Научная статья на тему 'A review on the durability of concrete reinforced with hybrid fibers in aerodrome pavement'

A review on the durability of concrete reinforced with hybrid fibers in aerodrome pavement Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
hybrid fibers / fiber-reinforced concrete pavement / aerodrome concrete pavement / properties of hybrid fiber-reinforced aerodrome concrete pavement / airway runways / strengthening of concrete pavements / гибридные волокна / фибробетонное покрытие / аэродромное бетонное покрытие / свойства гибридного фибробетонного покрытия аэродрома / взлетно-посадочные полосы воздушных путей / усиление бетонных покрытий

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Кайс Кайс Абдулрахман Али, Котляревская Алена Валерьевна, Бассар Фарадж Мухммед Хусейн, Тупикова Евгения Михайловна, Джамаль Тарик Садик Футайни

In most earlier aerodrome concrete pavements, pavements were not mostly made of reinforced concrete; however, the necessity to use this type of pavement became a necessity and of urgent need as it is of importance to the aerodrome pavement construction. As researchers are suggesting possible ways to improve the strength of aerodrome concrete pavements to withstand the pressure and several impacts of heavy operations acting on it, it became eminent to investigate and review possible previous studies on the improvement of this pavement using hybrid fibers. The objective of this study was to review and investigate the effects and properties of hybrid fibers on aerodrome concrete pavements. To achieve this objective, a series of reviews on previous studies were conducted. From this study, it was confirmed that the use of hybrid fibers in reinforcing aerodrome concrete pavements improved the mechanical properties of this pavement. The crack resistance or reduction was seen in the concrete with hybrid fibers. The addition of hybrid fibers in pavement cement concrete can significantly improve the tensile and flexural strength and durability of concrete and play a role in strengthening toughness. Compared with single-fiber concrete, which is relatively mature at present. During this study, it was identified that very little information is available on the use of hybrid fivers in aerodrome concrete pavements.

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Обзор долговечности бетона, армированного гибридными волокнами, для покрытия аэродромов

В большинстве более ранних аэродромных бетонных покрытий тротуары в основном не изготавливались из железобетона; однако необходимость использования этого типа дорожного покрытия стала насущной необходимостью, поскольку оно имеет важное значение для строительства аэродромных покрытий. Поскольку исследователи предлагают возможные способы повышения прочности бетонных покрытий аэродромов, чтобы они выдерживали давление и некоторые виды воздействий при выполнении тяжелых работ, стало важным изучить и пересмотреть возможные предыдущие исследования по улучшению этого покрытия с использованием гибридных волокон. Целью данного исследования был обзор и исследование воздействия и свойств гибридных волокон на бетонные покрытия аэродромов. Для достижения этой цели была проведена серия обзоров предыдущих исследований. В результате этого исследования было подтверждено, что использование гибридных волокон при армировании аэродромных бетонных покрытий улучшило механические свойства этого покрытия. Устойчивость к растрескиванию или ее снижение было замечено в бетоне с гибридными волокнами. Добавление гибридных волокон в дорожный цементобетон может значительно повысить прочность бетона на растяжение и изгиб, а также долговечность и сыграть определенную роль в повышении ударной вязкости. По сравнению с монолитным железобетоном, который в настоящее время является относительно зрелым. В ходе этого исследования было выявлено, что имеется очень мало информации об использовании гибридных пятерок в бетонных покрытиях аэродромов.

Текст научной работы на тему «A review on the durability of concrete reinforced with hybrid fibers in aerodrome pavement»

Обзор долговечности бетона, армированного гибридными волокнами, для покрытия аэродромов





Кайс Кайс Абдулрахман Али

аспирант, Департамент строительства, РУДН

Котляревская Алена Валерьевна

кандидат технических наук, доцент, Департамент строительства, РУДН

Бассар Фарадж Мухммед Хусейн

кандидат технических, наук, генеральный менеджер проектов, ное управление гражданской авиации (Йемен)


