Научная статья на тему 'A Meta-Summary of Qualitative Findings on Gender Equality Education'

A Meta-Summary of Qualitative Findings on Gender Equality Education Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
Gender / Gender Equality Education / Meta-Summary / Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria / Frequency Effect Size / Toplumsal Cinsiyet / Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği Eğitim / Meta-Özet / İçerme ve Dışlama Ölçütleri / Frekans Etki Büyüklüğü

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Burcu Şanlı, Fazilet Karakuş

One of the most effective ways of raising awareness and sensitivity towards gender equality is creating educational programs implemented in educational institutions based on gender equality approaches. The purpose of this study is to reveal the current status and needs of gender equality education by aggregating studies conducted on gender equality in education in Turkey. In this study, meta-summary method which is systematic review study, was employed. Fourteen research reports selected based on certain inclusion and exclusion criteria were included in the meta-summary. The Critical Appraisal Skills Program was used to assess the quality of these research reports using qualitative research methods. From 14 studies, 152 statements were derived. These statements were analyzed by entering the Qualitative Data Analysis Miner Lite. The findings obtained were examined under five themes. These themes were: (i) views of students on gender equality, (ii) views of teachers on their knowledge of gender issues, (iii) views of teachers on gender equality stereotypes towards boys/girls, (iv) views of teachers on gender equality education for teachers, (v) views of pre-service teachers on gender equality education they have received. The results of the research showed that awareness and sensitivity towards gender equality should be raised primarily in educational environments in order to eliminate the inequality and discrimination faced by individuals disadvantaged because of their gender. Considering the knowledge and opinions on gender and gender equality, the study determined that there is a need for gender equality education for students, teachers, and pre-service teachers.

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Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği Eğitimi İle İlgili Nitel Bulguların Meta-Özeti

Toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği konusunda farkındalık ve duyarlılığı artırmanın en etkili yollarından biri, eğitim kurumlarında uygulanan eğitim programlarının toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği yaklaşımlarına dayalı olarak oluşturulmasıdır. Bu araştırmanın amacı, Türkiye’de eğitim ve öğretim alanında toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği konusunda yapılan çalışmaları bir araya getirerek, toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği eğitiminin mevcut durumunu ve gereksinimlerini ortaya koymaktır. Bu çalışmada, sistematik bir derleme çalışması olan meta-özet yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Alanyazında belirli içerme ve dışlama ölçütlerine göre seçilen 14 araştırma raporu, meta-özet çalışmasına dahil edilmiştir. Nitel araştırma yöntemlerinin kullanıldığı bu araştırmada, raporların kalitesini değerlendirmek için Critical Appraisal Skills Programı kullanılmıştır. 14 çalışmadan toplam 152 ifade elde edilmiştir. Bu ifadeler, Qualitative Data Analysis Miner Lite programına girilerek analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular beş tema altında incelenmiştir. Bu temalar: (i) öğrencilerin toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliğine ilişkin görüşleri, (ii) öğretmenlerin toplumsal cinsiyet konusundaki bilgisine ilişkin görüşleri, (iii) öğretmenlerin kız/oğlan çocuklarına yönelik toplumsal cinsiyet kalıp yargılarına ilişkin görüşleri, (iv) öğretmenlere yönelik toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği eğitimi konusunda öğretmenlerin görüşleri, (v) toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği eğitimi alan öğretmen adaylarının, söz konusu eğitime ilişkin görüşleri şeklindedir. Araştırmanın sonuçları, cinsiyetleri nedeniyle dezavantaj yaşayan bireylerin karşılaştıkları eşitsizlik ve ayrımcılığın ortadan kaldırılması için, öncelikle eğitim ortamlarında cinsiyet eşitliğine yönelik farkındalık ve duyarlılığın artırılması gerektiğini göstermiştir. Çalışma, toplumsal cinsiyet ve toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliğine ilişkin bilgi birikimi ve görüşler göz önüne alındığında, öğrencilere, öğretmenlere ve öğretmen adaylarına yönelik toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği eğitimine ihtiyaç duyulduğu belirlenmiştir.

Текст научной работы на тему «A Meta-Summary of Qualitative Findings on Gender Equality Education»

The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies Year: 16 - Number: 94, p. 39-54, Spring 2023

A Meta-Summary of Qualitative Findings on Gender Equality


Dr. Burcu §anli ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2573-7733 Mersin University, Social Sciences Institute, Department of Women's Studies, Mersin - TURKEY

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fazilet Karaku§ ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6455-9845 Mersin University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences, Mersin - TURKEY

Artcile Histor

Submitted: 14.01.2023 Accepted: 27.03.2023 Published Online: 30.03.2023



Gender Equality Education Meta-Summary Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria Frequency Effect Size

Research Article

* This article was checked by Intihal.net. This article is under the Creative Commons license. Ethics committee approval is not required for this article.


