Научная статья на тему 'A new subspecies of Morimus verecundus (Faldermann, 1836) from Bulgaria and a new subspecies of Morimus asper (Sulzer, 1776) from Greece (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)'

A new subspecies of Morimus verecundus (Faldermann, 1836) from Bulgaria and a new subspecies of Morimus asper (Sulzer, 1776) from Greece (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
new species / taxonomy / Cerambycidae / Lamiinae / Morimus / Bulgaria / Greece

Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Danilevsky M.L., Gradinarov D., Sivilov O.

Morimus verecundus bulgaricus Danilevsky, ssp. n. is described from Black See coast in north-east Bulgaria (Balchik and Varna). M. asper graecus Danilevsky, ssp. n. is described from Greece (Peloponnesus: Chelmo Mt. and Taygetus Mts).

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Предварительный просмотрDOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10980088
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Текст научной работы на тему «A new subspecies of Morimus verecundus (Faldermann, 1836) from Bulgaria and a new subspecies of Morimus asper (Sulzer, 1776) from Greece (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)»

Humanity space International almanac VOL. 5, No 2, 2016: 187-191

A new subspecies of Morimus verecundus (Faldermann, 1836) from Bulgaria and a new subspecies of Morimus asper (Sulzer, 1776) from Greece (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)

M.L. Danilevsky1, D.Gradinarov2 & O. Sivilov2

'A.N. Severtzov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Leninsky prospect 33, Moscow 119071 Russia

e-mail: danilevskyml@rambler.ru, danilevsky@cerambycidae.net

2Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Sofia, Bulgaria

e-mail: dgradinarov@abv.bg, osivilov@gmail.com

Key words: new species, taxonomy, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Morimus, Bulgaria, Greece.

Abstract: Morimus verecundus bulgaricus Danilevsky, ssp. n. is described from Black See coast in north-east Bulgaria (Balchik and Varna). M. asper graecus Danilevsky, ssp. n. is described from Greece (Peloponnesus: Chelmo Mt. and Taygetus Mts).

A new Morimus species was recently described from Slovakia: M. gabzdili Danilevsky, 2015. Now we can continue the study of European Morimus populations.

Morimus verecundus bulgaricus Danilevsky, ssp. n. Figs 1-2

Type locality: Bulgaria, Balchik, University Botanic garden, 43°24'13"N, 28°8'42"E, 34 m.

The new subspecies is rather close to the population of the nominative subspecies from Black Sea coast of Russia (Podhrebtovoe, 44°22'35.00"N, 38°57'47.00"E, 140m, 8.6.2010, M.Danilevsky leg. - 5 males and 4 females available) with dense pale pubescence on 4 elytral spots with sparse granulation. Similar specimens were collected in Krasnodar environs (park "Krasnyi Kut").

Antennae in males about 1.7-1.8. times longer than body, surpassing elytral apices by 5 apical joints (while in males of M.v.verecundus antennae usually more than 2 times longer than body surpassing elytral apices by 6 apical joints); antennae in females a little longer than body; 1st antennal joint is about as long as 5 th in

males or about as long as 4th in females; 4th joint is rather longer than 5th, 3rd joint is the longest; prothorax in males about as long as basal width or about 1.1 times longer; in females - also about as long as basal width or a little shorter; lateral thoracic spines much shorter than in M. verecundus from Russia; scutellum strongly transverse without distinct posterior emargination; elytra in males 1.8-2.0 times longer than basal width, in females - 1.8-1.9 times; elytral granulation moderately dense, similar to the nominative subspecies; four large elytral spots can be densely covered with pale pubescence and partly devoid of granules; posterior elytral half with irregular areas of pale pubescence and sparse small granulation; body length in available males: 20-30 mm, body width (at elytral middle): 712mm; body length in available females: 24-31mm; body width: 912 mm.

In general new subspecies differs from M.v.verecundus by shorter antennae and shorter lateral thoracic spines. Further morphological comparison of two subspecies is rather desirable, but needs more materials.

Materials. Holotype, male, Bulgaria, Balchik, University Botanic garden, 43°24'13"N, 28°8'42"E, 34m, 14.6.2006, I.Iliev leg. -Zoological collection of Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Faculty of Biology (BFUS); 4 paratypes; 1 male from same locality, 17.6.2013, I.Iliev leg. - collection of M.Danilevsky; 1 female, Bulgaria, Varna, University Botanic garden, 43°14'8"N, 28°0'8"E, 57m, I.Iliev leg. - Zoological collection of Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Faculty of Biology (BFUS); 1 male and 1 female from same locality, 12.06.2008, 20.06.2013, I.Iliev leg. - collection of M.Danilevsky.

