Научная статья на тему 'A strategy for development and economic progress: challenges and opportunities of rural entrepreneurship'

A strategy for development and economic progress: challenges and opportunities of rural entrepreneurship Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
rural entrepreneurship / rural development / economic progress / challenges / opportunities. / сельское предпринимательство / развитие села / экономический прогресс / проблемы / возможности.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Rokeya Tamanna Mukta, Zahir Rayhan, Omar Faruq

Employing the Economic Performance Model to gauge rural places' attractiveness, this study investigates the opportunities and threats of rural entrepreneurs in underdeveloped regions. With 85.7% of its citizens residing in impoverished regions, rural areas play a crucial role in Bangladesh's economic development, according to World Bank research. While prior research has mostly concentrated on finances, innovation plays an essential role in rural growth. Using a semi-structured interview approach, we surveyed several local businesses to learn about their experiences involving entrepreneurs who own small businesses and the challenges and possibilities they encounter. We looked towards the Innovation Operations Approach and found the main opportunities and threats. To reduce unemployment and economic hardship, rural businesses must flourish in Bangladesh. To compile this data, we consulted other sources and spoke with rural business owners in Bangladesh. The study recommends policies and rules put in place by governments to support small-scale farming, highlighting its significance in rural growth. Academics in Bangladesh are particularly interested in studying the characteristics and backgrounds of founders from the country, plus the challenges and possibilities associated with the expansion of private enterprise in the country. Evaluation, summary, and recommendations for further research are included.

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Предварительный просмотрDOI: 10.47813/2782-5280-2024-3-4-0401-0417
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Стратегия развития и экономического прогресса: проблемы и возможности сельского предпринимательства

Используя модель экономической эффективности для оценки привлекательности сельских местностей, данное исследование изучает возможности и угрозы для сельских предпринимателей в слаборазвитых регионах. Согласно исследованию Всемирного банка, 85,7% граждан проживают в бедных регионах, поэтому сельские районы играют решающую роль в экономическом развитии Бангладеш. В то время как предыдущие исследования в основном были сосредоточены на финансах, в данной работе отмечается, что инновации играют существенную роль в развитии сельских районов. Используя подход полуструктурированного интервью, мы опросили несколько местных предприятий, чтобы узнать об их опыте взаимодействия с предпринимателями, владеющими малым бизнесом, а также о проблемах и возможностях, с которыми они сталкиваются. На основе подхода инновационных операций выявлены основные возможности и угрозы. Чтобы сократить безработицу и экономические трудности, сельские предприятия должны процветать в Бангладеш. Чтобы собрать эти данные, мы проконсультировались с другими источниками, включая владельцев сельских предприятий в Бангладеш. Исследование рекомендует политику и правила, введенные правительствами для поддержки мелкого фермерства, подчеркивая его значимость для роста сельских районов. Исследователи в Бангладеш особенно заинтересованы в изучении таких характеристик, а также проблем и возможностей, связанных с расширением частного предпринимательства в стране. Статья включает оценку, резюме и рекомендации для дальнейших исследований.

Текст научной работы на тему «A strategy for development and economic progress: challenges and opportunities of rural entrepreneurship»

Информатика. Экономика. Управление// Informatics. Economics. Management

2024; 3(4) http://oajiem.com/

УДК: 338.43:334.722

DOI: https://doi.org/10.47813/2782-5280-2024-3 -4-0401-0417


A strategy for development and economic progress: challenges and opportunities of rural entrepreneurship

Rokeya Tamanna Mukta1, Zahir Rayhan2, Omar Faruq3

department of Economics, Chandpur Govt. College, Chandpur, Bangladesh-3600 2 Department of Business Administration, Prime University, Dhaka, Bangladesh-1216 3 Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh-1000

Abstract. Employing the Economic Performance Model to gauge rural places' attractiveness, this study investigates the opportunities and threats of rural entrepreneurs in underdeveloped regions. With 85.7% of its citizens residing in impoverished regions, rural areas play a crucial role in Bangladesh's economic development, according to World Bank research. While prior research has mostly concentrated on finances, innovation plays an essential role in rural growth. Using a semi-structured interview approach, we surveyed several local businesses to learn about their experiences involving entrepreneurs who own small businesses and the challenges and possibilities they encounter. We looked towards the Innovation Operations Approach and found the main opportunities and threats. To reduce unemployment and economic hardship, rural businesses must flourish in Bangladesh. To compile this data, we consulted other sources and spoke with rural business owners in Bangladesh. The study recommends policies and rules put in place by governments to support small-scale farming, highlighting its significance in rural growth. Academics in Bangladesh are particularly interested in studying the characteristics and backgrounds of founders from the country, plus the challenges and possibilities associated with the expansion of private enterprise in the country. Evaluation, summary, and recommendations for further research are included.

