ABOUT THE HİSTORY OF AZERBAİJANİ NATİONAL HOLİDAYS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Ключевые слова
national holidays / Ramadan / Gurban Bayram / traditions / rituals

Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Hamzayeva Nurlana Qarıb, Ibrahimova Chinara Yasin

Azerbaijan celebrates several national holidays throughout the year. Some of them include: Republic Day (May 28) – marks the formation of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic in 1918. Independence Day (October 18) – marks the day Azerbaijan gained full independence from the Soviet Un-ion in 1991. The Day of the Azerbaijani Alphabet and Language (August 1) celebrates the national language of Azer-baijan, which is the Azerbaijani – Turkic language. These are just a few examples of Azerbaijan's national holidays, and there are also other holidays related to religion and culture. These include:The Ramadan holiday.For Muslims, the month of Ramadan is the king of 12 months. During this month, Muslims refuse to eat or drink during the daytime. Every year, the date of the beginning of the month of Ramadan is shifted by about 11 days ago and the first day of Ramadan is determined by astronomical calculations, observation of the Moon Kurban holiday. It is a Muslim donation holiday that is celebrated 70 days after the Ramadan holiday. Novruz Bayram (March 21) is a holiday of the vernal equinox, which is celebrated in many countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus, including Azerbaijan. On this day, people hold traditional rituals and festive events such as dances, songs and games.

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UDC 93/94

Hamzayeva Nurlana Qarib.

PhD in History, Ganja State University Senior teacher Azerbaijan, Ganja Orcid 0009-0009-7296-5681 Ibrahimova Chinara Yasin Ganja State University teacher Azerbaijan, Ganja Orcid0009-0009-6604-4 755 DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2024-1194-7-9 ABOUT THE HiSTORY OF AZERBAiJANi NATiONAL HOLiDAYS


Azerbaijan celebrates several national holidays throughout the year. Some of them include:

Republic Day (May 28) - marks the formation of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic in 1918.

Independence Day (October 18) - marks the day Azerbaijan gained full independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.

The Day of the Azerbaijani Alphabet and Language (August 1) celebrates the national language of Azerbaijan, which is the Azerbaijani - Turkic language.

These are just a few examples of Azerbaijan's national holidays, and there are also other holidays related to religion and culture. These include:The Ramadan holiday.For Muslims, the month of Ramadan is the king of 12 months. During this month, Muslims refuse to eat or drink during the daytime. Every year, the date of the beginning of the month of Ramadan is shifted by about 11 days ago and the first day of Ramadan is determined by astronomical calculations, observation of the Moon

Kurban holiday. It is a Muslim donation holiday that is celebrated 70 days after the Ramadan holiday.

Novruz Bayram (March 21) is a holiday of the vernal equinox, which is celebrated in many countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus, including Azerbaijan. On this day, people hold traditional rituals and festive events such as dances, songs and games.

Keywords: national holidays, Ramadan, Gurban Bayram, traditions, rituals

Introduction: Holidays reflect various aspects of culture and the history of society. They may reflect religious beliefs (for example: Gurban Bayram, Ramadan, Christmas, Easter), national identity (for example, Independence Day, Education Day), historical events (for example, Memorial Day, Navy Day), traditions and customs (for example, Novruz Bayram, Valentine's Day, Halloween). They also serve as a means of bringing people together, allowing them to relax and enjoy a temporary break from everyday life. Holidays reflect the ideals, values and characteristics of society, and also allow people to express their emotions and joy. Azerbaijan, as a representative of the Muslim and secular world, is famous for numerous holidays, among them Ramadan, Gurban and Novruz Bayrams are the largest and most colorful.

Research results: Novruz Bayram is an annual spring holiday celebrated in many countries, including Turkey, Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan and others. The holiday has ancient roots and symbolizes the beginning of spring and the rebirth of nature.

The emergence of the Novruz holiday is associated with ancient ideas about the struggle between good and evil, as well as astronomical phenomena. According to legend, the Sun god and the Earth goddess fought, and the Sun won, prolonging the light and warmth on Earth. This event has become a symbol of the victory of good over evil, light over darkness and spring over winter.

