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Ключевые слова
registration of experiment results / mathematical data processing / training systems / optimization of multifactory processes / extreme planning of the experiment.

Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Balitskyi N., Іvanyk E., Bolkot P., Ilkiv I., Smychok V.

The article describes the main aspects of the application of the technique of extreme planning of the experiment regarding the development and modification of the existing database of tactical simulators, which are characterized by complexity and multifactor, which increases the effectiveness of the study, makes it more economical, and the researcher's actions are purposeful and organized, since the experiment acquires features of activity due to its planning according to specially scientifically based plans.

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Balitskyi N.

permanent adjunct of scientific organizational department of the Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy, Lviv, Ukraine

Ivanyk E.

candidate ofphysics and mathematical sciences, senior of scientific worker, docent Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy, Army Science Center,

Lviv, Ukraine Bolkot P.

Ph.D. of weapon and military equipment, senior of scientific worker Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy, Army Science Center,

Lviv, Ukraine Ilkiv I.

candidate of technical sciences, docent of the department of Electromechanics and Electronics Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy, Lviv, Ukraine

Smychok V. Candidate of technical sciences, docent of the department of Electromechanics and Electronics Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy, Lviv, Ukraine

Vankevych P.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Senior Research Leading of Scientific Worker Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy, Army Science Center,

Lviv, Ukraine


The article describes the main aspects of the application of the technique of extreme planning of the experiment regarding the development and modification of the existing database of tactical simulators, which are characterized by complexity and multifactor, which increases the effectiveness of the study, makes it more economical, and the researcher's actions are purposeful and organized, since the experiment acquires features of activity due to its planning according to specially scientifically based plans.

Keywords: registration of experiment results, mathematical data processing, training systems, optimization of multifactory processes, extreme planning of the experiment.

Problem statement and literature analysis.

The rapidly progressing level of automation of experimentation and methods of registering their results allows you to get in a short time a significant amount of information, the processing of which in real time in terms of reach can be carried out only with the help of high-speed powerful computing systems. Automated mathematical processing systems of significant data sampling should be an integral part of the experiment. The experiment and the automated processing system of its results should be links of one task [1, 2].

The contribution of science in solving urgent problems of formation of training systems of units of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine consists in the active use of modern mathematical methods and computer technologies [3-6].

The processes of development and modification of the existing base of tactical simulators, as a rule, are characterized by complexity and multifactor, so the task of optimizing complex processes has to be solved in conditions of incomplete knowledge of the mechanism of considered concomitant phenomena, which cannot be described by analytical methods.

When optimizing the process under study, the nature of which is influenced by a large number of factors, various research methods are used. However, the effectiveness of the study in solving such a problem largely depends on the applied technique. Unlike traditional methods, the method of extreme planning of the experiment is the most effective in applying to the task of optimizing multifactor processes [7-9].

The purpose of the article is to form the structure of the gym complex, consider the order of construction and study of the simulation model, and present the main aspects of the extreme planning technique on the example of the process of optimizing training (training) using the gym complex.

Main body.

The simulator (gym complex) is a software and hardware complex and consists of a modeling device, a manager's workplace, the workplaces of those who study, and training control equipment; the structure of the complex is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Structure of the simulator (Gym complex)

The modeling computer is connected to the operator interface through the information input/output system. It provides modeling of conditions of educational tasks in real time, the ability to change the complexity of educational tasks in the preparation process, the possibility of dosed presentation of educational tasks, modeling of emergencies and typical malfunctions, etc.

The operator interface allows you to manipulate the control bodies in a way that is as close or identical as possible to the real process used.

The instructor interface allows you to control the work of the simulator, choose the shape and content of the training, the initial state of the simulated process, enter deviations of the modeled process or its components, or change external factors.

The simulation model actually reflects the interaction of components and systems of a modeled process, similar to the information model in the "human-technics-environment" system.

The simulation system consists of three main components: a model that simulates the phenomenon under study, systems of external and internal support.

Consequently, the simulation model is a computational procedure that formalizes the object under study and imitates its behavior; in its form, the model is logic and mathematical (algorithmic).

Simulation models are classified: static and dynamic; deterministic and stochastic; discrete and continuous.

Additional peripheral equipment is printers, emergency alarm panels and any other equipment necessary to enhance the reality of the modeled environment or document the training process.

Consider the order of construction and study of the simulation model, which consists in the following: the definition of the system; formulation of the model (abstraction); preparation of data, which includes the following actions:

- model translation - description of the simulation model in the corresponding programming language;

- assessment of the adequacy of the transition from the conceptual model to the simulation model;

- strategic planning - planning an experiment that should give the necessary information;

- tactical planning - determining the method of each series of tests, as provided for by the experiment plan;

- experimentation - the process of imitation in order to obtain the desired data and analyze sensuality;

- interpretation - building conclusions on data obtained by imitation;

- implementation - the practical use of model and (or) modeling results.