Keywords: rural entrepreneurship, rural development, economic progress, challenges, opportunities.

Acknowledgements: We express our gratitude to RESIPO for providing the facilities and resources needed for this study. It was simpler to complete the study as intended with their help. We express our gratitude to our friends and colleagues for their encouragement, for fostering a lively academic environment, and for enabling us to work together on research projects.

For citation: Mukta, R. T., Rayhan, Z., & Faruq, O. (2024). A strategy for development and economic progress: challenges and opportunities of rural entrepreneurship. Informatics. Economics. Management, 3(4), 0401-0417. https://doi.org/10.47813/2782-5280-2024-3-4-0401-0417

© R.T. Mukta, Z. Rayhan, O. Faruq, 2024


Стратегия развития и экономического прогресса: проблемы и возможности сельского предпринимательства

Рокейя Таманна Мукта1, Захир Райхан2, Омар Фарук3

1Кафедра экономики, Chandpur Govt. College, Чандпур, Бангладеш-3600 2Кафедра делового администрирования, Prime University, Дакка, Бангладеш-1216 3Кафедра электротехники и электроники, Bangladesh University of Engineering and

Technology, Дакка, Бангладеш-1000.

Аннотация. Используя модель экономической эффективности для оценки привлекательности сельских местностей, данное исследование изучает возможности и угрозы для сельских предпринимателей в слаборазвитых регионах. Согласно исследованию Всемирного банка, 85,7% граждан проживают в бедных регионах, поэтому сельские районы играют решающую роль в экономическом развитии Бангладеш. В то время как предыдущие исследования в основном были сосредоточены на финансах, в данной работе отмечается, что инновации играют существенную роль в развитии сельских районов. Используя подход полуструктурированного интервью, мы опросили несколько местных предприятий, чтобы узнать об их опыте взаимодействия с предпринимателями, владеющими малым бизнесом, а также о проблемах и возможностях, с которыми они сталкиваются. На основе подхода инновационных операций выявлены основные возможности и угрозы. Чтобы сократить безработицу и экономические трудности, сельские предприятия должны процветать в Бангладеш. Чтобы собрать эти данные, мы проконсультировались с другими источниками, включая владельцев сельских предприятий в Бангладеш. Исследование рекомендует политику и правила, введенные правительствами для поддержки мелкого фермерства, подчеркивая его значимость для роста сельских районов. Исследователи в Бангладеш особенно заинтересованы в изучении таких характеристик, а также проблем и возможностей, связанных с расширением частного предпринимательства в стране. Статья включает оценку, резюме и рекомендации для дальнейших исследований.

Ключевые слова: сельское предпринимательство, развитие села, экономический прогресс, проблемы, возможности.

Благодарности: Мы выражаем нашу благодарность RESIPO за предоставление помещений и ресурсов, необходимых для этого исследования. С их помощью было проще завершить исследование, как и предполагалось. Мы выражаем нашу благодарность нашим друзьям и коллегам за их поддержку, за создание живой академической среды и за то, что они позволили нам работать вместе над исследовательскими проектами.

