Научная статья на тему 'About the combined effect of gas and gas-aerosolbinary mixes of chemical components at their long-term inhalation exposure to the organism'

About the combined effect of gas and gas-aerosolbinary mixes of chemical components at their long-term inhalation exposure to the organism Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Mirzakarimova Malokhat Abduvakhidovna

This work presents the results of experimental researches on study of character of resorption effect of ammonia with hydrogen fluoride and formaldehyde with lead acetate at their long round-the-clock inhalaton exposure. Is established, that the character of the combined action of the investigated binary mixes at inhalation exposure to the body of animals is shown as effect of “incomplete summary”.

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Текст научной работы на тему «About the combined effect of gas and gas-aerosolbinary mixes of chemical components at their long-term inhalation exposure to the organism»

About the combined effect of gas and gas-aerosol binary mixes of chemical components at their long-term inhalation.

Mirzakarimova Malokhat Abduvakhidovna, Scientific Research Institute of Sanitary, Hygiene and Occupational diseases, senior researcher E-mail: ludmilamedlib@mail.ru

About the combined effect of gas and gas-aerosol binary mixes of chemical components at their long-term inhalation exposure to the organism

Abstract: This work presents the results of experimental researches on study of character of resorption effect of ammonia with hydrogen fluoride and formaldehyde with lead acetate at their long round-the-clock inhalaton exposure. Is established, that the character of the combined action of the investigated binary mixes at inhalation exposure to the body of animals is shown as effect of "incomplete summary".

Keywords: gas pollution, atmospheric air, inhalation, pollution exposure, animals, population.


The study of the factors forming health of the population, has shown, that from them about 50 % is the share of social-economic conditions and life style, 18-25 % — biological and genetic data, 10-20 % — natural-climatic and environment effects, 10-15 % is the share of organizations of the system of public health service [7], i. e. the social and ecological factors are leading among the other reasons influencing on the human health. In many cities of Republic of Uzbekistan (Almalik, Angren, Samarkand, Chirchick, Bekabad, Tashkent etc.) the pollution of the ambient air by the harmful chemical substances containing in the industrial emissions and exhaust gases of a vehicle seem to be hazardous factors for health of the population.

Annually in the atmospheric air from stationary and mobile sources the significant quantity of harmful substances, such as ammonia, fluoride hydrogen, formaldehyde, lead and others penetrate [1; 3].

As it is known, the human living in the industrial cities, as a rule, is exposed to inhalation effect from the toxic substances for a long time. Thus the toxic substances contained in the atmospheric air, at inhalation enter the respiratory ways not isolated, but in various combinations and associations. In this case assessment of the

danger of the total environment pollution, risk for the health of population, study of the combined action of industrial poisons and rate setting of the mixes of toxic substances in the atmospheric air is one of the acute problems of hygienic science in the field of municipal hygiene [2; 4-6; 8-9].

The purpose of research was the experimental study of the character of resorptional action of ammonia with hydrogen fluoride and formaldehyde with lead acetate at their twenty-four-hour inhalation way of penetration; revealing of general rules of the character of combined action of binary mixes and their standardizing in the atmospheric air.

Methods and volume of research

In order to study the character of biological effect of ammonia (AM) with fluoride hydrogen (FH) and formaldehyde (FA) with lead acetate (LA) on the body there were performed chronic experiment on 120 male rats, weight 100-130 gr., which were divided into 2 series of4 groups having 15 individuals in everyone. For inhalation effect of the mixes in experiment there were used 200-liter chambers offered by B. A. Kurlandskiy. In this case group 4 of animals in each series of experience was control. The actual concentration of chemical components, administrating into the body of animals in the chambers presented in Table 1, in chambers are submitted in the table 1.

Table 1. - Actual concentration of chemical components in the chambers

№ Ingredients of mix Group № Number of Chemical substances, mg/m 3 Summary ratio

series animals HF АМ FA LA exceeding LAC ct

I Hydrogen fluoride 1 15 0.1 0.29 - - 47.25

and ammonia 2 15 0.1 0.13 - - 11.20

3 15 0.0015 0.025 - - 1.22

4 15 clean air - - Control

II Formaldehide 1 15 - - 0.1 0.015 83.3

Lead acetate 2 15 - - 0.012 0.001 7.33

3 15 - - 0.02 0.0003 1.33

4 15 - - clean acetate Control

The definition of the contents of fluoride hydrogen (FH), ammonia (AM), formaldehyde (FA) and lead acetate (LA) in air of the exposure chambers was carried out with use of colorimetric method every day [10].