One of the most effective ways of raising awareness and sensitivity towards gender equality is creating educational programs implemented in educational institutions based on gender equality approaches. The purpose of this study is to reveal the current status and needs of gender equality education by aggregating studies conducted on gender equality in education in Turkey. In this study, meta-summary method which is systematic review study, was employed. Fourteen research reports selected based on certain inclusion and exclusion criteria were included in the meta-summary. The Critical Appraisal Skills Program was used to assess the quality of these research reports using qualitative research methods. From 14 studies, 152 statements were derived. These statements were analyzed by entering the Qualitative Data Analysis Miner Lite. The findings obtained were examined under five themes. These themes were: (i) views of students on gender equality, (ii) views of teachers on their knowledge of gender issues, (iii) views of teachers on gender equality stereotypes towards boys/girls, (iv) views of teachers on gender equality education for teachers, (v) views of pre-service teachers on gender equality education they have received. The results of the research showed that awareness and sensitivity towards gender equality should be raised primarily in educational environments in order to eliminate the inequality and discrimination faced by individuals disadvantaged because of their gender. Considering the knowledge and opinions on gender and gender equality, the study determined that there is a need for gender equality education for students, teachers, and pre-service teachers.



Reference Information / Atif Bilgisi

§anli, B. & Karaku§, F. (2023). A Meta-Summary of Qualitative Findings on Gender Equality Education. Jass Studies-The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 16(94), 39-54.

The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies Yil: 16 - Sayi: 94 , s. 39-54, Bahar 2023

Toplumsal Cinsiyet E§itligi Egitimi ile ilgili Nitel Bulgularin Meta-Özeti*

Dr. Burcu Çanli

Mersin Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Kadin Aragtirmalari Anabilim Dali, Mersin - TÜRKIYE

Doç. Dr. Fazilet Karakug Mersin Üniversitesi, Egitim Fakültesi, Egitim Bilimleri Bölümü, Mersin - TURKIYE

Makale Geçmigi | | Oz

Gelig: 14.01.2023 Kabul: 27.03.2023 On-line Yayin: 30.03.2023

Anahtar Kelimeler

Toplumsal Cinsiyet Toplumsal Cinsiyet Egitligi Egitim Meta-Ozet Içerme ve Diglama Olçûtleri Frekans Etki Büyüklügü

Ara§tirma Makalesi

* Bu makale, intihal.net tarafindan taranmigtir. Bu makale, Creative Commons lisansi altindadir. Bu makale için etik kurul onayi gerekmemektedir.



Toplumsal cinsiyet egitligi konusunda farkindalik ve duyarliligi artirmanin en etkili yollarindan biri, egitim kurumlarinda uygulanan egitim programlarinin toplumsal cinsiyet egitligi yaklagimlarina dayali olarak olugturulmasidir. Bu aragtirmanin amaci, Türkiye'de egitim ve ögretim alaninda toplumsal cinsiyet egitligi konusunda yapilan çaligmalari bir araya getirerek, toplumsal cinsiyet egitligi egitiminin mevcut durumunu ve gereksinimlerini ortaya koymaktir. Bu çaligmada, sistematik bir derleme çaligmasi olan meta-özet yöntemi kullanilmigtir. Alanyazinda belirli içerme ve diglama ölçütlerine göre seçilen 14 aragtirma raporu, meta-özet çaligmasina dahil edilmigtir. Nitel aragtirma yöntemlerinin kullanildigi bu aragtirmada, raporlarin kalitesini degerlendirmek için Critical Appraisal Skills Programi kullanilmigtir. 14 çaligmadan toplam 152 ifade elde edilmigtir. Bu ifadeler, Qualitative Data Analysis Miner Lite programina girilerek analiz edilmigtir. Elde edilen bulgular beg tema altinda incelenmigtir. Bu temalar: (i) ögrencilerin toplumsal cinsiyet egitligine iligkin görügleri, (ii) ögretmenlerin toplumsal cinsiyet konusundaki bilgisine iligkin görügleri, (iii) ögretmenlerin kiz/oglan çocuklarina yönelik toplumsal cinsiyet kalip yargilarina iligkin görügleri, (iv) ögretmenlere yönelik toplumsal cinsiyet egitligi egitimi konusunda ögretmenlerin görügleri, (v) toplumsal cinsiyet egitligi egitimi alan ögretmen adaylarinin, söz konusu egitime iligkin görügleri geklindedir. Aragtirmanin sonuçlari, cinsiyetleri nedeniyle dezavantaj yagayan bireylerin kargilagtiklari egitsizlik ve ayrimciligin ortadan kaldirilmasi için, öncelikle egitim ortamlarinda cinsiyet egitligine yönelik farkindalik ve duyarliligin artirilmasi gerektigini göstermigtir. Çaligma, toplumsal cinsiyet ve toplumsal cinsiyet egitligine iligkin bilgi birikimi ve görügler göz önüne alindiginda, ögrencilere, ögretmenlere ve ögretmen adaylarina yönelik toplumsal cinsiyet egitligi egitimine ihtiyaç duyuldugu belirlenmigtir.