Для цитирования: Мукта, Р. Т., Райхан, З., & Фарук, О. (2024). Стратегия развития и экономического прогресса: проблемы и возможности сельского предпринимательства. Информатика. Экономика. Управление - Informatics. Economies. Management, 3(4), 0401-0417. https://doi.org/10.47813/2782-5280-2024-3-4-0401-0417

It is often understood that areas devoid of metropolitan centers are known as rural areas, sometimes called the countryside. You could hear "the countryside" or "rural areas" used interchangeably. "Rural area" is the word used to describe places like these. The presence of


communities or urban centers inside the borders of rural regions is not uncommon. The concept of rural entrepreneurship originated in a rural area. Agarwal and colleagues defined rural entrepreneurship for the public in 2009. The study's authors defined it as "entrepreneurship that emerges at the village level and acts as a potent factor for economic development." The year 2009 saw the debut of this concept [1]. One may use a term like this to characterize the entrepreneurial spirit common in rural regions. As an entrepreneur, you have a lot of leeway to dream up and implement ideas in a wide variety of fields; here are just a few examples: agriculture, industry, and commerce. Building with local materials improves quality of life and the local economy. Entrepreneurialism is a crucial factor in economic progress [2]. The idea of entrepreneurship, according to one school of thought, manifests itself in a wide range of entrepreneurial endeavors and has its roots on the village level. That's one of the arguments that is put forth.

The statement "it is the". More and more evidence has emerged in recent years linking entrepreneurial activity to the revitalization of rural areas. Many other techniques have shown this association. Despite the passage of many years, this bond has remained unchanged. A thriving economy and environment, along with improved living conditions for individuals, families, and communities, are all outcomes of entrepreneurial endeavors. A crucial link has been established here [3]. The persistence of an entrepreneurial mindset in more remote places might be attributed to many variables. Micro industries, small enterprises, agricultural techniques, and rural handicrafts are all examples of such elements. It is possible for rural communities to thrive for the foreseeable future because of the adaptability of this mindset.


for learning Expanding Coaching and Technology Policy

and access to connections support

advancement microfinance

Figure 1. Economic growth and development empowering in rural developments.

Рисунок 1. Экономический рост и развитие, способствующие развитию сельских


Due to a lack of resources (such as knowledge, assistance, and mentoring opportunities), rural areas have put the entrepreneurial spirit into a state of slumber. Because of this, the entrepreneurial spirit has gone into hibernation. Despite the fact that the research mentioned originates from various countries, the findings are somewhat consistent across them all. The findings from these studies conflict with a survey conducted among business owners in Bangladesh [4]. These investigations were conducted under different conditions. The research was conducted on the same subject. This article aims to shed light on several attributes linked with entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship in Bangladesh by drawing on a number of previously published research studies. The study will mostly center on the nation of Bangladesh.

Table 1. Bangladeshi definitions of small, medium, and micro businesses.

Таблица 1. Определения малого, среднего и микробизнеса в Бангладеш.

Types of enterprise Types of industry Employees Capital Loan size

Microenterprise Commerce and service, manufacturing, transportation and construction etc. Mainly family members Less than Tk. 1 Av. bank loans- Tk. 408,081,

Small enterprise Commerce and service, manufacturing, transportation and Less than 25 workers Less than Tk, 15 million Tk. 50,000 to 5 million

construction etc.

Commerce and service,

Medium manufacturing, 25 to 100 Tk. 15 to -

enterprise transportation and construction etc. workers 100 million

Source: Bangladesh Bank (2010)

Conceptual assessments and study reviews reveal that most rural entrepreneurial studies have concentrated on female entrepreneurs with businesses in the industry. Research on entrepreneurial activity in rural areas appears to have garnered the majority of attention, leading to these findings. Despite their extensive work in the country's business community, analysts have yet to reach any definitive conclusions on entrepreneurial activity in Bangladesh's countryside [5]. Bangladeshi academics have mostly disregarded business community entrepreneurs based around the countryside. Given the significant variation across shapes and

nations, it is crucial to conduct further research on this subject, taking into account factors such as geographic, economic, social, and political characteristics [6]. When undertaking a large-scale project, it is crucial to first conduct a thorough study on a smaller scale and then extrapolate the findings to the larger context. This has to be taken care of before drawing any broad conclusions concerning humanity as a whole [7]. A second opportunity arises when we can learn more about the humble beginnings, motivating reasons, and challenges faced by entrepreneurship in rural areas [8]. Bangladesh, a small island nation, is situated in the heart of the vast Indian Ocean. Examining the level of industrialization achieved by other countries is a crucial step. After reviewing the evidence, it's clear that studying village creativity in the delivery industry will greatly benefit Bangladesh.


