A HISTORICAL OVERVIEW OF IMPACT OF RELIGION ON THE LEADERS OF TURKISH SOCIETY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Pasha Guluzade

Faith is one of the most important factors that affecting on human life. In many societies it is decisive. Religion also has the most important role in the belief system and this system is one of the determinant factors that can influence person. We can see signs of this impression on all people. It does not matter who it are: the leader, or CEO, or it have other social scale. The main purpose of this research is the impression of religion on leaders. The impact of religion on leader we will try to conclude by giving examples from Turkish society in this work. Especially the influence of Islamic religion in society and will be tried to draw the illustration of how this impact reverberate on Turkish leaders. The main aim of this research make inferences by referring to negative and positive impact of religion on society and leaderr.

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Вера - один из самых важных факторов, влияющих на жизнь человека. Во многих социумах он является определяющим. Религия играет важнейшую роль в системе убеждений, и эта система является одним из наиболее существенных факторов, которые могут влиять на человека, независимо от его социального положения, образования, политических убеждений. Однако особое значение, как в прошлом, так и сегодня приобретают вопросы, связанные с влиянием религии на лидеров. Обращаясь к историческому опыту развития турецкого общества, автор анализирует место и влияние в нем ислама (негативное и позитивное), показывает, как это влияние отразилось на турецких лидерах.


«Человек - есть ансамбль общественных отношений», - писал в XIX веке К. Маркс. Социология, психология, философия XX века вторит ему: человек - существо социальное, его ценности и представления, модели поведения, восприятие себя зависят в первую очередь от того общества, в котором он формируется и живет. Различные социально-экономические системы порождают разных людей. Отношения людей друг к другу, их представления о должном также меняются. Р. Нозик и остальные либеральные мыслители придерживаются другой концепции. Люди для них - продукты рыночного общества, и не предполагается, что у них могут быть какие-то иные желания, помимо желания удовлетворения эгоистических материальных интересов. История, социология, культурология к началу XXI века накопили богатый материал, подтверждающий эту мысль. Но этнология, имеющая дело с обществами принципиально отличными, с обществами, в которых нет частной собственности, ярче остальных показывает, что взгляд на человека, как на экономического рационалиста (homo economicus) и эгоиста, просто исторически - а значит и теоретически - не верен. Таким образом, именно этнология позволяет обосновать иную концепцию человека - как ансамбля общественных отношений -против представлений о вечном характере самособственности и частной собственности и вывести разработку проблем социальной справедливости на новый теоретический уровень.

Литература и источники

1. Нозик Р. Анархия, государство и утопия. М.: ИРИСЭН, 2008. 432 с.

2. Руссо Ж.-Ж. Проект конституции для Корсики [Электронная публикация]. URL: http://rousseau.rhga.ru/upload/iblock/d40/6.pdf (дата обращения: 10.10.2018)

3. Голеано Э. Вскрытые вены Латинской Америки. М.: дело АНХ, 2010. 400 с.

4. Абрамова С.Ю. Африка: четыре столетия работорговли. М.: Наука, 1992. 296 с.

5. Cohen G.A. Self-Ownership, Freedom, and Equality. - Cambridge: Cambridge univ. press, 1995. - 287 p.

6. Семенов Ю.И. О соотношении частной собственности и свободы // Социальная философия в конце XX века / под ред. К.Х. Момджяна. М.: МГПУ, 1991. С. 82-85.

7. Семенов Ю.И. Философия истории. М.: «Современные тетради», 2003. 776 с.

8. Cohen G.A. Self-Ownership, Freedom, and Equality. - Cambridge: Cambridge univ. press, 1995. - 287 p.

9. Семенов Ю.И. Экономическая этнология. Первобытное и раннее предклассовое общество. Ч. 1. М.: РАН, 1993. 232 с.

10. Семенов Ю.И. Формы общественной воли в доклассовом обществе: табуитет, мораль, обычное право // Этнографическое обозрение, 1997. №4. С. 3-23.

11. Токарев С.А. История зарубежной этнографии. М.: Высшая школа, 1978. 352 с.

12. Малиновский Б. Избранное: Аргонавты западной части Тихого океана. М.: РОСПЭН, 2015. 584 с.

