ACCOUNT PLAN IN THE ACCOUNTING SYSTEM Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Afanasenko D.S.

The chart of accounts is an integral part of the organization’s accounting records. It reflects the state and movement of economic objects depending on the operation being performed, which is important in the course of economic activity for carrying out control measures, as well as in making management decisions. The chart of accounts makes it possible to group the recorded facts of economic life. Each organization draws up its own working chart of accounts based on the approved accounting of the Chart of Accounts with comments on the application and sub-accounts.

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Текст научной работы на тему «ACCOUNT PLAN IN THE ACCOUNTING SYSTEM»

УДК 657.4

Afanasenko D.S.

Undergraduate student of the Department of Tax Policy and Customs Tariff Regulation FGOBUVO "Financial University at Government of the Russian Federation" (Financial

University), Moscow

Research supervisor - Polenova S.N., doctor of economics, professor of

the Department of accounting, analysis and audit FGOBUVO "Financial

University at Government of the Russian Federation " Financial University




The chart of accounts is an integral part of the organization's accounting records. It reflects the state and movement of economic objects depending on the operation being performed, which is important in the course of economic activity for carrying out control measures, as well as in making management decisions. The chart of accounts makes it possible to group the recorded facts of economic life. Each organization draws up its own working chart of accounts based on the approved accounting of the Chart of Accounts with comments on the application and sub-accounts.

Keywords: accounts, chart of accounts, types of accounts, balance sheet, facts of economic life.

The balance sheet of the organization is one of the forms of financial statements, reflects the assets of the organization and the sources of their formation in monetary terms on a specific date. But there is also a system of accounting accounts in which information is formed on the status and movement of assets, liabilities, and financial results for individual business transactions. In the accounting system, the facts of economic life are recorded in a double-entry manner. With double-entry, the amount for each transaction is reflected in two interrelated accounts - on the debit of one and on the credit of the other account.

According to the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 № 402-FZ "About Accounting", the plan of accounts of accounting is a systematic list of accounts of accounting. Explanations for the use of the chart of accounts are given in the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation № 94n dated October 31, 2000 "On Approval of the Chart of Accounts for Accounting of Financial and Economic Activities of Organizations and Instructions for its Use". It shows the characteristics of synthetic accounts and sub-accounts, including their structure and purpose.

Organizations of all forms of ownership, except for credit institutions and state (municipal) institutions, must keep accounting records for this chart of accounts, if they keep records of economic entities by double entry. Instructions for use of the chart of accounts is used to develop a working chart of accounts of a

particular organization. It has the right to specify the content of sub-accounts, exclude, merge and introduce additional sub-accounts.

The score is a table in which the facts of economic life are grouped and recorded. Each economically homogeneous object of accounting has a separate account, for example, materials, authorized capital, fixed assets, etc. It is important that the accounts are confirmed by primary accounting documents.

The chart of accounts contains the name and numbers of 99 synthetic accounts and their sub-accounts. All accounts of accounting in it are united in 8 sections:

• Section I "Non-current assets" (accounts 01 - 09);

• Section II "Production stocks" (accounts 10 - 19);

• Section III "Costs of production" (accounts 20 - 29 and accounts 30 -


• Section IV "Finished goods and goods" (accounts 40 - 49);

• Section V "Cash" (accounts 50 - 59);

• Section VI "Calculations" (accounts 60 - 79);

• Section VII "Capital" (accounts 80 - 89);

• Section VIII "Financial results" (accounts 90 - 99).

In Section I "Non-current assets" (accounts 01 - 09) the accounts are combined into which information on the state of the organization's assets is formed. According to the accounting rules, these include intangible assets, fixed assets and other non-current assets. These accounts are used to reflect transactions related to the creation, acquisition and disposal of non-current assets.

Section II "Industrial stocks" (accounts 10 - 19) includes accounts that are intended to generate information about existing objects of labor used for processing, processing and use in production.

Due to the aggregate of accounts of Section III "Production Costs" (accounts 20 - 29 and accounts 30 - 39), information on the costs of production is systematized in accounting, and the formation of the cost of goods, works and services is controlled.

Accounts Section IV "Finished goods and goods" (accounts 40 - 49) are used to reflect the status and movement of products of production. The account data also shows the status of funds that are necessary for the intended purpose. The accounts of Section VIII "Financial results" (accounts 90 - 99) summarizes information on the income and expenses of the organization. This section is also intended to identify the final financial performance of the organization during the reporting period.

Off-balance accounts are designed to control individual business transactions. They reflect data on the status and movement of economic objects that are temporarily in the use or disposal of the organization. The difference of such accounts from the accounts of synthetic accounting lies in the fact that the accounting of economic objects on them is conducted without double entry.

