ABOUT THE FIXED ASSETS OF THE ORGANIZATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
fixed assets / organization / analysis / necessity / structure.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Zalilova Z.A.

The article describes the role of fixed assets in the activities of the enterprise, their necessity and compe-tent accounting in the process of use. The analysis was carried out on the basis of an operating shipyard in dynamics.

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the personnel of the agricultural organization / A. Za-kirova, G. Klychova, O. Doroshina [et al.] // E3S Web of Conferences: 2018 International Science Conference on Business Technologies for Sustainable Urban Development, SPbWOSCE 2018, St. Petersburg, 10-12

декабря 2018 года. - St. Petersburg: EDP Sciences, 2019. - P. 02073. - DOI 10.1051/e3sconf/201911002073.

УДК 338.001.36

Zalilova Z.A.

Bashkir State Agrarian University DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2021-22109-60-61 ABOUT THE FIXED ASSETS OF THE ORGANIZATION


The article describes the role offixed assets in the activities of the enterprise, their necessity and competent accounting in the process of use. The analysis was carried out on the basis of an operating shipyard in dynamics.

Keywords: fixed assets, organization, analysis, necessity, structure.

Fixed assets are labour resources that will take part in the production process, while maintaining the presence of their own natural form. They are intended for the purpose of the needs of the main activity of JSC Blagoveshchensk Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Plant (hereinafter referred to as JSC BSSZ) and should have a use period of over a year.

Fixed assets are material valuables that at the same time fulfill the following conditions: used in the manufacture of products, in the performance of work or the

provision of services or for the purpose of administrative needs of JSC BSSZ; used for a long period, that is, a useful life of more than 12 months or a normal operating cycle, if it exceeds twelve months; the organization does not plan a further resale of these assets; ready to deliver financial benefits (profits) to JSC BSSZ in the future.


Fixed assets of JSC BSSZ

2019. Thousands. Roubles 2020. Thousands. Roubles

Types of fixed assets At the start of At the end of At the start of At the end of

the year the year the year the year

Buildings 33823 33823 33823 33823

Facilities and transfer units 22916 22916 22916 22916

Operating equipment 36561 36592 36592 32966

Transportation equipment 9221 9090 9090 8345

Production and household equipment 3221 3113 3113 3109

Other types 6742 6742 6742 6742

Land 1224 1224 1224 1224

Total 113708 113500 113500 109118

Analysing table 1, we can conclude that the largest share of fixed assets was for operating equipment which on average accounted for in 2018 -32.2%, in 2019 -31.2% and in 2020 - 30.2% of the total value of fixed assets. In close second place, are buildings, which on average accounted for in 2018 -29.8%, in 2019 -30.4% and in 2020 - 31.0% of the total value of fixed assets. In third place are facilities and transfer unit's devices, which account for just over 20.0% over the past three years.

Changes in the value of fixed assets increased in 2018 only in the category of operating equipment. There was a decrease in all other categories, except for the buildings category and the facilities and transfer unit's category.

Current assets - a complex enterprise funds required for the development and provision of the petty cash fund and circulating fund.

The current assets include: production reserves -raw materials, auxiliary materials, purchased semi-finished products, fuel, packaging, spare parts for equipment, as well as economic specialized inventory; unfinished goods - subjects of labour that are in production at various stages of processing in the divisions of the enterprise; the company's own semi-finished products - the subjects of labour, the processing of which is completed entirely in one of the divisions of the enterprise, but are available for post-processing in other units of the company; future expenses, which include costs of preparing and mastering the latest products, innovation and creativity.




The composition and structure of working capital of JSC BSSZ

Types of current assets Average annual cost of current assets

2019 2020

Thousands. Roubles % of total Thousands. Roubles % of total

Stocks 54621 19.58 14138 5.32

Receivables 202105 72,44 251532 94,58

VAT on purchased assets 21984 7,88 - -

Cash and cash equivalents 1 0,00 - -

Financial investments 150 0,05 150 0,06

Other current assets 119 0,04 119 0,04

Total current assets 278980 100 265939 100

As can be seen from table 2, current assets in different years have a different structure. In 2019, the highest share was receivables, in the amount of 72.44%, and in 2020 they also occupy the largest part, but already having increased to 94.58%. That is, the company it has debts to third-party organizations, as it had before. This was due to a decrease in the stocks, which in 2019 accounted for 19.58%, and by 2020 they accounted for only 5.32%.

Turnover guarantees the continuity of the reproduction movement of the self-supporting enterprise, association, economic organization. Turnover of current

assets means the duration of one turnover of current assets. Turnover is considered to be a significant sign of the efficiency of current assts use, since it determines the rate of their turnover from the moment of payment of material values up to the return of monetary amounts for the products sold to the bank account.

The turnover of the funds used is characterized by a number of interdependent characteristics: the duration of one turnover in days, the number of revolutions for a certain period - year, half year, quarter (turnover ratio), the amount of current assets at the enterprise per unit of production (load factor).


The efficiency of Current assets uses JSC ^ BSSZ

Parameter 2019 2020

Revenue from product sales, ths. Rub. 138986 119937

Turnover ratio 0.498 0.451

Load factor 2.007 2.217

Duration of one cycle, days. 733 809

The main indicator characterising the efficiency of current assets use is their turnover. From the table 3 above, in 2 years, the value of this indicator decreased, from 2020 to 2019 by 0.047, which led to an increase in the time to complete one turnover by 76 days. Load factor in 2019 amounted to 2.007, which is higher than the level of 2020 2.217. The duration of one turnover increased in 2020 to 809 days.


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5. Analytical support of management accounting in managing sustainable development of agricultural organizations / A. Zakirova, G. Klychova, G. Ostaev [et al.] // E3S Web of Conferences: Topical Problems of Green Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering, TPACEE 2019, Moscow, 20-22 ноября 2019 года. - Moscow: EDP Sciences, 2020. - P. 10008. -DOI 10.1051/e3sconf/202016410008.

6. Improvement of the procedure for assessing the personnel of the agricultural organization / A. Zakirova, G. Klychova, O. Doroshina [et al.] // E3S Web of Conferences: 2018 International Science Conference on Business Technologies for Sustainable Urban Development, SPbWOSCE 2018, St. Petersburg, 10-12 декабря 2018 года. - St. Petersburg: EDP Sciences, 2019. - P. 02073. - DOI 10.1051/e3sconf/201911002073.

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