Although the concepts of sex and gender are used interchangeably, they have different meanings. The concept of sex often refers to the biological gender. The biological sex is an identity owned at birth and the physical characteristics of the body are described under this concept. According to Giddens (2000: 616,621), the term gender refers to the physical characteristics of the body and the anatomic differences that separate males and females. However, the term gender refers to socially constructed characteristics regarding masculinity and femininity, not the physical characteristics that cause gender differences. The concept of gender was first used and introduced to the literature by Oakley (1972). She stated that the differences between males and females stem from biological factors, whereas the gender stems from an unequal division between masculinity and femininity from a social perspective. It is a concept used to express socially formed roles, learned behaviors and expectations for males and females, determined by societies, unlike the biological sex they have at birth (Ecevit, 2003: 83). It is defined as gender identity, the scope of which can also differ culturally, regionally, and historically. This concept not only describes the biological differences but also describes unequal power relationships between genders (Berktay, 2009: 16).

The concept of gender equality denotes equality in using available resources, opportunities, and power within social institutions (e.g., family, work, law, education, politics, religion, health, and so forth), whereas gender inequality denotes unequal position of one person in these areas versus someone else (Ecevit, 2003: 83). Today, problems experienced concerning gender inequality are gradually increasing. One of the solutions to problems experienced based on gender inequality in society is to raise the awareness of individuals forming the society. One of the effective ways to raise awareness and sensitivity toward gender equality could be considered creating educational institutions and education programs implemented in these institutions based on gender equality approaches.

In addition to the programs that have a significant impact on education, it is necessary to emphasize ^ the critical significance of gender equality-related knowledge, skills and attitudes of teachers who are the

_ practitioners of these programs inteaching-learning processes. In addition, it is known that teachers' views on

gender roles and stereotypes, attitudes, behaviors, and expectations about genders directly affect students. In the literature, Torun (2002) revealed that teachers have gender stereotypes regarding students' behaviors, whereby they treat girls and boys differently. Esen (2013b) determined that the language and discourses used by teachers contain sexist elements. Acar-Erdol and Gözütok (2017) found that both female students experiencing violence and the school administration remained unresponsive to violence against women and teachers warned female students to stay away from male students. Erdol et al. (2019) determined that teachers had relatively negative views on gender equality and their views were negatively affected during the time they spent in the education faculty. They draw attention to climate, curriculum, textbooks, academics employed and the need for developing practices and measures in education faculties, otherwise, gender inequality in the future will be reinforced through education delivered by teachers. Filiz and Güzelyurt (2017: 255) determined that vocational high school teachers divide professions into women's and men's jobs, and direct students to professions that are suitable for their genders. Esen (2013b: 280) emphasizes that teachers should be sensitive toward gender equality, and primarily there should be policies and practices that introduce this sensitivity in teacher training institutions. In addition, she highlights the absence of courses on knowledge, skill, attitude, and value acquisition with regard to gender equality in undergraduate programs of education faculties in Turkey. On the other hand, sexist stereotypes and elements concerning gender roles are seen in texts and images in course materials (books, tales, photographs, pictures, stories and similar resources) used by teachers (Gümü§oglu, 2008; Karaboga, 2020; Kirbagoglu Kilig and Eyüp, 2011; Özdemir and Balci Karaboga, 2019; Sarita§ and §ahin, 2018; Tezer Asan, 2010). Based on the research findings reported above, one can argue that gender inequality in educational institutions is maintained through curricula, teachers and teaching materials that are not sensitive to gender equality. In addition, teachers seem to have in sufficient knowledge, skills and almost have negative attitudes regarding gender equality. Therefore, the idea of a detailed examination of studies on gender equality education

conducted in Turkey led to this research.

The purpose of this meta-summary study is to aggregate existing studies on gender equality in education and reveal the current status and needs of gender equality education. The study may become a reference for future researches and programs yet to be developed for teacher education on gender equality. As studies on gender equality in the field of education in Turkey started in the 2000s, this study covers a period of 21 years between the years 2000 and 2021. Of studies conducted during this period, the findings of 14 studies meeting the inclusion criteria were combined in the context of a meta-summary study. It is aimed to conduct a meta-summary study of findings in studies on gender equality in education and to achieve this aim, answers are sought to the following questions:

1. What are the views of students on gender equality?

2. What are the views of teachers on their knowledge of gender?

3. What are the views of teachers on gender stereotypes towards boys/girls?

4. What are the views of teachers on gender equality education for teachers?

5. What are the views of pre-service teachers on gender equality education they have received?

METHOD Research Model

This systematic review of studies used a meta-summary method. Meta-summary is a method of combining qualitative research findings in the form of data obtained through descriptive or thematic content analysis methods through quantification (Sandelowki and Barroso, 2007: 151). It is a research synthesis method used to combine the results of qualitative studies conducted on the same subject matter. Studies included in the meta-summary must have employed either deductive (descriptive) or inductive (thematic) content analysis (Kanadli, 2021: 63). The qualitative meta-summary method consists of the following stages: (i) extracting the target research findings, (ii) organizing findings to ensure their accessibility, (iii) grouping the findings under common themes, (iv) conceptualizing the findings, and (v) calculating the frequency effect sizes (Sandelowski and Barosso, 2007, as cited in Kanadli, 2021: 62-65). Figure 1 illustrates the stages of a meta-summary study.


