Научная статья на тему 'New cosmogony about physical bases of vitality'

New cosmogony about physical bases of vitality Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Vinogradova M.G.

There is observed what manner the process of reproduction of life stipulated by physical peculiarity of atoms organization and property of synthesized them Star the Jupiter.

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Текст научной работы на тему «New cosmogony about physical bases of vitality»



Vinogradova Maria Grigorievna,

Doctor of Science and Technology, Academician of ICCIA (Information, Communication, Control International Academy), S.-Petersburg, Russia qwefox@pochta.ru, aosputnick@gmail.com



There is observed what manner the process of reproduction of life stipulated by physical peculiarity of atoms organization and property of synthesized them Star - the Jupiter.

Key words

relay race of life, biological tissue, Hydrogen bonds, dipole's structure, resonance of amplitude

What is known about relay race of life?

There is talking about communication between the problem of Earthy genealogy and interatomic cause of viable, vital force of biological tissue. There is alike that biological life and human self are older of planet the Earth age. Authors Khod'kov A.E. & Vinogradova M.G. wrote about Jupiterian origin of the Earth long ago from 1988 year. About relay race of life received from another Jupiterian kids , in basic Galilean satellites, was written in a book "The bases of cosmogony" in 2004 year [5]. But already in 2011 y. there was given the cosmic confirmation to this in booklet "Could be introduce - comet!" from somebody else's view on Sunny system outlook. Let us look at sent and received information diagrams on pictures 1 and 2.

On the picture 1 (page 8 of booklet) there is fit the informational diagram sent by American scientists in direction of a certain starry sphere M-13 from telescope in Aresibo. In line with image of Solar system only one planet the Earth was pick up on upper level as one unique carriage of life.

On picture 2 (page 9 of booklet) it is shown the answer from ALIEN cosmic inhabitants as they are called itself in diagram received in England.

In this answer diagram there is also being the upper level of life in line with image of Solar System. But besides the Earth level of life are also formed by Mars and four Galilean satellites of Jupiter. In this manner alien inhabitants of Universe marked in relay race of life Solar System because from New Cosmogony is known that Galilean satellites and Mars were formed as preceding the Earth older kids of Jupiter [9]. Analogous diagrams with relay race of life illustrate our last books "In search of genealogy of planet the Earth" (2014 y.) and "Cosmogony for learners" (2015

y.) [10].

About resonance's nature of between molecular bonds of Hydrogen

The first important property of atoms from Jupiterian starry synthesis is property to form the Hydrogen bonds [4, 5]. The Earth amongst other planet kids of Jupiter finds oneself supplied by special between molecular communications - Hydrogen bonds. They were discovered by Russian chemists M. A. Iljinskiy and N. N. Beketov in 80-th years XIX century. Contemporary American authors Wendell H. Slabaugh and Theran D. Parsons Hydrogen bond call a kind of dipole-dipole interaction in case of bond polar co-valence and consider it as electrostatic interaction [1, p. 142]. This performance does not reveal the cause of Hydrogen bond beginning outside understanding about dipole's structure of atom himself. Last notion was introduced by us in 1989 year [2]. Further it was shown that origin of Hydrogen bond as special type of bond between Hydrogen atom of one molecule and other atoms (Oxygen and Nitrogen of neighbouring molecules) obliged from properties of this atoms synthesized by rapid rotating star with strong magnetic field - as Jupiter. In base of Hydrogen force of Oxygen and Nitrogen is their affinity to Hydrogen. In what manner it is express their affinity to Hydrogen in physical understandings? And what Hydrogen bonds represent themselves physically? For such definition let us look to performance about atom as oscillator introduced still from Max Plank in 1900 y. After him such performance about atom as oscillator renewed

almost across 100 years only in works of modern German physicist Martin Mueller. It is known his Tubingen model of atom conceived him in 1992-1994 years in two his works that author gave me on next in turn International Congress [3].

Physicist qualifies hesitation of electron in proton field of an atom as mechanical elastic oscillation on type "Proton twiddles with electron in ping-pong". This performance is chime with essence of atom functioning as elastic oscillatory electro- magnetic system with it outside dipoles pulsating along of axis of dipole and realizing interatomic interaction with ether [7]. Let us return to M. Plank - introduced him constant h appears pulsation's constant or measure of oscillatory processes in skyey celestial ether. Stability of interatomic bond is the more so than the more intensive of pulse rate frequency of atom dipole defining by top meaning of energy elasticity of hesitation - minimum energy of ionization:

w rad/s = Wion ^B) / h (eV.s) [5, 7].