Entrepreneurship in rural areas is impacted by factors such as age, gender, education, wealth, and family status. The study shows that there is no significant difference in wages, gender, or yearly revenue between siblings, female entrepreneurs, and male entrepreneurs [9]. Using their sophisticated skills and technology, about 25% of the entrepreneurs in Rangpur, Rajshahi, are women. The 6,000 small businesses in North Bengle employ more than 85,000 people, both formally and informally [10]. Aiming to empower citizens to participate in economies while accomplishing equitable social conditions, the citizen financial inclusion plan of 2016 seeks to slow the rapid expansion of foreign ownership of SBEs [11]. Startups in remote regions are the primary focus of this research. Gender, age, and level of knowledge were shown to have substantial effects on SBE earnings and efficiency in Nigeria [12]. Both solopreneurs and small businesses with long-term viability may benefit from a coordinated strategy. Micro and small businesses in the Assamese Hills encounter challenges associated with facility entrepreneurship, as well as social and economic factors. Challenges include optimizing the exploitation of ecosystems and expanding marketplaces for goods. Bilat, a resident of the village, was allegedly hit hard by unanticipated competition and inadequate financing [13]. Significant grants and subsidies are necessary to assist small-scale enterprises, according to study of fifty sole proprietors in the countryside of Uttar Pradesh [14]. It is possible that rural businesses may flourish and boost the economy if all of these issues are resolved. Rural areas see revenue growth due to entrepreneurial spirit. Human factors, such as social wealth, migration patterns, and family trees, all play a significant role [15]. Rural areas often attract entrepreneurs due to the abundance of interpersonal assets and connections found everywhere.

Microcredit programs include features that inspire rural women to start their own businesses, according to research [16]. According to studies, women entrepreneurs in rural Bangladesh are influenced by their financial management abilities and the degree to which they identify with a group when taking out loans. Argue that the majority of small-scale industrial (SSI) activities in both rural and urban NER states of India are related to production, installation, and processing [17]. Several of the rural areas have engaged in agricultural production, according to De and Das (2007). Tribal women are primarily responsible for creating ERI raw silk and ENDI fabrics. By raising household incomes, they help lift many people out of poverty. Both rural growth as well as business were recommended [18]. The majority of businesses are run by individuals or small families and funded by financial resources or relationships [19]. Economic opportunities, consumer demand, raw material accessibility, and low labor costs all play a role in rural business. Since the vast majority of Indians still call rural regions home, new ideas might inspire more business ownership there. Using tiny amounts of data, researchers investigate the different facets of countryside business ownership, suggesting that even a little invention in rural areas may benefit the majority of people and enhance the quality of life for countless Americans. The economic developments of eighty-two small-scale rural businesses in Kannur, Kerala, were examined [20]. Employment, earning potential, and raw material accessibility had a lesser impact than output, efficiency, diversity, funding, access to markets, and worker safety. The study recommended a variety of marketing strategies—including rural financial markets, trade fairs, marketing, and exhibitions—to help financially unstable RSSEs sell, lower prices, and enhance their manufacturing processes [21]. The growth and continued existence of rural economies are propelled by entrepreneurial spirit. Many variables influence the growth of small businesses at the neighborhood level and the increase of job opportunities in rural areas, according to research. Investigators in Lagos State, Nigeria, discovered that out of 320 participants, the majority were farmers holding one to two occupations. High costs of labor and limited funds were other factors that discouraged making investments in rural areas, according to the survey. Geographic factors impact each of the five phases of rural venture capital, according to the research [22]. Mitchell claims that the pursuit of success drove both male and female businesspeople in South Africa in 2004. Small-scale agricultural producers in Sri Lanka benefited from third-world business and planning, as reported [23]. A strategy for advertising to enterprising women in rural areas was created [24], based on previous investigations. Similar to previous enterprising theories, this one leverage regional connections as a promotional base, employs marketing tactics, innovates, gathers data, and utilizes local