Тупикова Евгения Михайловна

кандидат технических наук, доцент, Департамент строительства, РУДН

Джамаль Тарик Садик Футайни

аспирант, Департамент строительства, РУДН

В большинстве более ранних аэродромных бетонных покрытий тротуары в основном не изготавливались из железобетона; однако необходимость использования этого типа дорожного покрытия стала насущной необходимостью, поскольку оно имеет важное значение для строительства аэродромных покрытий. Поскольку исследователи предлагают возможные способы повышения прочности бетонных покрытий аэродромов, чтобы они выдерживали давление и некоторые виды воздействий при выполнении тяжелых работ, стало важным изучить и пересмотреть возможные предыдущие исследования по улучшению этого покрытия с использованием гибридных волокон. Целью данного исследования был обзор и исследование воздействия и свойств гибридных волокон на бетонные покрытия аэродромов. Для достижения этой цели была проведена серия обзоров предыдущих исследований. В результате этого исследования было подтверждено, что использование гибридных волокон при армировании аэродромных бетонных покрытий улучшило механические свойства этого покрытия. Устойчивость к растрескиванию или ее снижение было замечено в бетоне с гибридными волокнами. Добавление гибридных волокон в дорожный цементобетон может значительно повысить прочность бетона на растяжение и изгиб, а также долговечность и сыграть определенную роль в повышении ударной вязкости. По сравнению с монолитным железобетоном, который в настоящее время является относительно зрелым. В ходе этого исследования было выявлено, что имеется очень мало информации об использовании гибридных пятерок в бетонных покрытиях аэродромов.

Ключевые слова: гибридные волокна, фибробетонное покрытие, аэродромное бетонное покрытие, свойства гибридного фибробетон-ного покрытия аэродрома, взлетно-посадочные полосы воздушных путей, усиление бетонных покрытий


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One of the most important considerations when deciding to overcome obstacles in today's world is the capacity to move quickly from one location to another. A significant drawback is the high cost of such transportation. The most basic indicator of how much air travel will cost is the cost of construction, particularly the cost of constructing runways. A decrease in the price of runway pavement could help the industry's growth.

The capacity of the air transportation network depends on maintaining airfield surfaces that are structurally sound and fully functional. Airfield pavements are one of the key elements of the vital transportation infrastructure system that supports the daily flow of people and goods, boosts tourism, and helps the local economy [1]. The time-consuming and, most importantly, detrimental maintenance and rehabilitation processes have an impact on the pavements' usability (e.g. airport closure), which has a significant negative effect on the economy of the airport. Additionally, because of the high degree of the brittleness of concrete, which frequently necessitates choosing extensive and therefore expensive interventions by completely replacing failed slabs, rehabilitation design is even more difficult in the case of concrete pavements, which are typically found on aerodromes.

Aerodrome pavements are crucial, so they should be created as high-quality, low-hazard structures [2]. After construction, accurate and systematic knowledge of the condition of aerodrome pavements throughout their service life is necessary for their reliable management [3]. The latter is accomplished by measuring the aerodrome pavements' load-carrying capacity, which reveals how well they can support aircraft loads. The performance characteristics of the pavement, or how the pavement responds to loads, are formed by integrating data on the base's effectiveness, material strength, and adequate thickness. A surface condition assessment is also important. The evaluation of the surface's condition in terms of damage, the presence of cracks, etc. is just as important, if not more important than pavements. For instance, surface cracks in aerodrome pavements can also signal a possible decline in material strength. Debris buildup in cracks, also referred to as FOD (foreign object debris), can be caused by a lack of strength. Debris from foreign objects (FOD) [4,5]. This factor has a significant impact on both passenger safety and aircraft movement during ground maneuvering [4].


To achieve the objectives of this study, a review method was used. This method allowed the study and review of previous related topics to this current paper. Several works were reviewed to enable the understanding of the topic and to create ways to proffer responds to the conclusions. During the review, an indebt understanding of the properties of aerodrome concrete pavements and possible ways of strengthening it was studied.


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The impact of heavy, slowly moving aircraft is primarily responsible for cracks in airport concrete pavement. Environmental conditions, joint quality, and base material are just a few of the variables that can cause cracking or other damage to concrete pavements. The stability of the base material that supports the

different pavement layers has a direct bearing on how well a pavement performs over the long term. Without a suitable base, the pavement eventually experiences excessive buckling, which causes early cracking and deterioration throughout its service life.