Particular attention is paid to the stages of planning experiments on the model, because imitation on a computational device can be interpreted as an experiment, due to the fact that the analysis and search for optimal solutions is carried out by various methods of experimental optimization.

We will reveal the essence of the technique of extreme planning on the example of the process of optimizing training (training) using a gym complex. The nature of the training process is simultaneously influenced by a set of factors, which, according to their characteristics, are divided into: technological, dynamic, constructive.

Constructive factors (qualitative characteristics of the element base of the simulator design) will be considered unchanged, so we will use only technological and dynamic factors.

The process of training at the gym complex is schematically presented in the form of a structural model (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. The process of training at the gym complex

Factors that are not managed or controlled are taken into account when assessing the error of the study, but pose difficulties in the measurement procedure, because their values change randomly over time.

Managed values (X-factors) highlighted 12 factors grouped into Table. 1

In the diagram illustrated Fig. 2, the rectangle corresponds to the object of research, arrows - input and output values.

Input values include factors: controlled X-factors

(Xi,Xz,..., Xn); unmanaged but can be controlled in the process of functioning Z-factors (zi, Zz,..., Zk ); perturbing - unmanaged and uncontrollable W-factors (wi, Wz,..., Wi).

Table 1

Factors (X-factors) affecting the quality score of training (training) using the gym complex, their conventional

designations and the levels outlined variation

Denotation of factor Name of factor Even varying of factors

low (-) high (+)

X i Initial level of knowledges and abilities of personnel, that passes studies, marks at 5-th by a ball scale Unsatisfactory (2) Excellent (5)

X 2 Level of theoretical knowledge's (common structure bases and rules of exploitation and others like that), estimation at 5-th by a ball scale Unsatisfactory (2) Excellent (5)

X 3 Level of initial abilities and skills of those, who studies, generalized integral estimation in 5-th to the ball scale Unsatisfactory (2) Excellent (5)

X 4 Speed of acquisition of skills those, who studies (selected time on mastering of material), hour 0,5 1,5

X 5 Time that is selected on an educational process, hour 30 40

X 6 Time of trouble-free work of educational-training facilities (ETF), hour 10 12

X 7 Middle work on the refusal, hour 240 300

X 8 Accordance of imitations actions on a trainer to the curricula and instructions and plenitude of the got knowledge's, estimation on the proper scale Non suitable Suitable

X 9 Forms and methods of studies (exposition by the instructor of material, training on the constituents of complex, independent work) Correspond not enough setting of trainers All-embracing

X10 Level of complication of tasks which are settled, evaluation after a scale growth from the simplest one to the greatest The simplest The greatest level of complication

X11 Accordance of software to the purpose of employments (trainings) Non corresponding Correspond

X12 Level of readiness of leader to employments Unsatisfactory High qualifying level

The initial values of the process under consideration will determine the following optimization parameters (Y-factors): the level of acquired skills by those who study - yi; readiness for operation of appropriate samples of weapons and military equipment (FTA) in real conditions of reproduction of the theater of hostilities and the quality of imitation of their behavior - y2; the total time that must be spent on each of those who are trained, provided that the training program is fully learned - y3; power consumption - y4; motor neurosur-geine of simulators - ys. In this particular case, we have the case of five optimization parameters, so you should decide on the choice of the main one. According to the general provisions of multifactor analysis [10-12], the correct search for a solution to the problem is possible only if the optimum (extreme) is defined for only one optimization parameter, and restrictions are imposed on the rest. Since readiness to work with the military-industrial complex is due to objective and subjective factors, that is, the abilities of the student, the capacity of the training base and the availability of training hours, etc., so we choose for the main indicator - the consumption of the total time of classes to prepare one of the training contingent to the level that ensures the further independent operation of the military equipment -y3; this can be explained by the fact that the dispersion (consumption) of energy resources and engine life is due to the tactics and technical characteristics of simulators, and the rest of the parameters should be established by a different kind of research.


The essence of the technique of extreme planning is presented on the example of the process of optimizing training (training) using the gym complex. It is indicated that the nature of the training process is simultaneously influenced by a set of factors that are structured according to functional loads in accordance with functional loads: technological; dynamic; constructive. Since constructive factors (qualitative characteristics of the element base of the simulator design) are the prerogative of the manufacturer of educational and training equipment (E&TE), therefore they are considered unchanged values, as a result of which only technological and dynamic factors are accepted as variables.

Note that the theory of management of the organization of systems and complexes (including E&TE) has some general provisions, regardless of what is the stimulus to the development of this system. Regulation of the form and mutual relations between individual

components of a set of elements of the complex, its structure is still an insufficiently developed area of the theory of automatic control.


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