References and Sources

1. Nozik R. Anarhiya, gosudarstvo i utopiya. M.: IRISEHN, 2008. 432 s.

2. Russo ZH.-ZH. Proekt konstitucii dlya Korsiki [EHlektronnaya publikaciya]. URL: http://rousseau.rhga.ru/upload/iblock/d40/6.pdf (data obrashcheniya: 10.10.2018)

3. Goleano EH. Vskrytye veny Latinskoj Ameriki. M.: delo ANH, 2010. 400 s.

4. Abramova S.YU. Afrika: chetyre stoletiya rabotorgovli. M.: Nauka, 1992. 296 s.

5. Cohen G.A. Self-Ownership, Freedom, and Equality. - Cambridge: Cambridge univ. press, 1995. - 287 p.

6. Semenov YU.I. O sootnoshenii chastnoj sobstvennosti i svobody // Social'naya filosofiya v konce XX veka / pod red. K.H. Momdzhyana. M.: MGPU, 1991. S. 82-85.

7. Semenov YU.I. Filosofiya istorii. M.: «Sovremennye tetradi», 2003. 776 s.

8. Cohen G.A. Self-Ownership, Freedom, and Equality. - Cambridge: Cambridge univ. press, 1995. - 287 p.

9. Semenov YU.I. EHkonomicheskaya ehtnologiya. Pervobytnoe i rannee predklassovoe obshchestvo. CH. 1. M.: RAN, 1993. 232 s.

10. Semenov YU.I. Formy obshchestvennoj voli v doklassovom obshchestve: tabuitet, moral', obychnoe pravo // EHtnograficheskoe obozrenie, 1997. №4. S. 3-23.

11. Tokarev S.A. Istoriya zarubezhnoj ehtnografii. M.: Vysshaya shkola, 1978. 352 s.

12. Malinovskij B. Izbrannoe: Argonavty zapadnoj chasti Tihogo okeana. M.: ROSPEHN, 2015. 584 s.

САХАРОВА МАРИЯ ВИКТОРОВНА - кандидат философских наук, доцент, кафедра философии и социальных наук Института гуманитарных наук Московского городского педагогического университета.

SAKHAROVA, MARIA V. - Ph.D. in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Institute for Humanities, Moscow City Pedagogical University (sakharova@mail.ru).




Ключевые слова: религия, ислам, общественное сознание, политические лидеры, исламизм, тюркизм, .

Вера - один из самых важных факторов, влияющих на жизнь человека. Во многих социумах он является определяющим. Религия играет важнейшую роль в системе убеждений, и эта система является одним из наиболее существенных факторов, которые могут влиять на человека, независимо от его социального положения, образования, политических убеждений. Однако особое значение, как в прошлом, так и сегодня приобретают вопросы, связанные с влиянием религии на лидеров.

Обращаясь к историческому опыту развития турецкого общества, автор анализирует место и влияние в нем ислама (негативное и позитивное), показывает, как это влияние отразилось на турецких лидерах.



Keywords: Religion, Islam, social consciousness, political leaders, Islamism, Turkism.

Faith is one of the most important factors that affecting on human life. In many societies it is decisive. Religion also has the most important role in the belief system and this system is one of the determinant factors that can influence person. We can see signs of this impression on all people. It does not matter who it are: the leader, or CEO, or it have other social scale. The main purpose of this research is the impression of religion on leaders. The impact of religion on leader we will try to conclude by giving examples from Turkish society in this work. Especially the influence of Islamic religion in society and will be tried to draw the illustration of how this impact reverberate on Turkish leaders. The main aim of this research make inferences by referring to negative and positive impact of religion on society and leaderr.


Human beings have not been conceived separated from religion which has become the part of his life. There were so many definitions about religion but have not been reached to decisive deduce. Cicero, in his "De natura deorum", derives religion from relegere: "Those who carefully took in hand all things pertaining to the gods were called religiosi, from relegere" [1]. One of the popular etymology came from Lactantius who was lived in ancient period. He thought about religion that, origin of this word was came from relegere and it means "place an obligation on" or "bond between humans and gods" [2]. For Anthony Giddens religion is a form of culture; it involves beliefs that take the form of ritualized practice; it provides a sense of purpose. He is not concerned with whether religious beliefs are true or false, but with how religions are organized, whether religious beliefs constitute sources of social solidarity or conflict [3]. Religon is the thing that we perceive with our soul, think with our mind and concede as a divine law is an another definition which was gave by Ali Fuad Ba§gil [4]. Religion: Human beings' relation to that which they regard as holy, sacred, spiritual, or divine [5]. In short religon means giving oneself to worship and participate in religious ceremony.

Impact of religion on Turkish society before Islam

Religion is one of the most important factors that affecting social life. These factors are reveal itself good or badly in social life. This effect was impressed differently on every society. Turkish society also was a community which was affected by religion and this impact was seen in leader too. This impact was seen in turkish society not only after adopting of Islam, also before of it. Before Islam in turks the meaning of soul was "kut" Kut means holy spirit. Also nowadays you can see using of word kut in Anatolia. In Oghuz belief system hakan was called "God's kut". It means that hakan has got holiness and dominance which was given by God [6, p.51].