Significant loads are continuously applied to aerodrome pavements. Contrary to roads, which only support the weight of moving traffic, airfield pavements must withstand the dynamic loads associated with aircraft takeoff and landing, as well as ongoing thermal and mechanical loads from the gas and air jets of aircraft engines, as well as chemical de-icing agents. and endure prolonged static loads when parking multiple tons of aircraft [6].

The two most prevalent types of aerodrome pavements used today are asphalt concrete and cement concrete, with concrete being used more frequently. Asphalt paved areas can be put into use as soon as the paving is finished by using asphalt concrete in the construction process. Pavements on airfields, for instance, are built using asphalt concrete. However, cement concrete pavements need at least seven days for the concrete to harden. Additionally, they have benefits like high bearing capacity, high durability that gets better with time and under good operating conditions, and high pavement durability. They also have benefits like high bearing capacity (regardless of climatic influences), high strength that increases over time under favorable operating conditions, durability, no rutting, high grip Low tire grip, low moisture absorption capacity, high wear resistance, and long service life and durability. The tendency of concrete to peel, the development of pits and potholes, the chipping and cracking of the slabs, and repair issues necessitating the replacement of a sizable portion of the pavement are additional drawbacks of cement concrete pavements. Repairs are difficult because a sizable portion of the pavement needs to be replaced.

Rigid pavement is found on aerodromes. There are differences between rigid and flexible pavement types. The two different kinds of pavement are shown in Figure 1.

Flexible Pavement

Layer of Aspahli concrete

Rigid Pavement

Layer nf concrete

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Figure 1. Pavement types [7]

macro and micro are the two main categories of fibers used for concrete reinforcing. Macro-fibers are large fibers that have a diameter of 0.5 to 1 mm and a length of 30 to 60 mm. Micro-fibers, on the other hand, are extremely small fibers with a diameter of 20 m and a length of typically 5-10 mm. Microfibers support the paste and mortar phases and stop fracture coalescence because of their small size, which increases the composite's apparent tensile strength. Macro-fibers, on the other hand, bridge fully developed macro-cracks and prevent their expansion and deepening, giving them a greater energy dissipation capacity than matrix cracking. The best reaction requires a blend of different fiber types [10]. Fiber hybridization is the process of combining various fiber types and sizes.

Continues fiber-reinforced concrete pavement (CFRCP)

Due to the improved ride quality, low maintenance requirements, and prolonged service life offered by CFRCP, it is the most common type of highway pavement used for expressways in places like the urban areas of Texas [11 ]. Because CFRCP has excellent properties that match the load that aerodrome pavement experiences, it can be used for those surfaces. Figure 2 illustrates the fiber-particle interaction hypothesis.

Traditional Asphalt Concrete

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Fiber Reinforced Asphalt Concrete

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Figure 2. The hypothesis of fiber-particle interaction [12]

When using specific siliceous river gravels, CFRCP, however, may occasionally experience early failure of ride quality because of surface spalling next to full-depth cracks (see Figure 3).

Steel reinforcement is not without problems. To transfer loads between adjacent pavement slabs, dowel bars are steel bars that are used in concrete pavement construction. They are positioned so that they extend into each adjacent slab and are parallel to the longitudinal joint of the pavement. However, due to the drawbacks of steel bars and the impact of a harsh environment on steel bars, this paper reviews and discusses the technical ways to build more enduring and long-lasting aerodrome pavements using hybrid fibers. For use in construction, it is simpler to incorporate fibers into the concrete mix as dispersed fiber reinforcement.

Cement concrete is currently the most popular material for runway paving at aerodromes. Aerodrome pavement issues are becoming more and more obvious with the increased traffic volume, with cracks, subsidence, voids, and other issues popping up while the runway is in use. The use of fiber-reinforced concrete for airport pavements has been extensively researched [8,9] to address the problem of concrete pavement cracking. In concrete reinforcement, various types of fibers are utilized. Below is a classification of these fibers.