communication. According to [25], Italy's family-owned business sector is relatively small compared to other developed nations. A researcher argued that continuing the expansion of industries in rural areas would help reduce rural unemployment [26]. The importance of regional jobs in enterprises that absorb workers was also highlighted. A license and permission system that was both time-consuming and expensive impeded the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and demonstrated that 76.3% of rural businesspeople remained uneducated [27]. Salman identifies a number of external and internal variables that hinder the expansion of SMEs, including an absence of awareness of the new age and electronic commerce, the field of engineering, technical documents, data, expertise, financial, and legal frameworks in 2000. According to [28] hiring in many industries fails to enhance the added value of each employee. Joblessness and lower salaries will result from a large number of people joining these businesses. In order to teach innovators, all the organizations involved in the Business Development Program need to work together. The character of an individual is the most important factor in determining their level of company achievement. It is possible that flour milling, a tiny agricultural processing enterprise in Indonesia that studied [29], can increase the income of farmers and rural job opportunities. Approximately 95% of Indonesia consists of tiny food factories. surveyed 86 businessmen from 22 groups in seven Indian states and found that half did not complete high school while the remaining one-seventh pursued bachelor's degrees. Only 23% of businesspeople have any kind of formal education beyond a high school diploma or an occupational certificate [30]. A supportive setting is necessary for national businesspersons, according [31]. Small firms are the only ones that can survive in Bangladesh's underdeveloped finances, according [32]. In order to promote independence and reduce the exodus of businessmen to urban centers [33], stressed the need for business programs in economically disadvantaged rural areas of India. concluded that the selling caste in Mahantapur's handmade business was more likely to be entrepreneurial than the weaver's community, based on an analysis of 200 previously established businesses from the tapestry versus non-weaving communities [34]. The term "countryside manufacturing" was first used

[35] to describe the movement of manufacturing from large cities to smaller towns and rural regions, linking city assembly facilities alongside makers of parts and components in remote areas. Using the successes and failures of business owners in eleven Southeast Asian nations

[36], developed a model of entrepreneurial growth. Most people who employ themselves do so because they have no other choice [37]. In the eyes of social scientists, entrepreneurial spirit is fundamental to growth in society and the economy.


All of the necessary data was collected simultaneously from a broad variety of sources in order to meet the goal of doing this study efficiently. Much of the information used in this study comes from secondary sources, namely from publicly available papers. Publications such as periodicals, newspapers, journals, novels, and other works produced in the past fall within this classification's wide scope. The list of publications in this category is not exhaustive. Further, vital data is culled from websites that are both pertinent to the issue and easily available via the internet. In the section after the study's conclusion, the author highlights many potential future research avenues, some of which have yet to be fully explored. In the final section of the research, these paths are examined. The author concurs that it is desirable that these paths are investigated. Various approaches may be used, situationally speaking, to investigate these channels.

The entrepneneurshp model

Source: Mohiuddun Muhammad (2007).

Figure 2. Rural enterprise concept overview. Рисунок 2. Обзор концепции сельского предприятия. The collection of information through a multitude of organizations, assistance organizations, and enterprises presents just one among the numerous hurdles encountered throughout research. Constraints of a period of time budget and spatial limitations necessitated a focused focus for

the inquiry. This implies that the potential applicability of the findings and recommendations is limited. The following might be inferred as the final outcome. Notwithstanding these constraints, the accessible material has been carefully assessed with meticulousness and sophistication. This attempt aims to provide unbiased and comprehensive results. Numerous opportunities for furthering my learning have recently become available. The scientific community continues to closely examine this issue for a variety of reasons, which should be readily apparent to all. The study on farmers in Bangladesh is one of numerous domains that generated significant interest in previous years.

The notion of "women entrepreneurs" was a focal point in prior research. Characterizing this area as unique and unusual is an insult. Researchers are increasingly emphasizing the subject of "women entrepreneurship," a unique and compelling area of research that is gaining more recognition [38]. This issue is serious enough to warrant further study. Although several studies have investigated the journeys of women in that domain, less attention has been devoted to the entrepreneurial endeavors undertaken by religious minorities and people of indigenous backgrounds. The allocation of more funds to women won't change this fundamental fact. Although women received an unequal fraction of funds, this was certainly the situation. A significant portion of all Bangladeshi research adheres to a theoretical framework or relies on studies. The northwest region of Bangladesh could function as a focal point for future investigations into the correlation between tea and internet commerce [39]. I see the potential efficacy of this approach. This move will facilitate economic progress for persons that reside in rural regions. Frequently significant facts were overlooked throughout this research. The lack of attention that scientists have given to the structural issues of service firms highlights the problem. The challenge of identifying which specific industries offer the greatest potential for small business owners remains unresolved. Consequently, we were unable to ascertain the sectors that exhibited optimal performance.