The notion Tengri which means God in turks, was came up from Hun and exist in all turkish dialects. Also protect its positon like a word in all religions which conceded by turks [7, p.90]. Tengri was described as eternal, strong, great and everlasting. There was a belief that earth and sky was created by Tengri in Gokturk Inscriptions. Bilge Kagan like God and came from God is the sign of faithfulness of leader to God [8, p.36]. It is put faith in that governing was given by God to leader. This sentiment also was embraced society. The primary role of government is to ensure serenity and confidence. The legal princip of society is costum which based on divine origin. The kagan as a representer of government who is implementing the costum. Kut which was given by God is important to become a dynasty [8, p.71]. In Turkish belief system the state is blessing of God. This grace is realizing with by giving God. And this kut will take back if kagan can't govern society well [8, p.79]. God is the supervisor of state in governing process. The ruler who represent God and people, the fundamental base of social existence whose responsibility to become a great society for God [8, p.82].

Effects of Islam in Turkish society and leader

a) Medieval period

To become acquainted with Islam in Turkish society thoughts to religion was came more comprehensive phase. Impact of Islam was seen every stage of life and also attitude on leader. You can see it in thinkers who lived in that period. In "El Medinetul Fazile" Farabi told about virtuous society. And also he said that this society be formed by chaste and wisdom. Real welfare in this society [9, p.177]. Farabi gave society as a human body. The heart as a governor of body and other organs are

others. The governor has got theory and practice, and also superior than others. He has divine power which was given by God. Governor was drawn as a philosopher king by Farabi [9, p.178]. When upset was occured in society, the governor must send there essential requirements, as a heart which make real this in human body [10, p.153]. He called governer "Reisul Evvel" and for philosopher backbone of the state was bounded to him. As a head of state education of "Reisul Evvel" must be different from other people. He must be first person in all state which learned everything. Farabi wrote in his work that governor is a person who get revelation from God. This person in the highest position in society and close to God. He is holder of divine qualifications [11, p.104]. It is the sign of prophetic indication in Farabi's work.

Ibn Haldun wrote in his work that the main goal will be same when hearts turn its face to right, abandoned from the world which is insubstantial and steer for God. Reason of this act is end of conflict and then good cooperation and solidarity was occur [12, p.8]. Domination and power of leader is getting spread and state will become more powerful. In this way people are gathering around the truth. Religion impel them to think about on their utility and goodness. For the thinker gathering around the faith make people trust that their route is right and they are venture their life for it [12, p.8]. By this way leader of society get chance to control social life and the army. Ibn Haldun affiliate the success of leader gathering around the right belief system which he emphasized Islam religion in his work. Religon for him is the main unifying element which was formed by state in its dominance area [13, p.271]. The person who is applying this element is the leader of society.

Kinalizadeh Ali Efendi is thinker who lived in Ottoman Empire wrote in his works that for providing justice is valid to realize prophetic sharia in society. The person who carrying out law must proclaim that he gets it from God. Governor must tell "If you don't comply this law you will be punished or if you obey this law you will be rewarded" and have to prove it with miracles, no one will obey him [13, p.382]. It means that the fundament of law is heavenly. For Kinalizadeh governor must be perfectly educated to realize policy which based on merit. The main purpose of governor have to adopt God's morality [8, p.384].

b) Modern period

It is the sign of progression which leader and religion were staying at the same position in Turkish society. In a sense religion is for assuring legitimacy of government. By this way keeping under control and governing of people become more easier. In shortly importance and impact of religion always evince itself in Turkish society. Even we can see it also in modernization period in Turkish society. This process was seen not only in Ottoman Empire also in other Turkish society which majority of them was under control of the Russian Empire. But in this research we will analyze this process by referring to Ottoman Empire and Turkey. In XIX century Turkism and Islamism also was around the modernization process in Turkish society.

In this process there are many thinkers whose thoughts were about recovering of society. But Yusuf Ak<ura and Ziya Gokalp's thoughts were comparatively more comprehensive than others. Their thoughts were complete each other. Yusuf Ak<ura in his "U< tarz-i Siyaset" (Three policies) work gave three remedy for recovering of society. One of the policy is to form Ottoman nationality which means to give same right to all people who was living in Ottoman Empire and it was called Ottomanism. Second policy was Islamism. By this way sultan can gather the muslims on his governing realm. The third was Turkism which means forming of political turkish nation [13, p.8]. In his work he wrote with Islam there will be tight relation among the individuals and this also will avoid the problems in society [13, p.32]. Sultan is the person who can realize these policies for saving the state. For the thinker sultan can easily keep control of society with help of this policies.