Classification of fibers

Depending on their size and volume percentage, fibers might help at both the micro and macro stages of cracking. Accordingly,

Figure 3. Severe Spalling of CFRCP [11]

Chen and others. [8,9] investigated how different fibers affected the concrete strength and longevity of airport pavement. Modified polyester fibers (MP) and polyacrylonitrile synthetic fibers (PS) were found to increase concrete's flexural strength by 6%. One-fifth of a percent steel fiber (SF) significantly reduced aging cracking and significantly increased the wheel impact resistance of concrete used for airport pavement. The greatest improvement was


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seen in impermeability and frost resistance, respectively, with the addition of PS and MP.

Because of their low tensile strength and strain tolerance, cementitious materials are brittle by nature. Concrete's brittleness and insufficient resistance to fracture initiation and propagation are frequently addressed by the use of short, randomly arranged fibers [13]. To make cement-based materials that perform better in terms of tensile strength, ductility, toughness, and durability, fibers may be added [14,15]. An enhancement is achieved by preventing or decreasing fracture initiation, growth, or coalescence [16]. Numerous fiber types, such as steel, fiberglass, polypropylene, basalt, and asbestos, are frequently used in concrete engineering (see Figure 4) [17, 18].


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Figure 4. a. Steel fiber, b. Fiberglass; c. Polypropylene fiber; d. Basalt fiber; [19] e. Asbestos fiber [20]

Although fiber-reinforced concrete has been successfully used in concrete pavements, there have been instances of premature failure. The use of discrete fibers in concrete slabs on soil (or concrete pavements) has been documented in the literature for more than 40 years [21-24]. According to this report, fibers are used as secondary reinforcement in concrete slabs on soil 60 percent of the time [25]. Rollings summarized the outcomes of concrete pavements for airfields reinforced with steel fibers. Although fiber-reinforced concrete pavements have been successfully designed and built, some premature failures have also been documented in the literature. Insufficient structural thickness,

especially for overlays, and/or the use of wide joint spacing (>30 ft), have generally been blamed for fiber-reinforced concrete pavement failures.

Fibers added to regular concrete in a sufficient volume enhance qualities like fracture toughness, ductility, and crack width control. Fibers have been used to increase the allowable joint spacing, decrease the necessary slab thickness, and improve the cracking characteristics of concrete pavements.

Hybrid fibers reinforced concrete

Choosing the right type and quantity of fiber reinforcement for concrete pavements is one of the biggest problems materials engineers face. It has been the subject of numerous studies to determine how fiber type and volume fraction affect the stiffness characteristics and flexural strength of fiber-reinforced concrete. The understanding of progressive cracking in concrete pavements and, by extension, failure properties, is still lacking. To predict the fracture of quasi-brittle materials, a variety of theoretical models have been put forth, including the dummy crack approach, the two-parameter fracture model, the size effect model, the effective crack model, the cohesive crack model, and the intersecting crack model.

In concrete slab-type structures like pavement, airport runways, and continuous sleeper-type slabs for high-speed trains, crack growth due to loading and shrinkage need to be controlled. Effective prestressing for crack control in such structures will be very challenging, particularly in the two main directions. A second strategy is thus provided in this situation by dispersed reinforcement with short fibers [26]. Because the presence of one fiber makes it possible to more effectively utilize the potential properties of the other fibers, the hybridization concept involving two distinct fibers combined in a single cement matrix may offer more desirable engineering properties. Combining various fiber types and sizes makes it possible to optimize mechanical and conductive properties [27].

Although concrete failure occurs on multiple scales, cracks in a structure can only be stopped in certain places and at one scale by embedding conventional reinforcement. To fully utilize the finished product, hybridization refers to the appropriate blending of two or more fibers with various properties. Fiber characteristics like length, diameter, strength, elastic modulus, aspect ratio, specific gravity, and so forth should be taken into account based on the expected performance of the final composite material. In general, it can be argued that coarse fibers are more effective at overcoming macro-cracks (providing strength) and fine fibers are more effective at overcoming micro-cracks, improving the behavior before and/or right after cracking. The distinct advantages can be combined simultaneously in a hybrid cement composite with the appropriate ratio of coarse and fine fibers [28].