Remarks. Both known localities of the subspecies are situated in NE Bulgaria, at a distance up to two km from the Black Sea coast. At the inland territory of Bulgaria the genus Morimus is represented by M. asper funereus (Mulsant, 1863) (after Migliaccio et al., 2007). Additionally, M. orientalis Reitter, 1894 has been reported several times from SE Bulgaria (Bringmann, 1996; recent report by Georgiev et al., 2015). Further investigation is needed for clarification of distribution and biological features of the new subspecies.

Morimus asper graecus Danilevsky, ssp. n.

Figs 3-4

Type locality: Greece, Peloponnesus, Chelmos Mt. (about 37°58'26"N, 22°12'25"E).

The new subspecies does not look too much similar to the nominative subspecies Morimus asper asper from Italy (7 males and 4 females are available: BO, Casalecchio di Reno , G. & I. Zappi leg.; 2 similar males are available from Elba Island) because of wider body with very dense conjugated elytral punctation.

Antennae in males a little more than 2 times longer than body, surpassing elytral apices by 6 apical joints; antennae in females a little longer than body; 1st antennal joint distinctly shorter than 5 th in males or a little longer in females; 4th joint is a little longer than 5th in males or rather longer in females, 3rd joint is the longest; prothorax in males about as long as basal width, or about 1.1 times shorter (in Italian M. a. asper prothorax is a little elongated); in females about 1.1 times shorter than basal width; lateral thoracic spines a little longer than in Italian M. a. asper; scutellum strongly transverse, without posterior emargination, while in Italian M. a. asper scutellum semicircula; elytra in males about 1.7 longer than basal width, in females - about 1.8 times; elytral granulation extremely dense, granules are often touching each other or conjugated (never in Italian M. a. asper); four large elytral spots are totally granulated and can be indistinct, or slightly pronounced because of recumbent black pubescence; posterior elytral half without areas of sparse granulation; body length in available males: 27-34 mm, body width (at elytral middle): 9-12mm; body length in available females: 32-38mm; body width: 12-13 mm.

New subspecies remarkably differs from Italian M. a. asper by wider body with wider prothorax in males and by very dense conjugating elytral granulations.

Materials. Holotype, male, Greece, Peloponnesus, Chelmos Mt. (about 37°58'26"N, 22°12'25"E), 21.6.1981 M. Slama leg. - MD; 4 paratypes; 2 males, 1 female, Greece, Peloponnesus, Taygetus Mts (about 36°57'14"N, 22°21'08"E), 18.6.1977, J. Hladil leg. - MD; 1 female, Greece, Peloponnesus, Taygetus, Artemisia (37°6'N, 22°13'50"E), 8-11.6.1980, Brodsky & Bily leg. - MD.

Remark. A single male available from mainland Greece (Pamassos Mt., 22.6.1977, M.&J. Hladolovi leg. - MD) also has conjugating elytral granulation and most probably belongs to the new subspecies.

Acknowledgements. We are very grateful to all colleagues who collected available materials.


Bringmann H.D. 1996. Die Morimus - und Acanthoderes - Arten Bulgariens (Col.,

Cerambycidae). - Entomologische nachrichten und berichte. 40: 237-239. Danilevsky M.L. 2015. A new species of the genus Morimus Brullé, 1832

(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Central Europe. - Humanity space. International almanac. 4(2): 215-219. Georgiev G., Gjonov I., & Sakalian V. 2015. New Records of Longhorn Beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Strandzha Mountain. - Journal of the entomological research society. 17(2): 73-88. Migliaccio E., Georgiev G. & Gashtarov V. 2007. An annotated list of Bulgarian Cerambycids with special view on the rarest species and endemics (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). - Lambillionea. 107(1), supplément 1: 1-78.

Figs 1-2. Morimus verecundus bulgaricus Danilevsky, ssp. n.: 1 - male, holotype, 2 - female, paratype, Bulgaria, Varna, University Botanic garden, 43°14'8"N, 28°0'8"E, 57 m, 12.6.2008, I.Iliev leg. Figs 3-4. Morimus asper graecus Danilevsky, ssp. n.:

3 - male, holotype, 4 - female, paratype, Greece, Taygetos, Artemisia, 8-11.6.1980, Brodsky & Bily leg.

Received: 29.03.2016 Accepted: 30.03.2016

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