Ziya Gokalp is the other thinker who lived this process also tried for saving Turkish society. His thought more or less same with Yusuf Ak<ura. But there was only one difference between them. He changed Ottomanism to Modernization. According to his opinion there was no conflict between Turkism and Islamism. They just complete each other. Turkism is a phrase of nationality, Islamism is a phrase of internationalization. After the birth of Turkish idea, it needs to Islamism to become complete [14, p.15]. In shortly he was the thinker who wants to make Modern Islam Turkism [14, p.16].

It is normal case see signs of impact of religion on Turkish society and leader. Turkish society has been perceived religion as a part of life. It is also be valid for leader of society. If leader wants to take control of Turkish society he needs assist of religion. By this way governing in Turkish society

become easier. In a sense the leader ensure his legitimacy with it. In this way it is reached to provision to ensure regularity and justice in society. It's possible to see support of religion on leader nowadays. In July there was a coup attempt in Turkey and it's example for this support. On that day there was no one in street until calling people to save state from mosques by Presidency of Religious Affairs. Mosques were invoked people by ezan which means call for praying and by sela. When there was no internet and television sela was an annunciation method in the past. Sela on 15 July was responding coup and warn method [15]. The main slogan to stop this coup attempt was "In the past, secular coup instigators silenced the ezan, now the ezan silences the coup instigators" [16]. All day imams were called people by this method make a claim to the state and democracy. Religion was proved its importance again in Turkish society. In a sense religion is still one of the ideological apparatus of state in this society. It will become more easier for leader to persuade his policy to people by support of this apparatus. But there is no guarantee that the leader of society will not misuse his power. Because with the religion leader become more powerful if people also embrace it. Individuals cannot fight for their right easily. Because in this situation it is too easy to provoke people against them. In shortly religion is unifying factor in Turkish society and also it is can assist leader to keep people under the control.


Turkish society is one of the example which preserve their national communion and keep it alive by support of religion. Religion has always played effective role in turkish society. Islam is a considerable religion in society which was conceded by turks. Almost turkish society has embraced itself as a Islam's flagship. The society is supporting policy of the administration which related with Islam. And also this make possibility for leader to steer people easily. Leader may use this sensitivity for keeping control of society and may be it will ensure good condition for them. There are so many experimentations from pages of history about good influences of religion to leader and society. And also we cannot denied bad influences. We saw again impact of religion on society which used by leader in July 2016. It means that the origins of religious impact on mentioned society have tie from the history. Nowadays we can see samples about this effection.


1. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/12738a.htm

2. http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=religion

3. https://www.polity.co.uk/giddens7/studentresource/summaries/Student_Summary_17.asp

4. BA§GiL Ali Fuad, Din ve Laiklik, Yagmur Yayinevi, 1962, Istanbul./

5. http://www.religionfacts.com/religion

6. GÖKALP Ziya, Türkle^mek, islamla^mak, Muasirla^mak, Anonim Yayincilik, 2013, Istanbul.

7. ROUX Jean-Paul, Türklerin ve Mogollarin Eski Dini, Qev: Aykut Kazancigil, 1994, Istanbul

8. BIQAK Ayhan, TürkDü^üncesi-1 Kökenler, Dergah Yayinlari, 2013, Istanbul Ayhan

9. TAYLAN Necip, Ana Hatlariyla islam Felsefesi, Ensar Ne^riyat, 2014, Istanbul

10. BAYRAKLI Bayraktar, FarabVde DevletFelsefesi, Dü§ün Yayincilik, 2015, Istanbul.

11. FARAB1, ideal Devlet "El-Medinetül Fazila", Qev: Ahmet Arslan, Divan Yayinlari, 2015, Ankara.

12. IBN HALDUN, Devlet, Qev: Osman Arpa^ukuru, ilke Yayinlari, 2015, Istanbul

13. AKQURA Yusuf, Üg Tarz-i Siyaset, Kilit yayinlari, 2012, Ankara.

14. GÖKALP Ziya, Türk Töresi, Ötüken Yayincilik, 2014, Istanbul

15. http://www.aksam.com.tr/siyaset/darbe-girisimine-karsi-neden-sela-veriliyor-sela-ne-zaman-verilir-anlami-nedir/haber-533475

16. http://theconversation.com/turkeys-coup-and-the-call-to-prayer-sounds-of-violence-meet-islamic-devotionals-63746

ГУЛУЗАДЕ, ПАША - кандидат наук, Стамбульский университет). PASHA GULUZADE - Ph.D, Istanbul University (prquluzade@gmail.com).

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