According to the study's findings [10], concrete's toughness and ductility were improved by hybrid steel fibers, which combined long and short steel fibers. This improvement occurred as a result of the short fibers in the mixture tying the microcracks, which increased the flexural or tensile strength of the composite. The pavement's toughness and ductility were also noticeably improved by the long fibers, which reduced the spread of macro cracks (see Figure 5).

short fibers bridge microcracks f



long life microcracks

long fibers bridge macro cracks

Figure 5. The advantages of hybrid steel fibers in managing cracks [10]

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Cementitious composites offer a variety of cracking reactions at different loading stages because they use two or more mixed fibers. The end product of mixing two or more fibers in reinforced concrete is known as hybrid FRC. Multiple types of fibers are consequently added to hybrid fiber reinforced concretes, which result in hybrid performances that are better than the sum of those of the individual fibers [29]. Each of the constituent fibers contributes to the hybrid composite's synergetic reaction, which is evident [30]. Numerous studies have shown that combining two or more types of fibers into a hybrid yields cementitious composites with increased ultimate strengths, strain capacities, and strain-hardening behavior [31]. One of the many hybridization techniques is the blending of different fiber lengths, diameters, moduli, and tensile strengths [32,33].

Fibers appropriate for concrete reinforcement have been created using steel, glass, and organic polymers. As reinforcement, sisal, and jute, two types of plant fibers, are used, along with naturally occurring asbestos fibers. The mechanical and physical properties of different fibers are displayed in Table 1. The concrete matrices could consist of mortars, regularly proportioned mixes, or mixes that were created especially for a given application.

Table 1

Fiber type Tensile strength (TS), MPa Modulus of elasticity, MPa Density, g/cm3 % elongation

Sisal [35] 600-700 9-22 1.33 2-3

Jute [35] 400-800 13-26 1.34 1.8

Cellulose [13] 300-500 10 1.2 -

Polyethylene [36] 80-600 5-100 0.92-0.96 4-100

Steel [37] 500-2000 200 7.84 0.5-3.5

PVA [36,38] 1100-1600 20-42.8 1.29-1.3 6-7

PAN [39] 240-1000 2-3 1.18 20-45

Nylon [40] 750-1000 2.5-5.17 1.14 15-30

PP [41,42] 240-550 1.5-4.2 0.91 50-80

result of fiber hybridization. According to the study [54], adding 25% glass powder and 15% polypropylene fiber increased the beams' compressive strength, flexural toughness, and ductility by approximately 1.6, 4, and 13.2 times, respectively. Furthermore, studies have been done on the properties and behavior of cement systems reinforced with carbon, alumina, polyamide, polyethylene, and polyvinyl alcohol fibers [40]. Table 2 includes the investigation's findings as well as the various hybrid fiber types that the various authors used.

Table 2

> result.

where PVA is polyvinyl alcohol; PAN is polyacrylonitrile and PP is polypropylene

Concrete with toughness, high strength, and durability are now needed more than ever as construction materials advance. Highperformance concrete reinforced with fiber is one type of strong, long-lasting concrete that can be used to achieve mechanical properties superior to those of conventional concrete [43, 44]. Some scientists investigated how fiber hybridization affected the characteristics of concrete. The main goal of using hybrid fibers is to control various concrete cracking zones, at various size levels, under various loads, and at various curing ages [26].

High-strength mortar reinforced with hybrid fibers was the subject of an experiment in the study [45]. It was discovered that hybrid fibers caused concrete's elasticity modulus to increase by 52%. Low fiber volume fraction was examined by researchers [16]. While using polypropylene fibers reduced the indirect tensile strength, adding steel and carbon fibers increased the splitting tensile strength. High indirect tensile strength was produced by combining steel and carbon fibers; this was superior to using steel or carbon fibers alone [46]. A combination of two or more fibers of various types and sizes can enhance concrete's properties [47-49, 50].

The study [37] states that the researchers found that adding glass, polypropylene, or polyester fibers to steel fiber improved the performance of fiber-reinforced concrete in comparison to concrete without fibers [51,52]. The authors [53] showed that using hybrid fibers significantly improved the flexural behavior of concrete when compared to a single-fiber composite. Up to 196 percent more flexural strength than the control specimens was achieved as a

Reference Hybrid fiber investigated Findings

[55] Glass and PP Aging led to a rise in the flexural peak load of hybrid sheets.

