Научная статья на тему 'About varieties of intramolecular bonds with ether of oxygen atom'

About varieties of intramolecular bonds with ether of oxygen atom Текст научной статьи по специальности «Химические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по химическим наукам, автор научной работы — Vinogradova Maria Grigorievna

This is explanation of before inexplicable peculiarities of molecular bonds of oxygen atom based on property of his within-atomic dipole’s structure. The process of interaction of her pulsatile dipoles with celestial ether defines both essence of bond itself and special paramagnetism of oxygen molecule [1, 2].

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Текст научной работы на тему «About varieties of intramolecular bonds with ether of oxygen atom»


Vinogradova Maria Grigorievna,

Doctor of Science and Technology, Academician of ICCIA (Information, Communication, Control International Academy), S.-Petersburg, Russia qwefox@pochta.ru, aosputnick@gmail.com



This is explanation of before inexplicable peculiarities of molecular bonds of oxygen atom based on property of his within-atomic dipole's structure. The process of interaction of her pulsatile dipoles with celestial ether defines both essence of bond itself and special paramagnetism of oxygen molecule [1, 2].

Clue words

atom's dipole, pulsation's interaction with ether, frequency of pulsation, paramagnetic, energy of rupture,

radiateless changes.

Dipole in structure of atom

The process of starry delivery of atomic matter is presented as dipole's synthesis. Dipoles in structure of atom differ in this way: dipoles directed by electrons outwards and dipoles directed by electron inwards (in whichever dipole's atom structure). These last carry function of neutrons. Dipoles with outwards electrons realize function of atom and molecule inner bonds with celestial ether [1-4]. Earlier we investigated with essence of atom functioning as elastic oscillatory electro- magnetic system with it outside dipoles pulsating along of axis of dipole and realizing intraatomic interaction with ether [1-3]. Electron jumps outside -inside in pulsation process of alternation of expansion-shrinkage of valence dipole with absorption and emitting of ether neutrinos. Introduced by M. Plank constant h appears by measure of pulsation processes in ether and characterizes the atom as oscillator. Stability of interatomic bond is so much the higher than the more intensive of frequency of pulsation w of atomic dipole. She is defined by top meaning of energy elasticity of hesitation - minimum quantity of ionization Wion energy:

w = Wion (eV) / h (eV.s)

But in what manner the notion about dipole's atom structure expands to intra-molecular bonds? Let us examine possibility of analogous estimation of chemical bonds in substance for aim of demonstration of structure details of oxygen molecule in connection with her before inexplicable properties.

Oxygen atom as dipole's structure It is difficult explicable moment - to explain with help of method of quantum-mechanical electron's orbitals these properties of oxygen that stipulate different conduct of atom and molecule. Besides of these properties of oxygen there is paramagnetism what differs it from other gaseous elements (at usual conditions) [4]. Ability of substance to get used to magnetic field is explained by presence at his molecule of own magnetic momentum. Oxygen molecule has this momentum, but where is it spring from? Perhaps is it in oxygen atom?

Outer electron's cover of oxygen atom contains 6 electrons. Under terminology of quantum mechanical notion four from them are coupled on two pairs differing one from another by contrary spins. And two are uncoupled, i.e. solitary with same spins [4]. But what such is spin? It is regard that spin is inner impulse of electron rotation joining with it own magnetic momentum as electrical charging particle. In conformance of quantum chemistry, physical bearer of magnetic properties is uncoupled electron at absence those neighbouring with contrary spin. Because if those would put in an appearance with contrary spin, i.e. contrary direction of rotation, so these two must form the system without own magnetic momentum [4].