Institutional financing is limited for more than fifty percent of Bangladesh's MSMEs. Few businesses get more than 20% of their spending from bank loans. Elevated input prices, particularly for feed, escalate the costs of manufacturing and diminish profits due to an unfavorable benefit-cost ratio. This is of paramount importance. This impacts the profitability of small-scale farmers, the cost of living, and farm management.

Table 2. Distribution of ownership by gender of owner within SMEs. Таблица 2. Распределение собственности по полу владельца в рамках МСП.

Particulars Percent of all SMEs Average no. of workers Percent of SME employment

Women 6 2.3 2

Men 94 15.5 96

Co-ownership by men 1 7.6 1

Total 100 5.2 100

Small-scale farmers may have difficulties in marketing their products due to inadequate connections, elevated transportation expenses, market illiteracy, and distance from marketplaces. Women dairy farmers in rural areas face fluctuating markets and elevated intermediary profits. Rural women dairy farmers possess little education and job experience, hindering their participation in education initiatives focused on managing risk, innovation, costing, and business growth.

Distribution of ownership by gender of owner within SMEs

» Percent of all SMEs —■—Average no. of workers

A Percent of SME employment




Figure 3. Distribution of ownership by gender of owner within SMEs. Рисунок 3. Распределение собственности по полу владельца в рамках МСП. Inadequate veterinarians constitute another challenge for rural women producers in Bangladesh and India. Bangladesh has a limited number of livestock specialists, hindering several farmers from obtaining affordable, life-saving assistance medical treatment. The subsequent most significant issue in India is elevated pharmaceutical and veterinarian expenses. Milk manufacturers need monitoring of the market and strategic promotion to maintain low pricing. The Bangladesh Bank promotes borrowing by SMEs from financial institutions. Illustration: Microfinance Institutions, Scheduled Commercial Banks, Private Commercial Banks, Foreign Commercial Banks, State Banks. Bangladeshi microfinance institutions, also

known as MFIs, provide loans to women-operated microenterprises to generate new, productive employment in agriculture and other sectors.

Small banks, private commercial financial institutions, state-owned banks, and international banks cater to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). BRAC Bank was the first private commercial bank in Bangladesh to offer loans to SMEs, disbursing $1.7 billion since 2003. Scheduled bank-MFI collaborations provide microcredit and microenterprise financing. Microcredit provision climbed by 192%, from Tk. 1226.63 billion in 2003 to Tk. 2354.52 billion in 2010, while the number of customers jumped by 160%, or 0.86 million. Bangladesh initiated microcredit with more than 500 microfinance institutions. The array of financing options in Bangladesh revitalizes the entrepreneurial prospects of rural women.

Table 3. Contribution to GDP by women owners. Таблица 3. Вклад женщин-владельцев в ВВП.

Particulars Total contribution to GDP (in million Tk.) Per cent of total contribution

Agriculture 14983 6.38

Fishing 11594 4.94

Manufacturing 111197 47.38

Construction 1335 0.57

Wholesale, retail trade 14247 6.07

Hotels, restaurants 9350 3.98

Transport, storage and communications 9817 4.18

Real estate, renting and business activities, education 2914 1.24

Health and social work 3358 1.43

Other services 55873 23.81

Total 234668 100.00

Figure 4. Contribution to GDP by women owners.

Рисунок 4. Вклад женщин-владельцев в ВВП.

The SEF was established by Bangladesh Bank to assist SMEs. This operation provided refinancing of 7.16 billion Tk. to 37 financial institutions and 38 banks, benefiting 7,598 companies. Over the last two years, banks have achieved a 140% performance in SME loans, surpassing a target of Tk 38,000 billion. Commercial banks establish SME Cells/Service Centers to assist small and medium enterprises in growth and securing funding. A significant number of Bangladeshi women entrepreneurs encounter difficulties in founding businesses using familial funds. SMB loans are 13% more expensive than international loans, while loans for female entrepreneurs are 10% costlier. The SME sector in Bangladesh must advance rapidly to achieve global success.