It is appears that pulsation of Hydrogen dipole as most simple atom characterizes circular frequency 3, 288.1015 rad/s and amplitude of hesitations till 0,65 nm. Electron jumps outside -inside in pulsation process of alternation of expansion-shrinkage of valence dipole with absorption and emitting of ether neutrinos. It (dipole) loses itself stability in proportion with excess of limit of hesitation elasticity behind those it is follows ceasing of electron from atom. Ionization of atom brings inevitably intensification of power of hesitation of remained dipoles if they exist in atom. According to increase of elasticity energy it is grows the frequency of hesitation those dipole that is subject to possible following ionization. Independent way of search of pulsation frequency of deep dipoles for atom ionizated (N-1) times denoted by function:

w (N) = N 2. Rx, .c,

where N - the ordinal number of element in Mendeleev's table, R» - Rydberg constant, 1/cm, c - light of velocity, cm/s [5, p.147].

Picture 1

Picture 2

Accordingly it is defines unknown limit meaning of elasticity energy in atom for element with number N, i.e. bond's energy Wn of most possible deepening dipoles: Wn = © n . h = N 2. R <». c. h.

In process of functioning of atom with photon's absorption and emitting the pulsation frequency does not change but it is changes the swing of hesitation i.e. the amplitude of electron's displacement. We come up to nature of Hydrogen bonds as function of changeability of amplitude of pulsation. If Hydrogen atom formed molecule with other neighbouring atom so his electron looks jumping by turns now in its now in neighbouring atom. In a moment of dilatation of Hydrogen dipole and adsorption of neutrino it will blow over simultaneously compact dipole from interacting atom with emitting of neutrino and dipoles become tied by self. Besides, interacting atom superposes

НАУЧНОЕ ПЕРИОДИЧЕСКОЕ ИЗДАНИЕ «IN SITU» №12/2016 ISSN 2411-7161 indignanting pulsations upon hesitation of Hydrogen dipole. In field of nearest pulsation's frequency between interacting atoms it could be arise a sharp increase of amplitudes of forced pulsation so that electron could jump outside of his molecule and form far-away bond with unshared dipole of neighbouring molecule. These resonance's bonds are right Hydrogen bondings as stipulated by sharp increase of amplitudes of forced pulsation Hydrogen dipoles owing to nearness pulsation's frequency of acting with him atoms. At the comparison of pulsation's frequency for atoms Hydrogen 3,288, Oxygen 3,292 and Nitrogen 3, 514 (10 15 s -1) we persuade oneself that they actually near each other. And there are especially near at Oxygen and Hydrogen thanks to nearness of their ionization energy W ion=13,618 eV and W ion = 13, 598 eV, differing one from another only on 5W ion = 0,02 eV.

Just an atoms from Jupiterian origin have peculiar affinity to Hydrogen [5, 7, 8]. Intensiveness of this affinity or force of Hydrogen bond is defined by resonance's frequency of intermolecular reciprocal action - pulsation of electron. For oxygen-hydrogen bond resonance's frequency is determined exactly with difference of their energy of ionization as v r = 5 W mJ 2nh = 0, 02 eV/ 4,1359. 10 -15 eV.s = 4,8.1012 1/s, which proves shifted from basic frequency in radiofrequency's diapason on several orders.

Therefore between molecule Hydrogen bond is relaxed and engulfing smaller portion of interaction with ether and so very mobile.

Momentary reestablishment of functioning of Hydrogen bonds after it ruptures and cyclical character of their rebuilding just stipulate the work of heart [8]. Our Pan-science Achiever noted the information about life on self-will reproducible bearer of information just by help of Hydrogen bonds!

Biogenetic structure is formed from dipoles by various ways

Other aspect of viable force of biological tissue belongs to peculiarities of dipole's atoms structure of Carbon, Nitrogen and Oxygen itself, obtained by Jupiterian synthesis. She could differ by order and direction of superstructure to atom of Helium (as basis of dipole structure 2-nd row of elements of Mendeleev's table) of near situated pair of dipoles allowed and significant could foresee the asymmetry of atom [2, 7, 10]. Performance of atom in the form of dipole structure, where valence electrons accomplish not rotating movements as if around nucleus but oscillatory outside-inside, proves especially important for biogenetic carbon atom. It is central part in biochemical processes which belongs to biogenetic carbon. Before our works from 2006 year [6] it did not known about that if direction of superstructure changes to contrary at crossing of certain from axis of symmetry so it is formed the asymmetrical structure (a). Let us look at the picture 3.

a б

. Дипольная структура биогенного атома углерода с асимметричным (а) и симметричным (б) расположением валентных