This is not so in point of view our notion about dipole's atom structure: pulsatory in direction to centre of structure dipole appears by physical bearer her electrical and so magnetic properties.. Electron jumps

outside -inside in pulsation process of alternation of expansion-shrinkage of valence dipole with absorption and emitting of ether neutrinos. Just peculiarities of dipole's structure of oxygen atom underlie in peculiar properties of oxygen molecule, differing it from all other gauzes. Namely: structure asymmetric atom of biogenetic carbon lies in basis of oxygen atom as was shown in our last works, also in [3]. Oxygen atom received from preceding on nuclear synthesis element in a line of outer dipoles two those leftwards from axis (1 and 2) and two those to the right of axis (3 and 4), which do not take part in chemical bond of hydrol molecule. Again increased two most outer dipoles are dispersed one from another at angle 104° and appear by valence (fig .1).


Fig.1. Dipole's structure of oxygen atom

So that four outer dipoles (1, 2, 3, 4) falling to oxygen atom at starry synthesis from preceding element do not appear most outer, i.e. valence. Two most outer valence dipoles appear by pulsatile these, i.e. bearers of impulse's currents. Each from them creates pulsation along of dipole's axis (over needles), i.e. in two unconcurrent directions under angle near 90°. Oxygen atom must create such a one configuration of currents as without parallelism of rays-electrons. The truth is that A.F. Yoffe fixed that just in case of parallel pencil of rays-electrons in vacuum their magnetic field tallies with magnetic field of straight current same value in conductor. Pulsatory valence dipoles in oxygen atom do not provide parallel pencil of electrons owing to value of valence angle near 90°.

Further it is question: in what position might valence dipoles two oxygen atoms appear in molecule O2 ? Wonderfully, that molecule O2 has a likeness to oxygen atom, on the one hand, the same two valence dipoles, both the one and the other. Dipole's structure of molecule O2 is shown on fig.2. "Remarkable peculiarity of molecule O2 appears presence of two uncoupled electrons: this leads to paramagnetism of oxygen" [4].

Oxygen molecule is paramagnetic

Fig.2. Dipole's structure of molecule О2

Two dipole I and II pulsate almost parallel one to another in direction to and from centre of own atom. Quantum mechanical notions put a question so: is it possible that uncoupled electrons of two atoms

at joining them in molecule would remain uncoupled, i.e. possess by same spins? But the fact is that the paramagnetic property of oxygen molecule does not connect with joining two electrons certainly with same spins. Magnetic momentum would appear not because one pair uncoupled electrons simply remained uncoupled, but because the valence dipoles would occur in position nearly parallel one to another. This is possible if the valence dipoles by one from of each two atoms participate in forming of molecule and two others valence pulsatory dipoles by one from each atom remain free oscillators. Then those would represent by them almost parallel pencil of electrons of dipoles I and II, possessing suitable magnetic field (fig.2). In comparison the oxygen atom with him molecule on fig. 1 and 2 it is disclosed that quantity of valence dipoles does not changed, but changed their mutual directness: instead of nearly perpendicular she becomes almost parallel. In this position valence pulsatory dipoles must react to outer magnetic field, that occur in reality: paramagnetism of oxygen molecule is certain experimental fact. There is regard established that only one from valence electrons at each atom so remain solitary, but by one from two other are prepared to form the chemical bond. Then each oxygen atom disburses only one single electron on foundation of its diatomic molecule, i.e. makes use one bond from two possible, appeared by bivalent. Why is it that "oxygen molecule can't have not only double bond but quite alone bond", in point of view of quantum mechanical notions? Then which is it this bond? "Single notion about this is absent amongst of scientists till now, and many details of structure oxygen molecule yet is not found out completely" [4].

Let us find out how the notion about dipole's structure of oxygen atom would give the answer on this question. Stability of bond in process interaction of molecule with ether is characterized not only by energy, but by power, and so by frequency of pulsation of valence dipoles. Necessary molecule energy for rupture of chemical oxygen bonds - dissolution O2 to atoms makes expenditure 493 kJoule/m or 117,9 kcal/m. Suitable the energy of rupture of one molecule O2 to 2 atoms makes Wr = 5,11 eV. Necessary frequency of pulsation for bond of O2 molecule with ether is defines by ionization energy and Plank constant:

w 02 = W ion 02 /h = 12,077 эВ/4,1359.10"15 eV.s = 2,92.10 15 s-1 . (1) It appears smaller than suitable frequency of dipole's pulsation w 0 = 3, 292. 1015 s-1, on security of oxygen atom entirety [2]. Oxygen molecule appears less strong dipole's construction than oxygen atom because molecule bond slackens primary stability of dipole's structure received by her at starry synthesis. Necessary frequency of pulsation for security of strong joining of oxygen atoms to molecule before her rupture determines by actual energy of rupture of one molecule and Plank constant:

w join = W r / h = 5,11 eV/ 4,1359.10-15 eV.s = 1,235. 1015 s-1 . (2)

Second magnitude (2) appears smaller than (1) in 2,36 once. This frequency of pulsation characterizes double bond. It would be formed by two dipoles from each out of two atoms pulsating in different phase. But where might the double bond become from? Well, paramagnetism of oxygen molecule requires of part at one valence dipole of each from two atoms for molecule formation, and two other valence pulsatory dipoles at one from each atom might remain by free pulsators. It would seem, molecule O2 might be strengthen by single bond at one from two remaining solitary dipoles of each atoms. It looks like the thesis about that only uncoupled electron gives chemical bond does not work in case of oxygen molecule. And unique of oxygen molecule is stipulated by peculiarity of her dipole's structure which analysis indicates formation the double bond by valence dipole and neighboring with him outer dipole more deep submerged into atom (fig. 2). The lading for binding dipoles reduces with increasing of it number, so that coefficient of reserve elasticity of dipoles hesitations reduces - reserve of stability of dipoles slackens. Contrary to, strengthening of stability in dipole's structure is just stipulated by increasing of lading for binding dipoles at passage out order one from it - at ionization of atom. This is achieves by increase of frequency of pulsation of remaining to interaction with ether dipoles. For instance, ionization of helium atom (molecule) with ceasing of one electron leads to that second valence dipole begins to work "beyond pair". But frequency of pulsation increases more than twice: from 5, 94 to 13,16. 1015 1/ s, i.e. in 2, 213 once. For my part, the change from single to double bond is attended by proper change of frequency of pulsation - it decreases (less compact "spring" works compared to with more compact). Virtual frequency of pulsation of binding dipoles in oxygen molecule, as it was shown, is make extremely reduction in 2,36 once of intensiveness of interaction of chemical junction with ether in comparison with (1), supporting completeness of whole molecule O2 by two valence dipoles.

But now it are four these and they pulsate with reduced frequency (2) and in different phases with difference at У period of hesitation. Molecule O2 hypothetical might be strengthen by one pair of pulsatory dipoles with strengthened beyond two frequency of pulsation (1), but more probably - by two pairs of neighbouring dipoles pulsating with frequency (2) in different phases. Changes from one (1) to (2) molecule states, if they exist, might be treated as radiateless changes. Till now rational picture of these changes was absent. There is received that if separately molecule O2 does not have neither single nor double configuration of bond, so they might be intermittent, taking a turn of each other. Amplitude of removal of electron in dipole does not change at radiateless changes, but frequency of interaction with ether of pulsatory dipoles changes. In case of ordinary transition from one to another of energetic states of molecule with eradiation or absorption of photons amplitude of removal of electron undergoes change at constant frequency of dipole's pulsation. As soon radiateless changes is not shown by spectroscopy course so they do not disclosed visually and might be unnoticed. The character of intermolecular bond with ether of oxygen atoms in molecule O 2 is not usual and it might last in dipole's structure of hydrogen peroxide molecule with fragment of O2 structure, but does not last in angle's form in hydrol molecule with analogous by atom O structure [3]. Deep hided in himself oxygen atom peculiarities of it bonds with ether in different molecules were not understand without attraction of proposed analysis method of atom structure received him at starry synthesis [1-5]. Reference

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5. YouTube: New Cosmogony. M.Vinogradova reports. 2013.

© Vinogradova M.G., 2017

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