Possibilities for work in rural areas are limited in most developing nations due to substantial constraints. The presence of such obstacles is responsible for this. A stronger rural economy could prove possible if small and medium-sized enterprises in rural regions grow. One way to do this is by carefully expanding these types of enterprises. This component aims to achieve greater manufacturing, worker productivity, and financial stability. Despite a dearth of infrastructure, rural areas are ripe with unrealized promise. The entirety of its potential has not been realized. The framework of the company relies heavily on management and leadership. Remote entrepreneurs must have access to quality training programs that teach them essential branding and company management skills. The financial influence of female entrepreneurs in Bangladesh is recognized. Medium-sized enterprises established by women get financial

assistance from the government. Businesses run by women can obtain financing through banking and microfinance institutions in Bangladesh, according to recently introduced regulations. However, there is a lack of funding for charitable organizations or programs that aim to assist people in the future. Utility companies, trained workers, training, facilities, and finance are all in short supply. Human rights policy reform, as well as enforcement in Bangladesh, has the potential to increase women's agency and business growth.


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Рокейя Таманна Мукта, магистр социальных наук (MSS) по экономике в Chandpur Govt. College, Чандпур, Бангладеш. Автор получила степень бакалавра социальных наук (BSS) в Chandpur Govt College, Чандпур, Бангладеш, занималась исследованиями в области управления бизнесом, маркетинга, электронной коммерции, управления человеческими ресурсами, экономики, банковских систем, управления проектами.

Захир Райхан, магистр делового администрирования (MBA) по

международному маркетингу в Prime University, Дакка, Бангладеш. Будучи старшим менеджером по продажам в Xiaomi Mobile Bangladesh Ltd., получил степень бакалавра делового администрирования (BBA) в Prime University, Дакка, Бангладеш, занимался исследованиями в области управления бизнесом, маркетинга, электронной коммерции, рекламного маркетинга, HRM, экономики, банковских систем, управления проектами и т. д.

Rokeya Tamanna Mukta, Masters of Social Science (MSS) in Economics at Chandpur Govt. College, Chandpur, Bangladesh. The author received the Bachelor of Social Science (BSS) at Chandpur Govt College, Chandpur, Bangladesh. She is engaged in research on business management, marketing, e-commerce, HRM, economics, banking systems, project management, etc.

Zahir Rayhan, Masters of Business Administration (MBA) in International Marketing at Prime University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. As a senior sales manager at Xiaomi Mobile Bangladesh Ltd., he received my Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) at Prime University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is engaged in research on business management, marketing, e-commerce, promotional marketing, HRM, economics, banking systems, project management, etc.

Омар Фарук, Основатель, председатель и главный научный сотрудник RESIPO. Научный сотрудник в области EEE, Бангладешский университет инженерии и технологий, Бангладеш (BUET). Он получил докторскую степень в области EEE, BUET. Он получил степень аспиранта в SCIE, Чунцинский университет почты и телекоммуникаций, Китай. У него более 50 научных публикаций. Он занимался исследованиями в области связи в свободном пространстве, цифрового бизнеса, оптической связи, беспроводной связи, обработки изображений и сигналов, машинного обучения, глубокого обучения,

искусственного интеллекта, намерений цифрового бизнеса, биомедицины, биоинформатики и т. д. Он пытается разработать беспроводную связь на больших расстояниях с максимальной скоростью и бесшумностью.

Статья поступила в редакцию 15.10.2024; одобрена после рецензирования 18.11.2024; принята

к публикации 19.11.2024.

The article was submitted 15.10.2024; approved after reviewing 18.11.2024; accepted for publication


Omar Faruq, Founder Chairman and Chief Researcher at RESIPO. Research Associate in EEE, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh (BUET). He studied Ph.D. in EEE, BUET. He received his PostGraduate research degree from the SCIE, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China. He has more than 50 research publications. He engaged in research on free-space communications, Digital Business, optical communication, wireless communication, image and signal processing, ML, DL, AI, digital business intentions, biomedical, bioinformatics, etc. He is trying to develop long-distance wireless communication with top speed and noiselessness.

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