ROLE OF THE KHOREZM ACADEMY OF MAMUN IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE Текст научной статьи по специальности «История и археология»

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Academy of Abdullah / the history of science in the middle ages / the region of Central Asia

Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Bahronov B.B.

In medieval times, there were many scientists and scientific schools in Central Asia, and the Academy of Mamun in Khorezm can serve as a vivid example. The role and importance of Khorezm Academy of Mamun in the development of human civilization is on a par with well-known scientific centers.

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UDC 93

Bahronov B. B.

Master student Bukhara State University Uzbekistan, Bukhara city


Abstract: in medieval times, there were many scientists and scientific schools in Central Asia, and the Academy of Mamun in Khorezm can serve as a vivid example. The role and importance of Khorezm Academy of Mamun in the development of human civilization is on a par with well-known scientific centers.

Keywords: Academy of Abdullah, the history of science in the middle ages, the region of Central Asia.

The peoples of the world have contributed to the development of science and culture in the history of human civilization. The Central Asian region has also made a significant contribution to the development of human civilization. In medieval times, there were many scientists and scientific schools in Central Asia, and the Academy of Mamun in Khorezm can serve as a vivid example.

Developed science and culture in the middle ages in Central Asia was due to two reasons: first, the high socio-economic and socio-political development of States, secondly, the strong support of science and culture from the rulers. The rulers who ruled at that time were very educated people. Therefore, they appreciated the scientists and helped them in every way. They were given a place in the Palace and created all favorable conditions for their scientific activities. The role and importance of the Khorezm Academy of Mamun in the development of human civilization is on a par with such well-known scientific centers as Plato Academy in ancient Athens, Alexandria library in Egypt, Baghdad Academy, known in the East as "Baitul-Hikma".

The Khorezm Academy of Mamun, which United more than a hundred famous thinkers, several hundred students, had a rich library, madrasahs for gifted youth, schools for translators and calligraphers, which had all the conditions for scientific research, fully corresponds to the modern concept of "Academy of Sciences". Although the Khorezm Academy of Mamun employed scientists of different nationalities and religions from different parts of the East and West, its main core was the natives of our region, among them — Abu Nasr Ibn Iraq, Abu Rayhon Beruni, Ibn Sina, Mahmud Khujandi, Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Khorezm and Ahmad Ibn Hamid Naisaburi and many others. At the beginning of the VIII century, the territory of Central Asia was conquered by the Arabs, who created a state called the Arab Caliphate.

All state Affairs, scientific and artistic works were created in Arabic. All educated people knew Arabic, so they had the opportunity to get acquainted with the artistic and scientific literature written in Arabic. By that time, the works of Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Byzantine scientists, philosophers, doctors were

translated into Arabic and became available to scientists in the region. The scientific works created by Arab scientists were also extensive. All this contributed to the development of scientific thought in Central Asia [5].

At the end of the IX century, Central Asia was liberated from Arab domination. And on its territory formed several independent States. Revived trade, crafts, art, and science. The "great silk road"was created. The Khorezm state, created from the Northern and southern Khorezm in the 10th century by Shah Mamun Ibn Muhammad with its capital in Urgench, once again enters the arena. This city is famous for its magnificent palaces, caravanserais, bazaars, cultural and religious sites.

Scientists, poets, musicians, singers, doctors lived and worked in the city [4]. Special prosperity was achieved by Khorezm during the reign of Mamun Ibn Mamun (beginning of XI century). The ruler himself was a well-educated man and the first in Uzbekistan "Mamun Academy" ("Assembly of scientists") was created at the court, named in honor of Caliph al-Mamun. He was a famous patron of science and gathered there many outstanding scientists of that time from Khorezm, Fergana, Sogdiana, Shash, Farab and Khorasan. The Academy was headed by the great Uzbek scientist Abu Rayhan Biruni. It consisted of scientists, experts in all known at the time branches of science, including the famous hakims — tabibs.

In the list of members of the Academy was Abu Ali Ibn Sino (Avicenna), Abu Sahl Masihi, Sharafuddin Ibn Abdullah of Iloki, Abu Mansur Kamari other doctors, each of whom left a mark in the development of world medicine [3,4]. There is credible evidence of medieval sources saying Abu Rayhan Biruni and Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna) was found in Gurganchi for research in 1004. Therefore, it can be assumed that the Academy existed before due to the conditions created by the rulers of the Khorezmshakh dynasty. Despite the fact that the Mamun Academy operated until 1017, many scientific studies in astronomy, mathematics, medicine, chemistry, physics, geography, Mineralogy, history, philosophy, literature, linguistics, law and other Sciences were still developing. In particular, in astronomy, corrected astronomical tables on stars and planetary motion, as well as new astronomical instruments, have been developed. Using these tools, Biruni predicted and investigated the lunar Eclipse in 1004. This overall development of medicine is also developing rapidly. In addition to their physicians in Khorezm lived many scholars from distant countries of the West.