Extracting , Findings i

Organizing Findings



the Findings

, , Calculatingtlie

Conceptualizing , . t- t

1 - [ Frequency Eitect


the Findings

Figure 1: The Meta-Summary Stages

Literature Search Procedure

In order to aggregate studies on gender equality in education, determine the current status of gender equality education, and reveal the needs analysis, 14 research reports collected from the literature according to the criteria determined were included in this meta-summary study. Higher Education Thesis Center of Turkey, Google Scholar and ERIC databases were searched to reach the theses and published studies on gender equality in education conducted in Turkey. The search was carried out between 17 June 2021 and 5 July 2021, and a complimentary search was also carried out on 25 August 2021.

The dialogue boxes given in the advanced search were used. The search words or phrases were specified within quotation marks. 'Gender', 'gender education', 'gender equality^ and 'gender inequality' were determined as keywords. In addition, the words 'education, teaching, course, class, school, book, teacher, student' were all written in the section 'containing any of the words' in order to limit the search to education. The reference sections of studies determined were examined and studies related to the research topic were accessed. By exploring the reference sections of relevant studies, it was examined whether there unreached studies. As a result, 202 studies on gender equality conducted in the field of education in Turkey were accessed. After removing the duplicate copies of these studies, the abstracts of 138 studies were


Inclusion and Exclusion of Studies

Studies matching the following criteria were included in this meta-summary: studies had to (i) cover a period of 21 years from 2000 to 2021, since gender equality issues in education started in the 2000s in Turkey, (ii) focus on gender equality education, and (iii) use a qualitative data collection method, when the studies used qualitative or quantitative research methods. Table 1 presents the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the meta-summary study.

Table 1: Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria of the Meta-Summary Study

Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria

> Published between the years 2000-2021. > Conducted before 2000.

> Conducted on gender equality education. > Conducted on gender equality but in fields other

> Qualitative or mixed-method studies using the than education.

interview method. > Written in languages other than Turkish and


> Only use quantitative data collection tools.

> Provide qualitative data that are inseparable from

the quantitative data or other elements of the

primary study.

> Provide only raw data.

According to these inclusion and exclusion criteria, 29 studies were excluded from the study because of lacking data on gender equality in education and providing raw data. Also, 17 studies reporting only quantitative data were excluded. After this point, the remaining 14 studies were checked 43 in terms of quality. Figure 2 shows a flow chart of the inclusion process of studies.

Records identified by database search (n= 202)

- YOK: n=107

- Google Scholar: n=79

- ERIC: n=16


Records after excluding duplicate records (n=138)


Records screened by title and r-—\ abstract (n=138) ^

Studies examined for suitability

(n=60) 1-/


Records excluded (n=78)

Records not included (n=46)

* No suitable data (n=29)

* Only use quantitative data (n=17)

Records included (n=14)

Figure 2. Flow Chart of the Inclusion Criteria


Assessing the Quality of Studies

Discussing the results of studies and assessing the quality of the data obtained is an important stage in the meta-summary process. The Critical Appraisal Skills Program (CASP) was used to assess the quality of articles using qualitative research methods. CASP consists of ten questions in total, including two screening questions concerning the aims of the research and the appropriateness of the qualitative research method and eight questions covering the research design (sampling strategy, data collection, researcher bias, ethical issues, data analysis, findings, and value of research; Sibeoni et al., 2017: 9).

In addition, a scoring system developed by Pluye et al. (2009) was used to assess the quality of qualitative studies. The extent to which studies included in the meta-summary satisfied the criteria was scored as "Adequate: 1 point, Partly Adequate: 0.05, and Inadequate: 0 point". The quality scores of studies were calculated using the Quality Score=[(Level of Satisfying the Criteria)/(Total Number of Studies)]x100 formula. The quality of studies was assessed independently by two experts, and the study quality was discussed until a consensus was reached regarding their assessments. Table 2 provides information on expert evaluation according to the CASP criteria, the extent to which studies satisfied the criteria, and their quality scores.

