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problems of adaptation / foreign students / the scientific process / pedagogical adaptation

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Tymofiychuk I.R.

The article it is devoted to problems of adaptation of foreign students of medical universities which arrive on training to Ukraine. For optimum adaptation of students in new to them environment, a number of recommendations on the organization of scientific process, leisure is given, advice on creation the methodical recommendations and literatures are formulated.

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extent than in normotonics and parasympatotinics. Some researchers note the negative relationship between the level of activation of the sympathetic nervous system and the success of the students, while others indicate that the high level of tension positively affects the success. The obtained indicators indicate that sympathologists show a high level of tension and deterioration of emotional background, which can cause decompensation and emotional breakdown during functional fatigue. Changes in the parameters of the functional state of parasympontics can be attributed to a group of people with a pronounced risk of progression of functional deviations and chronic diseases.

The established peculiarities of students' reactions with the predominance of departments of the autonomic nervous system can predict behavioral responses and provide an opportunity to predict the level of reactivity of the nervous system in stressful situations while performing professional duties in the future.


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Tymofiychuk I.R.

Ph.D.assistant of professor, Bukovina State Medical University, Department of Physiology,

c. Chernivtsi, Ukraine


The article it is devoted to problems of adaptation of foreign students of medical universities which arrive on training to Ukraine. For optimum adaptation of students in new to them environment, a number of recommendations on the organization of scientific process, leisure is given, advice on creation the methodical recommendations and literatures are formulated.

Keywords: problems of adaptation, foreign students, the scientific process, pedagogical adaptation.

Introduction. Mobility is an important qualitative feature of the European space, it involves the mobility of people between higher education institutions and between states. It is mobility and the possibility of obtaining a European degree diploma attracts foreign students in higher educational institutions of Ukraine. And knowledge of a foreign language facilitates the path to integration into the European world community. But the attractiveness of a specific university for students includes - the quality and cost of education, the cost of living, the availability of domestic services, respect for European and world values, the lack of interethnic and religious conflicts, compliance with European educational standards, etc. [1,2]. Creation of the appropriate conditions requires highly professional

staffing, proper material and technical and scientific and methodological basis that will enable the training of a highly skilled professional and the opportunity to achieve a high ranking of universities in a single European space. The opportunity to integrate into the world intellectual community and the relative cheapness of studying in higher educational institutions of Ukraine attracts foreign students, whose number has increased significantly in recent years [3,4].

Analysis of recent research. Studying foreign students in a higher medical institution requires adaptation of the educational process and the solution of a number of issues that arise when teaching English-speaking students. The problems faced by teachers when working with foreign students include the

following: • lack of knowledge of Ukrainian or Russian languages. As a rule, only until the end of the third year, students acquire a significant vocabulary, begin to actively use their knowledge, communicate with the teacher. • poor preparation in profile and special disciplines (biology, physics, chemistry, etc.). Therefore, the lack of the necessary knowledge makes it difficult for foreign students to use conventional textbooks and manuals and reference books that are used in medical universities of Ukraine.

• There is a significant difference between the forms and methods of teaching in the Ukrainian university and the corresponding elements of study at the higher school of the student's homeland. • lack of independent work skills. Part of students can not write lectures, work with sources of information, analyze information of large volumes. They do not, and sometimes, do not want to use the University Library Foundation [1,2,5].

Practical and laboratory work causes considerable difficulties, as students are not accustomed to, and sometimes, unable to use the necessary materials.

Problems of adaptation, most researchers give the following classification: socio-cultural adaptation; socio-psychological adaptation; pedagogical adaptation.

Socio-cultural adaptation is understood as the active process of interaction of a representative of another culture and living environment, the process of acquiring the necessary skills and knowledge for life, student mastering of the basic norms and examples of new environmental reality, the so-called phenomenon of "entering into culture" [2,3].

Under socio-psychological adaptation is understood the introduction of a foreign student in the system of interpersonal relationships, the establishment of relationships in the group, the formation of personal behavior in it.

The pedagogical aspect of adaptation is connected, first of all, with the assimilation of norms and rules of the professional environment, adaptation to the nature, content and conditions of the organization of the educational process, the formation of students' skills of independent academic and scientific work [1,2].

By analyzing and exploring the issues of adaptation of foreign citizens to the conditions of education in Ukraine, one can form the principles and directions of action on the part of the higher educational institution in order to facilitate the successful conduct of such a process.

Presenting main material. Among foreign students, the complexity of the diversity of student contingents varies according to age, level of training and motivation to study. This complicates the educational and adaptive work with students.

In studying the problem of adaptation, it is necessary to share the teaching of disciplines in multinational groups, where two or more cultures contact. Of course, students feel comfortable in a group of compatriots. Such moments as the same type of behavior, world perception regulate the behavior of students in a group, support discipline help to establish and streamline the educational process. At the same time, the successful

adaptation of a foreign student to a new socio-cultural life is due to active communication with Ukrainian-speaking students.