Hospitals have been established in Urgench as well as in other cities. They worked well-known scientists-physicians such as Ibn Sina, Abu Sahl Masihi, Abu Abdullah of Iloci. Along with the treatment of patients, they also conducted observations and experiments on many diseases. On the basis of their knowledge and experience they created works about the most important branches of medicine. And so in the middle ages in Khorezm along with other Sciences developed, flourished and medicine. Scientists Abu Ali Ibn Sina, Abu Sahl al-Masihi, Abu khayr Humorum, Sharafuddin Ibn Abdullah of Iloki and Abu Rayhan Biruni written scientific works on medicine. In particular, Abu Khair Hammor was known as the second Hippocrates for his innovative theoretical teachings in such areas of

medicine as human anatomy, diets of the elderly, methods of medical experiments, food substances and epilepsy. Abu Sahl al-Mashiy also gained fame for his practical teachings in medicine. Ibn Sina, despite his short 5-year stay in Khorezm (1005-1010), wrote very important articles on the treatment of wounds [3].

Sharafuddin Ibn Abdullah of Iloki in Urgench expanded and deepened their knowledge and experience. He created such works as" Causes and features of diseases","Methods of treatment"," Collection of medicine","Generalized law". In the " Generalized law "the author summarized and presented in a lighter form of thought and theory from the book" Canons of medicine " Ibn Sina.

There are a number of works of Biruni and medicine. His treatise On pharmacognosy in medicine is the most well-known, it summarizes the results of a detailed study of pain 1500 drugs, methods of their preparation, storage and use. Researches in geography were mainly related with name of Beruni. From the age of 16 he spent a lot of time measuring the latitude of different places, for example, he calculated the latitude of the city of Kyat in Khorezm. In 994 he was able to measure the exact level of deviation of the Ecliptic plane of the village of Bushkanz (between the West Bank of the Amu Darya and the city of Kyat) in relation to the equator. In 995 Biruni began research to create a picture of the Earth in the form of a globe. This was the first drawing of The earth in the shape of a globe with relief. Biruni wrote scientific articles on various areas of geography, such as natural geography, hydrology and Mineralogy [1]. Mamun Academy in Khorezm was also famous for its research in social Sciences. Philosophy was deeply studied during Biruni's correspondence with Ibn Sina. Both scientists expressed their views on the philosophical ideas of Aristotle about the end of the world. Biruni and Ibn Sina were supporters of the existence of other worlds and other cultures. After the conquest of Khwarazm by Mahmud of Ghazni, a member of the Academy, Abdullah was taken to them in Gasno or fled, as Ibn Sina and al-Mashi. Some results of academic scientific research of these scientists were implemented in the form of scientific works in Ghazn, Herat, Hamadan, Rhea, Nishapur, Baghdad throughout the first half of the XI century [2]. Mamun Academy was one of the first instructive examples of regional and international organization and deep research in various fields of science. It gave impetus to the development of medicine, chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics, Geology, pharmacology, veterinary medicine, astronomy, poetry, literature, philosophy, history, law, ethics, Economics. Uzbekistan's independence marked a new period in the history of ancient Khorezm, the beginning of the era of progress. As throughout our country, in this ancient land, the great work on the growth of national identity, national pride, the revival of the names of the great Eastern thinkers, as well as the study and promotion of rich history, unique heritage, centuries-old traditions is carried out.

On October 21, 1997, at the world celebration of the 2500 anniversary of the city of Khiva under the auspices of UNESCO, the head of our state proposed to revive the Khorezm Academy of Mamun, which is considered one of the first academies in the history of mankind. On November 11, 1997 the decree Of the

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "on revival of Khorezm Academy of Mamun"was issued. Resolution 32 of the General Conference of UNESCO in 2003 and the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 9, 2004 on the Celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the Academy of Mamun in Khorezm gave impetus to the world research of the famous medieval Academy and increased the public concept of the scientific and cultural heritage of Uzbekistan. Over the years, scientists of the Academy have implemented a number of projects in various fields of science and have achieved good results. Along with scientific and theoretical developments, scientists also conduct research that is of an applied nature.In-depth research in such areas as the ancient history of Khorezm, the foundations of national statehood, the study of historical and cultural monuments, the ecology of the region, land and water resources, the creation of new, appropriate local climatic conditions, varieties of crops deserve attention. The Academy has a number of departments, such as" Archeology, history and philosophy"," Language and literature"," Problems of biology", significantly expanded the number of employees. Currently, the Museum of the history of science operates in the Khorezm Academy of Mamun. The modern information resource center stores almost 17,800 copies of books, more than a hundred of them are rare historical manuscripts and lithographs. Scientists of the Academy actively cooperate with a number of foreign prestigious scientific institutions in France, Egypt, the Republic of Korea, Saudi Arabia. Today, the Academy is the venue for scientific conferences, round tables and seminars, the descendants of great ancestors not only study the scientific heritage left to us by the great thinkers of the East, but also contribute to the development of Russian science, continuing the search for the most effective progressive methods, finding answers to topical issues of our time.


1.Abu Rayhan Biruni. Selected works: Vol. III, determining the boundaries of places to clarify the distances between settlements, 1966.

2.Abdullayev, the history of medicine in Khorezm. Tashkent: Medicine. 1980.

3.The Emergence of medicine in Central Asia. Tashkent:

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