Table 2: Information Relating to the Assessment of Studies in the Meta-Summary According to the

Number of Studies Scores

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Criteria Definition Adequate Partly Inadequate Level of Quality

Adequate Satisfying the Score


Aim Explicitly stated research aim 13 1 0 13.5 96.42

Method Appropriate use of qualitative 13 1 0 13.5 96.42

research method

Research Justification of the specific research 10 4 0 12 85.71


Design Appropriate sampling strategy, 11 3 0 12.5 89.28

Sampling description of the sample, and

discussion on sampling.

Data Appropriate description of the data 14 0 0 14 100

Collection collection methods

Reflexivity Critical examination of researchers' 7 7 0 10.5 75

own role and potential bias in data

collection and analysis

Ethical Evidence approved by an 9 5 0 11.5 82.14

Issues appropriate institution

Data Adequate and in-depth description 10 4 0 12 85.71

Analysis of analysis process, sufficiently

rigorous data analysis

Findings Clear statement of the findings, 9 5 0 11.5 82.14

discussion of evidence, credibility,


Value of Contribution to existing 13 1 0 13.5 96.42

Research knowledge, transferability


As seen in Table 2, the extent to which studies satisfied the CASP criteria and their quality scores were determined. For example, 13 studies adequately satisfied the method criteria (Appropriate use of qualitative research method) and one study partly satisfied it. The level of satisfying the criteria was (13X1) + (1X0.5) = 13.5. At this point, since the Quality Score = (Level of Meeting the Criterion)/(Total Number of Studies)*100, it was calculated as (13.5/14)*100 = 96.42. As stated in the examples, it was determined that the studies were acceptable because the scores yielded by the quality score calculation for all other criteria were 70% and above. Coding Study Characteristics

Studies included in this meta-summary were coded by author name, publication year, research method, data collection tools, study group, and data analysis. Of studies included according to inclusion criteria, four employed qualitative research, five mixed-method research, two case studies, one action research, and two phenomenology methods. As data collection tools, semi-structured interview forms were used in eight studies, open-ended questionnaire in two, semi-structured questionnaire in one, semi-structured focus group interview form in two, interview form in two, diary form in two, scale in two, observation form in two, and attainment test in one. Table 3 presents the basic characteristics of studies included in the meta-summary.

Table 3: Basic Characteristics of Studies Included in the Meta-Summary


Author and Year Method Data Collection Tool Study Group Qualitative Data Analysis

Acar-Erdol and Mixed-method Attainment test, Program 48 pre-service teachers Descriptive

Gözütok, 2019 evaluation form analysis

Acar-Erdol and Case study Semi-structure focus group 36 students Content analysis

Gözütok, 2017 interview form, observation from

Aydemir, 2019 Mixed-method Scale, Open-ended questionnaire, semi-structured interview form 61 pre-service teachers Content analysis

Demircioglu, 2014 Mixed-method Open-ended questionnaire form, semi-structured interview form, observation form 17 history teachers Content analysis

Esen, 2013a Qualitative Semi-structured interview 22 students Descriptive

research form analysis

Esen, 2013b Qualitative Semi-structured interview 206 pre-service teachers Descriptive

research form analysis

Hançerli, 2019 Qualitative research Semi-structured interview form 16 teachers Content analysis

Koçyigit, 2021 Mixed-method Scale, semi-structured interview form 28 pre-service counselor teachers Content analysis

Koyuncu Çahin, Phenomenology Semi-structured interview 16 pre-service teachers Content analysis

Esen Çoban and form

Korkmaz, 2018

Öngören, 2019 Case study Semi-structured interview form 105 pre-service teachers Content analysis

Özen, 2018 Phenomenology Semi-structured questionnaire form, semi-structured focus group 119 students, 9 pre-service teachers Content analysis

796661 A Meta-Summary of Qualitative Findings on Gender Equality Education

interview form

Saldiray, 2017 Qualitative research Interview form, Unstructured observation form 6 classroom teacher, 1 counselor teacher, 162 students Content analysis

Çener Özel, 2019 Mixed-method Scale, diary form, interview form 67 students Descriptive analysis

Ye§il, 2020 Action research Questionnaire form, diary form 29 students Descriptive analysis

The study groups of studies included consisted of 948 people (435 students, 473 pre-service teachers, 17 history teachers, 16 teachers, 6 classroom teachers, and one counselor (teacher). Qualitative research methods were used in all studies in line with the inclusion criteria. In addition, nine studies employed content analysis and five employed descriptive analysis methods.

Extracting, Organizing, and Grouping the Findings from Reports

While examining the studies on gender equality in education in this study, the aim was to determine the current status of gender equality education and to reveal the needs analysis. In this context, all the findings were extracted from 14 studies and transferred into a Microsoft Word document. Findings were extracted from (i) code definition tables, (ii) direct quotations of the participants, (iii) references to other studies, and (iv) impterpretations of the researchers (Kanadli, 2019: 966). At the end of this sorting process, a total of 152 statements were derived from 14 studies on gender equality in education. These statements were organized and grouped by importing them into the QDA (Qualitative Data Analysis) Miner Lite, a qualitative data analysis software, to determine the current status of gender equality education and reveal its needs analysis.

