Научная статья на тему 'Academic autonomy in the works of Italian didacts'

Academic autonomy in the works of Italian didacts Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Russian Linguistic Bulletin
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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kaskova M.E., Dugina T.V.

The article is devoted to the analysis of studies of Italian didacts on the subject of development of students’ autonomy basics. Development of the autonomy basics, i.e., autonomous learning activities is considered as an objective of training activities in the study of a foreign language both in Russian and foreign theoretical and practical research. The authors investigate the development of the concept of "learning autonomy", examine the impact of independent work on the development and identity formation of the student.

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Статья посвящена анализу исследований итальянских дидактов по вопросу развития основ автономии студентов. Развитие основ автономии, т.е. автономной учебной деятельности обучающегося рассматривается как цель учебной деятельности по изучению иностранного языка, как в отечественных, так и в зарубежных теоретических и практических исследованиях. Автор исследует разработки содержания понятия «учебная автономия», рассматривает влияние самостоятельной работы на развитие и становление личности обучающегося.

Текст научной работы на тему «Academic autonomy in the works of Italian didacts»

Methodology of linguistics. Methods and means (UDC 81-13)

DOI: 10.18454/RULB.8.02 Каскова М.Е.1, Дугина Т.В.2

1 Кандидат педагогических наук, 2старший преподаватель, Российский университет дружбы народов УЧЕБНАЯ АВТОНОМИЯ В ТРУДАХ ИТАЛЬЯНСКИХ ДИДАКТОВ


Статья посвящена анализу исследований итальянских дидактов по вопросу развития основ автономии студентов. Развитие основ автономии, т.е. автономной учебной деятельности обучающегося рассматривается как цель учебной деятельности по изучению иностранного языка, как в отечественных, так и в зарубежных теоретических и практических исследованиях. Автор исследует разработки содержания понятия «учебная автономия», рассматривает влияние самостоятельной работы на развитие и становление личности обучающегося.

Ключевые слова: автономная учебная деятельность, автономия, планирование, ответственность.

Kaskova M.E.1, Dugina T.V.2 1PhD in Pedagogy, 2Senior lecturer, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia ACADEMIC AUTONOMY IN THE WORKS OF ITALIAN DIDACTS


The article is devoted to the analysis of studies of Italian didacts on the subject of development of students' autonomy basics. Development of the autonomy basics, i.e., autonomous learning activities is considered as an objective of training activities in the study of a foreign language both in Russian and foreign theoretical and practical research. The authors investigate the development of the concept of "learning autonomy", examine the impact of independent work on the development and identity formation of the student.

Keywords: autonomous learning activity, autonomy, planning, responsibility.

Почта авторов / Author Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Having signed the Bologna Declaration on September 19, 2003 Russia joined the Common European Education Space. This event caused considerable changes in the system of Russian higher education and made obvious the necessity of creating new methodological models, schemes, study guides for the formation of students' competencies according to the new conditions of studying in higher education institutions.

It is important to realize that European Education Space is not just an assortment of new features for students, but as well a field for exchanging ideas and opinions on topical issues in foreign language teaching methodology. It contributes to research experience enrichment of teachers, trainers, educators from European countries, enables them to use recent developments and introduces the implementation results.

Scholars of European countries are currently working intensely on the development of self-study language methods and schemes. Foreign theoretical and practical studies consider development of autonomy basics, that is autonomous learning activities of a student independent of a teacher as the aim of foreign language learning activity and as the condition of education automation.

The concept of teaching autonomy was founded and developed by Celestin Freinet, a French educator who introduced a term "autogestion" (autonomy, or self-management) into the pedagogical science, and defined it as a most important educational aim. According to C. Freinet, this concept comprises such aspects as responsibility, seld-regulation, self-evaluation and serves as a starting point for development of the contemporary idea of autonomous learning.

These issues became the subject of wide speculation by Italian scientists as far back as in the 1970s. In the works of R. Titone, G. Freddi, Paolo E. Balboni skills of conducting autonomous learning activity are regarded as most important ones for self-development and self-education of a person. [2].