The main customs of Novruz Bayram include the following:

Purification ritual: On the eve of the holiday, the house is cleaned, the ritual use of aromatic herbs and special sound instruments to expel evil spirits from the dwelling.

Burning a shapan: A shapan is a pile of dry grass that is burned during a holiday. It symbolizes the expulsion of winter and the attraction of spring.

Offering gifts: On Novruz Day, people exchange gifts, especially sweets and fruits. The holiday is also accompanied by loud feasts and traditional dishes made from special ingredients.

Horse racing: In many countries, horse racing is held, which has become a traditional part of the holiday. People compete in speed and horsemanship.

Musical and dance performances: During the holiday, festive concerts are held, where national songs and dances are performed. This creates an atmosphere of joy and celebration.

The common goal of Novruz Bayrama is to renew and purify one's life, recognize the good and renounce evil. On this day, people wish each other happiness, good luck and prosperity. Novruz Bayram is a time when the whole family and friends come together to celebrate the transition from winter to spring and celebrate the new year in a social and cheerful atmosphere.

Although this holiday has many common features, different people have their own national flavor. So this



holiday in Azerbaijan is represented by the following specific features.

Initially, it should be noted that Novruz is one of the most ancient and important holidays in Azerbaijan, which is celebrated in spring, when the new year begins according to the solar calendar. This holiday has deep historical roots and has been accompanied by various traditions, customs, as well as national sweets for centuries.

One of the main features of the Novruz holiday is its symbolism. In the center of the holiday there is a fire, which is perceived as a symbol of purification and renewal. On this day, Azerbaijanis jump over the bonfire, fulfilling the wishes and wishes of the new year. Special importance is also attached to the observance of hygiene and cleanliness during the holiday.

One of the obligatory traditions of the holiday is visiting graves and commemorating deceased ancestors. Azerbaijanis bring flowers and gifts to the graves, mourn and remember their loved ones.

National sweets are especially common on Novruz Bayram. One of the most popular sweets is "sheker-bura". This is a thin layer cake with a filling of nuts and sugar. Also, "gogals" are necessarily placed on the festive table, which are traditional Baklava pies - another favorite sweet, which is a layered pie filled with nuts, sugar and honey. In addition, "shor gogal" is often placed on festive tables. And the main decoration of any table is "xiamen" (sprouted wheat seeds). There are also colored boiled eggs on the festive table and there is a game where they are tested for strength. Also, various rituals and omens are used for the Novruz holiday. For example, on this day, Azerbaijanis share pomegranate seeds to symbolize the abstract influx of abundance and fertility into their lives. Lighting a bonfire on a holiday is considered a symbol of getting rid of failure and disease. It is also customary to wear new clothes on this day to mark the beginning of a new season and your life [1,72-76].

Since ancient times, unmarried girls have been conducting various fortune-telling in Novruz Bayram: eavesdropping under the door, on candles, on an engagement ring, etc.

The diverse customs and traditions of the Novruz holiday in Azerbaijan reflect the rich cultural and national roots of the country. It is a time of meeting spring, hope and the rebirth of nature, as well as a time when people unite to celebrate the beginning of the new year and give each other joy and prosperity [2, 14-23].

On September 30, 2009, Novruz was included by UNESCO in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Mankind, since then March 21 has been declared as the International Day of Novruz

The holiday of Ramadan, or Ramadan, is one of the most significant religious events in Islam. It is a monthly holiday celebrated by Muslim believers in all countries of the world. Ramadan is a month of celebration of non-Orthodox prayer, fasting and generosity.

The origin of the Ramadan holiday is connected with the historical event when the Prophet Muhammad received the Revelation of the Koran from Allah. This event is known as the Night of Great Power, and it took

place in the month of Ramadan. During that night, Allah prophesied Muhammad's first revelation and taught him the Qur'an. The Ramadan holiday is an objection to this historical event.

The significance of the Ramadan holiday is associated with the practice of fasting, which means giving up food and drinks from dawn to dusk. According to Islam, fasting helps Muslims to purify themselves spiritually, gain compassion and solidarity with those who suffer from hunger and lack of food. Fasting also helps to control your desires and focus on the spiritual aspects of your life.