Conceptualizing Findings and Calculating Frequency Effect Sizes 46

When conceptualizing the findings, statements with the same meaning were combined into a single statement. This way, a minimum number of statements representing all findings in studies were derived. Accordingly, 152 statements obtained from studies were conceptualized under the five themes. After the conceptualization process, frequency effect sizes were calculated to determine the superiority of each statement. Findings obtained from qualitative studies conducted in the same subject area are combined, and the effect size of each finding is calculated. In this way, it is aimed to determine the prevalence and significance of the findings and make further interpretations (Onwuegbuzie, 2003). Frequency effect sizes are calculated by dividing the number of reports containing the finding by the total number of reports investigating this finding. The frequency effect size is calculated using the following formula, Frequency Effect Size = (Number of studies containing the finding / Total number of reports)x100 (Kanadli, 2021: 65). In this study, the codes with a frequency effect size of 15% and above were considered for the evaluation.

Validity and Reliability

In order to ensure the validity and reliability of this study, (i) studies on gender equality in education were regularly searched, (ii) literature review was conducted separately by two researchers using keywords, and (iii) the studies retrieved were evaluated and scored by two people according to CASP criteria. After the evaluators reached a consensus, the scores obtained from the CASP criteria were 70% and above.


In this meta-summary study, the findings are examined by dividing them into the following themes: (i) views of students on gender equality, (ii) views of teachers on their knowledge of gender

issues, (iii) views of teachers on gender equality stereotypes towards boys/girls, (iv) views of teachers on gender equality education for teachers, and (v) views of pre-service teachers on gender equality education they have received.

Views of Students on Gender Equality

Six out of 14 research reports in this meta-summary study include the students' views on gender equality. These views are conceptualized by 7 statements in Table 4.

Table 4: Theme Relating to Student Views on Gender Equality


Code Frequency Effect Size (N) (%)

Occupations, colors, toys, and clothes have gender. 11 78.54%

The responsibility of motherhood and childcare belongs to women. 7 49.98%

Duties such as working, earning money, and fulfilling the family needs belong to men. 5 35.70%

Gender equality means equality between men and women. 4 28.56%

Men also have domestic roles and responsibilities. 3 21.42%

The responsibility of being moral/loyal belongs to women. 3 21.42%

Women are responsible for housework. 3 21.42%

In Table 4, there are seven codes with frequency effect sizes of 15% and above. The statement 'occupations, colours, toys, and clothes have gender' is expressed the most, yielding an effect size of 78.54% (f=11). The view 'the responsibility of motherhood and childcare belong to women' has an effect size of 49.98% (f=7), 'duties such as working, earning money, and fulfilling the family needs belong to men' 35.70% (f=5), and 'gender equality means equality between men and women' 28.56% (f=4). The views 'men also have domestic roles and responsibilities', 'the responsibility of being moral/loyal belongs to women', and 'women are responsible for housework' have effect sizes of 21.42% (f=3). Views of Teachers on Their Knowledge of Gender Issues

Three out of 14 research reports in this meta-summary study include the views of teachers on their knowledge of gender issues. These views are conceptualized by three statements in Table 5.

Code Frequency (N) Effect Size (%)

Teachers have the right knowledge of roles of society. 10 71.40%

Teachers have the right knowledge of duties that society 5 35.70%

gives to genders.

They have the right knowledge of biological sex. 3 21.42%

In Table 5, there are three codes with frequency effect sizes of 15% and above. The view 'teachers have the right knowledge of gender roles of society' has the largest effect size by 71.40% (f=10). The statement 'teachers have the right knowledge of duties that society gives to genders' has an effect size of 35.70% (f=5) and 'they have the right knowledge of biological sex' has an effect size of 21.42% (f=3).

Views of Teachers on Gender Equality Stereotypes towards Boys/Girls

Two out of 14 research reports in this meta-summary study include the views of teachers' on gender stereotypes towards girls/boys. These views are conceptualized by 10 codes in Table 6.

Code Frequency (N) Effect Size (%)

Female students make career choices that suit their gender. 6 42.84%

Girls are more successful in verbal lessons. 5 35.70%

Girls are more hardworking than boys. 5 35.70%

Emotional and sensitive students mostly comprise girls. 5 35.70%

Students with a quiet and calm temperament mostly comprise girls. 5 35.70%

Female students act knowing their responsibilities. 4 28.56%

Boys exhibit violent behavior. 4 28.56%

Higher cognitive competence is more common in boys. 4 28.56%

Superior affective characteristics are more common in girls. 3 21.42%

Female students are more timid and shy than boys. 3 21.42%


In Table 6, there are seven 10 codes with frequency effect sizes of 15% and above. The statement 'female students make career choices that suit their gender' has the highest effect size by 42.84% (f=6). The views 'girls are more successful in verbal lessons', 'girls are more hardworking than boys', and 'emotional and sensitive students mostly comprise girls' are of 35.70% (f=5) effect sizes. 'Students with a quiet and calm temperament mostly comprise girls', 'female students act knowing their responsibilities', 'boys exhibit violent behaviour', and 'higher cognitive competence is more common in boys' are of 28.56% (f=4) effect sizes. However, the views 'superior affective characteristics are more common in girls' and 'female students are more timid and shy than boys' are of 21.42% (f=3) effect sizes.