электронов —

Picture 3

Carbonic acid is formed just asymmetrical structure of biogenetic carbon [7, p. 60, 11а] with angle between bonds at 120^ and joining of one atom O to twos towards directing valence dipoles and twos group OH over alone to every remaining valence dipoles. Differentiated dipole structures of atoms of biogenetic carbon: symmetrical (б) and asymmetrical (a) allow explain their capacity to display a various property. Among them there is optical isomeric property of biological tissue - to be left or right revolving or not manifested of optical property. In biological world of sugars i.e. carbo-hydrates it is meet only right revolving forms. In that time all aminoacids in what constructed

НАУЧНОЕ ПЕРИОДИЧЕСКОЕ ИЗДАНИЕ «IN SITU» №12/2016 ISSN 2411-7161 albuminous life include the both variants of disposition of valence dipoles, but except so as glycin all aminoacids have in living organism certainly over asymmetrical carbon atom [1]. And because this there is the left revolving forms of their optical activity.

Oxygen atom with 16-th dipole's structure appears realized on base of asymmetrical biogenetic carbon atom. Among 6 outside dipoles of oxygen atom there are 4 dipoles was fall to one's lot for him from structure of carbon atom (1, 2, 3, 4 - picture 4). This structure gives an explanation of two-valence of this atom at presence of 6 outside electrons, and was brought in our work [2].

Picture 4

Just such oxygen atom takes part in formation of hydrol molecule H2O by twos outside valence dipoles over angle 104^ to one another, connecting him with twos Hydrogen atoms by covalence bonds [1]. In contrary direction from these bonds (at 180^) Hydrogen dipole forms Hydrogen bonds with strange oxygen atom - with his unshared dipoles. Thus we arrive inevitably to Hydrogen bonds, from which was beginning the deep study of peculiar properties of atoms synthesized by Jupiter - our paternal Star.

Already in 1997 year [4] there was raised the problem about absence of vitality at atomic matter by Sunny synthesis: about low potential of ionization of his atoms, that further detail examined in "Could be introduce -comet!" About peculiar structure of sunny synthesis's atoms unequal for vital processes there are publications [5, 6, 7, 10]. Many ecological problems of the Earth connected with remaking of technical carbon (black coal and petroleum) of fuels are stipulated with unknown those fact that it is atom of abiogenetic carbon synthesized by Sun. From here there is his harmful action on the biosphere of the Earth. Hence - there is intuitive tendency of inhabitants of the Earth to substitute the derivatives of fuel hydrocarbons by vegetative carbo-hydrates, or to replace benzine by bioethanol, Diesel flue by biodiesel, plastic mass by biopolymers. About main differences of abiogenetic carbon from biogenetic it could be read in the works [6, 7, 10] and look in YouTube [11]. Reference

1. Slabaugh W., Parsons T. General Chemistry. John Willey and Sons, Inc. New York. 1976. 550 p.

2. Khod'rov A.E., Vinogradova M.G. Dipole's hypothesis and her consequences/ Towards knowledge of nature of physical-chemical processes. Leningrad 1989. Dep. № 824 - xn 89. OSRITECHIM. Cherkassy. 105 p.

3.Martin Mueller. How Time Dilatation Can Help to Explain the (Chemical) Hydrogen Bond Physically. Elsterveg 31. D - 72793. Pfullingen. 1994. 16 p. The Oscillation Against Squared -reciprocal Back driving Force. Pfullingen. 1994. 4 p.

4. Khod'kov A.E., Vinogradova M.G. About the scape's problems of natural (physical) science. Nedra PUBLISHERS. Saint- Petersburg. 1997. 192 p.

5. Khod'kov A.E., Vinogradova M.G. The bases of cosmogony. About origin of worlds, the Sun and the Earth.

НАУЧНОЕ ПЕРИОДИЧЕСКОЕ ИЗДАНИЕ «IN SITU» №12/2016 ISSN 2411-7161 "Nedra". Saint- Petersburg. 2004. 336 p.

6. Vinogradova M.G. Cosmic sources of abiogenetic carbon and his derivatives. News of Russian geographical society. Volume N 138. Issue N 4. 2006. P. 30-36.

7. Vinogradova M.G. Amongst thousands of stars. " Nedra". Saint- Petersburg. 2009. 140 p.

8. Vinogradova M.G. Where is heart ladling the energy from? IN SITU: № 4/ 2015. P. 7-10.

9. Vinogradova M.G. Solution of cardinal problem of cosmogony. IN SITU: № 11/ 2016. P. 5-10.

10. Vinogradova Maria, Vinogradov Anton. Cosmogony for learners. Palmarium Academic Publishing. N 978-3659-60062-3. Germany. 2015. 88 p.

11. You Tub e: New Cosmogony. M. Vinogradova reports. 2013.

© Vinogradova M.G., 2016

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