During the Ramadan holiday, Muslims make many efforts to remain repentant and united. They fast from dawn to dusk, without eating or drinking. This is done throughout the month as a sign of repentance and spiritual purification. Abstaining from food and drinks also helps Muslims understand what it means to be hungry and needy, and therefore develop compassion and generosity[3,68-79].

At the end of the Ramadan holiday comes a day called Eid al-Fitr, which is a day of joy and celebration. On this day, Muslims greet each other, exchange gifts and perform a special prayer in the mosque. They also hold charity events to help those in need on this special day.

The traditions and customs of the Ramadan holiday may vary in different countries and cultures, but the basic principles and values remain unchanged. The Ramadan holiday reminds every Muslim of their religious duties, of kindness and solidarity with others, and of the importance of self-denial and repentance. This is a time when believers devote themselves to deeper spiritual practice, achieve inner peace and joy, and also assist those who need help[4,33-42].

So, Ramadan, also known as Ramadan, is one of the most important religious holidays in Azerbaijan.

According to the Muslim tradition, special prayers are held in mosques in Ramadan, called tarawih. Basically, the worshippers recite entire chapters of the Quran during each prayer.

An important moment of Ramadan celebration in Azerbaijan is the final evening of the month, called Eid Al-Fitr. This day is one of the most joyful and expected for Muslims.

On Eid Al-Fitr day, Azerbaijani Muslims dress up in their best outfits and go to the mosque for basic prayers. After the prayer, they exchange congratulations, wish each other well-being and happiness.

In addition, many Muslims visit cemeteries to pray for their ancestors and remember their deceased loved ones.

In general, the celebration of Ramadan in Azerbaijan serves as a way to strengthen the ties of families, friends and faith in God. This is a time of joy, gratitude and empathy for those in need. All these traditions enrich Azerbaijani culture and strengthen the signs of tolerance and respect for various religions in the country.

Gurban holiday is one of the main holidays in Azerbaijan and is celebrated by Muslims all over the world. It falls on the last month of the Islamic lunar calendar - Dhu l-Hijjah.



Gurban Bayram in Azerbaijan is a three-day holiday starting from Arafat Day, which is the highest day for all Muslims. On this day, people gather in mosques to pray and read the Koran, as well as to perform pious deeds and repent before Allah.

The main event of Gurban holiday is the sacrifice (Eid al-Adha). On this day, Muslims who can afford sacrifice kill sheep or cattle. After that, the meat is divided into three equal parts: one for the family, one for friends and close relatives, and the third is given to those in need or distributed among poor people. It symbolizes generosity and caring for others.

During Gurban holiday, Muslims also visit relatives and friends to celebrate this holiday together. They exchange congratulations and gifts, and spend time together cooking and eating traditional dishes.

One of these dishes is pilaf - rice cooked with meat and spices. Various meat dishes, such as shish kebab, are also a popular dish of this holiday. In addition, Muslims eat sweets such as baklava and halva to celebrate this joyful holiday.

Worship services in mosques are also an important part of the holiday. People come to morning prayer, during which a common prayer, called namaz, takes place. After the prayer, Muslims exchange congratulations and pray together for health and prosperity.

Gurban holiday in Azerbaijan is a time of joy, charity and thoughtfulness. It is a testament to the faith and devotion of Muslims and a reminder of the need to support brotherhood, generosity and caring for one's neighbor [5, 123-134]. This holiday strengthens the spiritual bonds between people and enriches Azerbaijani culture and traditions.

List of used literature

1. Nabiyev A. Novruz sulh, dostluq va humanizm bayramidir / Azarbaycanda Novruz (toplu). Baki: Ciraq, 2012

2. Qasimov C. Novruz bayrami milli-manavi dayarlarin repressiyasi kontekstinda / Azarbaycan §ifahi xalq adabiyyatina dair tadqiqlar, XXXI kitab. Baki: Nurlan, 2009

3. "Традиции и обычаи национальных праздников Азербайджана" - автор Гюльнара Ахмедова, издательство Импульс, дата издания - 2008 год.

4. "История и значения национальных праздников Азербайджана". Рустам Магерамов, издательство Гаджар, дата издания - 2012 год.

5. "Культурное наследие национальных праздников Азербайджана». Эльмира Аббасова, издательство Медиахаус, дата издания - 2017 год.

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