Paolo E. Balboni, a founder of Department of the Italian Language Teaching Methods at the University for Foreigners of Siena, professor and head of "Progetto ITALS" Linguistic

Centre at Cа'Foscari di Venezia University considers development of students' competence in administration and educational operations management during their studies as one of the priorities in teaching foreign languages.[2].

Using the term 'learn to study' Paolo E. Balboni means an academic activity where a student becomes a subject, i.e. an equal participant, having a right to choose an individual behavior pattern and realizing the responsibility for the choice made. [2]

The scientist points out the importance of induction and reflection - two processes necessary for development of students' competence in administration and educational operations management during their studies.

The term 'induction', i.e. inducement, taking a decision on initiation of an action, means to teach a student to observe and make assumptions and generalizations based on these observations. Further on to perform a check of the made assumptions as well as to estimate and monitor the results with a view to making corrections into behavior patterns or creating new patterns.

The term 'reflection' or speculation about the language is characterized by

an object understood as the process of reflection on the language performed by a student under a teacher's supervision, whose primary goal is to teach him to do it autonomously;

a subject, which includes speculations on the rules and mechanisms of the language functioning;

a moment, when the speculation on the language is taking place, concerning everything that was learnt, checked and recorded earlier;

a way of speculating on the language, which is actualized in an open educational pattern "learn to study" through process management and understanding of the received.

Paolo E. Balboni points out that deliberate control over the abovementioned processes of studying a foreign language indicates personal maturity and ability to speculate over one's behaviour pattern in the period of study. [2].

The existing definitions of a student's autonomy with regard to studying foreign languages emphasize his ability

and readiness to take the responsibility for his education (R. De Beni, C. Cornoldi, L. Mariani, S. Hoffman, P. Diadori, M. Palermo, D. Troncarelli and others). In particular, S. Hoffman considers autonomy as readiness and ability of a learner "to take the responsibility for setting goals, for determination of the content and sequence of the used methods and working practices including assessment of the achieved results as well" [4].

A similar view is shared by L. Mariani, understanding autonomy as "the ability for choosing and using most effective strategies, critical reflection, taking decisions and independent action" [5].

An Italian educationist C. Cornoldi lays emphasis on a learner's awareness in choosing the ways of realization of learning activity and reflection. Of particular importance is his observation that autonomous activity begins at the internal level. In his research the scientist determines the following stages of its realization:

• focusing, concentration and inner dialogue,

• problem identification,

• consideration of alternative solutions,

• supposition and consecutive evaluation,

• decision making,

• post check of the realized plan of action.

Sharing his opinion, S. Hoffman points out the following skills which according to the scientist, are the basic ones:

• orientation in learning activity process;

• planning and choosing the means of achieving a desired goal;

• conscious responsibility of a student for all aspects of his learning activity;

• reflection and assessment of the achieved results of his activity.

In S. Hoffman's opinion, one can say about a student's ability for autonomous management of his learning activity in the case when he takes an independent decision on:

• what he wants to study;

• in what way he is going to continue his learning

what materials and means he wants to use; what strategies he wants to use; what forms of work he prefers; how to use the given time;

what forms of control he wants to use for assessment of his activity.

As can be seen from the above-mentioned analysis of research by Italian scholars the present approach in education brings an essential change into the whole didactic system, first and foremost into the system of teacher-student interaction as subjects of learning activity. A teacher only organizes a student's learning activity. In the course of independent work a student is to learn how to set cognitive tasks, choose the ways of their solution, perform control over the correctness of their solution, how to perfect the skills of practical application of a theory, to reflect the whole learning process and to realize his share of responsibility.

Thus, the new educational paradigm attaches prime importance to actualization of learning activity itself and to the student's awareness of himself as a subject of the educational process, working in close coordination with teachers, consultants, tutors. The whole educational system at present should be student-oriented and include a wide range of possibilities. Namely:

• a choice of individual tools and methods of studying,

• freedom of decision making with the view of most effective acquisition of knowledge and mastering of future professional duties and responsibilities,

• acquisition of psychological comfort, i.e. development and satisfaction of one's cultural and value systems, as well as other systems in the process of learning.