In four-month chronic experiment prior to the beginning of researches (background) on 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120 day and in the recovering period of the laboratory animals there were investigated following physiological, biochemical, hematological, gonado-toxic characteristics:: a level of hemoglobin, erythrocytes and leucocytes in the peripheral blood; summary-threshold parameter (STP) on the electronic device «Pulse» by method of S. V. Speranskiy in

modification of S. M. Pavlenko; activity of cholinesterase (CE) of the integral blood by the method of Churstrin in modification of B. N. Krivoglas; content of lysozyme in the blood serum by method of V. T. Doropheychuk; catalase activity in blood by method of Bach and Zubkova; content of SH-grupps in the blood by method of Kh. N. Rubina, L. A. Romanchuck; activity of aminotraspherases (ALT, AST) in the blood serum by A. A. Pokrovskiy; activity of alkaline phosphatase (AF) in the blood serum by method of Bog-danskiy in modification of A. N. Yakhnina; activity of sorbitolde-hydrogenase (SDH) in the blood serum with use of Varburg test; determination of the le) by method of Barker and Samperson, and

Section 6. Medical science

pyruvic acid (PA) by method Umbrite; the contents of urea in the blood serum with the help of test-system «Lahema», spermatozoon mobility time, general embryonal mortality, prior- and postembryonal mortality by method of I. V. Sanotskiy.

The data about resorption effect of the studied substances in the chronic experiment underwent the statistical processing, with calculation of Student's criterion (t) and probability of a mistake (P). Differences of mean values were considered to be reliable at the level of reliability P < 0.05.

Results and discussion

At study of biological effect of binary mixes on the body of animals it was established, that at total administration the biological effect of chemical substances was characterized by dependence "concentration — effect", the there was found "increase in effect". The analysis of changes of biochemical, physiological, hematological, entero- and gonadotoxic parameters, occurring in the body of animals, indicating, that FH + AM and LA + FA at the combined administration under conditions of chronic experiment provide also general toxic effect, expressing in the disorders of CNS, liver, blood and enzymes and spermatozoons functional state (table 2).

So, for example, at twenty-four-hour inhalation exposure of the white rats from group 1 of the 1st series of experiment inhaling fluoride hydrogen in concentration 0.1 mg/m 3 and ammonia 0.29 mg/m 3 during 120 days there were established some reversible changes in 94.7 % of the studied parameters (19 of 21 studied) of the central nervous system (STP), of the blood picture (erythrocytes, leucocytes, hemoglobin), enzymatic system (ALT, AST, SDH, AF, SH-group, CE), spermatozoon functional state (spermatozoons movement time, osmotic resistance), that show polytropic toxic effect of the mix of hydrogen fluoride with ammonia. The specified shifts developed much faster, since 60-75 days of influence. In the rats of 2-1 group of the 1st series, inhaling hydrogen fluoride in concentration 0.02 mg/m 3, ammonia 0.13 mg/m 3 there were revealed insignificant changes in 19 % of the studied parameters such as CE, AST, leucocytes, erythrocytes, which were noted only at the end of the fourth month of experiment. In the rats of group 3 of the 1st series of experiment, inhaling the hydrogen fluoride in concentration 0.0015 mg/m 3 and ammonia 0.025 mg/m 3 the any reliable changes in comparison with the control were not revealed.

Table 2. - The data on biological action of binary mixes under conditions of chronic 4-month experiment


Parameter Hydrogen fluoride + Ammonia Lead acetate + Formaldehide

Summary ratio exceeding LAC cr

47.25 11.2 1.22 83.3 7.33 1.33

Body mass - - 0 - - 0

STP + - 0 + + 0

CE + + 0 + - 0

ALT + - 0 + - 0

SDH + - 0 + - 0

AF + - 0 + - 0

SH-group + - 0 + - 0

Lysozyme + - 0 + - 0

Urea + - 0

Catalase + - 0

Ratio Albumin/Globulin + - 0

Leucocytes + + 0 + - 0

Erythrocytes + + 0 + - 0

Hemoglobin + - 0 + - 0

Spermatozoon functional state:

- moving time + - 0 + - 0

- osmotic resistance + - 0 - -

- acid resistance - -

Total embryonic mortality + - 0 0

Preembrionic mortality + - 0 0

Postembrionic mortality + - 0

Note: «+» — reliable, P < 0.05; «-» — unreliable changes P > 0.05; «0» — absent changes.