[56] Short and long steel HFRC has a lower permeability than regular concrete.

[57] Steel and carbon More steel fibers in hybrids result in a more noticeable increase in strength.

More carbon fibers result in a further significant rise in toughness.

[58] Polypropylene and Carbon Using hybrid versions of carbon and PP fiber, concrete's fatigue characteristics were enhanced.

[59] Polypropylene and Carbon The hybrid fibers, which could remove the crack origins and prevent the fracture from spreading, were what gave the carbon-PP HFRC its added strength and toughness.

[60] PVA and Steel Polypropylene The shrinkage strain was lower in concrete reinforced with hybrid steel fibers than it was with large-diameter monofilaments. In HFRC, permeability is reduced.

[61] PVA Significant gains in ultimate load and post-peak ductility were achieved using a hybrid composite

[62] Steel, Carbon, PP Combining steel and carbon fibers resulted in greater material toughness.

[63] Carbon, Alumina, Polypropylene The peak load jumped by as much as 75% for the composite comprising solely PP, according to a load vs CMOD response analysis.

[64] Polypropylene fiber and Polyethylene pu|P Hybrids improved flexural strength and toughness and were helpful in impact loading.

[65] PVA and steel For the same flexural toughness, HFRC demonstrated higher initial fracture deflection.

[66] Steel and PP When compared to mono fiber composites, hybrid fiber reinforced concrete's resistance to the initial crack's commencement and hardness were significantly increased.

[67] Steel and PP Higher PP fiber content in HFRC resulted in improved post-crack responses and greater impact strengths.

Basalt fiber is an additional fiber that can be combined with other fibers to create a hybrid fiber. High tensile strength and high elastic modulus describe basalt fiber (BF), a type of material. BF differs from other fibers in that it is inexpensive, easy to disperse, and resistant to acid and alkali, as well as high temperatures [68,69]. By reducing the size of the concrete's pores and enhancing the pore structure, concrete that has been mixed with a specific

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volume fraction of BF can effectively increase its impact, bending, and cracking strength [70,71]. Basalt fiber-reinforced concrete (BFRC) has been found to have excellent fracture properties as well, according to researchers. Wang along with others. [72] examined the fracture characteristics of fly ash geopolymer concrete (FAGC) reinforced with BF and discovered that the addition of BF can significantly increase the FAGC's fracture energy and fracture toughness. BF can be very effective at preventing concrete cracks from spreading. In a three-point bending fracture test of high-performance basalt fiber-reinforced concrete (HPBFRC), Smarzewski [73] discovered that the fracture energy of the specimens gradually increased with an increase in fiber content, presenting a positive linear relationship. According to Arslan [74], Bf and glass fiber (GF) both increased the flexural strength, ductility, and fracture energy of concrete. SEM was used to determine that the addition of BF improved the bonding characteristics between the substrates. A good application prospect for BF in airport pavement can be deduced from the summary of BFRC performance provided above [75]. Sun and associates. [76] have considered the issue of airport pavement cracking and durability deficiency, and the use of basalt fiber airport pavement concrete (BFAPC) was investigated through a static mechanical test and numerical simulation. The operational environments at the airport are currently complex. Airport pavement is subject to dynamic impact loads brought on by pavement roughness and aircraft landings in addition to the static load of the aircraft [77,78]. The safe takeoff and landing of the aircraft can be significantly impacted by the damage and deterioration caused by airport pavement concrete's propensity to fracture under dynamic loads, so it is important to investigate this behavior.

Reinforcement of Aerodrome concrete pavement

A variety of layers are arranged in the structure of an airfield pavement. where the street is made of cement concrete. The entire setup transfers the weight of the moving aircraft safely to the ground subbase. One of the many different types of structures is reinforced concrete pavement. They are created by adding reinforcement to concrete. Bar grid reinforcement is frequently used to reinforce pavement structures. The bars are typically arranged lengthwise and crosswise. In the cross-section of concrete, reinforcement bars are positioned approximately equal distances from the bottom and top. 15-35 cm [79].