Views of Teachers on Gender Equality Education for Teachers

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Three out of 14 research reports in this meta-summary study include the views of teachers on gender equality education for teachers. These views are conceptualized by four statements in Table 7.

Table7: Theme Relating to Views of Teachers on Gender Education Equality Education for Teachers

Frequ Effect

Code ency Size _(N) (%)

There is a need for gender education. 10 71.40%

This education is necessary for changing the 4 28.56%

perspectives in society.

Education is necessary for ending the male- 3 21.42%

dominated understanding.

There is a need to see the gender roles in history. 3 21.42%

In Table 7, there are four codes with frequency effect sizes of 15% and above. The view that 'there is a need for gender education' is the most expressed view and has an effect size of 71.40% (f=10). The view that 'this education is necessary for changing the perspectives in society' has an effect size of 28.56% (f=4). The views that 'education is necessary for ending the male-dominated understanding' and 'there is a need to see the gender roles in history' are of effect sizes of 21.42% (f=3),

Views of Pre-Service Teachers on Gender Equality Education They Have Received Seven out of 14 research reports in this meta-summary study include the views of pre-service teachers on gender equality education they have received. These views are conceptualized by 12 statements in Table 8.

Table 8: Theme Relating to Views of Pre-Service Teachers on Gender Equality Education They Have 49 Received

Code Frequency Effect Size (N) (%)

Gender roles and stereotypes are among the most obtrusive issues. 12 85.70%

Gender equality/inequality is among the issues that are considered important. 10 71.40%

Room should be given for sexist discourse and discriminatory language use. 6 42.84%

The relationship between media and gender needs to be examined. 6 42.84%

Trained teachers can raise students' awareness of equality. 5 35.70%

Sexism in course materials (tales, books, and similar resources) is among the important issues. 5 35.70%

The issue of sexism should be included in teaching-learning processes and practices. 5 35.70%

A case study should be conducted. 5 35.70%

Video/movie screenings should be included. 5 35.70%

Teachers can work to persuade families about access to education. 3 21.42%

There is a need for education to inform school administration, colleagues, and parents. 3 21.42%

Permanent learning should be provided by class/group discussion methods. 3 21.42%

In Table 8, there are 12 codes with frequency effect sizes of 15% and above. The statement 'gender roles and stereotypes are among the most obtrusive issues' has the highest effect size with 85.70% (f=12). The statement 'gender equality/inequality is among the issues that are considered important' has an effect size of 71.40% (f=10). The views 'room should be given for sexist discourse and

discriminatory language use' and 'the relationship between media and gender needs to be examined' have effect sizes of 42.84% (f=6). The statements 'sexism in course materials (tales, books, and similar resources) is among the important issues', the issue of sexism should be included in teaching -learning processes and practices', 'a case study should be conducted', and 'video/movie screenings should be included' have effect sizes of 35.70% (f=5). Further, the statements 'teachers can work to persuade families about access to education', 'there is a need for education to inform school administration, colleagues, and parents', and 'permanent learning should be provided by class/group discussion methods' have effect sizes of 21.42% (f=3).


As a result of this meta-summary study, it is observed that the views in studies on gender equality in education are compiled around five themes. Primarily, when the 'views of students on gender equality' are examined, some students seem to have sexist stereotypes and perceptions considering the views that 'occupations, colors, toys, and clothes have gender', 'the responsibility of motherhood and childcare belongs to women', and 'duties such as working, earning money, and fulfilling the family needs belong to men'. Ye§il (2020) determined the views of students that gender equality only means equality between men and women, and that the domestic responsibilities of genders are different. Acar-Erdol and Gözütok (2017) concluded that students adopt traditional gender roles and gender stereotypes, acts of violence are mostly committed by male students and mostly towards female students or female teachers, and the secondary position of women is not considered discrimination by some students. Considering these results, it can be argued that students lack awareness concerning gender equality. From another perspective, students may have these views as a functional result of traditional culture with sexist stereotypes. On the other hand, research shows that awareness and sensitivity of students increase through gender equality education for students (Acar-Erdol, 2017; §ener Özel, 2019, Ye§il, 2020).