Positive influence on adaptation is carried out by the business and emotional integration of the student into the team, intense social life in the student environment, and active participation in general university activities - such as the preparation of compatible holidays, scientific conferences, sports competitions, musical festivals. Such events should be covered in the mass media: on television, in newspapers, attracting public attention and facilitating the international process of adaptation to the Ukrainian socio-cultural environment. The problem of expanding friendly relations between students should become a task for curators of foreign groups.

In Bukovina State Medical University, for the successful adaptation of students, anniversaries of India, Nigeria are celebrated annually. Foreign students present a festive program, which includes numbers with national dances and songs. Every year, students from India receive cricket competitions that are sponsored by the university administration. In sports competitions, foreign students take an active part and win prize places. Active position is occupied by foreign students and in the scientific life of the university. An indicator of such activity is the growing percentage of foreigners among the speakers of scientific conferences: the Bu-kovinian International Scientific Congress, the International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists.

A positive role was played by the creation of the English speaking club on the basis of the Department of Foreign Languages, and at the meetings of this club Ukrainian and foreign students talk about the peculiarities of the socio-cultural environment of different countries.

Celebration with the participation of foreign students is highlighted in the press and on television, which promotes the tolerant attitude of Ukrainian society towards foreigners who are studying in Chernivtsi.

It is important to take into account factors influencing the educational system: geographical, economic, national, historical, cultural and religious, that are special for each people. Of course, to take into account all the elements requires the appropriate training of the teacher, his self-education, relevant knowledge. So every ethnic group has its own methods and approaches in the pedagogical process, which must be taken into account in the process of teaching foreign students. For teachers who work with foreign students it is expedient to hold not only courses of pedagogical skills, but also taking into account ethnopedagogical concepts, technologies and techniques.

In order to solve the problems of preparing for practical classes in the Bukovyna State Medical University, the Moodle distance learning environment functions. Students have constant access to teaching materials, test tasks, video materials.For the purpose of successful preparation for license examinations, consultations on subjects which are included in the list of test tasks, computer classes are functioning, which al-

lows students to test quickly and qualitatively. The library of the university is updated annually with English textbooks. Chairs of the Medical University conduct active publishing and English-language textbooks. The departments of the university are equipped with methodical materials for the successful preparation of foreigners.

Starting at university, foreign students face many challenges. Many of them who do not fluent in the language of teaching, can not reject the unimportant information and summarize the content of the basic concepts. For this, the foreigner must have a high level of language proficiency. In addition, in the lectures of general scientific disciplines, the rapid pace of teaching the lecturer does not allow to interpret the proper language. As a result, during extracurricular time, they are forced to independently work out the incomprehensible material of the specialty on study aids.

In order to improve the situation in the contingent of foreign-language students, it is necessary to develop and issue a series of methodological manuals aimed at studying the basic concepts of discipline. In fact, these are language-based textbooks with adapted texts that are necessary for understanding and studying the discipline. Significant elements will help to significantly improve the material mastering. Independent work, which takes many hours in the curricula of medical universities, should define specific goals and clear questions on topics and sections.

The process of mastering the material greatly simplifies the availability of students photocopies of lectures. The presence of lecture materials allows us to prepare for the lecture, repeat new words, terms, lexical revolutions, which increases the efficiency of theoretical knowledge, simplifies understanding of discipline. Assistance and support for foreign students before teaching a new topic or section is what you need to strive for when organizing a learning process. This approach is an objective and modern requirement for effective lecture courses.

A number of researchers consider the pedagogical aspect to be central to all areas of work [3, 4], since it provides confidence to the student and simplifies other aspects of adaptation. The successes in the study motivate the solution of other issues and problems of the social and cultural plan, as they reinforce the main goal of the human being in Ukraine.

Academic success, public and academic activity are perceived as factors of student success. On the other hand, indifference, failure, lack of interest in the educational process, social life allows us to talk about the difficulties of the adaptation period.

At practical lessons on the history of Ukraine, the history of Ukrainian culture at the Bukovyna State Medical University students are introduced to the peculiarities and traditions of Ukrainian culture and society, which forms respect and tolerance. Teachers of the Ukrainian language section, as foreign-language manuals, which include topics that have practical applications, namely, communication in hospitals, shops, and stations, which greatly facilitates integration into Ukrainian society.

From the above we can conclude that it is necessary to create a number of adaptogenic conditions of a wide spectrum of action for optimization of adaptation of foreign students to the educational process in the higher medical school of Ukraine. Adaptation should be considered as a comprehensive pedagogical program, the success of which is determined by many parameters and criteria that improve the quality of teaching foreign students and achieve the best academic results with the least negative consequences.

Conclusions To include students in the educational process, curators and teachers of foreign groups should take into account: religious, social and other affiliations of students; to raise and discuss issues on topics that are interesting to this audience of students; to interest and form the cognitive need of a foreign student.

For successful adaptation, one must take into account the individual-typological properties of students, which are largely determined by the peculiarities of their culture, religion and depend on the successful social adaptation of foreign students in the country they are studying. Adaptation should be considered as a comprehensive program, the success of which is determined by many parameters and criteria that significantly improve the quality of training of foreign students and allows them to obtain appropriate professional qualifications.


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