Depending on the content and nature of the objects of accounting there are

passive and active accounts. Active accounts are used for property accounting, and passive accounts for liabilities accounting. Accounts numbered 01 "Fixed assets", 10 "Materials", 50 "Cashier" and other accounts of the property of the organization are active accounts. Accounts 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors", 68 "Calculations for taxes and fees", 82 "Reserve capital", 83 "Additional capital" and others are passive accounts.

Accounting for transactions occurs with the use of active-passive accounts, which, depending on the transaction can be either active or passive. So, the account 91 "Other incomes and expenses" is active-passive. Accounting for other expenses that are not the result of the organization's normal activities are recorded by the debit of the account, and the loan records data on other incomes of the organization arising from other activities. Account 90 "Sales" is also an active-passive account, depending on the transaction. Subaccount 1 "Revenue" is passive, and subaccount 2 "Cost of sales" - active.

The appearance of the accounts is specific and depends on the products used by the organization to automate the accounts. The most common form of an account is a table that does not have a lower limit. Accounts at their opening reflects the balance at the beginning of the month. Balances on active accounts are recorded by debit, and on passive accounts by loan. Reflection of operations on receipt of the objects taken into account is represented in the active accounts by debit, and in the passive ones - by the credit of the account. Operations on the disposal of such objects are recorded in the active accounts of the loan, and in the passive - by debit accounts.

Thus, the chart of accounts in accounting is designed to register the facts of economic life in the process of the organization. Its use in accounting allows you to determine the state of the organization's assets and liabilities, understand the real financial and property status of the organization, the financial results of its activities, justify and take measures to improve economic performance.


1. Федеральный закон от 06.12.2011 № 402-ФЗ (ред. от 28.11.2018) "О бухгалтерском учете" // СПС Консультант плюс [Электронный ресурс] // URL: http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_122855/ (Дата обращения 29.12.18)

2. Приказ Минсельхоза России от 13.06.2001 № 654 "Об утверждении Плана счетов бухгалтерского учета финансово-хозяйственной деятельности предприятий и организаций агропромышленного комплекса и Методических рекомендаций по его применению" // СПС Консультант плюс [Электронный ресурс] // URL: http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_66752/ (Дата обращения: 29.12.18)

3. Миславская Н.А., Поленова С.Н. Бухгалтерский учет: учебник. М.: Издательско-торговая корпорация «Дашков и К°». 2014. - 592 с.

4. Поленова С.Н. Теория бухгалтерского учета: учебник. М.: Издательско-торговая корпорация «Дашков и К°». 2013. - 464 с.

5. Шеремет А.Д. Бухгалтерский учет и анализ: учебник / А. Шеремет, Е.

Старовойтова. М.: Инфра-М. 2014. - 432 с.

6. Зимакова Л.А. Основные направления организации управленческого учета, нашедшие отражение в плане счетов // Актуальные проблемы экономики в условиях реформирования современного общества: материалы IV Международной научно-практической конференции, посвященной 140-летию со дня основания НИУ «БелГУ», Белгород, 2016. С. 365-366.

УДК 159.9

Aleksandrova A.S.

Student at the Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology

and Communicative Studies Kuban State University Russia, Krasnodar Volkodav T. V.

Ph.D., MA in Pedagogy and Psychology, associate professor in the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology and the Department of English Philology Kuban State University Russia, Krasnodar EARLY MOTHERHOOD AS A SOCIAL PHENOMENON


The article discusses current problems associated with early maternity and explores the main causes and consequences that affect motherhood at an early age. The purpose of the study is to identify the young people's attitudes toward early maternity based on the material of the survey, attended by the students of Kuban institutions of higher education. The total number of the respondents is 90 young people (F=70, M=20) aged from 18 to 25 years.

Keywords: adolescence, adolescent (teenage) pregnancy, sexual education, early motherhood.


Adolescent or teenage pregnancy has become an important global public health problem, more specifically in developing countries. According to statistics, each year about 16 million girls between the ages of 15 and 19 and 2.5 million girls under the age of 16 give birth in developing countries, e.g., South Asia, Western Europe, India and Nigeria [1].

Western social analysts and researchers have listed some reasons for which the number of adolescent pregnancies is increasing, despite the intervention of public health institutions. Therefore, the causes vary from socio-economic status, lack of education, teenagers' sexual activity, to family history of early fertility [2], [3]. [4], [5]. The major causes of teenage pregnancies include limited access to sexual education and sexual health services. New technology is also considered as one of the major culprits to the increased number of teenage pregnancy cases. Easy access to technology and the curiosity of adolescents to engage in sexual

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