All above-mentioned allows us to consider the set of cognitive, organizational and regulatory skills forming the basis of academic autonomy not just as a way of making essential connections during the period of learning, or as a means of gaining new knowledge and socio-cultural orientation, but as a quality of the student's intellectual development as well.


Список литературы / References

1. Каскова М. Е. Метод преподавания итальянского языка иностранным студентам по книге P.E. Balboni «Didattica dell'italiano agli stranieri»: учебно-методическое пособие / М. Е. Каскова. - М. : РУДН, 2012. - 53 с.

2. Balboni P. E. Didattica dell'italiano a stranieri / P. E. Balboni. - 8-а edizione. - Roma : Bonacci Editore, 1994. -160 p.

3. Cornoldi С. Imparare a studiare. Strategie, stili cognitivi, metacognizione e atteggiamenti nello studi / С. Cornoldi, R. De Beni. - 2-а еdizione- Trento : Centro Studi Erickson, 2013. - 410 p.

4. Hoffman S. L'autonomia nell'apprendimento linguistico nel corso di laurea comunicazione internazionale / S. Hoffman // e-journal del Dipartamento di Arti e Comunicazioni dell'üniversitá di Palermo «Arcojournal». - 2004. - № 7.

5. Mariani L. Saper apprendere. Atteggiamenti, motivazioni, stili e strategie per insegnare a imparare [Elettronico la risorsa] / L. Mariani. - URL: http://www.libreriauniversitaria.it/saper-apprendere-atteggiamenti-motivazioni-stili/libro/9788862920254 (la data dell'appello : 01.10.2016)

Список литературы на английском / References in English

1. Kaskova M. E. Kaskova M. E. Metod prepodavanija ital'janskogo jazyka inostrannym studentam po knige P.E. Balboni «Didattica dell'italiano agli stranieri» [The method of teaching Italian to foreign students according to P.E. Balboni's book «Didattica dell'italiano agli stranieri»]: manual / M. E. Kaskova. - Moscow : RUDN, 2012. - 53 p. [in Russian] prepodavanija ital'janskogo jazyka inostrannym studentam po knige P.E. Balboni «Didattica dell'italiano agli stranieri» [The method of teaching Italian to foreign students according to P.E. Balboni's book «Didattica dell'italiano agli stranieri»]: manual. M: RUDN, 2012. 53 p.

2. Balboni P. E. Didattica dell'italiano a stranieri [Teaching Italian to foreigners] / P. E. Balboni. - 8th edition. - Roma : Bonacci Editore, 1994. - 160 p. [in Italian]

3. Cornoldi С. Imparare a studiare. Strategie, stili cognitivi, metacognizione e atteggiamenti nello studi [Learn how to study. Strategies, cognitive styles, attitudes and metacognition in the study] / С. Cornoldi, R. De Beni. - 2nd edition.- Trento : Centro Studi Erickson, 2013. - 410 p. [in Italian]

4. Hoffman S. L'autonomia nell'apprendimento linguistico nel corso di laurea comunicazione internazionale [ Linguistic autonomous learners in undergraduate international communication] / S. Hoffman // e-journal del Dipartamento di Arti e Comunicazioni dell'Université di Palermo «Arcojournal» [e-journal of the Department of Arts and Communications at the University of Palermo "Arcojournal"]. - 2004. - № 7. [in Italian]

5. Mariani L. Saper apprendere. Atteggiamenti, motivazioni, stili e strategie per insegnare a imparare [Knowing how to learn. Attitudes, motivations, styles and strategies to teach you to learn] [Electronic resource] / L. Mariani. - URL: http://www.libreriauniversitaria.it/saper-apprendere-atteggiamenti-motivazioni-stili/libro/9788862920254 (accessed: 01.10.2016) [in Italian]

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