During study of general rules for the combined exposure of formaldehyde and lead acetate on the rat body it was established, that the investigated chemical substances at total administration rendered also more expressed biological effect on body, than at the isolated entering. Thus, in rats of group 1 of the 1st series of experiment, inhaling formaldehyde in concentration 0.1 mg/m 3, lead acetate 0.015 mg/m3 there were also established changes of STP, activity of CE, ALT, AST, SDH, AP, SH-groups, lysozyme, picture ofblood and spermatozoons movement time. In the rats of group 2 of the second series of experiment inhaling formaldehyde in concentration 0.012 mg/m3 and lead acetate 0.001 mg/m 3 there were observed single reliable changes only at the end of experiment in relation to STP. In the rats of group 3 of

the 2nd series of experiment 2 series of experiment there were not observed any reliable changes in comparison with the control.

On the basis of results of investigations there has been determined threshold and subthreshold concentrations of the studied mixes, the coefficients of the combined effect (CCE) have been calculated. The values of the latters depended both on application of parameters, and from components making mixes.

According to experimental data at combined presence in the atmospheric air the sum of shares ofhydrogen fluoride and ammonia should not exceed 0.6 MAC (maximum allowable concentration), and at joint presence of formaldehyde and lead acetate 0.68 MAC of each substance separately.

Age peculiarities of individuals of young school children


1. The hydrogen fluoride in concentration 0.02 mg/m3, ammonia — 0.13 mg/m3 at combined presence at atmospheric air and formaldehide — 0.012 mg/m3, lead acetate — 0.001 mg/m3, causing changes CE, AST, leucocytes, erythrocytes in the first case and STO in the second case, these concentration of the investigated substances are threshold concentration.

2. The character of the combined action of hydrogen fluoride with ammonia and formaldehide with lead acetate at inhalation exposure to animals body is shown as effect "incomplete sunnary".

3. At combined presence in the atmospheric air the sum of shares of hydrogen fluoride and ammonia should not exceed 0.6 MAC (maximum allowable concentration), and at joint presence of formaldehyde and lead acetate 0.68 MAC of each substance separately.


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Makhsumov Murodillo Kudratillayevich, Senior scientific researcher of Andizhan State Medical Institute of Andizhan city, Uzbekistan E-mail: makhsumov1979@mail.ru Arzikulov Abdurayim Shamshiyevich, Doctor of medical sciences, professor of the chair of propeudeutics of children's diseases and pediatrics of Andizhan State Medical Institute of Andizhan city, Uzbekistan E-mail: Pediatr60@mail.ru.

Age peculiarities of individuals of young school children

Abstract: The aim of the study is the stable traits and behaviors in children 7-12 years old and working characteristics centile of 12 factors of personality traits depending on the age and sex of younger schoolboys living in the Fergana Valley of Uzbekistan. The main method is an adaptation of personality questionnaire R. Cattel on 12 factors of personality traits for the study of children aged 8-12 years. The data obtained from the test survey, identify qualitative features of personality characteristics in children 7-10 and 11-12 years. In general, it revealed good social adaptability, a good level of intellectual ability, dependence on others, emotional sensitivity, tendency to intropunitiveness and phobias. The research results can be a scientific rationale for planning and carrying out in-depth medical examination of neuropsychiatry younger schoolchildren of 7-12 years.

Keywords: Personal factors, children, standards.

Questionnaires such as 16-PF, HSPQ, CPQare widely used in foreign countries in order to estimate the personal development of a child. But the usage of foreign pshycodiagnostic methods in our conditions demand serious adaptation and restandartization. These and other requirements were taken into consideration by us in using the questionnaire of children's personality R. Cattell (CPQ) among schoolchildren of secondary schools (7-12 years old) of Andizhan city.

The aim of our research is to study the stable and styles of children's behavior of 7-12 years old and the work out of centile characteristics of 12 personal peculiarity factors depending on the age and sex. A wide network of characteristics identified by the help of this method enables to depict the children's population of the given age diapason wholly.

After the correction or replacement of a part of the questions considering the cultural social conditions of our region, the

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