ABU REIKHAN BERUNIY - PROMINENT FIGURES OF UZBEKISTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «История и археология»

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Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Mamajonova G.K., Inomxo'Jayeva S.M.

In this scientific article are considered about the life of the great activities of the thinker Berunia, scientific achievements reflect.

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Mamajonova G.K.

Teacher of the Department of «Social Disciplines» Namangan Engineering Pedagogical Institute

Uzbekistan, Namangan city Inomxo'jayeva S.M. assistant of department "History of Uzbekistan" Namangan Engineering Pedagogical Institute

Uzbekistan, Namangan city Мамажонова Г. К. преподаватель «Социальных дисциплин» Иномхужаева С.М. ассистент

кафедра «Истории Узбекистана» Наманганский инженерно педагогический институт


Annotation: In this scientific article are considered about the life of the great activities of the thinker Berunia, scientific achievements reflect.

Keywords: Beruni, scientific innovations, Khorezm, the sun, the moon, the


Аннотация:В данной научной статье рассмотрены о жизни великих деятельности мыслителя Берунии, научные достижения отражают.

Ключевые слова: Беруни, научные инновации, Хорезм, солнца, луна, планета

The great scientist was born on September 4, 973 (in 362 year of the Hijra in the Muslim calendar) in the ancient capital of Khorezm, the city of Kyat. His parents called him Muhammad. To what social stratum of the population he belonged, it is not known. The Asian name of the origin is evidenced by the full name he took later, Abu Raikhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad Beruni (Abu-r-Raikhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Biruni in the Arabic program). In this multisyllabic name, composed in the traditions of that time, the original name - Muhammad, patronymic - ibn Ahmad, "cunya" or the name for the son (which he never had) -Abu Ranhap (Raikhan's father) and "Nisbu" "- a nickname in the place of origin -Al Beirun. The last word in Persian means "from the outer city", "from the suburbs", that is, from the part behind the city wall, where the craftspeople settled.

It is possible that Beruni acquired the love of making various instruments and skill in this work in the early years, when he constantly communicated with craftsmen.

It's hard to say who were his teachers, but, undoubtedly, Beruni grew up and was brought up among educated people. At that time in Khorezm, located at the crossroads of important trade routes, scientists of various specialties settled. Beruni himself in later works with love and gratitude among the mentors names the name of Abu Nasr Mansur ibn Ali Iraq - the then famous astronomer and

"Экономика и социум" №4(35) 2017



mathematician. Perhaps, it was thanks to him that he carried through through all his years a commitment to these two sciences. But it is unlikely that the young Beruni was satisfied with the knowledge, adopted only by one person. The range of his interests is too wide.

The Age of Beruni is a period of rapid development of the feudal-serf system, years of noisy political events and bloody wars. In the lush oriental bazaars there were still places for slave traders, and the princes of the princes had already tried to strengthen their power mainly at the expense of hired troops. During the life of one or two generations, whole dynasties and vast empires arose and collapsed. Murder of a brother by a brother, father by a son is the most often used method for changing power. About an early period of his life afterwards Beruni not without bitterness wrote:

"In the 384th and 385th years of the AH (994-995) I made astronomical measurements ... But I managed to establish only the highest ecliptic point for the village (Bukatyr), located on the left bank of Jeyhun (the Amudarya river), south of the city of Khorezm There is from Kyat), as well as the ecliptic without azimuth. The day ended in turmoil among the nobility of Khorezm, which made it necessary to interrupt this occupation and take cover, seek refuge, and (then) retire from home to a foreign land. After that, for several years, there was no peace for me until the time was not satisfied and the storms did not settle down. And I had disgust (for life) from the vicissitudes of fate and from what the foolish envied me, and from what the compassionate sage expressed to me in pity. After that I found some free time during the reign of the martyr Abul Abbas of Khorezmshah - let Allah enlighten his arguments - and again I measured the declination of the ecliptic, as well as the ecliptic without azimuth. But not a year has passed, as everything again (gone ashes) ... (Circumstances) did not allow me to return to the original position, which for a man like me would have been more worthy "

In the first part of this quote Beruni talks about the bloody events that ended with the capture of Kyat by the troops of Emir Urgench Mamun I and the murder of Abu-Loddallah Muhammad, the last ruler from the Afrigid home. For astronomical observations, Beruni used a tool of rare sizes for those times (15 cubits, that is, more than 7 meters). Such a tool, most likely, could only be at the palace observatory. Beruni himself probably enjoyed the protection of the murdered Shah. Therefore it is clear that the scientist immediately had to leave his native places and seek refuge in a foreign country. Meanwhile, the new Khorezmshah moved the capital to Urgench.

The years of the first emigration were difficult for Beruni. Judging by the notes scattered in various writings, the scientist in exile literally lived in poverty. At first he settled in the city of Rey, the ruins of which are located near the present Tehran. Then, apparently, in 990, at the invitation of Shah Qaboos ibn Vashgir, whose authority extended to a number of lands adjacent to the southeastern coast of the Caspian Sea, he arrived in Gurgen (now a city in northern Iran). Here he met with the already well-known physician, philosopher and astronomer, a Christian on the religion of Abu-Sahl Isa al-Masihi, whom Beruni often also

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names among his mentors.

At this time, Beruni wrote one of his most remarkable works, known in the literature funds under the title "Monuments of the past days." This is not the first work of a twenty-seven-year-old scientist. Before that, he wrote at least twelve works, of which only two of us have reached.

"Monuments" (in 1957 this book was published in Uzbek and Russian) - not the chronology of the royal dynasty, as it may seem at first glance, but the history of the culture of peoples, their customs and customs. A great place in the book is the description of the methods of chronology, which were used in different countries in different epochs. Beruni painstakingly researches the "roots", that is, the initial dates, months and years, which are put in the foundations of various systems of chronology, and links them with astronomical phenomena such as the movement of the sun, moon, planets and stars. And he himself says that he does all this not for idle curiosity, but because "significant holidays and memorable days marked by peoples are timed to certain periods and (agricultural) works, on whose proper planning" universal prosperity depends.

Used sources:

1. Beruniy haqida fan.zn.uz saytida

2. Abu Arrayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Biruni (The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive)

3. BlRÜNL ABÜ RAYHÁN (The Encyclopedia Iranica)

УДК 331.101.3

Mirzayeva A. B. Student of a magistracy of 1 year of training

Faculty of Management Russia, Makhachkala Research supervisor: Dzhakayeva A. A. PhD in Philosophy, associate professor

Dagestan state university Russia, Makhachkala Мирзаева А.Б. студент магистратуры 1 года обучения факультет управления научный руководитель: Джакаева А.А., к.ф.н.


Дагестанский государственный университет


Annotation: The most often found modern problem which is directly connected with need of the organization and maintaining by the taxpayer - "tax accounting", and also a way of improvement of all system of tax accounting in the territory of Russia is considered.

Keywords: Accounting policies of the organization, accounting and tax

"Экономика и социум" №4(35) 2017



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