When the 'views of teachers on their knowledge of gender' were examined, the study found that the majority of them have the right knowledge considering the responses given about 'gender roles', 'duties assigned to genders by society', and 'inborn characteristics of genders'. Despite this, Saldiray (2017) found that teacher behaviors and practices and the language and games employed have unequal content in terms of gender relations. Similarly, Demircioglu (2014) concluded that teachers do not have enough knowledge about equal representation of genders in educational materials. An examination of the literature indicated that results similar to the results of this study have been reported. Tezer Asan (2010) determined that there is a perception of sexism in the community, social structure, school environments, classroom values and practices, and textbooks. Mirian and Zulnaidi (2020) found that there is a significant difference about school responsibility and accountability between male and female teachers. Male teachers exhibit more in school accountability than female teachers. Özdemir (2018) examined gender roles in textbooks and determined that men appeared in pro fessional representations 71 times, whereas women appeared 19 times and men appeared more in occupational fields. From this perspective, teachers may often unconsciously regenerate gender-based inequalities through their classroom practices and course materials. Therefore, it can be stated that teachers fail to play an active role in eliminating gender inequality.

When the 'views of teachers on gender stereotypes towards girls/boys' were examined, among the characteristics they attributed to female students were stereotypes such as 'making career choices that suit their gender', 'being successful in verbal lessons', 'being hardworking', 'being emotional and sensitive' and 'having a quiet and calm temperament', 'having superior emotional characteristics', 'being timed and shy', and 'being suitable for desk work'; Regarding the characteristics and


expectations attributed to male students, the views of 'behaving violently' and 'having higher cognitive competence' were obtained. Hangerli (2019) found that teachers have certain expectations for students stemming from gender stereotypes. In addition, Hangerli revealed that these expectations of teachers affected their attitudes towards students from academic and social perspectives. In their study, Filiz and Gozelyurt (2017) revealed that teachers divided professions into professions for girls and professions for boys. In a study by Kollmayer et al. (2020), it is argued that teachers should think about individual gender stereotypes in co-educational environments. In their study, Catalan et al. (2011) determined that female educators have more egalitarian attitudes than men and academicians have more traditional attitudes than teachers. They concluded that educators' perspectives regarding gender equality significantly affect students' perceptions of gender. Herein, one could argue that teachers transfer their existing cultures and values to educational environments with a traditional point of view.

When the 'views of teachers on gender equality education for teachers' were examined, it was determined that teachers advocate that 'there is a need' for this education and it is necessary for 'changing perspectives' and 'ending the male-dominated understanding'. Demircioglu (2014) advocates the need for gender education, the essentiality of changing perspectives in society, and the necessity of such education for teachers to end the male-dominated understanding. Esen (2013b) conducted an undergraduate course on gender issues. As a result of the study, it was revealed that pre-service teachers started to question their traditional value judgments, gaining motivation for change/transformation starting from their own lives. Similar results were also obtained in a study by Kollmayer et al. (2020). The study emphasizes the need for gender equality in teacher education, in that teachers' attitudes and teaching practices significantly affect student motivation and performance. It is argued that few educational programs develop teachers' competencies for reflective coeducation. It has been determined that an increase in knowledge is achieved after the gender equality education for teachers.

When the 'views of pre-service teachers on gender equality education' were examined, they suggested giving room for activities such as gender roles and stereotypes, gender equality, sexist discourse and discriminatory language use, media and gender relations, sexism in course materials (tales, books, and similar resources), video/film screenings, and case studies. In addition, the study revealed that trained teachers raise student awareness of equality and that giving room for issues related to sexism in teaching-learning processes and practices is necessary. In their study, Acar-Erdol and Gozütok (2019) found that the gender equality education received by pre-service teachers was effective in their behaving independent of stereotypes, using a gender-free language, making work-sharing independent of gender roles, and making them feel a desire to fight for gender equality and generating solutions to such problems. Aydemir's (2019) study revealed that teachers, who participated in a gender-sensitive media literacy program for pre-service teachers, demonstrated increased awareness of gender roles after receiving the education. As a result of their study, Esen ^oban and Korkmaz (2018), concluded that prospective preschool teachers' stereotypes concerning gender roles should be eliminated, relevant courses should be added to teacher education programs so that they could positively affect the beliefs of the children they will teach about gender equality, and in-service training on this subject should be compulsory for teachers. Considering the literature, the findings obtained are in parallel with these studies. Ortega-Sánchez (2019) also found that the education for pre-service teachers increases teachers' awareness of gender education and positively affects their perceptions of gender. Magi et al. (2016) revealed that pre-service teachers have high expectations regarding gender education at university. In addition, they concluded that pre-service teachers' awareness of gender equality is necessary more than other professions. Erden (2009) found that the course on gender equality in education conducted for a semester had a significant effect on the attitudes

of pre-service teachers.

The results showed that awareness and sensitivity towards gender equality should be raised primarily in educational environments in order to eliminate the inequality and discrimination faced by individuals disadvantaged because of their gender. Considering the knowledge and opinions on gender, the study determined that there is a need for gender equality education for students, teachers, and pre-service teachers. It also determined that knowledge, skills, and attitudes towards gender equality should be developed in educational institutions.

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