In the event of changes in bearing capacity, the main goal of airfield structure reinforcement is to equalize the distribution of internal forces on the surface. As a result, there is little chance that overloading the structure or abrupt thermal changes will cause slabs to randomly crack. Reduced pavement cross-section and fewer expansion gaps are possible thanks to the use of this kind of structural solution, which also improves the technical condition of the building and increases air traffic safety. Even under conditions of heavy traffic and repeated loading, the addition of steel to the concrete slab alters its structural makeup and has a direct impact on the extension of service life. The primary factor that justifies the use of reinforced concrete pavements is landing gear load exceeding 1 point 40 MPa [80].

Conclusions and discussions

In this review, the type, characteristics, and methods for improving the functionality of aerodrome concrete pavement by reinforcing it with dispersed hybrid fiber are discussed. So many factors should be considered in implementing the method of reinforcement. The properties of hybrid fibers have made this reinforcement method a good option for aerodrome concrete pavement.

i. Hybrid fiber reinforcement offers a few extra benefits in terms of physical and mechanical qualities when compared to composites made of only one type of fiber. When used in hybrid fiber reinforcement, stronger and stiffer fibers can increase the strength of concrete while fibers with lower elastic modulus can increase the ductility and toughness of concrete due to their higher elastic modulus and stiffness.

ii. In hybrid fiber reinforced concrete, stronger and stiffer fibers can increase the material's stiffness and strength while fibers with low elastic modulus can increase the concrete's ductility and toughness. This is because hybrid fiber-reinforced concrete has a high elastic modulus and stiffness. Hybrid fiber reinforcement offers a few extra benefits in terms of the material's physical and mechanical properties when compared to composites made with only one type of fiber.

iii. In terms of tensile and flexural strength, hybrid steel-steel fibers appear to be significantly more effective than other hybrid fiber types. The hybridization of fibers in FRC materials can result in significant cost savings compared to mono-fiber reinforcement.

iv. Reviews of the literature reveal that fiber geometry, including size, length, and form, affected the properties of concrete mixes not only in the hardened state but also in the fresh condition.

v. In terms of flexural and tensile strength, hybrid steel-steel fibers appear to be significantly more effective than other hybrid fiber types. The hybridization of fibers in FRC materials can result in significant cost savings as opposed to mono-fiber reinforcement.

vi. While a fiber with a low durability rating enhances the concrete's ability to perform quickly, one with a high durability rating encourages toughness. Furthermore, small-sized fibers prevent microcracks, while large-sized fibers help prevent macrocracks. Together, they combat the growth of both macrocracks and microcracks. The hybrid composite improves the overall performance of concrete.

A review on the durability of concrete reinforced with hybrid fibers in aerodrome pavement

Qais A.A.Q., Kotlyarevskaya A.V., Faraj M.H.B., Tupikova E.M., Dzhamal T.S.F.

RUDN University, Civil aviation and meteorology authority

JEL classification: L61, L74, R53_

In most earlier aerodrome concrete pavements, pavements were not mostly made of reinforced concrete; however, the necessity to use this type of pavement became a necessity and of urgent need as it is of importance to the aerodrome pavement construction. As researchers are suggesting possible ways to improve the strength of aerodrome concrete pavements to withstand the pressure and several impacts of heavy operations acting on it, it became eminent to investigate and review possible previous studies on the improvement of this pavement using hybrid fibers. The objective of this study was to review and investigate the effects and properties of hybrid fibers on aerodrome concrete pavements. To achieve this objective, a series of reviews on previous studies were conducted. From this study, it was confirmed that the use of hybrid fibers in reinforcing aerodrome concrete pavements improved the mechanical properties of this pavement. The crack resistance or reduction was seen in the concrete with hybrid fibers. The addition of hybrid fibers in pavement cement concrete can significantly improve the tensile and flexural strength and durability of concrete and play a role in strengthening toughness. Compared with single-fiber concrete, which is relatively mature at present. During this study, it was identified that very little information is available on the use of hybrid fivers in aerodrome concrete pavements. Keywords: hybrid fibers, fiber-reinforced concrete pavement, aerodrome concrete pavement, properties of hybrid fiber-reinforced aerodrome concrete pavement, airway runways, strengthening of concrete pavements References

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