the country in search of lucrative offers to become a "post-docks". This practice may be productive in countries with high population mobility and developed economic systems, however to which Russia does not apply.Young people tend to engage into a long-term mortgages which would be almost impossible in the case of move. Mobility may interfere with Russian spiritual culture: one's emotional attachment to certain place, to his parents and friendsand the need to care for elderly family members.
We believe these graduates may find it difficult to find positions in other universities of the rest of the country, not involved in the project because of well-maintained Soviet academic tradition to raise their own stuff and hire those whom are well known. The situation is currently exacerbated by continuing layoffs of faculty of many universities and massive closing of institutions of higher education, which result in unemployment among scientists. Thus a young specialist without experience may be less attractive as a potential faculty member than a productive professor, who has already shown high academic results.
Among these problems there is also a lack of financial motivation. World level universities must pay accordingly, but educational institutions in the
Urals and Siberia are modest in that regard. Under the program an average professors' wage in Tyumen University supposed to go up to 220 % of the average in the region by 2020 [10], which currently stands at $ 800-$ 900 United States dollars per month. This salary does not comply with the modern requirements.
Because of those factors a young talented scientist may lose his right to work in "Almamater," has to cease scientific career and seek other opportunities for self-realization.
Draft 5-100 implies that the majority of instructors would become professional researchers fluent in foreign languages to lecture, write monographs and scientific articles. This issue is not a problem for universities in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad and Vladivostok because the particular regions have already created this need. For example, the Baltic Kaliningrad Federal University located in the heart of Europe, objectively cannot exist without scientific communication with an emphasis on European languages. For the same reason around fifty percent of instructors were already proficient in Oriental and English in the Far Eastern Federal University prior to entering the Draft 5-100 [12].
For the vast majority of an already established Russian scientists living in the Urals and Siberia, there has never been a vital and professional need for knowledge of foreign languages. To participate in scientific life, it was enough to comprehend monographs and scientific articles. For many scientists, the mastery of foreign languages in forced timing is very difficult due to age, and because they need to be fluent in conversational but also in academic level. Given that fact that not all professors are able to master languages and could not withstand competition, thus they may lose their jobs and leave the scientific society.
The universities of Ural-Siberian region are facing the challenge of not destroying existing teams, in which academic continuity and academic traditions have been forming for many years: in Tomsk - for more than 100 years, in Tyumen - 85 years [3, p. 268], etc. These teams function as harmonious organisms: in the face of numerous reductions, reorganizations, optimizations and accreditations long natural selection occurred. Currently, predominantly those faculty members remain, each of which have own purpose and place. While some of them become the world-class researchers, others only create conditions
for them by performing the daily ongoing work. Of course, the level of scientific productivity of the second group is significantly lower than the first because of their exceptional busyness, but they are part of a harmonious and successful system, the result of which is evident in the competition to join Project 5-100.
Range of identified problems is not exhaustive; other issues could become the topics of individual discussions.
The experience of Russia in the Bologna process, her moving to two-level education system, practicing new methodological categories (competence module and others), "credit units" and selection of an instructor, - these issues have long been a subject of acute controversy, during which all new challenges occurred [2]. In order to overcome them the possibility of implementing the experience of the European education has been discussed [7]. Meanwhile, the specificity of the Russian educational environment led to the inapplicability of many Western norms. In particular, students in Russia in choosing an instructoroften follow the principle "who are easier to pass the exam," and they also select the University by its location (especially if it is the only one in the city). Choosing a university in European culture depends on its ability to give to the student a "development, quality and success" [16]. The Western world sees intellectual potential as an investment [17], but Russia - as basis for personal spiritual development. In this regard, the reform of Russia's leading twenty one universities, and especially of the Ural-Siberian region must be accompanied with caution and reason.
Draft 5-100 does not take into account regional peculiarities of the universities in the Urals and Siberia. Selected schools, despite some scientific indicators of world level generally have not gone through necessary stages of transition to a new system of education. Forced plans to achieve the goals could lead to serious deformations resulting in loss of scientific traditions. If the Anglo-Saxon educational system model would get implemented in full in the Ural-Siberian universities, according to Draft 5-100, it may go against thestate interests. From all the regional universities were chosen those with most dynamical development which made on the threshold of world science. Their intellectual resource
was redirected exclusively to meet the challenges of global significance, notalways related to the interests of the region. The intellectual potential of young talented scientists would not belong to Russia, but to an entire international scientific community.
The development of Urals and Siberia areas is essential thus universities of this region must participate in national and international programs. In this regard, the following measures are proposed to adapt to Project 5-100.
1. Within the global scientific framework the universities' scientific potential needs to be pointed toward solving problems related to the interests of the regions, thus is important to include this matter in the reports on the implementation of the Project.
2. The absolute prohibition on the "inbreeding" in each college needs to be denied, butto impose quotas for its graduates instead. Consequently, there
would be no need for compulsory foreign education for those graduate students willing to find jobs in "Alma-mater."
3. Need to establish a system for the exchange of "post-docks" between universities-participants which means that after defending theses any young scientist could choose where to work from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. It is therefore proposed to revive Soviet graduate distribution system for the people with newly earned PhDs and adapt it to Draft 5-100.
4. While reorganizing university faculties within the framework of Project 5-100 one needs to take into account not only the faculty fluency in foreign languages and their international publication activity, but also the role of each instructor in ensuring a high level of knowledge ofstudents, as well as professional investment in providing favorable settingfor high scientific productivity of thecolleagues.
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